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14769498 No.14769498 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw reading Guenon and Hindoos
>it's just an inferior precritical version of Hegel
>tfw reading Marx and Stirner and Nietzsche and Kierky
>it's just a dialectical response to Hegel
>tfw reading Lacan and Badiou and Zizek and Deleuze and Guattari
>it's just an opening up of an an incorrect interpretation of Hegel as a closed system
>tfw reading Kant and Fichte and Schelling and Schopenhauer
>none goes as far as Hegel
Is there any point of reading philosophy aside from Hegel? It's like he really does have absolute knowledge...

>> No.14769511

Why exactly is deleuzes interpretation of Hegel as a closed system wrong? It would actually be very useful for me to know

>> No.14769534

Hindu metaphysics is on such a higher level than Hegel that it makes one feel pity for the man

>> No.14769538

Sure thing anon, whatever let’s you sleep at night.

>> No.14769546

how can I come to understand this man's work?

>> No.14769557

You can’t. No one understands Hegel.

>> No.14769568

That’s not mainly what Deleuze’s interpretation of Hegel is about + Deleuze explicitly approved of systematism in philosophy

>> No.14769614

Not exactly what I asked

>> No.14769731

How can I understand him better?

>> No.14769746

The relationship between Hegel and Deleuze is delicate, often it seems stark and often the two seem to even be saying the same thing. I recently ordered this book called Hegel, Deleuze and the Critique of Representation that is specifically on the subject.

>> No.14769779

this, people who pretend they are nothing alike haven't read either. D&R is basically PoS sans absolute

>> No.14769812
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Don't bother, he's a hack

>> No.14769814

there is no 'negative operation' in deleuze
no subject-object dualism or synthesis of opposites

>> No.14769824

Deleuze is a system-building metaphysician, his primary problem with Hegel is Hegel’s insistence on analytical solutions (I.e. convergence towards an absolute) vs open-form systems that never “sublimate” into anything higher, but instead oscillate/undulate. Hegel’s big formula is X + Y = Z, contrast that with something like Yin/Yang or the Liar’s Paradox, which express mutual interdependence—these are the systems deleuze is most interested in.

>> No.14769828
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just going to post some quotes

>> No.14769830

yeah absolute knowledge in the empty life of a society that is out of touch with nature, only actually relevant in an explicit form in the early stages of industrialization.

those who stay in touch with nature would laugh at those speculations.
those who dwell in a fully industrialized world would have no actual use for any of it.

>> No.14769839
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>> No.14769850
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>> No.14769864


>> No.14769867

yes and?

>> No.14769882

>Hegel’s big formula is X + Y = Z
what the fuck are you talking about? first, Hegel is totally against approaching his philosophy in this way as it defeats its purpose. second, if you needed to do something so vulgar, it's something closer to
>C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))

>> No.14769896

what does C and n stand for there? i don't get it what's the purpose of using algebraic notation?

>> No.14769906

difference is itself the inverted image of the negative, saying there is no negative operation is shallow because the whole of his system is differential operation which is simply a mirror image of negative operation. It's like saying "Aristotle doesn't believe in forms". While technically true with reference to Plato, it is practically false because Aristotle is deeply concerned with form. Same thing here. These passages are in direct conversation with Hegel.

>> No.14769910

have you ever read Hegel? the C and n should be dead obvious

>> No.14769911

never heard of him

>> No.14769917

c for conciousness and n for negation or something like htat? i've never read hegel

>> No.14769921

c for concept

>> No.14769967

my dude, this discussion you've posted is a means of indirect demonstration of the internal inconsistencies of hegel's 'systematizing'. it also points out a possible mis-reading of the sophist, and recurs to plato an intent outside the history of philosophy as hegel interprets.
>we must consider whether or not the celebrated thesis of the Sophist, despite certain ambiguities, should be understood as follows: 'non' in the expression 'non-being' expresses *something other than the negative*.
as to inverstion--are you the image you see in the mirror? is the world alice explores through the looking glass not rather a monstrous deformation of the one she knows?

>> No.14769992

did you read
>D&R is basically PoS sans absolute
and think I meant
>everything in D&R agrees with PoS except for the absolute
because obviously removing the absolute does something to the system (e.g. the negative becomes the differential). doesn't change my point, Deleuze basically rewrote the PoS without the absolute. this is what you get, Hegel through the looking glass.

>> No.14770027

When I said X + Y = Z, I was referring to the fundamentally reductionist component of Hegel, the dialectic being the process by which two become one. You can add a bunch of Cs and C(n)s if you want but from a deleuzean perspective there’s only difference, the equation you attempted to supply is of the form X + Y = Z. Deleuze by contrast says that X and Y are orthogonal/cannot be fundamentally reduced into each other, there’s no matter-antimatter pairing that undergoes a dialectical process to sublimate into some absolute as in Hegel. They simply exist alongside each other and inform each other.

>> No.14770069

>the dialectic being the process by which two become one
you are thinking of Fichte. Hegelian dialectics refer to the negation of the concept, which is always within the concept, negating itself, or, it becomes the negation of negation (determinate negation). the concept and it's negation cannot be reduced to one another either, which is why there is a movement to overcome (sublation)

>> No.14770145

>everything in D&R agrees with PoS except for the absolute
this is just incorrect. it goes so far beyond just the exception of the absolute. read the passages you posted.
here are the relevant bits:
>Perhaps, however, we have reasons to say *both* there is non-being *and that the negative is illusory
>What does not return is that which denies eternal return, that which does not pass the test. It is quality and extensity which do not return, in so far as within them difference, the condition of eternal return, is cancelled. So too the negative, in so far as difference is thereby inverted and cancelled.
not looking good, man
you can't just plug and play these terms. and to another claim being made in this thread: deleuze is emphatically NOT a systematizer. the mere coherence between related concepts does not compose a 'system'; it is the base requirement for a 'rational' discussion.
a 'system' of philosophy implies a totality, a schematism between 'thought' and 'object' and thus a determinate end to thinking. this is 'absolutely' contrary to deleuze's own attitude toward philosophizing, which is the 'wild and savage creation of concepts'. it is open-ended and playful, the opposite of hegel's tragic perspective.

>> No.14770153

are you really arguing against your own strawman? I don't believe that everything in D&R agrees with PoS except for the absolute, did you even read my post?

>> No.14770157

it's not that simple;

>> No.14770159

how am i to interpret your meaning otherwise? when you write things such stupidities as 'the negative becomes the differential' in deleuze, which is fucking retarded and wrong.

>> No.14770164

>it is open-ended and playful, the opposite of hegel's tragic perspective
Hegel is very open ended and playful by the way, Deleuze fundamentally misread him, and I say this as someone who considers themselves a Deleuzian

>> No.14770169

that's literally what Deleuze says, "Negation is the inverted image of difference". you seem deeply undereducated on this topic ano

>> No.14770186

and there is a purpose to the discussing the matter IN THIS WAY, which is to demonstrate, as deleuze says, the ILLUSION of the negative

>> No.14770191

in the same way that your own image in a mirror is the ILLUSORY APPEARANCE of your 'self'
fuckin get it now, my man?

>> No.14770212

The illuminati clearly do since they’re synthesising to great effect.

>> No.14770217

>but negation and difference aren't the same!
I said that already, see
you are either arguing in bad faith or are literally this braindead, either way it's not worth it

>> No.14770235

>this is what you get, Hegel through the looking glass
this is what i am refuting, you dumb cunt.

>> No.14770258

having trouble with this word too? sorry anon, that was mean. I'll leave you to it

>> No.14770278

do yourself a favor and google 'internal critique' or 'immanent critique'
read what comes up and maybe afterward you'll start to understand what deleuze is up to in the passages you posted
or just go read his analyses of lewis carroll
or don't
who fucking cares

>> No.14770317

It is dialectic and it goes through history.

>> No.14770347

your formula is even worse and proves that you haven't understood Hegel at all. OP's was much closer

>> No.14770357
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>Hegels big contribution to philosophy was a + b = c

>> No.14770375

True. That equal sign is pretty bad in the second formula.

>> No.14770393

nobody's said that.

>> No.14770426

>Hegel’s big formula is X + Y = Z

>> No.14770434

i said both are wrong, but at least OP's was closer. Are you stupid?

>> No.14770435

>nobody's said that.

>> No.14770488

ok, you're stupid

>> No.14770637
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This is interesting actually. Both of these equations miss the point, but for different reasons.
>X + Y = Z
This misses the point of sublation, the other anon was right to say this is closer to Fichte's idea of synthesis, something which was not Hegel's contribution, but even this doesn't quite square as there is nothing in Z which you find in X and Y. maybe it would be better formulated as
>X + Y = XY
so far as XY constitutes its own variable and isn't strictly reducible to the variable X and Y.

>C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))
This is an okay description of determinate negation, although it can't go far enough to show hows this formula leads to a new C (C'). maybe better rendered as
>(C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))) < C + ((C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))) + -(C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))))
Obviously this doesn't work mathematically because it would basically reduce to
>(0 = 0) < C + 0
Where C = 0. But this is more of a limitation of mathematical notation than anything. For Hegel, the concept + its negation isn't simply C + 0 (or 0 + 0), as the negation of C is a 0 which is substantive, something which goes beyond 0. This is why Zizek talks about that which is less than nothing, as a negative which retains its own virtual content.

>> No.14770722


>> No.14770999
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>(C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))) < C + ((C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))) + -(C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))))
so it's like that huh, I understand everything now

>> No.14771277

hard mode:

>> No.14771607

what the FUCK

>> No.14771631
File: 4 KB, 138x140, mike kosok copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MIke kosok's introduction to his work

· revolution vs the myth of consistency and identity


· Dialectics of Nature

· man and his non-linear universe

Towards Phenomenology as a Science

· the overcoming of marxism

Phenomenological Dialectics of Science

· The phenomenology of fucking

>> No.14771637

Derrida has many essays dedicated to BTFO Hegel.

>> No.14771690

every philosopher post-Hegel does; eppur si muove

>> No.14771788

do I read this first or Hegel first

>> No.14771799

you are a man and you live in a non-linear universe

>> No.14771814

do I? is this Hegel or

>> No.14771824

>(C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))) < C + ((C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))) + -(C - C(n) = C + -(C(n))))
>people write things like this thinking they have any meaning

>> No.14771827

>tfw reading Kant and Fichte and Schelling and Schopenhauer
Fichte and Schopenhauer both expound on more than Hegel, Schelling is out done by Hegel. No idea what Kant is doing in this bunch.

>> No.14771870

Foucault did the same History makes itself absolutium thing without being as vague. Albeit, it's not as expounded on as Hegel and it took several decades for someone to match him but, it's pretty much the same thing.

>> No.14771900

How about:
>A < (C + (A + (-A)))
Where A is the process of determinate negation and C + (A + (-A)) is the resulting concept

>> No.14772457
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>retrospectively destroy your entire philosophy in two pages
nothin personnel kid

>> No.14772471

>provides absolute knowledge
>knowledge = power
>looks like Sheev
Is George Lucas Hegelian?

>> No.14772690
File: 2.68 MB, 1650x1134, AESTHETIC_HegelDerrida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De Sadler stans this

The Dialectic is a path to many syntheses one might consider … unnatural

>> No.14772731

>I am I
>split between subject and object
>the I cannot emerge without the split between I and I
if this btfo's Hegel, how fucking dumb could Hegel be??

>> No.14773676

what do I have to read to understand this thread and don't say Hegel

>> No.14774075

The Historical-critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology

>> No.14774340
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I see the dialectic now

>> No.14775518


>> No.14775540


>> No.14775900

Hegel and Deleuze:


>> No.14776008

>an opening up of an an incorrect interpretation of Hegel as a closed system
Modernist Hegel is probably the final form

>> No.14776063

vivid demonstration, anon

>> No.14776907
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holy FUCK how can people write like this?
>Such as Deleuze defines it, the image of thought is this movement of pre-orientation which posits the quid juris / quid facti distinction by its construction of a plane of immanence that selects what is worth the pain of being thought, i.e. the infinite movement of a thought affined to chaos. Given that the Deleuzian image of thought posits its intuitive outline in contradistinction to those of phenomenological peace and dialectical reflection, it will be a question of problematising the Deleuzian problematisation of dialectical difference, a question of dramatising anew the overall encysted scene that situates Hegel as Deleuze’s condemned, and a question of interrogating a phenomenology viewed as the doxic overcoding of Kantian critique. In sum, it is a question of more closely juxtaposing a discursive assemblage that seeks to posit itself affirmatively without being opposed to its other (Deleuze) with a dialectical regime ensconced in the figure of exclusive disjunction that cannot be replayed by the force of decontextualising virtualisations (Hegel).

>> No.14776917

just fucking say you're doing a comparative analysis of hegel and deleuze what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
"the overall encysted scene"
just so repulsive

>> No.14777010

Gay sophistry, larping. Who wrote that meandering drivel, a Frenchman?

>> No.14777378

It's peak philosophical aesthetic.

>"L'Abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze" (English Subs)

>> No.14777404

pretty good take

>> No.14777668

Writing like that is a good way to prove you have nothing of value to say

>> No.14777680

That's one of the magickal bullshit words the indicate that whoever is writing is retarded. Here's some more:

>> No.14777724

Plebs filtered hard

>> No.14778316

bad writing is bad writing my dude

>> No.14779736

Dude even explains the inconsistencies in the bible

>> No.14779740

he's just some passing meme