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14758613 No.14758613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Destiny vs Vaush
Which one is /ourguy/?

>> No.14758615

neither uwu

>> No.14758616

not literature. enjoy your ban :)

>> No.14758629

Your kind belong on twitter

>> No.14758635

Imagine coming all the way from reddit to post this.

>> No.14758652

Give me the basic gestalt. I will never watch it

>> No.14758653


>> No.14758655

It's 20 mins. Destiny goes off yelling like an autist and picks up boomer politics.

>> No.14758657

The one who doesn't shill his shitty podcast on 4chan.

>> No.14758661
File: 30 KB, 598x228, Screenshot_2020-02-20 Gatekeeper Kantbot ( KANTBOT20K) Twitter(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter can be quite kino.

>> No.14758673

I predict destiny is gonna pull a Peterson move and will admit that he's severely addicted to some medication.

>> No.14758685

Does he manage to make Vaush come across as not massively retarded
by comparison because that would be some accomplishment

>> No.14758692

Dunno much about the manchild gamer youtube circles, but from what I've seen, Destiny is rather quick witted and well articulated, a decent sophist. Whereas the fat guy is just another dumb left-liberal, incapable of entertaining different ideas.

>> No.14758694

Vaush and Destiny both dislike reading so there is no point discussing them.

>> No.14758793

>Destiny is rather quick witted and well articulated

>> No.14758801

>pedo vs self confessed cuck
idk senpai

>> No.14758809


>> No.14758838

Destiny is such a SEETHING cunt! He literally bans people for ANYTHING LMFAO! Fuck you Destiny, you can't BAN me here, COOMER. Also, tell JadetheJaguar to go on the Rajj Royale show more, I want to see her tits more.

>> No.14758841


>> No.14758843

>See what I did there? That was hyperbole.
That was the most reddit shit, Destiny lost just for saying that shit.

>> No.14758850

Are you that Pascal cunt!? I FUCKING HATE YOU, YOU SUCK! I hope you get you face fucked!

>> No.14758851

Ecelebfags are the worst

>> No.14758891

Didunt destini get btfo by an 70 old niiger

>> No.14758906
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It was dare I say... amazin'?

>> No.14758913

I stopped watching after 5 minutes it's just the two of them yelling over eachother. Also vaush is one of the few YouTube leftists that is not insufferable and can make edgy jokes without shitting himself in fear of getting cancelled, i like him

>> No.14758973


>> No.14758982


>> No.14759002


>> No.14759006

I don't know who the other guy is but Destiny is as lame and predictable as possible. You say a regular poor guy has trouble moving and Destiny will turn that into "a war veteran with 27 children" just to make what you said seem ridiculous. That's how he argues and if you're not prepared for it you can easily be led by the nose because he does that consistently and it's exhausting. It's sophistry.

>> No.14759051

Destiny went full radical centrist he is cringe. He likes corporate shills like Bloomberg, Biden, and Pete Buttplug over Sanders like wtf.

>> No.14759056

Why doesn't Destiny just fuck Brittney Venti? She clearly needs it.

>> No.14759063


>> No.14759066

She needs a big mutt cock, like mine

>> No.14759096

Wasn't Vaush the retarded fatso that got extremely agitated debating I, Hypocrite? If it's him, the other guy has to be mentally impaired not to drag him to the ground, but knowing youtube, that was probably the case.

>> No.14759157

Destiny is cringe but he had the balls the debate AltHype so I like him over Vaush

>> No.14759187

I was genuinely surprised by how civil he was in the **** enoch debate.
You think if there were a person worthy of Destiny's trademark disingenuous gish galloping and argument dismissing it would be someone of low moral character like Peinovich.

>> No.14759204

Neither fuck you

>> No.14759223
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The whole e-debate and political YouTube scenes make me so damn cynical.

>> No.14759274

It's like he dumped his intelligence stat and maxed out his wisdom.
Truly a fascinating build.

>> No.14759280

"Centrist" is a dumb reddit term.
Destiny is simply a liberal.

>> No.14759323
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>> No.14759350

Considering he's refered to himself and his fans as "the true centrists." I'd have to disagree.

>> No.14759373

I'd classify him as neoliberal.
From what I gather, he believes that collective capital rights > individual rights.

I remember hearing him try to justify that Apple using slave labor in China was good because it made a cheaper iPhone. A liberal wouldn't agree with that, but a neoliberal would.

>> No.14759377

The faggot manlet is a textbook narcissist. It's useless to evaluate his beliefs from outside the lens of his narcissism. He will hold whatever beliefs attract him the most attention in the moment to feed his narcissism and provide him with opportunities to engage in public spectacle disputes for even more attention. He is not a man of character, merely a vessel driven by an addiction to praise and validation. He is the intellectual form of an e-thot.

>> No.14759402

Vaush. Neoliberal Destiny is embarrassing.

>> No.14759409

Wait... people here actually watch eceleb debates?

>> No.14759428


>> No.14759440
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>> No.14759465

>wait.. you mean 4channers aren't intergalactical mongol monks that practice zebrah piss intermittent fasting, high intensity interval training and semen retention?
no fucking way

>> No.14759479

There is nothing wrong with neoliberalism

>> No.14759490


>> No.14759512

the only podcast that's not completely retarded is the tekwars stuff by kantbot. I used listen to some of density's debates couple of years ago. But the cuban midget's nihilism and the fact that he surrounded himself with people like Vaush who literally got his fanbase from d-boys subreddit, and Cenk's nephew who is a champagne LA communist preaching about Praxis while trying to get more viewers for his uncle's network made me question el cubanitos brain power.

>> No.14759518

The "socialist" types have no chance of winning against liberals unless they start promoting socially conservative values or illiberal systems, like China for example.

>> No.14759533

the bugmen are literally executing pets as we speak, how can chinese PR image ever recover after HK riots, bat-soup and now killing pets?

>> No.14759564

this is what /lit/ has fucking become
people discussing which youtuber they like best

>> No.14759584

I imagine hell as being forced to watch Breadtube/Sciencefag videos on loop for eternity

>> No.14759591

Destiny is the epitome of a pseud.

>> No.14759605

>how can chinese PR image ever recover
Chinese arms and wealth will bring the Chinese image back to it's golden height.

>> No.14759608

You're joking right?

>> No.14759609

I guess Vaush. Leftism is dumb but Centrism is caved in head retarded

>> No.14759617

Jesus these men argue like women. How many people watch these faggots?

>> No.14759628

I watch Destiny because he has a woman's name.

>> No.14759646

Why should collective capital have more rights than the individual?
If a bank and I both commit the same crime, why do I go to jail and the bank just has to pay a inconsequential fine (if that).

>> No.14759668

How could a bank commit the same crime as a person? Do you mean a person who owns a bank or what?

>> No.14759729

women are not people, so very few. but lots of NPCs watch them

>> No.14759730


No one who owned the bank went to jail. None of the shareholders, I don't think any of the board appointed managers.
Meanwhile if I got caught laundering money to drug cartels, I probably wouldn't be talking to you right now.

>> No.14759751

>too bad bro i know your friends and family are important but your landlord's rent is due move out or die
was DENSEity always a neoliberal?

>> No.14759752

The bank is more important than you. Also this is not a tenet of neoliberalism.

>> No.14759759
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>> No.14759763

>Nooooooo what do you mean I can’t stay on someone’s property for free against their consent?

>> No.14759772
File: 66 KB, 167x301, neo-liberalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bank is more important than you.
>this is not a tenet of neoliberalism
You're either jewish or retarded.
Or both.

>> No.14759785

In many places you practically can. Liberals make it so difficult to evict people and then they'll turn around and wonder why the rent is so high or an unpaid parking ticket from 20 years ago disqualifies people.

>> No.14759793

Neoliberalism is just supply-side neoclassical economics. Banks are believed to be useful, sure, but no necessary. Capital can be funded through investors and not banks.

>> No.14759795

Because it's harder to put a building in jail.

>> No.14759797

Destiny is an unironic /pol/tard

>> No.14759805

>just move out of the home you were born and raised in bro
>just leave all your friends and family and any local social bonds you had
desnity owns rental properties doesn't he?

>> No.14759810

Vaush is an authoritarian communist larping as an anarchist

>> No.14759818

actually he's just a fat h*mo lmao

>> No.14759821

He just annoys me with his myopic takes and his inability to criticize the left when it deserves it. He literally had a commie uprising in his subreddit that's why Vaush who was sending unsolicited dick-picks to chicks got booted the fuck out. The fat commie samurai should shut the fuck up. And destiny has no one but himself to blaim for creating this obese shitter.

>> No.14759829

>what is the internet
Also why should people have the right to infringe on others’ pursuit of happiness when those others want to move and raise the property value of a neighborhood?

>> No.14759857

Wait a minute, cheaper, rural areas actually have even less job opportunities than the high cost of living, dense cities. How is moving out a reasonable solution to poverty?

>> No.14759875

I tried to watch Destiny but it was too annoying. Dude was trying to argue why starting with the Greeks was irrelevant to trying to do philosophy.

>> No.14759913

Not really. Even though /pol/ is more like /b/ nowadays, there are still many who are for nationalism and for social conservatism, two things that Destiny is against.

>> No.14759916

He annoys the fuck out of me sometimes. It's good that he exist though, to challenge the right wing ideas. But still, he can be the most insufferable faggot in existence sometimes.

>> No.14759932

What do you mean challenge right wing ideas?

Destiny is literally the reason I am a right winger instead of conservative. He made me realize there isn't a single rational person on the left. This is the best they can do and it is nothing but hot air.

>> No.14759937

Destiny is retarded but that is right

>> No.14759951
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>Density literally says moving is not hard
what the fuck???

>> No.14759975

>capable of navigating to a literature discussion board on a semi-niche website reviled by mainstream media
>incapable of fathoming a life in which one does not live paycheck to paycheck
who am i quoting and what did he/him mean by this

>> No.14760019

>thinking you can truly understand a subject without learning about its historical roots and how it ended up that way

>> No.14760053

Life is hard. Some people are luckier than others. Is whining about these basic facts everything you people can do? Why don't you try to come up with solutions and see how solving this is not easy?

If you want the state to take care of people more, then the state also needs more control over people's lives and that would honestly suck.

>> No.14760147

Ah yes Healthcare isn't a human right. Markets are the ethical position. Corrupt people taking money from billionaires is fine.

>> No.14760155

Destiny is right, many people aren't mature enough to have a conversation about giving up their home.

It's incredibly frustrating to ever try to have any conversation about the realities of someone's situation without fucking sea lions coming out of the wood work making snarky remarks about how you're casting blame and excusing the system.

Telling someone who is adding $200 a month to their credit card debt while approaching being maxed out that they should consider moving to some place more affordable is not a condemnation on their character and we should be able to say that ignoring that situation or the workable solutions is bad or even stupid. We should be able to talk about giving up things that are important to the individual if it means a better outcome for them, like say avoiding bankrupcy and being evicted anyway. None of these discussions excuse the poor state of our real estate market or condemn the individual for having to live in them. We should be able to have these conversations...

... without a fucking horde of sea lions calling you a dirty capitalist.

>> No.14760200

Why would it be and why would socialist systems be better at providing it?
They are
Not a tenet of neoliberalism.

>> No.14760231

>Why would it be
If you are poor and die sucks for you. This is the ethical position to take right.

>why would socialist systems be better at providing it?
I never said a socialist system would be better.

>They are
They aren't

>Politicians taking money from billionaires is fine.
How about now

>> No.14760269

> I never said a socialist system would be better.
Then what is your solution?
> If you are poor and die sucks for you.

>> No.14760280

>Then what is your solution?
Healthcare in a capitalist system? Who is talking about socialism

Why is healthcare not a right? Better question to ask.

>> No.14760311

I'm from Easter Europe. Was a major poorfag, lived on a farm raising chickens and growing potatoes. Had no money at all, no jobs there.

Moved to the UK and now I'm middle class with a degree.

This is a retarded argument though, like yeah some people can move some can't. Why argue hypotheticals.

>> No.14760453

Going suburban to urban made me even poorer desu