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/lit/ - Literature

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14757504 No.14757504 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any favorite writers who are of sexually enlightened denominations? Who are they? Thomas Mann is my favorite gay writer

>> No.14757519
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Kiss of the Spider Woman, ons of thd best novels I have ever read.

>> No.14757596

I love the grimm brothers, they were gay incest lovers

>> No.14757690

>sexually enlightened
Does Georges Bataille count? If so he's pretty based and I enjoy his novels.

>> No.14757723

Cute hands post feet

>> No.14757799


>> No.14757892

Where the fuck do I even find Joseph and his brothers, I've been searching in the UK for so long but everywhere is out of stock

>> No.14757902

>Do you have any favorite writers who are of sexually enlightened denominations?
Yes, OP.

>> No.14757991


>> No.14758005

mishima and gogol

>> No.14758013


>> No.14758120

I just got it on Amazon.

>> No.14758126

What's a good place to start with Mann?

>> No.14758138

Try his short stories first.

>> No.14758156

If you want something short try Tonio Kröger (maybe avoid Death in Venice as an entry point). If you want something longer try Buddenbrooks.

>> No.14758344

The Porter translation of Faustus is by far inferior to the later Woods translation.

I dont know why everyman didn't re reissue their edition as they did with everything else. .

>> No.14758766

Gays reproduce via sexual molestation of minors. No wonder he's your favorite.

>> No.14758775


>> No.14758790

Thomas Mann is fantastic, though he seems to be a bit of a blindspot for /lit/.

I've been looking for it too, though in my native swedish. His other major works all got stellar new translations in the 2010s and are in print; Joseph and His Brothers not so much.

>> No.14758917

Jean Genet, I recommend you Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs

>> No.14759221

Dennis cooper

>> No.14760315

god yes, so underrated on /lit/

truly a GOAT novel