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14755190 No.14755190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books about ugly people?

>> No.14755204


>> No.14755205

the Hunchback of Notre Dame

>> No.14755221
File: 2.51 MB, 4000x2667, litspirationbeach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14755262

Jane Eyre

>> No.14755264

Being unattractive is a grossly neglected area when it comes to exploring any number of neurosis and pathologies. Ugly less so.

>> No.14755275


>> No.14755276

Post how attractive you guess you are and how strangers generally treat you
I'm generally recognized as quite attractive and most people treat me very well, with the exception of some men who seem instantly hostile towards me

>> No.14755277

speak english retard lol

>> No.14755278

fuck twitter screencaps

>> No.14755298

As an attractive man I approve of her tweet lol

>> No.14755314
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why are women so mean guys

>> No.14755321
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Lol this is her boyfriend btw
She should take her own advice

>> No.14755327

Damn she has kind of a sam hyde energy
Surpringly kind of based sounding here, not gonna lie

>> No.14755330

Did Sam Hyde go around fucking his friends dads as a teenager too?

>> No.14755333

No but if he had been born a woman you bet your ass he would have

>> No.14755335
File: 155 KB, 846x1257, uggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the boyfriend she was talking about, pic related is

>> No.14755339

>sam hyde energy
So that's why she's so repulsive

>> No.14755342

Well you subjugated them all of history what do you expect

>> No.14755345

Shouldn't have been weak enough to let us do it!

>> No.14755358

>tfw babyface and this is the only type of beard you an grow
Its all a joke.

>> No.14755360

I'm one of the few 10/10 men I've ever seen. Many women are openly flirtatious around me and get kind of giggly, some catcall, while others are too shy to speak. Men generally resent me, though some are very friendly.

>> No.14755361

How does someone change their strength?

>> No.14755370

Same way you change if you're being subjugated
Whine and hope

>> No.14755372

Sure thing fatties, post faces

>> No.14755389

>Same way you change if you're being subjugated
you can change if you're subjugated, but you can't change your strength.

>> No.14755420

reply to my post if you get an answer, im interested as well

>> No.14755425

I'm not attractive, maybe a 4/10 - 5/10 if I continue to lose weight (32 BMI right now, but I have a fair bit of muscle). If I smile at people, they smile back. If I don't, they don't. Almost all men and women are nice to me, but I've never been in a relationship that I didn't initiate.

>> No.14755435

>but I've never been in a relationship that I didn't initiate
were you being interesting enough for the other party to consider initiating? this is what it comes down to

>> No.14755467

>just be interesting brah
kek you people really need to neck yourselves

>> No.14755474

I don't know

>> No.14755476

what do you expect, a secret sauce that unlocks the mystery of dating?

>> No.14755479

it's just a retarded thing to even ask.

>> No.14755498

>men hate me because I'm good looking
are you trannies or something?

>> No.14755509

BASED Savannah

>> No.14755512

I'm an above average looking guy and I've had guys at parties seethe at my good looks. We all do it, guys and gals. To imagine that a better looking person automatically has a better life.

>> No.14755539

Wow i bet girls make stuff come out of your weenie A LOT

>> No.14755550

Case in point. I'm a manlet so I'm automatically shy. Having a pretty face does help here and there however.

>> No.14755555


>> No.14755556

As an ugly retard, I have to disagree. I own my own video/media production company and I automatically assume good looking people are good to have in my network. I'm almost always nice to them.

>> No.14755558

Anything based in the UK

>> No.14755564

see >>14755372

>> No.14755568

Im a shy, hot chad but im attracted to fat girls who think they don't have a chance with me but in reality that make my dick so hard. What do I do fellas? Make myself uglier?

>> No.14755571

I guess 6-7 based on what non-family people tell me.
I'm not talkative so people kinda forget I exist.

>> No.14755595

Had an ex gf tell me I’d be a 10/10 if I wasn’t a manlet :/

Most people are friendly to me and either go out of their way to talk to me or at least make life easier. Some men give me the cold shoulder, but most buddy up to me right away. Girls it’s hit or miss because I’m short. Usually I can tell they like my face, but I’m mogged by anyone with an 8/10 face who’s above 5’9. Height really matters and it sucks

>> No.14755596

>fat girls think they don't have a chance
I see you've never been to be a bar.

>> No.14755602

>gf tell me I’d be a 10/10 if I wasn’t a manlet
do you still have her number?

>> No.14755613

see >>14755564

>> No.14755620
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fellow handsome manlet

>> No.14755642

honestly, its the jaw. she has the jaw structure and jaw mannerisms of a hillbilly farmer with a packed lip.

>> No.14755643

Probably a real life 8 when I was in my early to mid 20's. Now I'm 30, balding and the alcoholism is really beginning to take its toll, so it's over for me.

>> No.14755649

im invisible fgm

>> No.14755658

lol, i had a girl tell my friend "he's so hot, but his personality just ruins it." the thing is though, i'm fuckin ugly and this girl just had dogshit taste and only cared about height+long hair i think. her last boyfriend before we started talking looked like a brutish slav.

>> No.14755678

Expected footfag shit but I was pleasantly surprised. The format is identical to all the gay captioned porn you see on /gif/. I honestly was expecting some x-change type

>> No.14755681

>i'm fuckin ugly and this girl just had dogshit taste and only cared about height+long hair
You can't just get my hopes up about that being an actual thing like that anon.

>> No.14755690

How tall r u

>> No.14755702

5 9

>> No.14755708

180 cm

>> No.14755723

6 ft

>> No.14755724

I'm probably a 4, maximum 5 out of 10. A very attractive friend of mine, one of those that sleeps with a different girl or two each week, told me I'm a 6, but I think he was just being nice.
I'm too skinny and don't have any remarkable super manly features. Have a pretty slow sex life, used to get laid once or twice a year, or be in a long term relationship, usually with girls that would be a 6 or a 7 as well. Those girls usually were socially awkward or would be an 8, 9 if they weren't chubby. Most attractive girl I've been with is realistically an 8, even if I would rate her 10.

Women who are attracted by me usually describe me as charismatic and more intelligent/cultured than average. Women that are not attracted by me usually describe me as "cute". Most women that are into me met me in a situation where I was displaying some kind of relevance/hierarchical significance in an academic or art circle. I have never dated a girl outside of academic/artsy realms.

Other than this women are neutral, although I can feel the sort of disgust behind the "cute" naming. Men usually treat me neutrally too, or sometimes with disgust because I definitely don't represent any big macho stereotype.

At this point in my life I think I'm jaded and I have already turned down a couple of sex opportunities. It's bizarre to think this would ever happen, because as a teenager I used to fantasize about ever having the chance of having sex one day. The kind of dating landscape right now deeply disgusts me however, and I have no interest in polygamy or any of that kind of shit.

>> No.14755729

Four and a third cubits

>> No.14755744

>Women that are not attracted by me usually describe me as "cute".
in what situations lol

>> No.14755746

i went to a tech high school and those girls would fuck anything desu. you have to be a real horny cumslut to go to a trade high school, the guys there are like apes.

>> No.14755758

Brief Interviews With Hideous Men

>> No.14755781

i honestly don't understand how men can be in a relationship these days. it seems like the most fucking emasculating thing you could do short of becoming a trap. i literally cannot comprehend being with a girl and not putting a baby in her.

>> No.14755805

I am 2/10 at best (at least Im not overweight), I have treacher collins syndrome and mild scoliosis. People naturally assume I'm retarded based on that alone.

>People never smile at me and when I smile at them they get uncomfortable
>Women don't want anything to do with me in a social sense let alone a romantic sense
>Guys tend to avoid inviting you or having anything to do with you to places/situations where women are present.
>Normal and friendly gestures people make tend to be interpreted as creepy when I do it.
>I have to put a lot of effort into conversation to make it go well as people are less forgiving and willing to initiate, things never 'just happen' socially
>Kids get told off for staring at me/pointing
>The majority of feelings people have about me is disgust and or pity.

I cant even begin to comprehend how your life must be and the opportunities its brought you.

>> No.14755808


>> No.14755813

average, but balding badly in mid 20s. people treat me with ambivalence. they are almost always polite and amicable and i react likewise. they never make an effort to grow closer than acquaintances and neither do i. as our relationship extends in duration they usually gradually acquire a distaste for me, becoming more punctual, awkward, and distant in all our interactions.

>> No.14755820

Shit dude that sucks. I'm sorry

>> No.14755833

Unironically how do you deal with this?

>> No.14755876

if Fredrick Brennan can find a wife, I think you still have a chance

>> No.14755882
File: 40 KB, 434x393, angery (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm quite happy with the way I look but nobody else agrees.

>> No.14755885

You're talking about something you think or believe or whatever and she says "oh my god you're so cute" or something like this.
I'd say 99% of women who called me cute would never sleep with me, and 99% of women who slept with me would never use the word "cute" to refer to my ideas or whatever. "Sweet", "adorable" are ok, but "cute" is a death sentence.

If a girl calls you "cute", it's usually not a good sign.

>> No.14755892
File: 114 KB, 945x1500, adrift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If a girl calls you "cute", it's usually not a good sign.

>> No.14755894

a woman I slept with called me cute but I was 15 and she was in her late 20s so i might actually have been cute to her

>> No.14755899


>> No.14755901

I think I'm a 5-8 depending on the lighting and what I'm wearing
I'm pretty weird I had almost perfect genes except for malocclusion and the braces and unnecessary extractions made me a really bad jawlet.
But my body and the rest of my face are fine, and I grow a good beard
I have very bad self image issues, but I've banged 2 solid 10s and countless 7s so I can't be that bad

>> No.14755907

You can't imagine being in a relationship so your solution is to impregnate women? What do you do after getting them pregnant, just leave?
You might hate women, but why the fuck would you do this to the child?

>> No.14755912

Not fantastically but I get by, Ive never really known any other life and the internet makes it much easier to socialise and generally be introverted especially once you are finished with highschool and university. Probably the only bit of useful insight for coping with loneliness induced by ugliness is to volunteer at old folks homes or generally have more to do with old people. They might not be as filtered as regular people but they genuinely appreciate the company and are rarely as harsh – plus they often have a lot of good stories.

Oh I know its never impossible its just a great deal harder. Kind of like obese single mother of 5 can still get that handsome 6'5 entrepreneur

Its kind of like the word special being coded language for retarded.

>> No.14755946

wtf no i would marry the woman and raise my child. i don't hate women at all, what are you even talking about?

>> No.14755952
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what books does she read?

>> No.14755980

women are so soft and i like the texture

>> No.14755986

The only book she ever read was The Little Prince, when she was a teenager.
That's it.

>> No.14755989

Americans worship conventional physical beauty so much it's pathetic.

>> No.14755997

Sometimes women use the word "cute" to mean "attractive", sometimes they mean it in a diminutive way.
Can't make hard rules about this.

>> No.14755998

which nation doesn't

>> No.14756001
File: 61 KB, 550x853, Capucine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be based if the conventions of beauty weren't fixated on grotesque plasticity and overall roboticization and lifelessness.

>> No.14756003


>> No.14756004

>Americans have problem that my country has to the same degree or even worse
I see this post like 6 times a day here, i swear to god.

>> No.14756007

None as much as US of A.

>> No.14756013

it is equal everywhere. this is a nature thing not cultural thing

>> No.14756031
File: 1.47 MB, 641x958, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe she read the great gatsby?

>> No.14756034

It's definitely a culture thing. Attractive people are treated better everywhere but in America what's considered attractive has been reduced to features that you can appropriate with enough money. A cute girl won't be considered attractive in America if she doesn't has immaculate skin, skinny legs etc. You must look like the people in the advertisements that are shoved down your throats or your "boring".

>> No.14756049

what the fuck do you know you don't even live here

>> No.14756053

About America?

>> No.14756055

>skinny legs
Yup he outed himself. American women are going for the THICC look and tanned skin. (thick thighs supporting a thick ass)

>> No.14756063

I wasn't pretending to be American.

>> No.14756066

what the fuck is the deal with that anyway. Is it just some sort of nationwide cope because everyone is fat now

>> No.14756071
File: 32 KB, 310x499, toafk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lancelot is described as hideously ugly throughout the novel
he still gets laid and raped

>> No.14756072


>> No.14756085

Spics and nigs were always for it as copes for their bad diets and Kim Kardashian introduced it to white women.

>> No.14756086

This. You ever seen a British TV show?

>> No.14756087
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Its an aesthetic movement going from the skinny aristocratic white woman to the full bodied voluptuous African woman. Don't get me wrong. Some still stick to the aristocratic standard of beauty (small tits = elegance) but they are closet fags. Thicc has been worshiped since the beginning of man.

>> No.14756104

Absolutely disgusting. Where's your self respect.
>inb4 "closet fag"

>> No.14756105

You don't actually believe that's the reason right?

>> No.14756109

I don't understand foot fetishes. Hi res close ups of a girl's foot are just kind of gross.
But I'll roll

>> No.14756126

That woman is mean because it's considered cool. Women in general aren't really as mean.

>> No.14756131
File: 70 KB, 700x1106, 4831027b2b3872046fd7cecb092eb394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not based and not redpilled

>> No.14756137

You need at least a good personality to compensate for bad looks. Ugly people are so busy feeling sorry for themselves they don't even have that.

>> No.14756141

Above average but unremarkable. I feel a generally neutral disposition is rendered unto me. No one isn't polite but it's rare for someone to go out of their way to talk to me.

>> No.14756144

I just lost a boner for the first time in my life watching this thing speaking. Why do Americans promote this type of shit.

>> No.14756147

>good personality

>> No.14756151
File: 55 KB, 479x592, 1489840569996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>popping a boner for it in the first place

>> No.14756154

Can you Bogpill me on The Little Prince and why women love it? I got friendzoned by a girl in my college years who loved it

>> No.14756155

lol i thought you said you just got your first boner and concluded that you were mad because americans broke your chastity. fucking lmao

>> No.14756191

Women are children
Which makes us all pedophiles

>> No.14756194

Yes. As a lifelong member of the 21 and below bmi club get me the fuck out of here. I don't have an anorexia fetish, 19 is perfection for me. Americans are fat as hell and it is infuriating. I've fantasized about pigs around me choking to death and staring them down as they asphyxiate on their mcbeetus. I hate them, but I feel no need to harm them myself. They do that job themselves. I'm not predisposed to be this hateful of strangers. I don't hate anyone or anything else as blindly as I do obesity. This is my hell I am forced to confront every day. It's enough to make a man sick.

>> No.14756198

thats not why i'm a pedophile.

>> No.14756206

It's close-ups of girly aesthetics, like what giantesses are only with a magnifying glass

>> No.14756208

imagine how much more pleasant the world would be if everyone were a healthy weight.

>> No.14756212

This. You could have socialized health care if the social fabric wasn't sick to death

>> No.14756266

Your pic has never been considered sexy.

>> No.14756288

Ugly, 4/10. People do not treat me badly, but they do not engage in general. A few girls and a few of my friends have called me ugly before. Women are uncomfortable around me despite the fact I'm quiet and polite. Men get along great with me, probably because they don't see me as any competition. I have a lot of male friends but I haven't spoken to a girl in around a year (besides waitresses or my friend's girlfriends briefly)
I don't expect to ever have a wife or children but I still resent the fact I'm ugly because I am starting to believe it's actually had a detrimental effect on my career. That's a more recent revelation so it stings more, whereas I've known I was too ugly to get a gf since I was 14