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File: 54 KB, 659x506, proof-that-god-spiderman-exist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14761894 No.14761894 [Reply] [Original]

is it over for religion? I honestly can't argue with that, both are written by humans.

>> No.14761902

Thankfully we don't have to justify our beliefs to dishonest bugmen.

>> No.14761920

While the weak, gullible, stupid, and craven for power still exist, religion will continue to prosper.

>> No.14761942

>Falling for the atheism meme

>> No.14762064

Literal thoughtless antmen. Even if the Earth has a small probability of forming, given that the universe is so big, the probability of an Earth-like planet forming tends to 1 (Borel-Cantelli).

>> No.14762095
File: 37 KB, 480x528, 1397748311879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,

Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.

The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.

This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.

Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras that will no doubt show up it this thread:


>> No.14762106


>> No.14762142

That's to be expected, if you consider that
birthrate of atheists = low compared to other demographics
suicide rate of atheists = high compared to other demographics

>> No.14762153

good riddance

>> No.14762154

Thank you! Very cool!

>> No.14762158

Why are Atheist arguments so weak?

>> No.14762172

*government officials elects bishops completely independent of vatican*
truly Robespierrian

>> No.14762186
File: 41 KB, 612x612, christina hendricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly there's a needless brother war between religious, non-religious, and in-between. Just get along and let others have their own believes. Another thing, a person can really dislike certain religious organizations without having anything against religion. For instance, I dislike the theological governments throughout both the middle ages through today, but am I myself a believer.

>> No.14762197
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>> No.14762219

Because people are starting to realize that you can support scientific ideas and not be an atheist by default.

>> No.14762227

80% of people on this board are NPCs. Doesn't matter whether you go to heaven or hell in the end for a lot of you because you didn't have a soul to begin with.

>> No.14762228
File: 129 KB, 863x1080, 1546144226142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this board attract such a young crowd?

>> No.14762230
File: 306 KB, 1068x601, 14179484852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings brother.

>> No.14762250


>> No.14762263

She was a tripfriend on /fa/ years ago but I've forgotten her name.

>> No.14762280

Sounds more HRE to me.

>> No.14762295

Makes sense when you consider brainlets from third-world countries are pumping out babies left and right. Then they will force their religion onto their children, continuing the vicious cycle.

The fact that people still believe in Abrahamic religions (or any for that matter) baffles me.

I guess that's what happens when you're low IQ.

>> No.14762335
File: 105 KB, 1086x652, internallyLMAO-ingAtAtheists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're so high IQ, why can't you reproduce and pass your genes on to them?

>> No.14762350

What makes you think that atheism is a more intelligent and superior way of living? Are you really ok with it? I've noticed patterns with "atheists". For example a lot of them enjoy supernatural horror (of which a subconscious appeal is the idea of the afterlife). A lot of "atheists" also buy into transhumanist garbage - the dumb idea that in the near future humans will be able to upload their minds into computers and live forever as a result (the same afterlife promise offered by religion). I wouldn't say they're "perfectly fine" with it. Atheists still cry at the loss of loved ones and fear death itself. It seems like a miserable outlook if you ask me.

>> No.14762376

>implying spider-man doesn't exist

>> No.14762396
File: 87 KB, 1500x500, pee-christ-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14762408

What portion of high IQ people do you think there are, relative to the masses? If 80% of people are dumb and have 6 kids, and 20% are smart and have 8 kids, then the next generation will be 90% dumb.

Source: I am dumb.

>> No.14762471

Yeah, everyone wants to live forever in paradise.

Transhumanism, no matter how distant, is a far better solution than just hoping you wake up in heaven when you die.

>> No.14762480

All of it trickles down to the final conclusion: The ones that will produce heirs unto the Earth are the strong/thick-headed/happy, and that it's better to be this man than a miserable, allegedly enlightened loner atheist that will die out like a spark that produces no flame.

>> No.14762495

Religion will have a comeback but in another way. Finally stemlords will find out enough about mysticism and enlightenment to give up on their physicalism and then people like Jung and Plato will become relevant again. Then people will either cling to their religion of choice or a new "religion" will be constructed that encompasses all. This will happen. I know it. Atheists and Scienticists will be viewed just as medieval priests are viewed today.

>> No.14762503
File: 83 KB, 1015x98, writingpromptsgnostic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really relevant but apparently reddit has discovered gnosticism

>> No.14762511

Never claimed to be. Just saying that religious belief is correlated with low IQ. That's all.

It's not so much a matter of being "more intelligent" or "superior". It has to do with rational thinking. If I say God exists, hardly anybody bats an eye. If I say leprechauns exist, people will laugh at me. What's the difference? Both examples have zero evidence for their existence, but for some reason one is accepted by a good portion of the world's population.

>> No.14762518

from what I can tell, Religion can only survive through "atheistic" forms such as Jungian religion, or as moral/metaphysical frameworks without any supernatural elements.

>> No.14762526
File: 6 KB, 297x170, 1581239994871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the universe and all its associated laws didn't create themselves.
Atheism WRECKED.

>> No.14762527

>Religion can only survive through "atheistic" forms
You mean secular?

>> No.14762540

Have I met people that claim they have ever had personal experiences with "God"?
I'll let you know the answer to that: Yes.
Have I met people that claim they have ever so much as encountered a leprechaun?
I'll let you know the answer to that: No, and I lived in Boston a good part of my life, having known many an irish descendant.

>> No.14762594

>the probability of an Earth-like planet forming tends to 1
Right. Just like God intended.

>> No.14762603

Metaphysical frameworks precede religion

>> No.14762622

So it turns out high IQ is an evolutionary dead end. Lamo how will atheists ever recover.

>> No.14762628


>> No.14762660

Thats the magic of any ideology that is discouraging of family, gender-roles, etc. Its self correcting within a generation.

>> No.14762674

I see religious leadership as positive to a society. The corruption in governments stems from man and his misuse of religion for his own benefit, not from the religion itself. But perhaps we are saying the same thing.

>> No.14762690

It's over for everyone who kept reading books after the Middle Ages and embraced capitalism.

>> No.14762699

>implying creation is possible or a creator is a given

>> No.14762714

To suggest that there was no creation and everything simply "has been" takes as much faith as any religion. So whats your point?

>> No.14762762

My point is just that: atheists are as close to the truth as theists are.

>> No.14762764

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of faith

>> No.14762767 [DELETED] 


>> No.14762777

You are a pompous theist who thinks he is right when he is no more right than any atheist.

>> No.14762830

Lmao those digits

>> No.14762837
File: 122 KB, 545x554, Chegum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poetic irony

>> No.14762846

I mean non-supernatural religion. Religion not based on believing in anything science can't prove.

>> No.14762886

Maybe, but my point is that any religion that is not justifiable by "science" will not survive much longer in the current state of western society.

>> No.14763245

Friendly reminder that religious people in first world countries, aside from a few fringe cult-like groups have absolutely abysmal birthrates as well.

This is more a question of 1st/world vs 3rd/world, urban vs rural, etc than religious vs atheist.

>> No.14763265

Imagine trying to argue religion on 4chan, like if any meaningful conversation will happen.

>> No.14763581

retarded that the only thing keeping this image from being considered NSFW by 4channel jannies is a small pink triangle. Coomers rise down!

>> No.14763595

Gnostics today are so retarded. they act like life is some JRPG

>> No.14763611

How come atheists only ever attack Christianity and not anything else?

>> No.14763640
File: 920 KB, 703x813, Hugues_Felicité_Robert_de_Lamennais.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many religious idiots in this thread

>> No.14763662
File: 187 KB, 1042x832, Screenshot_20190730-164054_Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citation needed
Religious people will always have more kids than the agnostic

>> No.14763669

This is why schools *need* to be liberal. To help the spread of disease

>> No.14763670
File: 12 KB, 393x397, FB_IMG_1581960688297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever actually encountered somebody claiming that the Bible is proof that God exists?

Do you even understand the meaning of the word "faith"? Are you illiterate?

>> No.14763689


>> No.14763821

It may be a miserable outlook but that doesn't disprove atheism. I'm an atheist but I think that many ideals of religious people are worth following and if i could make the choice to believe once again in God, I would. I just can't force myself to believe in a supernatural entity.

>> No.14763841

Can this guy do anything other than strawmen cartoons?

>> No.14763846

He's not wrong.
Even the OG fedoratipper himself Dawkins called out nuAtheists+ for this.

>> No.14763867

Because it's seen as the mainstream religion and is thus an acceptable target. Jews are too much of a minority plus antisemitism laws (regardless of your opinion on that), the people who are most likely to be Atheist are also likely to be Left and jerk off Islam for whatever reason, probably because it's anti-establishment in the West. Buddhism is the sort of trendy go-to religion, and Buddhists are so few in numbers in the West that it doesn't pay to attack them. Then you've got like Sikhs and Hindus which either don't exist in the West or nobody notices them.

Just my thoughts. If you had a more vocal Atheist presence in say, the Middle East, you'd likely see them attack whatever religion is the establishment. Up until the theocracy comes down on them.

>> No.14763907

In more ways than not, religion is a profound part of society because it uses the human instinct to find yourself a community to share values.
Atheism is disrupt and more self sufficient, which requires a certain amount of not only intelligence but self awareness and confidence.
There are no community activities and relocatable stories to atheism. Thats why it doesn't grow despite the abundance of factual scientific knowledge available publicly.
It's not over. Maybe religions that require you to accept every word of the faith as law and fact will die out (Islam, Evangelism and Orthodox Judaism) but community focus story telling will not.

>> No.14763909

What partisan webcomic isnt just beating the shit out of strawmen

>> No.14763918

Wasnt pisschrist artist a catholic

>> No.14763930

True. We'll always need religion to fight them.

>> No.14763941

You tell 'em Shlomo.

>> No.14764128

There's nothing miserable about the atheistic outlook. That's a Christian sentiment. The Christian outlook is far more miserable to an atheist.

>> No.14764188

Do you believe other people are conscious? Because there is no evidence that they are either.

>> No.14764196

So, secular.

>> No.14764225

Based. Feels good to be in the majority, I hate weirdos. Being an atheist is a like being a grown ass man who wears a backpack or reads books about trains.

>> No.14764248

I also think this will happen. Christianity will receive an infusion of the Bhagavad Gita and some Buddhism, and be reborn.

>> No.14764255

Stupid comparission. Spiderman is plausible.

>> No.14764324

Atheism is just the consequence of religion. Religion creates community values, which in turn cull the population and eventually produce people who are independent and comfortable enough to want to break away from it in order to feel their own individualism at its fullest potential. These individuals inspire everyone else, creating new religious feelings in the population, and then the cycle repeats.

>> No.14764903

Posts photo of inbred survivalist.

>> No.14764929

I don't understand atheists. If someone has a religious bone in their body why would you want to take that away from them? Imagine seeing the world like a small child where everything is enchanted and imbued with meaning. If atheistic materialism is true and everything is a chance abortion of impersonal chaotic processes then what does it matter what someone believes? Atheists are like immature children who delight in telling their younger siblings that Santa isn't real. It's only motivated by bitterness and resentment.

>> No.14764972

The man in your picture isn't religious and has a ton of kids.

>> No.14764989

>Louis "myths are just describing natural processes" Cachet
>not an atheist

>> No.14765245

Assuming that there is an infinity possibility of any occurance within the universe, it is absolutely within reason to say that spiderman exists. When people say infinite that literally means without any sort of limitation. If you say that some possibility is not actualized within the universe, then you are saying that there is a limit. So either the universe is finite, or spiderman exists.

Of course, if one says the universe is "indefinite" instead of infinite, then that is another story.

>> No.14765284

because people don't become religious for rational reasons, therefore you can't argue it away

people are religious because they teach it to small children before their reason develops

>> No.14765337

Most ardent atheists are disaffected Christians who have adopted a new religion. The logical position is agnosticism: neither faith nor atheism can be falsified. Historical arguments for the evils of religion are almost entirely spurious. The inquisition was a poltical action against jews whose malicious intent against the Christian majority was uncovered. Witch burning was actually quite rare and also had political motives.

>> No.14765372

It's actually in reverse. You've just been playing so many videogames that you think reality is the imitator.

>> No.14765394

It amazes me how much mental gymnastics atheists have to engage in to disprove something their subconsciousness knows is true.

The bible was written by dozens of different people over a span decades. The chances of them all having a mass hallucination of the same events are practically zero. But obviously occam's razor only applies when it's convenient for the atheist 'skeptics'

>> No.14765401 [DELETED] 

It doesn't look like you know the meaning of that word.

>> No.14765410

The bible makes flat out inaccurate statements such as Jews being enslaved in Egypt or domesticated camels being used in Palestine before they were actually brought there.

>> No.14765455

He's pagan and has a ton of kids.
He has already distinguished himself from atheists in atleast one video.
source: my memory, thanks youtube censorship kikes
It doesn't look like you know the meaning of that word.

>> No.14765461

>He's pagan and has a ton of kids.
"I am not religious in any way, but I have a pagan ideology and pagan values."

>> No.14765509

>"Whatever you do a lot of in your life will manifest itself as a hand-me-down trait to your children if you choose to have them."
>other things that atheists would just laugh at.

>> No.14765558

Imagine thinking american "conservatives" are not cringe as fuck

>> No.14765587

It's kind of hard to cringe at them when their opposition are consistently pushing barriers and making themselves look more non-human.

>> No.14765588

>Virtually all scholars who have investigated the history of the Christian movement find that the historicity of Jesus is effectively certain,[1][2][3] and standard historical criteria have aided in reconstructing his life
>However, scholars differ on the beliefs and teachings of Jesus as well as the accuracy of the details of his life that have been described in the gospels
>Despite this, very few scholars have argued for non-historicity and have not succeeded due to abundance of evidence to the contrary

>> No.14765609

>he thinks the bible is a collection of eyewitness accounts

>> No.14765640

That's not what secular means

>> No.14765660


>a span of decades

Lmfao. Try centuries. The 'same events' are, you guessed it, the same stories.

>> No.14765726

I became religious after being atheist most of my life. This happened when I realized materialism makes no sense, that the ancients knew that, that they were not stupid, and that therefore when they speak of a monadic God, I should listen.

>> No.14765731

You seriously overestimate how many details of the ancient past we know. Even with the Greeks it's already sketchy, nevermind the Egyptians.

>> No.14765962

Then since the universe is so big then the chance of God existing tends to 1?

>> No.14765986

Yeah be funny and speak the truth unlike you

>> No.14766022

I have seen pamphlets written by retard protestant weirdos that say that
1. A car has a creator
2. A car has an instruction manual
3. Life has an instruction manual (the Bible)
4. ergo, the universe has a creator
but those people are just retards and not even worth engaging with. They aren't serious.

>> No.14766116

That the animalistic tendency to invent an explanation when something obvious is unavailable grows with 1) the natural population growing and 2) during times of social distortion, economic struggle, and/or strained international activity really doesn't prove anything about religious beliefs other than that low IQ simps desperately searching for answers will always take the easy way out and start making sweeping generalizations about the universe based on a positive serotonin reaction when they imagine there's a simple, convenient explanation for all this confusing stuff that also convenient hands them a generalized abdication of responsibility for their own lives.

>> No.14766128

Ironically, the only actual evidence that the Christian faith is remotely accurate is the Christian Bible. Without it, you'd have nothing but vague feelings about the enormity of the universe, and you'd be calling it something else entirely.

>> No.14766258

What the fuck, the materialist view of the world is the full abdication one, there is no free will there, and no metric by which to judge who is making better use of the atoms.

>> No.14766323

not by the definition of god, no. god supposedly exists outside the universe

>> No.14766409
File: 13 KB, 253x400, 9780825462078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the dozens of modern first-hand witnesses/testimonies count?

>> No.14767368

The bible is not proof that God exists. It is proof of the Christian claim for God. It is what is called 'Special Revelation'. Paul points out in Romans that the evidence for God is all around us. This is called 'General Revelation' the study of which is Natural Theology. I much more sympathetic to someone not believing Jesus Christ is the Son of God (He is) than I am to atheism in general. The furthest you can get away from Christianity and still be somewhat coherent is Deism, but given enough time this leads into Theism which leads into Christianity.

>> No.14767460

>cringe as fuck
>out breeding you
Ah bloo bloo

>> No.14767492

Plenty of superstitions last decades, centuries, even millennia. For example: the belief in ghosts. That's not evidence of their validity, just evidence that no matter how high our consciousness climbs, it doesn't improve the general population's state of ignorance.

>> No.14767539

I took a high dosage of mushrooms, and became god, and I'm still not braindead enough to be religious. I might get there soon if I keep this up though.

>> No.14767541

How so? Can't you still be agnostic atheist or something? How is Deism the only somewhat coherent view, and how does it naturally progress to theism and Christ?

>> No.14767553
File: 60 KB, 905x438, F60C05F0-BC80-4D66-9CFF-6BE7A7D01B1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14767697

>Backpack on a grown ass man
Knock off this fucking astroturf ass meme off

>> No.14767714

Didn't we solve the Gnosticism issue back in like the 5th century or whatever the heck?

>> No.14767733


>> No.14767734


>> No.14767772

what about that guy who said jesus was roman propaganda?

>> No.14767814

I know who you're talking about. I ended up watching a video that debunked him, and it mostly boiled down to a matter of why would the Romans create a messiah who actively worked against their interests. It also posits that the guy was the only person in 2000 years to think that Jesus was Roman propaganda and try to make any proof of it, plus the matter of the successful conspiracy to cover it all up.

>> No.14767825
File: 24 KB, 421x653, 1440134095289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fucking retard
Atheism is growing in absolute terms, but muslims breeding like rabbits, so atheists end up a smaller only on relative terms.
Atheism is growing in both relative and absolute terms in every civilized society, religion is dying off in every country that matters.
There's no huge surge of christianity in China, that's a meme spouted by Fenggang Yang, a known shill for christianity. In reality his predictions that he made almost a decade ago are nowhere near a reality in 2020

>> No.14767828

People have been talking about China becoming majority Christian for almost 150 years at this point.
Every single 'missionary' group for the past 50 years has come out claiming that China is a decade away from being the most Christian nation on the planet, only for that to turn out to be nonsense. How many more times will people latch on to this delusion?

>> No.14767834
File: 362 KB, 913x1763, 1577061114952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.


Daily reminder the overwhelming majority of leading scientists are atheists


Daily reminder most philosophers are atheists


Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human

>> No.14767847

>This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.

It is an undeniable fact that the countries under the Soviet sphere are far less religious than before. Regions like the baltic states, Czech Republic and East Germany are some of the least religious places on the planet, and Russia is irreversibly less religious than during imperial times. Get your pasta right you fucking retard.

>> No.14767862


>> No.14767896

>If someone has a religious bone in their body why would you want to take that away from them?
Because it's in my best interests to do so.
First, the more religious societies are, the more the masses discriminate atheists, so reducing religiosity is beneficial to me.
Second, religion is tightly correlated with backwardness; lack of education, poverty, low IQ, low GDP, lack of innovation, among many others, are correlated with religiosity, reducing it leads to a better society for me to inhabit.
Third, I value truth in itself; religion is intellectually bankrupt while metaphysical naturalism reigns triumphant among intellectual elites for a reason. I rather live in a society where people have epistemically sound beliefs.

>> No.14768169

>religion is dying off in every country that matters
Keep telling yourself that

>> No.14768173

Small drops of water on the head doesn't change the eternal kike.
Read Mein Kampf to get the picture.

>> No.14768731

FACT: Spider-Man saved more people in movies than G*d "did" in "real life"

>> No.14768745

Read the Pew Research Center study yourself, brainlet. Religion is declining in the US and Europe.
The only places where religion is growing is third world shitholes.

>By 2050, four out of every 10 Christians in the world will live in sub-Saharan Africa.
This is the future of your religion lmao

>> No.14768759

>This is the best response the dishonest manipulator of statistics can muster when his lies are exposed.
Yeah conversation is over, we can pack up. You've seen all there is to see here, folks.

>> No.14768774

Religion, birthrates, morals have all been falling in the first world country. What do you faggots think the porchmonkey countries are going to do? Just sit there and breed while leaving the compfy developed countries to grow senile at their own lesiure?
>only in the countries that matter
Youve got nigger tier foresight.

>> No.14768833

>morals have all been falling in the first world country.
Right, while muslim and sub-saharan countries are a leading example of morality, right?
Opinion discarded

>> No.14768909

>everything about god and the universe is explained in a relatively small tome that often contradicts itself or offers pointlessly vague statements about important issues

>> No.14768926

Unfortunately, they all believe in consciousness, which is something science cannot prove.

>> No.14768936

Shit, now that's perceptive.

>> No.14768944

> t. never heard of the hard problem of consciousness

>> No.14769260

really? do you have source on that claim?

>> No.14769280
File: 64 KB, 1087x506, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it over for your ego?

>> No.14769304

No. Because they could be lying.

>> No.14769394


>> No.14769622
File: 44 KB, 692x645, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14769624

Fuck off retard, I have been reading philosophy of mind since before you hit puberty

>> No.14769639


>> No.14769699

Christianity is dying in the west, but other religions are still growing, especially the eastern ones and Islam.

>> No.14769767

Are you claiming you know what consciousness is?

>> No.14769900

Based retard

>> No.14769923

> I read philosophy of mind
> I also have nothing to say

>> No.14769928

Can you follow reply chains?

>> No.14769993

Can you? You say metaphysical naturalism is the most clearly correct. I insinuate the hard problem of consciousness presents an insurmountable problem to it. You fall back to insults.

>> No.14770029

I knew from your first posy you were the same retard that always claims the hard problem somehow defeats naturalism, without further elaboration or aegumentation.
Hint: It doesn't. Make a cogent case or fuck off.

>> No.14770060
File: 65 KB, 1280x721, 87D29C89-210B-434F-A986-E6376CC1FA20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walloping web-snapper dubs of truth!
>what is difference of words on on page and *reflective surface?*
It’s a shame humans adopted these hardline theologies that insisted theirs is the only “true” faith. Some claim that was inevitable though.

>> No.14770090

And how many of their kids remain religious?

>> No.14770123

It does because unless physics somehow explains what consciousness is, there will never be a solution to it, neuroscience is not fundamental. The physicalist accounts all seem to want to sidestep answering why there is awareness at all. I guess there is panpsychism, but that doesn't address how atoms would hypothetically generate consciousness. Then there is functionalism, which wants to argue the question is a linguistic mistake, but it's unclear to me how that is a naturalist explanation, at best it just says the naturalist take is one way of many to talk about mind. How do you reconcile naturalism with the hard problem of consciousness?

>> No.14770149

How do I reconcile? That would imply there's a contradiction somewhere, which there isn't. A gap of knowledge does not entail any contradiction in naturalism.
Do you know David Chalmers himself is explicitly a naturalist?
The Hard Problem has been known for decades, and it has done little to undermine the dominance of naturalism.

By the way, how do YOU explain reality has a subjective ontology associated with it? It's your response something akin to "literally magic" like substance dualism?

>> No.14770272

That's what I don't see, knowledge closing the gap. That would imply there are new physics hidden in the brain. Or panpsychism will turn out true, but that would practically be a religious revelation.

My own perception is that there is something beyond the material, and that the ancients actually knew a lot about this something beyond. Some Indian texts allude to Chalmer's position. I.e. the notion that you're not the doer of your actions is congruent with determinism, that what one actually is is the witness, the perceiver.

>> No.14770297

>That's what I don't see, knowledge closing the gap.
I don’t either, I’m a new mysterian, and I don’t have any problem with that. So far, I don’t see that challenging my belief in naturalism, we don’t need to be omniscient to hold a worldview.

>> No.14770408


>> No.14770448

I will admit I have trouble discerning the difference between materialism and naturalism. Are you a materialist?

>> No.14770449

Christians are this decade's fedoras

>> No.14770481

A nonreductive physicalist, yes

>> No.14770603

>protestant christians
who cares lol

>> No.14770613

the spiderman proof looks a little flimsy.

>> No.14771750

ignoring the entire arguement to focus on some vaugely related tertiary point and then declare yourself the winner is thot-tier problem solving

>> No.14771758

Enough to remain above replacement level

>> No.14771775

Because thinking such a complex universe came from nothing makes you smart

>> No.14771830

What argument?
The Pew study does take immigration into account already, go eat shit.

>> No.14772404

I believe his arguement was that the third world countries do matter

>> No.14772453

The study you posted puts athiests at 3.1% of the US. Unaffiliated does not mean athiest.

>> No.14772455

To put that into persepctive, there are more faggots in the US than actual athiests

>> No.14772456

Notice how this entire thread is devoid of arguments.

>> No.14772496
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