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/lit/ - Literature

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14773367 No.14773367 [Reply] [Original]

Alright bros. I've read Dubliners, Portrait, Exiles and some poems - now I'm onto the big boys. Of Finnegan's Wake and Ulysses, which would you read first? Should I hit up the required reading beforehand or just dive in and find my feet as I go?

>inb4 don't bother with Joyce
I'm really enjoying myself, so I'm keen to have a go.

Any advice is much appreciated.

>> No.14773371

Ulysses is more fun

>> No.14773377

Definitely Ulysses. Not sure if youve ever glanced into Finnegans Wake before but its really seriously not exactly... um.. coherent? Ulysses, while difficult is considerably more essential reading in my opinion, made a much bigger impact on the world. Also Joyce wrote it first so why not keep going in order?

>> No.14773407

You should read Ulysses first. It's easier (much much easier) for a start, but it was also written first.
That being said, I think Finnegans Wake is the more daring and exciting piece of literature. Lots of people would disagree and declare it meaningless word-soup, but i personally find the endless esoteric depths of every line and every word to be far more intriguing than Ulysses. You'd definitely have to use a guidebook to read it though, or at least an annotated version like finwake.com

>> No.14773887
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James Joyce's Arse Full Of Farts
is the place where a patrician starts