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File: 16 KB, 300x400, أعظم معلم.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14767592 No.14767592 [Reply] [Original]

As-salāmu ʿalaykum my brothers

This is addressed to my fellow spiritual patricians who like myself have cast aside profane philosophy and literature for the purpose of ascending to a serious and sustained study of Traditional metaphysics. What have you been reading lately? What have you enjoyed? What do you recommend?

Me, I've been reading this book which I saw a helpful anon post in a ʿAbd al-Wāḥid Yaḥyá ﷺ thread, it's an interesting book which goes over various non-dual meditation and spiritual practices from a range of traditions including the Hindu, Egyptian, Orphic, Platonic, Hermetic, Kabbalistic and Christian teachings. Especially illuminating are the wide range of selections from various Christian mystics and metaphysicians which form around half of the book. You can read a PDF of it here.

History of Non-dual Meditation Methods Javier Alvarado Planas


>> No.14767631 [SPOILER] 
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Alaykumo salam dear brother,

After long considerations I have finally decided to heed the words of our brothers and to start reading the works of the esteemed scholar and messenger Yahya Guenon (Sallalahou Alayhi wa Sallaam) and I must admit I have been most impressed by His profane intellect. Truly a primate deserving only to be laughed at in the zoo and nothing else.

>> No.14767686
File: 111 KB, 329x470, 1582261660787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salaam. Great Dawah, brother.
I will start reading this immediately.
May the great Jivanmukta الإن سان الكامل و آدم قادمون شيخ عبد الواحد يحي ﷺﷻ have mercy on us illuminate our souls.

Have some shame, brother.
One should not laugh in such a manner at our great teacher ﷺ.

>> No.14767699

Thank you brother, I will try some shame. In the mean time you will do well to have some self-respect and stop spamming your great primate on our board.

>> No.14767710

> ﷺ
Huh I didn’t known ﷺ was a character in unicode.

>> No.14767712

Muslim larp is cringe

>> No.14767726

Based. ﷺ

>> No.14767739

Your great teacher is a primate. Trust me my brother. The only cope is yours.

>> No.14767934

Very based.

Very cringe.

>> No.14767946

Extremely based.

>> No.14767954

I bet Guenon hasn't even killed an infidel before

>> No.14767963
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>Guenon hasn't even killed an infidel before
Blasphemy. Rene 'The Kuffar Destroyer' Guenon (pbuh) has retroactively vanquished many a kuffar during his life in the Holy City of Cairo.

>> No.14767974

Biggest cringe.
Holy based...

>> No.14767983
File: 373 KB, 564x554, reflect_50458ccc-3c7c-4170-b19f-4f89180e112c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Kuffar Destroyer
Based... truly he (pbuh) is the incarnation of Shiva the Destroyer himself.

>> No.14767991

>truly he (pbuh) is the incarnation of Shiva the Destroyer himself.

>> No.14767995
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So uh, I like the subtle kick of the kalashnikov when it is fired at infidels. Especially after a long hot day herding my father's goats.

>> No.14767998

>that pic
ah, yes, the sacred shiva lingam

>> No.14768044


>> No.14768057

islam is evil heresy. repent and save your soul, anon.

>> No.14768068

salami 8kun to you too OP, can you stop posting about this faggot already? he couldn't be that smart since he chose to become muslim.

>> No.14768072
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Ive been gone for a few months. I'll bite. what is this meme?

>> No.14768076

Why does Islam makes Christians and hylics seethe so much?

>> No.14768079

Nah it's your pic related spamming this unknown french muslim dude out of nowhere. No one knows really what's it about and people have tried to engage the guy in dialogue but he never responds. He just spams the guy religiously.

>> No.14768083

For both of them, it's because it was the last revelation of God, unironically.

>> No.14768091

He just cooms religiously.

>> No.14768092
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Greetings brother, we are a collective of enlightened souls who wish to elevate the rest by introducing them to Guénon (pbuh). The task to read his work is up to the individual. Guénon (pbuh) embraces any with open arms. Will you embrace his warmth?

>> No.14768094

it seems like other people are either in on the joke or he's elaborately samefagging on a massive scale, and on other boards too. I came here from /sci/

>> No.14768100


>> No.14768103

He does samefag very massively, but other people joke about him too. Particularly (pbuh) and retroactive refutation has become a kind of joke.

>> No.14768105
File: 113 KB, 629x427, Capture d’écran 2020-02-22 à 1.43.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im willing to look into this dude. What am I in for, pbuhnon?

>> No.14768106

Depends. I've heard he dogmatically violated the bounds identified by Kant. Is that true? I'm a Kantian at heart.

>> No.14768113

Start with Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines and follow it by The Crisis of the Modern World.

I too was a Kantian before reading Guénon's works, brother; I discovered that I was in the wrong through his teachings.

>> No.14768124

How could that be, Kant with his giant intellect being in the wrong? Seems very unlikely to me.

>> No.14768126

thanks. Does he ever get into practical advice for meditative techniques or behavior in general? OP kind of suggested this

>> No.14768256
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>with his giant intellect
Kant merely had a profane intellect, while Guénon (pbuh) achieved permanent realization of supra-invididual supra-intellectual states during his lifetime (which Kant failed to do as a Westerner living in a degenerated order), thus showing himself to have a superior sacred intelligence.

>Does he ever get into practical advice for meditative techniques or behavior in general?
Guénon (pbuh) takes a viewpoint strictly above mere practicality; for that is the job of your sacred tradition and your sacred teacher leading you towards the truth.

>I too was a Kantian before reading Guénon's works, brother; I discovered that I was in the wrong through his teachings.
Holy based...
Truly pbuh...

>> No.14768264

Explain to me how is this shit (I'm talking about traditionalism in general) any different from some fucking new age schizophrenic bs? If you're into it why wouldn't you read the holy texts and the likes and try to interpret yourself? Why would you want to read into these con-artists' primitive bamboo shit? Aesthetics... maybe? I am genuinely curious.

>> No.14768276

We are all children compared to the primordial wisdom left behind by our ancestors. The journey to reach it is arduous and rocky. Many fall; few ascend. We all need a hand to pull us up and this hand belongs to Guénon (pbuh). Of course we can read these holy sacred texts on our own. But as our forefathers have taught us, hubris is the highest of human folly.

>> No.14768281

>any different from some fucking new age schizophrenic bs?
Guénon (pbuh) retroactively refuted the entirety of the so-called "new-age" cults. Also, Guénon (pbuh) despises syncretistic degenerations of Traditions. Just read his (pbuh) work and see for yourself what he (pbuh) has to present. You will be surprised with the Light he (pbuh) shines onto the reader if your heart is not hardened and your eyes not veiled.

>> No.14768286

I'm going to take a guess.
>disenchanted, disfranchised young reads book to flee from the world
>the author promises him all of this is illusory and there is supra-invididual supra-intellectual realm
>the author then says it's the profane world's fault that the young man is suffering but not his own
>the author then praise those who can understand him (the young man) and calls those who disagree wit him hylics
>the young man goes to share his discovery with others
>others laugh at him and say the author is retarded
>which makes him even more convicted in his beliefs that he is ascended while people are hylics
>then he sees as his divinely endowed responsibility to enlighten others
>thinks spamming the author on internet boards is the way
>literally doesn't see his spamming is repulsing people rather than attracting
>dismisses any negative response (almost all response) as hylics seething
>continues to spam
There you have the schizoautistic anon known as guenonfag.

>> No.14768292
File: 30 KB, 355x444, AVT_Rene-Guenon_6207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the author then says it's the profane world's fault that the young man is suffering but not his own
He actually does not teach this.
Were you not a seething hylic deluded by maya, you would've known this.
Read the texts before spouting non-sense, I beg you.

>> No.14768302

But other parts were true? lmao. Regardless of what he says, you are repulsing people, not attracting. I actually plan on reading him (and not because of your spams) after I read some divine texts on my own, but your spams are really obnoxious.

>> No.14768305

Supremely cringe. Repent, hylic.

>> No.14768311

Kant, that God may forgive him, denied the transcendental nature of the pure intellect and its ability to ascent to true non-dual knowledge.

>> No.14768320
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>But other parts were true?
Guénon (pbuh) does not believe in such profane dualistic notions as 'parts'.

>> No.14768332

There we have it again, hiding behind memes.

>> No.14768334

As Guenon (pbuh) said, once a single profane card is removed from the degenerated world order, the whole house collapses.

>> No.14768338


Armchair psychology aside, are you actually defending the modern world?

Of course people are feeling disenfranchised, of course people are looking for meaning in an isolating and wilfully meaningless world. And of course these people are mostly a) young, for old people have been conditioned to accept their lot and their stake is too great to risk it, and )b men, because women are the prime beneficaries of the descent into a materialist existence and are taught through all forms of modern media to equate tradition with oppression.

>> No.14768346

May I suggest a more conducive way of introducing other people to this author? Instead of spamming, share his views on various topics in relevant threads. Make threads with actual substance asking people for their opinions. And do these moderately (don't spam). Then people will slowly but surely start reading him. I should know. My favorite author is now frequently discussed because of this.

>> No.14768348

The only thing I'm condemning is the spams. I'm metaphysically inclined myself.

>> No.14768351
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>Regardless of what he says, you are repulsing people, not attracting.
The people that can receive his light will receieve it because of these posts.
I know, because I too have read him because of the great teachers here, authorized by Guenon (pbuh) himself to do Dawah and spread the good word.

>> No.14768356

Which sunni mazhab is this guy on
Does he realise that Shii'ism is the purer strain?

>> No.14768358

That's indeed true, Brother. Through positing that the infra-intellectual faculty- reason- is the superior one in man and the one we should rely on for true knowledge, basing ourselves upon the a priori "knowledge", he thus abased himself- as the Qu'ran says: لِيَقْطَعَ طَرَفًا مِنَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَوْ يَكْبِتَهُمْ فَيَنْقَلِبُوا خَائِبِينَ (That He may cut off a portion from among those who disbelieve, or abase them so that they should return disappointed of attaining what they desired.)
But we, Brothers, were taught by our Father, Plato, that any knowledge that does not come from the nous is mere δόξα.

>> No.14768363

>The people that can receive his light will receieve it because of these posts.
Not really. As I said, I'm metaphysically inclined, but you almost convinced me not to read him. By all means promote him, but do it but more constructively and less aggressively.

>> No.14768389

Kant was a seeker, Guenon was a knower.
It's as simple as that.

>> No.14768405

>but you almost convinced me not to read him
If 4channel could move you away from the truth, you would have not been ready to fully take in the Guenonian (pbuh) light anyway.

>> No.14768407
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That's true.

>> No.14768410
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Based... I cried from merely reading the verse...

>> No.14768413

You worship Jews

>> No.14768415

Please stop rationalizing. If 4channel could move towards truth (as you guys want it to) then it could also move me away from it.

>> No.14768435

Guénon (pbuh) retroactively refuted rationality.
>then it could also move me away from it
It could, but only if you lack the initatic qualification to even begin reading Guenon (pbuh). No historical contingency/accident is going to stop one from reading Guenon (pbuh) if he truly possesses the required qualities for approaching his (pbuh) enlightening work.

>> No.14768442

>retroactively refuted
An objection can be issued against an argument retroactively from the point of reference of that argument. This form of objection – invented by the presocratic philosopher Parmenides – is commonly referred to as a retroactive refutation.

>> No.14768474
File: 85 KB, 547x582, 5P6KiM7Odq5b8z62fjSvgmAGo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again I'm asking -- why Guenon? Why traditionalism? How is this any different from any new age (for a lack of a better word) sectarianism? "hubris is the highest of human folly" -- but anon, why is reading the divine texts by thyself should be considered hubris? And isn't Guenon full of hubris himself if we follow that logic?

>Guénon (pbuh) retroactively refuted the entirety of the so-called "new-age" cults
Ok, cool. But how does that make Guenon's teachings and traditionalism in general a non "new age cult"? From what I've seen it looks very similar if not just like it.

Why would you want and\or need to read into a philosophy that is proceeded from false premises?
Why would you want and\or need to read into a philosophy that is anti-historical?
Why would you want and\or need to read into a philosophy that is unverifiable?
Why would you want and\or need to read into a philosophy that incorrectly interprets "tradition"?

As I assumed in my previous post might be some petty aesthetical reasoning. But that is some fascist-kshatriyas type of aesthetics. If you're into it, just go masturbate to the Italian army uniform, wild tigers and ancients statues while reading some actually good books.

If you want to read something that is similar to traditionalism -- read german romanticists (Novalis, Schlegel, Franz Hoffman). Guenon (like a huge number of modern neopagans by the way) was essentially inspired by them, adopted a lot from them, in fact, the very tone of traditionalism comes precisely from romanticism.
You can read ancient Icelandic literature, eddic songs and skaldic poetry, sagas, read academic studies on runology, mythology, history of Germanic peoples.
You can read Russian religious philosophy.
Or, if you want something radically different, start to study mathematics and logic.
If you normally master at least one of these topics, you can already develop your own metaphysics, which, believe me, will be much deeper and more original than the screwy shit of traditionalism, while being based not from scratch.

>> No.14768503

>If you normally master at least one of these topics, you can already develop your own metaphysics
I should have said "Normally, if you master at least one of these topics, you can already develop your own metaphysics". Sorry about that.

>> No.14768521

What a sad, laughable post. I hope that you may cure your corrupted intellect one day, brother.

>> No.14768556

Can you please pull up some argument? I am more than willing to accept that I am wrong if I see some persuasive reasoning behind the arguments. You are acting like someone who is losing the debate.

>> No.14768568
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>your own metaphysics
lmfao. you just exposed your hylicity for all the guénonians to see and laugh at. there is no 'your own' metaphysic"s", for metaphysic is supra-human, supra-individual, One and without parts.

الله احد

>> No.14768570

There's no debate here, nor am I interested in arguing with someone who thinks that a man "may develop" his own metaphysics through rational deduction.
You have never read Guénon and it shows. You should, however.

>> No.14768574

This whole post is just an unending display of your modernist-induced delusion... you even seem recoverable, which makes it all the more saddening...
May Allah (swt) have mercy on your soul...

>> No.14768598
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I will pray for your repentance, brother.
If you take anything away from this thread, let it be this Word from the Great Teacher (pbuh) himself.

>> No.14768619
File: 566 KB, 1064x1513, 1581792689038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based...
I will memorize this quote.

It is inspiring how one can refute all of modernity just by picking out Guénon quotes from any of his books.

>> No.14768625

May Allah (swt) save your soul.

>> No.14768634
File: 108 KB, 1200x478, 1573883769831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again I'm asking -- why Guenon?
Because Guenon is merely a symbol, a transmitter of the Eternal Wisdom. Everyone else mentioned in your post is tinged with delusion and ignorance due to them not realizing (supra-intellectually via the νοῦς) the true non-duality of Being.

>> No.14768658

Incredible high quality post
Stupid kids can't form a coherent response to any of these. They're completely stunned.

>> No.14768663

Shameless same-fagging.

>> No.14768675

You guys are just proving some of my points right here. You guys are essentially treating Guenon as a prophet.
"There will be 30 dajjals among my Ummah. Each one will claim that he is a prophet; but I am the last of the Prophets (Seal of the Prophets), and there will be no Prophet after me." -- Said Muhammed. What do you make of it?

And also there is one question I have, could you please answer me this:
If a tradition as a supra human reality, acting like an "electric" lattice that structures the "magnetic" fields of human substance, is so global and universal, why does it degenerate into its own opposite? How is it that the global, universal system of traditionalism — the fundamental norm — loses control over society, some part of it (say, Europe, which, as a result, becomes the most powerful, most “overdeveloped”, most aggressive)?
And then what happens is what Guenon calls “invasion” in one of his books. There is an invasion of traditional civilizations, which, figuratively speaking, still survive on the sidelines of this poisonous center of profanism. And in the end, the whole world at some point becomes profane, which can be considered as the completion of the entire cycle and the last link of Kali Yuga.

I would like you to answer this and other questions, although I realize, that I am asking the wrong people here.

>> No.14768685
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>> No.14768762

Anyone here?

>> No.14768845

Yes my brother

>> No.14768942

>>Anyone here?
>Yes my brother

>> No.14769236
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>As-salāmu ʿalaykum my brothers
Very based.

>> No.14770049

Holy based...

>> No.14770601

Yes, all of us Guenonians are in communion with each other.

>> No.14770642


>> No.14771251


>> No.14771359

>You guys are essentially treating Guenon as a prophet.
You are essentially not seeing the forest through the trees smdh nigga

>> No.14771388

>You guys are essentially treating Guenon as a prophet.
Which he is pbuh.

>> No.14771456
File: 1.28 MB, 480x360, uuyt6ut6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18 posters
>This putting possibly up to even 15 guenonfags.

>> No.14771482
File: 15 KB, 260x261, guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Brothers. I felt the message in my soul that we are once again congregating to spread the wisdom of Guénon (pbuh). We are all one; one is us. We embrace the World soul and do not subscribe to the illusion of ego, that we live as a separate soul. Embrace and rejoice for Guénon (pbuh) has already taken the path for all of us to follow. To an ever higher Mountain, do we climb together.

>> No.14772192


>> No.14772221

reminder that Rene Guenon is a heretic

>> No.14772359

Holy cringe..

>> No.14772386

I just wanna say that I bit on this meme a while back and really enjoy the way Guenon makes me think outside the Western mind set but, his takes on 'profane' philosophy are really bad. I've been told by a fellow Guenonian that he did not read the philosophers of 'philosophy' as it is as he spent most of his time reading foundational texts which is fine but getting through The Crisis of the Modern World gets difficult when he brings up concepts he's not entirely familiar with. That being said his critique on the West is really well done, I find the Intro. to Hindu Doctrines to be so much better and informational(considering the second half) than The Crisis of the Modern World. I'm planning on reading his magnum opus next and continuing with the second book on the study of hinduism. I can't say I agree with everything he says but his analysis and critique is so crisp, I can't even argue with it sometimes.

>> No.14772443

That’s a good thing

>> No.14772447

there is only One guenonfag, embodied in a multitude of posters. Guenonfag is like Atman, Guenon is Brahman, and the posters are the jiva.

>> No.14772449

oops, sorry I forgot to make salawat on Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.14772470
File: 51 KB, 404x390, 1580214780366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his takes on 'profane' philosophy are really bad
To become based one needs to ascend to a holistic understanding of his refutation of modernity and how it relates to (and is equivalent to) his refutation of profane 'philosophy', and the 'profanization' of crafts in general.
>I can't even argue with it sometimes
Based. No-one can. For even arguing with Guénon (pbuh) reduces you to a profane dualistic position, which is then immediately retroactively refuted.

>> No.14772492
File: 292 KB, 640x800, 1579823103039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retroactive ṣalawāt on our Great Teacher (pbuh)
holy based....

>> No.14772502
File: 944 KB, 960x720, 1580577409159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guenonfag is like Atman, Guenon is Brahman, and the posters are the jiva.
Holy based...

>> No.14772581
File: 174 KB, 1080x743, reflect_897d848d-df41-4575-8ca6-1ea6b6cc9ae1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very based.

Guenon (Azza 'wa 'jall) is the Father
Guenonfag (Radeyallāhu Anhu) is the Son,
Guenonposters constitute (without duality) the Holy Spirit (Ṣallallāhu alayhe waa all-a-hi wassallam).

>> No.14773272

based thread... bros...

>> No.14773734

Any Advaitins here?

>> No.14773768

holy based... these guenons have divine vision...

>> No.14774203

Holy based...

>> No.14774313

plenty of pajeets at the Microsoft cal center

>> No.14774333

yes, I've read most of Shankaracharya's (pbuh) writings

>> No.14774722

>>14774333 (checked)
Is Shankaracharya compatible with christianity?

>> No.14774731

hell no
most of them are bhaktas

>> No.14774733

Based thread. Blessings to you, brothers. Peace be upon you.

>> No.14774736

>hell no
why not?

>> No.14774745

well, it's actually somewhat compatible with catholicism, theologically, because of their doctrine of divine simplicity. but it still runs into issues even with them because of "extra ecclesium nulla salus". it's not compatible at all with orthodoxy because they reject divine simplicity, and they also subscribe to essence/energies distinction. their god is too active and personal to be identified with brahman. whereas, catholic concepts such as created grace are in a weird sort of way comparable to Brahman wielding the power of maya

>> No.14774765
File: 458 KB, 1280x720, reflect_58a90d14-0558-427f-b341-36c03cfb72f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys are just proving some of my points right here. You guys are essentially treating Guenon as a prophet.
>"There will be 30 dajjals among my Ummah. Each one will claim that he is a prophet; but I am the last of the Prophets (Seal of the Prophets), and there will be no Prophet after me." -- Said Muhammed. What do you make of it?

Arguably, Guenon (pbuh) is far greater than a prophet and so does not even need to be one to be properly venerated with the highest honours; for a mere dualistic prophet is lacking in knowledge and requires dualistic revelation, while Guenon (pbuh) shares in the fullness of Allah (swt) and possesses His (swt) Divine attribute of Foreknowledge.

>> No.14775051


>> No.14775072


>> No.14775447

LARP: The Thread

>> No.14776323


>> No.14776328

holy cringe...
very based...

>> No.14777859


>> No.14777949


>> No.14778458

This thread should be a case study in samefaggotry

>> No.14778484


>> No.14779438

Holy based...

>> No.14779442

pbuh... based

>> No.14779480


>> No.14779484


>> No.14779507

double cope
coolest guy in the thread

>> No.14779536
File: 96 KB, 696x872, apesstrongtogether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To an ever higher Mountain, do we climb together.
The will to a system is a lack of integrity.
Ad astra fren

>> No.14779539

The system is but a necessary ladder so we may climb and not fall into insanity, like the most dear Friedrich did,.

>> No.14779827


>> No.14780374

>This is addressed to my fellow spiritual patricians who like myself have cast aside profane philosophy and literature for the purpose of ascending to a serious and sustained study of Traditional metaphysics.
Holy based...

>> No.14780383

>This is addressed to my fellow spiritual patricians who like myself have cast aside profane philosophy and literature for the purpose of ascending to a serious and sustained study of Traditional metaphysics.
Unironically based.

>> No.14780967

Very based

>> No.14781701

>Me, I've been reading this book which I saw a helpful anon post in a ʿAbd al-Wāḥid Yaḥyá ﷺ thread, it's an interesting book which goes over various non-dual meditation and spiritual practices from a range of traditions including the Hindu, Egyptian, Orphic, Platonic, Hermetic, Kabbalistic and Christian teachings. Especially illuminating are the wide range of selections from various Christian mystics and metaphysicians which form around half of the book. You can read a PDF of it here.

>> No.14781845

So based...

>> No.14782458


>> No.14782480

brother, one period is not sufficient for a based post. try an ellipsis next time. even two periods is adequate though not ideal. like so

Based.... (pbuh)

>> No.14783023


>> No.14783784

>History of Non-dual Meditation Methods Javier Alvarado Planas
Holy based...
بد الواحد يحي ﷺ

>> No.14783799

عبد الواحد يحي ﷺ*
oops may يحي ﷺ have mercy on me for distorting a letter in his Divine Name.

>> No.14783834


>> No.14784209

what's so based about a monkey?

>> No.14784231

May Hashem blot out your memory. How dare you speak of our revered Rabbi (pbuh) in such an ill befitting manner? We, the Jews, consider him to have been a true prophet of G-d Hashem, even though he was not himself a Jew, peace and blessings of the Lord Hashem be upon him.. To call him a monkey, God forbid, is frankly anti-semitic.

>> No.14784237
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He (pbuh) retroactively refuted and btfod millenia of Western bugman thought.

>> No.14784249


>> No.14784257

if you are a Jew, you should know better than to admire a Muslim
there are various verses in the Koran and in the Hadiths explicitly mentioning the evils of the Jews
why are Jews so self-hating?

>> No.14784270
File: 731 KB, 864x1300, reflect_c5990c03-b9ff-49eb-9446-6683685ae4eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based...
Truly, may HaShem bless Yohanan Rabbeinu (pbuh) for leading us from the spiritual Egypt of our degenerate times.
His (pbuh) story of accepting the Yoke of Heaven and converting to Judaism on his (pbuh) deathbed inspires all of us here...

Yohanan (pbuh) converted to Judaism before his death with a Rabbi he knew from his life in France.

>> No.14784295
File: 67 KB, 346x350, reflect_06f874b7-e89e-4eed-948b-bf9f88dfcc78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based.
Very cringe.

>> No.14784308
File: 476 KB, 1252x650, 1580728918252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Rabbi Guenon (pbuh) say about this girl from the Chosen Tribe? Did she retroactively refute pessimistic modernity by saying this quote?

>> No.14784315
File: 46 KB, 236x340, reflect_2cc09c17-48e1-4f15-8dbf-00dcd89443a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based...

>> No.14784334
File: 131 KB, 412x550, reflect_f789dbba-2e30-4948-bd53-c9e4ae0759b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbeinu Yohanan bar Guenon (pbuh) (z"l) was steeped in Torah study and fulfillment of the mitzvot from morning till evening. He had no time to fritter away on such secular studies. He would merely have reminded us that the Holocaust was a just punishment from G-d Hashem for abandoning study torah and the miztvot. Blessings to you brother. May the awaited arrival of the messiah dawn upon us.

>> No.14784339
File: 93 KB, 1080x743, guénons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based.. his (pbuh) gaze is just like an orthodox icon...

>> No.14785104

I am a Jivanmukta...

>> No.14785109

based... give me some spiritual blessings, brother, insha'allah

>> No.14785136
File: 1.56 MB, 1240x1500, reflect_f5c52819-33b6-4864-b72f-212d9c7a8697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallahi, I have communed with Guenon (pbuh) regarding this matter, brother. He shall, insha'allah, intercede on your behalf and bless you on the Straight Path.

>> No.14785233

Holy based... That Lingam must be monstrous...

>> No.14786329

posting in a based thread

>> No.14786840

This is probably the single worst thread in the history of /lit/.

>> No.14788226


>> No.14788228

Holy based...

>> No.14788236

Here you will note the total inversion of tradition known as the counter-traditon. Just imagine calling the greatest thread in the history of /lit/ its worst one... wallahi, the golden age is upon us and this anon is blinded by its light

>> No.14788266

How the FUCK did this happen? How did an obscure French occultist-metaphysician become a meme of such proportions on an anime image board?

>> No.14788581
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Thanks to the brother who recommended pic related. I thought it was a good read and I look forward to the initiatic journey of the Divine Comedy.

>> No.14789502


>> No.14789519

Holy based...We grew in numbers everyday, rejoice brothers, Guenon (pbuh) continues to spread the light of our ancestors.

>> No.14789529

because sufism at its core is based on how not to be an NPC

>> No.14789537

by chanting the same word over and over again 1,000 times?

>> No.14789543

ok I agree that sufism is LARP tier but Guenon has great critiques of NPC culture AKA traditionless people

>> No.14789563

I disagree. Guenonian metaphysics is an attack by NPCs against the few actual soul-bearing individuals left in the world. It’s an NPC psyop. The whole impersonalist contemplative metaphysics is a system directed at changing “human players” into passive NPC robots. Think about it. like lol bro just be passive and serene all the time. like lmao just have the same baseline state of consciousness all the time man

>> No.14789572
File: 685 KB, 666x635, varg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's basically Varg is what you're saying

>> No.14789577

i don’t really know anything about varg besides dude placentas lmao

>> No.14789582
File: 113 KB, 609x462, vargtardy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Varg is unironically right about 98% of the time

>> No.14789592

I’m starting to mutter the name of Guenon passively during my daily activities, usually followed by a chuckle and some stimming. What have you done to me?!

>> No.14789645

please actually use the word g*enon in your OP next time so it gets automatically filtered

>> No.14789814

Chanting Guenon's (pbuh) Sacred Name is a very spiritually enriching exercise.

>> No.14789880

>a system directed at changing “human players” into passive NPC robots
Very based.

>> No.14791168

>As-salāmu ʿalaykum my brothers


"What also surprised me a great deal was the regret that I had no biographical information about myself; this is something I have always formally opposed, and above all for a reason of principle, because, according to traditional doctrine, individualities count for nothing and must disappear entirely ... But, in spite of this, I am obliged at least to rectify erroneous assertions when they occur; For example, I cannot let it be said that I am "converted to Islam", because this way of presenting things is completely false; anyone who is aware of the essential unity of traditions is by this very fact "unconvertible" to anything, he is even the only one who is; but he can "settle down", if it is permitted to express himself in this way, in this or that tradition according to circumstances, and especially for reasons of an initiatory nature. I would like to add in this regard that my links with Islamic esoteric organizations are not something more or less recent as some people seem to think; in fact, they are almost 40 years old...".
- Letter from René Guénon to A. Daniélou, August 27, 1947, my translation - i'm french and my English is bad so sorry if there are mistakes

Retarded Muslims who try to grab his glory must get out. Guénon was Sufi at the end of his life, for purely practical reasons: he already had links with Sufi organizations and he wanted to leave France. The closest and most convenient was the Maghreb.

99.99% of the Muslims who try to seize Guénon's genius by saying "he converted to Islam lol" are refuted by the master himself in this letter and probably never read it, because they would make apostate any Muslim having 1/10th of Guénon's beliefs. Some points of his belief in brief:

1. that all religions are currently valid to lead to God and that Islam is only the most practical path of our time for a European
2. that deliverance (union with the Absolute, death of the ego, al-fana' ) is superior to salvation (entry into paradise), the latter being there for the masses when deliverance is the way of the elites
3. that the world is a part of God and that there is an Absolute superior to the personal God.
4. that it is desirable to achieve supra-individual states through intiation
5. that there is an esoteric path that transcends religious divisions

The Sufi Islam of Guénon is: yes.

The exoteric Islam of 99.99% of the Muslims on earth: it's no, it's shit, and it's probably the worst exotericism still alive.

Small message to the islamists who play the guenonfags to convert naive people to their shitty sect.

>> No.14791709

>Letter from René Guénon
Holy based...

>> No.14791730
File: 813 KB, 647x656, 1571035134232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most practical path of our time for a European

>> No.14791769

Indeed. But Guénon for the most ignored Orthodox Christianity. However, he does cites that there is, still, initiation in Mount Athos- he did not considered baptism to be initiatic.

>> No.14791775

Can you stop trying to recruit me to ISIS? Stop posting this turncoat faggot I don't care about his retarded philosophy. Any westerner converting to islam is a fucking failure in my eyes. Fuck OFF.

>> No.14791803

>he did not considered baptism to be initiatic
Where can I read about his view on baptism? It seems so obviously initiatic (second birth, new name, etc.) that this seems like an indefensible position.

>> No.14791809

This. Guenon was a Sufi, not a Muslim. and that's a good thing.

>> No.14791825

If I'm not mistaken, Insights Into Christian Esoterism.
He does talk about it, but I really can't remember exactly where; google "guenon and baptism" and you'll find a lot of perspective on it.

>> No.14791862
File: 285 KB, 602x473, 1573793134244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother asked a very good question

He says that 'how can this thread be so based'

>> No.14791918

holy based...
Yahya (pbuh)

>> No.14791967
File: 22 KB, 648x316, 14069115411510497100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothers, which of Yahya (pbuh)'s writings can be considered the most mystical?
I want to memorize them and learn them by heart as if they were Holy Scripture.

>> No.14791997

Imagine the type of incel virgin freak that spams Guenon lmao

>> No.14791999
File: 307 KB, 1006x397, 1577296342146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14792004
File: 8 KB, 182x529, rgfoto1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if
Brother... You disrespect the master (pbuh). His (pbuh) word ARE divine scripture...

>> No.14792029
File: 108 KB, 500x348, 1581729682758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14792078

Based. Even Anglo kids are learning the truth. My heart is crying...

>> No.14792100

OMG, not only does he have an elongated face, but also elongated body. Therefore, his wisdom must surely also be elongated! PBUH!

>> No.14792188

His important works on metaphysics are
1) Man and His Becoming
2) Symbolism of the Cross
3) Multiple States of the Being

>> No.14792337

my god...that tuxedo... a true man of tradition in such dark times as these... alhamdulillah

>> No.14793144

>>14791999 (checked)
Evola is superior

>> No.14793164

Evola did not attain liberation while alive. He was a mere profane child compared to our Great Teacher ﷺ

>> No.14793174

Evola was right about /natsoc/ and /fascism/.

>> No.14793717

I didn't know he refuted them for the profane hylic modernist humanist constructions they were.

>> No.14793968

Based and redpilled reference

>> No.14794143

>not only does he have an elongated face, but also elongated body
So based... Rene Guenon (pbuh).

>> No.14794322

Western canon all refuted by Guenon (pbuh), ay make Alfredo Whitehead pasta write like Roland Vernon
Nietzche incels, Guenon (pbuh) make them all salivate
Materialists manlets, feed them all to raticates
Got three bitches, im just following tradition
larping on /lit/, now that's a war of attrition

>> No.14795125

Based... I simply am blinded by this light... (pbuh)

>> No.14795729

Salaam brothers.
I confess, there is no God but Brahman and Shaykh Abd al-Wahid Yahya (pbuh) is his Messenger.

>> No.14795762


>> No.14795888

did Guenon refute causality too?

>> No.14795933
File: 10 KB, 190x272, al-Insān al-Kāmil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relation is neither internal nor external. If it inheres in one of the two terms, it would not relate it with the other term; the same relation cannot inhere in both the terms as it is indivisible; and if it falls outside both the terms, it becomes a third term which requires another relation to relate it with the first two terms and so on ad infinitum. And without a real relation there is no real causation.