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14766232 No.14766232 [Reply] [Original]

how do I advance beyond nihilism? do I need to?

>> No.14766254

Read Mein Kampf

>> No.14766290

you really don't. it is normal to be a nihilist these days.

>> No.14766751

Nihilism is the end, my friend. You don't advance beyond it, you can only regress.

>> No.14766759

Global acts of terrorism happen every day. Uh, here's something that's never happened before: I'm a pickle. I'm Pickle Rick!

>> No.14766961

Is it intellectual for you, or do you feel it in your bones? If the latter, remember to check into Buddhism and meditation (meditation is the important part) one day. Learn your mind, tame it, and eventually break it so life doesn't suck anymore, ideally.

>> No.14767040

What should I read to accompany your suggestion.

>> No.14767056


>> No.14767068

Zarathustra is the solution to nihilism, why would you need to advance beyond it?

>> No.14767071

>Your brain on the western philosophical tradition

>> No.14767075

now that you've succeeding in taking apart your vehicle, i hope you've learned enough to put it back together or build a new one. you can always buy one if you're lazy, may not fit perfectly though.

>> No.14767080
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Just be yourself bro.

>> No.14767112
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Meditation is the meat of it. The Mind Illuminated was written by a man who was disgraced by scandal, but that makes me double down for some reason. If you're a nihilist, it probably means you see the world close to how Buddhism wants you to see it, and you'll be open to what you learn with your eyes closed.
Maybe get in the Buddha's words, or what the Buddha taught, but you don't need either of those really. So many larping debators on /lit/ will sow doubt, but you don't get anywhere with much thinking.

>> No.14767128

Just closely examine the implications of nihilism.

>> No.14767152

Camus in chronological order and then revisit Nietzsche. It'll be okay :)

>> No.14767158


>> No.14767174

take off the shit smeared glasses. there's no need or should, just free will to keep you from experiencing the way out.

>> No.14767188
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No you don't need to, if we're just talking philosophical nihlism. In this case you have only to embrace your human nature (which is to assign value and meaning). You need no cosmic 'reasons' — you are the reasoner.

I suspect you're talking about the extremely naive pop-notion of nihilism though, which is commonly bandied about here and used by spiritualists to disparage the secular. This reallly more akin to 'anomie', and the answer to this is also embracing your nature. Avoid the cynical, atomizing neoliberal consoomer culture... Get fit, start a family, join a healthy community, develop a talent. Although there is no gaurantee of happiness in life, there is no great mystery either; the things which tend to grant people stable/lasting happiness have remained the same throughout our history. Respect the basics and don't be fooled by the bread and circuses.

>> No.14767324
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>> No.14767682

>beyond nihilism
Modernism/this is down to novelty bias (which nothing is triggering, because you're in a concrete jungle and the stars are blotted out by light pollution) -- until you regain a sense of the uncanny, you'll keep swimming in circles on the bottom like halibut. Do you ever find it strange that we're all able to communicate, at all?

>> No.14767706

I recommend Camus, but whatever, fuck me, right?

Absurdism is my personal answer to nihilism, until I can find a better one.

>> No.14767721

Lay down and die

>> No.14767749
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Yes. You need to. We all need to. Unless of course we like the path we're on- which is going bad very quickly and accelerating in its descent.
Buddhism is essentially reprogramming your brain to be okay with nihilism. >>14767128
This. Its unsustainable for an individual and a civilisation.
All the existentialist takes hear are folly. You need to keep searching, reading, contemplating until you find some form of trascendant meaning. Or It finds you.

The essential problem with existentialisms is that you can assign or create purpose when your life is part of the purpose Existence.

>> No.14767757

When people talk about deep scientific concepts (such as relativity in which he talks about a lot) and relate them to philosophy is a major red flag in my book. Clearly the kid just watched "What The Bleep DO We Know" or "The Secret". Ugghhh.

>> No.14767758

*you can't assign
To clarify the last statement: a character in a novel cannot determine his own purpose contrary to the purpose of the novel. So it is with us.
Do take the Nachman quote to think I'm suggesting it can only be a theistic purpose. I do, but I understand others wont or cant accept this.

>> No.14767761

>"The Secret"
Is that the thing that was advertised in youtube comments for like a year?

>> No.14767764

I'll play
>Do you ever find it strange that we're all able to communicate, at all?
No, why?

>> No.14767856

>Buddhism is essentially reprogramming your brain to be okay with nihilism.
I thank you for saying that, my buddy also says this. Without falling into belief in a higher power, I'd say it's the next step.

>> No.14767857

based poster

>> No.14767864

It's some woman who rebranded positive thinking. I think it came out before Youtube

>> No.14767867

IDK, it's p old, but apparently it's a cult so...It's ripe to be made fun of.

>> No.14769233

"perhaps that doesn't completely remove your nihilism"

yep he rekt himself

>> No.14769252

Nihilism is where the train tracks of science and language end, from here you will have to proceed on foot. It is not exactly uncharted territory but the maps people have left will appear like gibberish unless you are ready to understand them

>> No.14769261
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>> No.14769305

i just realized mickey is not holding donald by the shirt, he is just drying some dishes, fucking chemicals

>> No.14769320

The real Secret is how to Quim while you Quiff.

>> No.14769337
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Enter the void

>> No.14769659

The real secret is being vapid for my negative attention, you stupid bitch.

>> No.14769661


>> No.14769677

>eternalism debunks nihilism

>> No.14771098

That is the answer to nothing.

>> No.14771132

no such thing as the next step only copes

>> No.14771141

why does he need to? what are you to decide that its bad?

>> No.14771155

Embrace Satanism

>> No.14771162

Liberate yourself, fool. Now that there is nothing, listening to others is just pandering to the premonition of something, anything. Be your own man. Do as you will, just know if you heed others opinions and words then you are assimilating unto the masses once more. Individuality is only for the few.

>> No.14771174

Nihilism is the default before indoctrination

When you become nihilist you become free of stupid shackles which were placed on you by other slaves

>> No.14771185

Exactly, that's the point

>> No.14771250

It’s a dude, geez.

>> No.14771662

Unenlightened people often view nihilism as immature, I disagree. Nihilism is one of few valid ways to interpret the world, other philosophies are just coping and etc.

Only progress is into the subgenres of nihilism, most people are existentialists but just don't realise it, this is why it's the only relevant philosophy in today's society.

Everything is pointless, embrace it.

>> No.14771699

how many times are we gonna make this thread? Do we need to?

>> No.14771930

>subgenres of nihilism
Could you list them for me?

>> No.14772009

Absurdism, Existentialism, Moral Nihil, Metaphysical Nihil and others.

Not like you could've done a quick google search or anything.

>> No.14772278
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First examine why you are a nihilist. You weren't born one. Babies still subconsciously reside in the Garden of Eden, but one day you decided you were a "nihilist" and the world didn't have "meaning".
This could be because you view the world as a Newtonian object-oriented space and time created from the bottom-up by particle physics, which is most typical of modern western people. This scientific view of existence is only supported by the belief that the content of experience (i.e. the mental objects created by the eyes and ears and such) is not only the best way but the only way to gain knowledge. This is a very strange belief, considering most nihilists will admit that conscious experience of the world is akin to a dream or a phantom. Why should you believe in a dream, but not a substructure to the dream, or even a dreamer?

My advice is to look into these topics: C.G. Jung, then Daoism, then Hermeticism and deeper metaphysical analysis. I would recommend a certain monkey-man but I know this board has had enough of him. Really, what is essential is that you understand that this whole existence is a dream, and that necessitates a substructure, much like a human's dream necessitates a subconscious for a dreamer (Dreams aren't random btw. That's nonsense. If dreams were random they'd be like a static dead TV channel). Think less about Newtonian objects, and more about stories and interactions between principles governing reality, which are often the subject of esoteric examination.

Or you could just live and die a nihilist, I suppose that's fine too, even if a little sad.

>> No.14772286

>unenlightened people
What? There is no enlightenment in nihilism. That doesn't make any sense, unless you believe that human thought corresponds to universal truth, which is obviously the opposite of nihilism.
Nihilism, to me, includes a rejection of correct and incorrect belief.