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14761873 No.14761873 [Reply] [Original]

How did a writer both as simultaneously mediocre and as racist as H P Lovecraft stay relevant to this day (particularly with soiboys?).

>> No.14761886

he has a somewhat of a refined style that would fool the average reader into thinking they are reading Literature.

>> No.14762099

The enduring appeal of HP Lovecraft and Robert E Howard and other pulp writers comes from the fact that they existed before comic books and television. People were reading weird rags for entertainment in the same way they now browse Netflix. Why would you be unironically surprised or appalled at how they - the best of a dead written medium intended for pure entertainment - remain successful at entertaining readers?

>> No.14762110

It’s the novel mythos and style they popularized more than it being particularly good.

>> No.14762113

>complains about racism
>disparages soibys
This is like Shadow Over Innsmouth where the protagonist discovers he was a soiboy all along.

>> No.14763059

Who’s complaining?

>> No.14763064

Capital exploitation of lower-middle class whiteboy culture (particularly heavy metal and bad fiction)

>> No.14763089
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This, the pulps existed before genreshit was really crystalized and self-aware. What we now call Sword & Sorcery and Weird Fiction were the prototypes for the next hundred years of fiction.

>> No.14763121

He inspired a lot of the directors who delve into horror, it's well written, original and touches upon a thematic that is immortal. Also the face he choose to represent the wall of terror that will crush humanity is very memorable.

>> No.14763123


sorry but he really hit the tone with the metaphyics, transdimensional mathematics, and post-cyclopean architecture in dreams in the witchhouse and also FUCK NIGGERS

>> No.14763150

No, he's pointing out that soiboys would normally be the ones fainting and swooning and i-dont-evening over any hint of racism. Their response to Lovecraft is a strange outlier in this regard.

> How did a writer both as simultaneously mediocre and as racist as H P Lovecraft stay relevant to this day
Very simple. He was the last popular author to skate under the copyright laws. His stuff is in the public domain, and thus people use it to provide context for their own work.

Everything that came later is not in the public domain.

>> No.14763295

Tbh I think people are just fascinated by trying to wrap their heads around their unheadaroundwrapable. Like trying to imagine a new color, trying to think of the so ancient, so big, so fucked up think it can't be understood is mysterious and fun

>> No.14763296
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Because being racist is based.

>> No.14763350

Lovecraft hates filthy beasts roaming the cities. He also hates dogs.

>> No.14763386

The most interesting thing is that basedboys ignore the fact that in the last few months of his life he recanted many of his beliefs and made statements that indicate he was changing his political views quite dramatically.

It's all frustrated envy imho. A giant who still a century later towers over the genre, no matter how many impostors have tried to advance and change it.
He has no contemporary Rowling, no contemporary GRRM. Or Hobb. Or Vance.

>> No.14763391

post statements please, sounds interesting

>> No.14763396
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>> No.14763399

“Business and capital are the fundamental enemies of human worth in that they exalt and reward the shrewdly acquisitive rather than the intrinsically superior and creative.” -Lovecraft

>> No.14763403
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