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File: 73 KB, 946x1105, penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14768075 No.14768075 [Reply] [Original]

Time is the curse

>> No.14768080

Aging is a natural burden. Get over it and enjoy the strange gift before it’s done.

>> No.14768197

Reminder that penguin suicide has never been documented by any scientific study and Herzog likely faked this to make his film more interesting

>> No.14768212
File: 212 KB, 1200x1200, immanuel-kant-9360144-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is nothing but the form of inner sense.

>> No.14768252

You know this only makes it better, right?

Also suicide in the animal kingdom is a thing. But I am glad this penguin didn't died because of that if that's the case.

>> No.14768283


>> No.14768505

Based based based based based AHHHH I fucking love KANT he is the smartest to ever live, based and Kantpilled

>> No.14768546

Time makes everything more beautiful.

Would you, knowing now you are immortal, cherish anything nearly as much- or even at all? Death is the great decider, and the greater valuer. Implicitly and not actually that is.

>> No.14768552

there's that word again, it's a meaningless cope

>> No.14768553

if you could be immortal but would have to suffer the night infinity of the death of the universe, would you?

>> No.14768564

In my limited human brain I can't imagine anything worse than experiencing infinity from a fully aware human perspective

>> No.14768586

Time is a flat circle. We are doomed to live this life again and again, forever repeating our mistakes, trapped. And there will be nothing new in it, as we can't remember out past lives, we cannot change our future.

>> No.14768593

who wrote that short story about you being all the people in the world living and learning and teaching yourself to transcendence?

>> No.14769031
File: 27 KB, 450x461, spiritual_liege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Kirkbride

>> No.14769326

fuck off rust

i don't remember shit so i don't care even if it's real

>> No.14769332

Quiffing is the real curse.

>> No.14769379

I'm ok with ageing, but forgetting is rather concerning

>> No.14769409

No, it isn't.
The gift of life is for you to enjoy, or whatever. You are saying to live is to cope. You hate it all. Well, why such a coward? You believe in reincarnation? Leave it if you hate it so. Why are you here to make people miserable with your obstinate pessimism?

>> No.14769432

Then you must be living a life of constant dread.
The human mind can only be conscious of a tiny sliver of reality, everything else slowly descends into the black sea of oblivion. Think about this very moment, how many different things you are experiencing, how many different thoughts are rolling through you head each second - only to be utterly forgotten in the next one.

>> No.14769462

In conclusion, if you don't enjoy sniffing my quiffs you should just kys familia

>> No.14769572

I don't forget things a second later because I'm not a retard.

>> No.14769577

Oh, the irony. Your thought must be extremely limited!

>> No.14769607

You mistakenly attribute your own mental deficiencies to others.

>> No.14769618

Ok, try to recollect you exact thought process while you were composing this >>14769572 post. Sheesh, I assure you that there is quite a number of details, discarded ideas, feelings and associations that you simply forgot. What sensations did you feel at that moment, which way were you sitting, and so on.

>> No.14769810

Okay, I've recollected all of them. Now what?

>> No.14769903


>> No.14769941

Awesome. All my clothes will come back in style.

>> No.14769960

>Time is a flat circle.
Of course its flat, its a fuckin 2d shape.
What else would it be retard

>> No.14770035

It's a poetic expression. In this universe we process time linearly, forwards. But imagine for a moment, an eternal entity looking in. From outside of our space-time, time wouldn't exist. It would see our world flattened, as a single sculpture. All that ever was, and ever will be, superimposed in one image. Our sentience cycling through our lives, like carts on a track.

To us, our world is a sphere. To an eternity looking in, it would be a circle.

>> No.14770098

Agree to disagree.

>> No.14770249

our world is already a circle though :^)