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/lit/ - Literature

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14761190 No.14761190 [Reply] [Original]

>life is pain and boredom
Schopy was unironically right. I have learnt to somehow avoid pain but how the fuck do i tackle boredom?

>> No.14761200


>> No.14761201

u gotta fuck all those sluts OP

>> No.14761202

by posting pictures of Asian models on an image board about books

>> No.14761207

Bro, pain and boredom are literally just bodily sensations. Just sit back and enjoy the movie.

>> No.14761217

>enjoy torture bro

>> No.14761220

How much do they cost?

>> No.14761228

Yes, literally can be done with enough aversion to the senses. Or rather, just be indifferent to the torture. That Vietnamese monk who set himself on fire didn't make a sound.

>> No.14761240

Choose your own purpose. I suggest never reading pessimistic crap like Schopenhauer again

“Boredom is self inflicted” said I guy I knew

>> No.14761247


>> No.14761253

browse /lit/ for eternity

>> No.14761271

Not an argument.
If you want to be a mopey misanthrope, that’s your purpose. Just don’t expect much out of it. If you’re so bored you think there’s no reason to live, I disagree, but don’t waste time. Kys or don’t.

>> No.14761292
File: 197 KB, 1242x1294, 1556295923827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-are they ladybois?

>> No.14761338

Fuck these Pattaya whores or go home!

>> No.14761359


>> No.14761370

A guy I knew. What is this insinuating?

>> No.14761385

>be bored
>w-w-w-w-well k-kys then misanthrope!
Lmao. The most interesting part of your day is namefagging on 4chan, I suggest no one take advice from this thing.

>> No.14761399

farming unironically. small scale for joy, large scale for depression and fear of God. i'd love to have my own house away from the city, small garden, just sit, read, browse, smoke cigar for a while. would like to manufacture stuff using only local stuff too, not sure what yet. maybe bees wax candle since those are expensive af, and bees are good for everyone & their mother.

>> No.14761415

>Defending “cringe posting”
It’s just not an adequate argument. Obviously.

>> No.14761420

bro they thai bar hookers

>> No.14761562

The most boring drugs desu

>> No.14762386

>pessimistic crap
Realistic great writing*

>> No.14762412

>pessimistic crap
what literature is left, depending on how you view crap? in poetry eliot is out, philosophy nietzsche, etc.

>> No.14762443
File: 53 KB, 850x400, quote-life-swings-like-a-pendulum-backward-and-forward-between-pain-and-boredom-arthur-schopenhauer-49-85-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but how the fuck do i tackle boredom?
If you had actually read his essay instead of the quote on the picture, you would have learned how: Arts, Philosophy, and the Sciences. Basically any substantial intellectual activity. But something tells me this doesn't suit you or anyone else in the thread.
There is only one thing I suggest to you and only to you: kill yourself do the world a favor.

>> No.14762925
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>> No.14762936

>>The most interesting part of your day is namefagging on 4chan, I suggest no one take advice from this thing.
you cannot refute this

>> No.14762941

boredom is just a form of laziness. get off your ass and do something bitch.

>> No.14762951
File: 12 KB, 297x313, 1579580107039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you get out of posting with a trip? Like what is the point.I can only conceive it being for attention because no matter what you say you get shut down.

>> No.14763168

>tfw don't feel ever bored but feel constant pain

>> No.14763274

Boredom is a symptom of a shitty, soulless existence. To be sure, life is not easy, but people who avoid suffering or are bored when life has so much to offer are not even trying.

>> No.14764154


>> No.14765221

Imagine being a poor south east asian boy and then growing up and becoming one of these

>> No.14765253

>”Wisdom” from a bipolar misogynist
I guess we all look for heroes with our same afflictions ... no?
> Basically any substantial intellectual activity.
So he isn’t all bad, just a creep half the time. Yes, intellectual activity is rewarding too. There are others activities that are rewarding. Does he mention them?

This endless and stupid question, of course! Love seeing it. So vapid. Do you really think you can shame this old woman? All so tiring indeed.

>> No.14765556

Enjoy never achieving catharsis

>> No.14765565

>So he isn’t all bad, just a creep half the time.

Kill yourself

>> No.14765568

unironically the answer is reading voraciously from a wide variety of things

literally anytime i browse /lit/ i see you
get a life
do anything

>> No.14765571

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.14765589

Don't avoid pain, because boredom is solved through pain. Exercise requires pain but increases your sexual attractiveness; this attractiveness can be used to exploit new opportunities. Working hard to get money requires pain, but you will have more fun if you have more money. /lit/ people are couch potato communists so they aren't the best people to emulate if you want to tackle boredom.

>> No.14765603

>can be used to exploit new opportunities
then what?

>> No.14765638

And then free drinks
and then sex
and then new job
and then new employee
and then new cult members
and then etc etc where being attractive applies. If you're an academic then getting more money is more efficient at tackling boredom, because it means you get more journal subscriptions. Charisma can help in getting the job to support that.

>> No.14766189

Apparently coffee has some health benefits.