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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 307 KB, 1280x849, jVd0UlR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14768476 No.14768476 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this graphic?

>> No.14768482

This is now a cringe thread.

>> No.14768497
File: 72 KB, 499x784, 1524408630958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this were 5 years ago i would assume this was bait. but now, i'm not sure.

>> No.14769206

Fucking cringe and gay

>> No.14769218

Stopped reading there. Drop the nu/pol/ before you post again, kid.

>> No.14769225

>generic obvious stuff
>literal whos
>a fucking manga

>> No.14769234

Fucking howled when i saw "Way of Men" in the "finalredpill" tier.

>> No.14769249

Sure you did

>> No.14769386


>> No.14769424


You mean the guy who lived on his mum's estate and had her bring him sandwiches every day?

I suppose its thematic for basement dwellers

>> No.14769842

It’s a literal joke; there’s a fucking manga.

>> No.14769857


Go back to /pol/ and r/tinydicks, you fucking ara.

>> No.14769859

I like this list, don't listen to the trannies.

>> No.14769883

Based and Kaaplander pilled

>> No.14770079


>> No.14770101
File: 78 KB, 600x600, 1578437993466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even try to hide that it's propaganda designed to rewire how you think for political reasons

>> No.14770147

>Oh n-no is that p.... Propaganda? Material condoning a certain political viewpoint? I cannot move... My legs are shaking i... i think i'm.. .MOMMY! MOMMY HELP I AM BEING PROPAGANDIZED!!! AAAAAAAAD FGH

>> No.14770155

>doesn't even try to hide the fact that it's an anime-obsessed tranny destined to remove his own testicles
Why would it?

>> No.14770163

To be fair this would have been my reading list three or so years ago when I entered babys first edgy phase (or perhaps second if you count high school atheism phase; or third if you count just out of high school ayn rand phase). I cannot imagine someone reading through these works who has their shit together but there is a chance that it will lead to better things. Worst case scenario is more tedposters.

>> No.14770207

pretty retarded

>> No.14770213

Whenever you believe you met the stupidest people in the world there's always someone to come up with shit like this.

>> No.14770227
