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14752537 No.14752537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A Hispanic person speaks broken English, they tell him or her to learn English or go home. Same with an Asian person. why TF are we accepting Black English as something which isn't as wrong as other people's shitty English?


>> No.14752562

I'm an ESL and I have to say I can't understand ebonics. No matter how much I try, I can't go beyond: "Yo nigga wassap? I dindu noffin". I remember listening to some black singer and not getting a single word despite my English level (good comprension, bad writing).

>> No.14752569

i'm so used to hearing blacks speak in broken english that when one speaks in another language like french it blows my mind because even though i dont speak french it sounds like they're speaking properly

>> No.14752587
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>> No.14752599

>they want to make entire books like that one chapter in live and let die

>> No.14752601

Maybe read the article you posted first and then try to understand it?

>> No.14752605

Because AAVE is a just dialect of your idea of "proper" English. It isn't "inferior" in its ability to convey information, and just because you can't understand it (either because you don't want to or because you're retarded) doesn't mean it's "bad"

>> No.14752610

In addition, what separates AAVE from a Hispanic or Asian person speaking broken english is the difference in english comprehension. A Hispanic person speaks broken english because he's not entirely fluent in it, while a black person who grew up in an AAVE speaking environment is able to read an english book to the same extent as anyone else who is fluent in english.

>> No.14752619


Because the Asian and the Latino are, presumably, attempting to speak American Standard, while blacks are successfully speaking their own vernacular English.

>> No.14752641

The distinction between broken English and a group's accepted idea of English is literally just social-approval. Pidgin was just another way of saying "broken English" but since there are millions of people who speak like that guess what, it's a legitimate form of English just like your English, they're not wrong it's just that you don't understand it.
It's inclusiveness for brainlets, doesn't matter if it's a tribal alien's interpretation of the English language, if there are enough people speaking and writing like that as adults then it's legitimate. See Nigerian pidgin.
Broken Slavey > Black English

>> No.14752649

OP be cry.

>> No.14752656

Yeah pretty much exactly. I'm sure that if AAVE was the standard and not standard english, there'd be threads like OP's where they'd be bashing "white english" as shitty or inferior. OP being a fag like usual.

>> No.14752671

Were is da mujer blanca at

>> No.14752673


Chaucer wrote phonetic English and included plenty of vernacular yet the Canterbury Tales is hailed as a masterpiece. Sure there was no “standard English” yet but the point is that divergent forms of modern English have been and continually are possessors of aesthetic value. And most black people, if not all, are well aware on how to “code switch” between vernacular and “standard” English. Anons here are just out of touch.

>> No.14752678

I thought mutt journos are already afraid to correct quotes from nog athletes

>> No.14752683

>is able to read an english book to the same extent as anyone else who is fluent in english.
doubt it

>> No.14752688

If that bothers you, you should probably support the idea of legitimizing AAVE. If it's seen as a legitimate enough language variant it will eventually become acceptable to provide standard English translations and we'll have come full circle.

>> No.14752699

>most black people, if not all, are well aware on how to “code switch” between vernacular and “standard” English
Complete bullshit, as you well know.

The protection/promotion of Ebonics is designed to keep blacks separate from the mainstream of society — so that they may remain inferior and therefore in constant need of “help” from the prog community/grievance industry.

>> No.14752701

>It isn't "inferior" in its ability to convey information

it actually is though

>> No.14752704

The amount of nigger cope in this thread is horrifying.

>> No.14752778

Nah, it's certainly not good. It only serves as a hindrance for communication between Ebonics and non-Ebonics dialect speakers. If people are concerned about black alienation it doesn't help that we're complacent in or even promoting linguistic insularity.
There is nothing wrong with using Ebonics with each other but they should have enough skill with the common dialect to be able to interact with anyone else clearly. If there is anything where minorities should be expected to conform with the majority it's with language.

>> No.14752826


>> No.14752897

>why TF are we accepting Black English as something which isn't as wrong as other people's shitty English?
because it isn't, you're just a racist bastard

>> No.14752946

yikes @ this whole thread

reminder the biggest psyop of all is to normalize things that clearly arent true, the equivalent of 2 + 2 = 5 for lack of a better comparison. WOMEN ARE MEN IF THEY WANNA BE, BLACK ENGLISH IS REAL ENGLISH, etc etc. do not acknowledge , do not speak their language, do not use their terms.

>> No.14752957

Ayo yt boi shadda fuk up

>> No.14752977

nice bait

>> No.14752982

Making it "official" or "real" is cringe. Just let it stay as an informal retard speak. Makes it more genuine and fun

>> No.14752985

I'm reminded everyday that I should be thankful that I wasn't born an Anglo. Screw the living standards, I couldn't stand to see my language and culture reach these astronomical levels of cuckoldry.

>> No.14753060

but most of all

>> No.14753068

>A Hispanic person speaks broken English, they tell him or her to learn English or go home
The people claiming that "Black English" is a legitimate thing aren't the ones telling spics to fuck off back to their home countries.

>> No.14753084

>is able to read an english book to the same extent as anyone else

>> No.14753092


>> No.14753130

no shit, it's a dialect you don't have familiarity with. This is no different from the shit that was tripping people up and which seemed so exotic in William Gibson's books, except its not contrived by one person it is developed from a culture like actual languages.

to address the OP, being a prescriptivist about English as a reaction to any dialect is stupid and it isn't just AAVE that people defend when faced with criticism for not being proper English. Even professional linguists understand this, it's the normies on the street that need to catch up out of the Regan era.

>> No.14753139

You mean Niggerspeak?

>> No.14753180

>huh wut dey be sayin i don unnerstan nuffin dey sayin in school
Very deep culture, yes.

>> No.14753288

this reads like a criticism of the person in this thread who said they can't understand anything.

>> No.14753306


>> No.14753307


>> No.14753323

The reason blacks speak the way they do is because 1.) they're semi-literate and have no understanding of English grammar, or 2.) they do understand but they know the retards that don't will ostracize them if they don't act just as retarded as they do. It's an expression of ignorance, lack of education, and a toxic, anti-intellectual, criminal culture. Treating it like some kind of higher thing legitimizes the entire mess.

>> No.14753327

I speak black english perfectly as I lived in memphis as a teen lmao (Im yuro) I learned ebonics before learning actual english

>> No.14753455

fuck niggers

>> No.14753473

The real reason is developmental immaturity. I have a middle school aged sister and kids that age develop their own weird language for zero fucking reason at all. It isn't based out of conveying information, it is based out of conveying emotion. The words "container" and "vessel" may come to have entirely divergent meanings and responses because of "that time Aedlyn said vessel instead of wrestle, tee hee!"

My point being that language at this level of fidelity is only as defined as the memories associated to it. As trends come and go meaning and usage change arbitrarily. Language is not some inside joke; the function of language is clear communication. Code is for promoting group insulation.

It's the height of idiocy to try to formalize a manifestation of coded language. The thing itself rebels against the very act of definition. It's popular because it is insular and prioritizes a short focus appended with current cultural detritus sharing of information over permanent immutable clear communication.

Other groups have their own "-ics" that are just as insufferable. All "ics" are either in jokes or ideology and both taste foul on the tongue compared to a clear thought generated by contemplation rather than unthinking regurgitation.

Stop trying to pretend Ebonics is about understanding. It isn't concerned with understanding at all, it is about belonging.

>> No.14753500

Why does shit like this need to be "legitimized" Is there a push for redneck english to be accepted like this? Writing fiction in vernacular is one thing, writing like an essay or nonfiction is another

>> No.14753503

still hilarious after all these years

>> No.14753515


>> No.14753519

It's about belonging to a community of semi-literates who don't understand English grammar, yes.

>> No.14753520

>retarded black english is shilled by media industry
>it's literally oppressing black communities by encouraging them to be vulgar retards
why would anyone defend this? it's literally a psyop agains black communities

>> No.14753550

This will be the default English one day though

>> No.14753562

This, unfortunately. Most young immigrants, or children of immigrants opt to adopt this type of English. Whether they're hispanic immigrants or middle eastern ones, I've noticed they have a decided preference for niggerspeak over standard american english

>> No.14753583

how does this exist?

>> No.14753596

White people. West Africans opt for formal English in their own news.

>> No.14753597
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>> No.14753609

Coping Leftists trying everything they can to pretend like society isn't in full on violent social collapse.

>> No.14753664


>> No.14753707

Huh. Must have to do with how it's more logically consistent, sounds nicer, is easier to learn....

>> No.14753712

Yeah, I'm sure these immigrants put up a spreadsheet of pros and cons and decided niggerspeak was to more rational choice. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are unthinking trendy media consumers.

>> No.14753739

As a Brazilian, I hate it when writers like Mark Twain, DFW and others insert ''black English'' in their writings.

I totally see their motives, but at the same time it's extremely hard for me to read. It feels like reading a Portuguese text written by someone who's barely out of primary school.

Same for television: I need to watch Curb Your Enthusiam with subtitles on because of that black character. I often can't get what he's saying, even though I can understand even Limmy (Scottish comedian) and a few of the strangest accents from working class England.

>> No.14753750

This is the biggest horseshit people must delude themselves into thinking. They clearly don't or they could switch in-between flawlessly. Only some black people possess this quality.

>> No.14753755

Anyone who thinks that doesn’t know many black people, or has maybe only met them in college and doesn’t live in an area with a lot of black people in it. a lot of black people in the US are virtually illiterate

>> No.14753778

>Even professional linguists understand this, it's the normies on the street that need to catch up out of the Regan era
Professional linguistics amount to nothing more the communist vanguard' bureau of language. Descriptivism is an impossible position to hold, as it amounts to nothing more than prescriptivism in support of a status quo where linguistic institutions engineer language in such a way that all discourse advances the communist agenda. Every last one of them should be thrown in a cell.

>> No.14753786


>> No.14753839

Isn't it obvious that this experiment has failed? The progressives' coercion of the black community to reject western society has only widened racial divide and created numerous problems for the black population. They are told constantly, both directly and with subtle suggestion: Paying attention in school? That's acting white. Following the law? That's acting white. Speaking correct English? That's acting white. I don't doubt that these people have good intentions, but the outcome of all their misguided efforts has proved disastrous for black Americans.

>> No.14753847

Even the ones at college were dunces. I sincerely attempted to have intelligent discussions with some and it could not be done. I will not say all of them because some are cool, (like any group of people) but there is definitely a gap. I know it isn't acknowledge out of decency, but it is, nonetheless, a reality.

>> No.14753848

>I don't doubt that these people have good intentions
Then you're naive.

>> No.14753885

I don't mean the shadowy actors pulling the strings, I mean the average 40 year old white woman living in NYC that falls into this ideology. I think they have a massive subconscious guilt that predisposes them to being manipulated in this way and a delusion that encouraging blacks to reject western values will absolve them of this guilt.

>> No.14753895

Stylists and linguists will never agree on this point so it's kind of a pointless discussion. While linguists are technically right when they go WELL AKSHUALLY like these posters >>14752605 >>14752673, I think any sane stylist will agree that AAVE is atrocious. But in the west it's cool to hate "whiteness" and elevate the exotic PoC other so...

>> No.14753995

Guilt not born of reflection upon your own shitty behavior is pathological and harmful to everyone involved. It is not sincere guilt. Anyone operating out of pathological guilt can go fuck themselves. We'd be better off removing the pathological tumor than the niggers that trigger their pathology. Then we could actually treat niggers with sincere humanity--holding everyone to the same standard --and they might fucking improve. We know the pathologists are a wasted effort. They have less potential than niggers.

>> No.14754038

>is able to read

>> No.14754052

They don't have any real guilt at all, they just know they're just supposed to say these things, and it gives them an opportunity to find people being insufficiently holy and attack them.

>> No.14754117

Well, what seems like the more achievable goal to you: the "removal" of progressives (who make up half of our population), or to show them that they are hurting the people who they are trying to help and to teach them what will actually benefit black Americans? The second option seems far more realistic, not to mention morally correct. We know that these people are not evil, they are being manipulated; show them them that they are wrong, show them the better route and they can change for the better. And if your net is as wide as anyone with "pathological guilt", be prepared to "remove" all the Christians who believe original sin as well. When your done removing all such people I don't think you'll have much of a country left.

>> No.14754122

It really is very simple...
Ebonics=poor English language skills.

>> No.14754126


>> No.14754138


>> No.14754155
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>yfw you skip every passage that's written in niggerspeak
As for Faulkner, he should have killed himself sooner.

>> No.14754161


>> No.14754164

pretty sure progressives are only 8% of the population. everyone else just goes through the motions of pretending to agree with them so they don't get chimped out on.

>> No.14754174

>They don't have any real guilt at all
I'm not so sure of that. If there wasn't a latent predisposition (so-called 'white guilt') the progressive mind-virus wouldn't be as successful as we see today. This isn't just a random phenomenon, it's more like a calculated and intelligently deployed biological thought-weapon precisely targeting an inherent weakness in it's targets.

>> No.14754183

this. look for the agent based simulations of TFT (tit for tat) models. They predict exactly this sort of thing.

>> No.14754185

Don't worry anon, we native speakers can barely understand nogspeak ourselves. Its not your fault they can barely talk half the time.

>> No.14754186

I love AAVE. All light bulbs will see themselves speedily replaced by our bright pineal flourescence beaming from our teeth and palms and making the mayonnaise jars and snowmen shamble back into their arboreal caves and swamp gutties

>> No.14754194

Oh i dont think it's random, I just don't think progressives are nice people. They are motivated more by the desire to feel holy and to smash people they dont like than to help anyone. There are people who truly care about the downtrodden to a pathological degree but they just go volunteer in Africa or whatever.

>> No.14754210

The left really make it easy for us. Everytime there's something that needs to be eradicated they give it a new acronym--it's like a big red flag.

>> No.14754233
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They are in the minority, but I think you underestimate their numbers. The anon I was responding to advocated removing everyone with pathological guilt, not just racial progressives, which would include the Christians, die-hard environmentalists, and other groups as well.

>> No.14754245

This has to be fake.

>> No.14754276


>> No.14754293

It's not even surprising, why are you so astonished?

>> No.14754310

We wuz dialects

>> No.14754328

Maybe your right, but the assumption that they are bad people is too pessimistic for me and seems like a dead-end for any possible strategy for improvement.

>> No.14754697

>racism dying out

>> No.14754726

Go listen to accents and dialects from Yorkshire, Newfoundland, the deep South, etc. White folk abuse English as much as anyone.

>> No.14755225

Not necessarily. Maybe they think blacks are treated unfairly and like it.

>> No.14755259

found the nog

>> No.14755594

Can you rec any stylists who have explained why aave is bad?

>> No.14755679

But those dialects are fairly ridiculed rather than encouraged because of their emancipatory potential.

>> No.14755695

These are the assholes who killed Aaron Swartz, right?

>> No.14755717

The word "based" is pure Ebonics.

>> No.14755783

Maybe you ridicule them, but they all have their supporters and even scholars. AAVE may be crap, but it's culturally influential crap.

>> No.14755824

wrong pidgin English is hilarious

>> No.14755971
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I live in a very "diverse" city and I find basic communication to be a daily battle. It's hard to understand people. It's hard to make myself understood. Even something as simple as ordering food at a restaurant becomes an onerous task. I worked with this guy who was a very recent immigrant from Italy, and I literally could not understand him. It was fucking annoying.

I feel like I'm living in the Tower of Babel, and this ebonics shit is not going to help matters.

>> No.14756010

(American) Black English is a reservoir for more linguistically conservative strains of Standard English. Beyond vanishingly tiny Tejano subsets or Afro-Caribbean (for the 'latino' aspect), there is no historical usage comparable, and is rightly called 'broken'/sub-Standard.

>> No.14756017

>being a prescriptivist about English
Is the right and proper way to be. Learn to spell, kids.

>> No.14756030

dis white boy think he smart or summin
yall know niggas dont be readin

>> No.14756058

'Black' English is just simplified Southern English. And like Southern English it has been eroded. It's no longer nonrhotic for example.

>> No.14756064

btw every supposed feature of it can be found in numerous British dialects which is where they originate from.

>> No.14756542

Faggot alert

>> No.14756579

Keep in mind that so-called "Black English" is a euphemism for the kind of sub-80-IQ "English" deployed by so-called "white people" who dwell below the Mason-Dixon line. No offense to inbred genetically-disturbed white retards, of course.

>> No.14756591

The legitimization of a dialect comes from the surrounding environment and power dynamics in place.
Nigs have the benefit of their English being blasted in the ears of Western youth.

Also, DFW.

>> No.14756644

>most black people, if not all, are well aware on how to “code switch” between vernacular and “standard” English
This is objectively not true. They yammer their ebonics at me and I just walk away because I do not speak their language and I cannot understand them. They get frustrated and angry if I make an effort to understand them because they start to grow hope before the inevitable failure. Typically, they are just begging for a handout anyways, once you start to understand them. When the answer is "No" they get upset about the time that they wasted with me, trying to speak my language.

>> No.14756650

Let's be honest for a second. The Cagots were a persecuted minority found in the west of France and northern Spain: the Navarrese Pyrenees, Basque provinces, Béarn, Aragón, Gascony and Brittany. Their name differed by province and the local language: Cagots, Gézitains, Gahets, and Gafets in Gascony; Agotes, Agotak, and Gafos in Basque country; Capots in Anjou and Languedoc; and Cacons, Cahets, Caqueux, and Caquins in Brittany. Evidence of the group exists back as far as AD 1000.

Cagots were shunned and hated; while restrictions varied by time and place, they were typically required to live in separate quarters in towns, called cagoteries, which were often on the far outskirts of the villages. Cagots were excluded from all political and social rights. They were not allowed to marry non-Cagots, enter taverns, hold cabarets, use public fountains, sell food or wine, touch food in the market, work with livestock, or enter mills. They were allowed to enter a church only by a special door and, during the service, a rail separated them from the other worshippers. Either they were altogether forbidden to partake of the sacrament, or the Eucharist was given to them on the end of a wooden spoon, while a holy water stoup was reserved for their exclusive use. They were compelled to wear a distinctive dress to which, in some places, was attached the foot of a goose or duck (whence they were sometimes called "Canards"). So pestilential was their touch considered that it was a crime for them to walk the common road barefooted or to drink from the same cup as non-Cagots. The Cagots were often restricted to the trades of carpenter, butcher, and rope-maker.

The Cagots were not an ethnic nor a religious group. They spoke the same language as the people in an area and generally kept the same religion as well. Their only distinguishing feature was their descent from families long identified as Cagots. Few consistent reasons were given as to why they were hated; accusations varied from Cagots being cretins, lepers, heretics, cannibals, to simply being intrinsically evil. The Cagots did have a culture of their own, but very little of it was written down or preserved; as a result, almost everything that is known about them relates to their persecution. The repression lasted through the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Industrial Revolution, with the prejudice fading only in the 19th and 20th centuries.


>> No.14756672

Whether or not black people can read standard English is actually irrelevant.
The reason AAVE is a dialect whereas Hispanics speak broken English or pidgins is because blacks are native speakers and this dialect is purely English, it just developed differently, whereas the others aren't native speakers and the dialect is a mix of languages.

>> No.14756685

>Not being retarded and recognizing white privilege is a real thing is muh white guilt
Another fascinating insight in the conservative mind

>> No.14756772

All bullshit aside, the bottom line is that 'Whites' are utter morons. Q-E-fucking-D. Amen.

>> No.14756849

>Descriptivism is an impossible position to hold, as it amounts to nothing more than prescriptivism in support of a status quo where linguistic institutions engineer language in such a way that all discourse advances the communist agenda.
What a fucking retarded stance. There are plenty of people in this thread who shamelessly out themselves as having no clue what they’re talking about, but it’s especially cringeworthy when some 19-year old wannabe fascist who took one intro-level course on linguistics or grammar actually tries to present himself as knowledgeable on this subject and completely airballs

>> No.14756891
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>The left really make it easy for us. Everytime there's something that needs to be eradicated they give it a new acronym--it's like a big red flag.
They think renaming something fundamentally changes how people feel about it.
Everyone hates niggerbabble, no matter what they call it.

>> No.14756913

you are 100% right but /lit/ cant handle that

>> No.14756944

>while a black person who grew up in an AAVE speaking environment is able to read an english book to the same extent as anyone else who is fluent in english.
They literally aren't.
Have you seen nigger literacy rates in the US?

>> No.14756948
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Imagine insulting aave when you use based.

>> No.14756981


>> No.14757048

What a ridiculous article. Do you really need all this pseudo-intellectualism to make an informal way of speech seem deep or, even worse, try to make it something more than just an informal way of speech?
You don't need to write all this bullshit to justify some dude saying "Dayum, nigga! These niggas be trippin'!" while hanging out with his homies, as it's pretty much well agreed upon that you don't have to talk like a book narrator on your daily life.
And at the same time, it's fucking ridiculous to even suggest that double negatives (as in "I ain't no virgin"), rather than being gramatically incorrect, are just a different way to speak english.
I honestly believe that if you showed this article to people from a poor black neighborhood, they'd all think this article is stupid as hell

>> No.14757190

But it isn't, though.

>> No.14757218

Pssst generational wealth pssst Crowder lied to you

>> No.14757687

The problem with "white privilege" is that it over-simplifies circumstances that should be looked at on an individual level and only serves to widen racial divide. Even if you buy into white privilege, which I don't, the fact remains that so-called progressives have done nothing good for the blacks by treating them as incompetent and encouraging them to distance themselves from whites.

>> No.14757715

>is able to read an english book
You were doing so well.

>> No.14757754

I didn’t need to take an intro class to see through your sham, academic scum. When you claim to be a prescriptivist, you are proscribing the status quo, and when you and your communist friend give the status quo it’s endorsement, it’s because it’s working towards your ends. Like all the social sciences, it’s designed to weaver normative positions into fabric of nature itself to make the transition to communism go unquestioned.
What’s more Cringe is the academia apologist with no substantiation. But I guess we should see some people’s bootlicking as natural, and let it continue without question.

>> No.14757761

It is. Any healthy people will understand their greatest achievements on some atrocities and take pride in them. It’s why African American are so proud of their musical innovation. Flagellation in apology is pathology behavior programmed into the academic class.

>> No.14757767

>The problem with "white privilege" is that it over-simplifies circumstances that should be looked at on an individual level and only serves to widen racial divide
If you give them this much ground, you’ve already lost and will inevitably be argued into agreeing with their position. There are only two stances to take: the radicalized violence you have received throughout history is deserved or that it isn’t.

>> No.14757792

>The problem with "white privilege" is that it over-simplifies circumstances that should be looked at on an individual
Well all top down analyses have to simplify things to some extent, but income inequality between large groups of the population can't really be solved on an individual basis. If there is going to be any change at all, it will be a systematic one.
>Even if you buy into white privilege, which I don't, the fact remains that so-called progressives have done nothing good for the blacks by treating them as incompetent and encouraging them to distance themselves from whites.
Simply stating the fact that systematic change cannot come from individuals is not discouragement, it's just realism. I haven't seen any progressives discouraging blacks from getting jobs or starting a business. And what do you mean "encouraging them to distance themselves from whites" I haven't seen any evidence of that (twitter/tumblr SJW posting doesn't count).

>> No.14757796

Yiddish is misheard and misspelled ghetto German. It’s its own language now. So let blacks have their Afrish dialect as well.

>> No.14757819

You can have pride in your achievements without denying the privilege you have. And nobody actually apologizes for being white. Well, I shouldn't say nobody, I am sure some cringelord somewhere has actually done it. But this idea that acknowledging white privilege means you have to feel "guilty" makes no sense to me. If you are born particularly handsome or intelligent, would you apologize for these privileges too? Obviously not, that would be retarded. Whether certain privileges for certain people exist or not is a purely empirical question.

>> No.14757844

Have you never spent time around black people before? You've never heard the term "house nigger" or "oreo" in reference to another one of them not acting like a complete degenerate retard?

>> No.14757860

I think the greatest achiemevents of any people take the form of or are tied to atrocity. Feeling that any atrocities committed by your ancestors were wrong, and trying to undo their results is an expression of guilt, as far as I can tell.

>> No.14757869

I have no idea what this has to do with my post, I thought we were talking about white priviledge not black slang.

>> No.14757894

Well not necessarily. Nobody is ever perfect, so everyone's ancestors probably did something tucked up at some point. Dies that mean that we have to either pretend they were perfect or feel guilty about things we are not responsible about? That seems like a pretty stupid dilemma to me. And in any case recognizing that you are privileged in certain ways doesn't mean that you think this is something wrong or that you need to change it, so that's not really relevant regardless.

>> No.14757957

I don't think you understand me. I think the subjection of the other is good and having negative feelings towards it while on the dominant side is a form of pathological guilt.

>> No.14757964

God I have enough trouble understanding people in my city. Now the little zoom zooms are actually encouraged to speak like idiots.

>> No.14757976

That was another anon replying to your reply of my post. We were getting off topic discussing privilege; the point I'm trying to make in this thread is that blacks are pressured from their community to avoid "white" behavior such as learning proper English and this toxic mindset is reinforced by the progressives who preach the emancipatory power of Ebonics. This issue extends beyond language and touches all aspects of social expectations among blacks: education, justice, art, etc. I don't see how the black population can ever heal as long as they define themselves in polar opposition to "whiteness".

>> No.14758318


>I didn’t need to take an intro class to see through your sham, academic scum.

Not who you were replying to but all I got from this is
>I dropped out and school is bad because i think I'm smart and I've recently joined a boys club that told me school was bad because communism, so yea I'm redpilled and you're retarded for having an education.

>> No.14758411

>why TF are we accepting Black English as something which isn't as wrong as other people's shitty English?
Because it developed over hundreds of years alongside the rest of American English

>> No.14758438

I have a degree. The institutionalization of knowledge is a bad thing in general for many reasons, one of which is that it makes it susceptible to nefarious actors. It is precisely this reason why the obsession with intelligence is is conducive to social decay. It's virtue that should be kept in check.
But hey, if you keep kicking their shoes, maybe they'll let you sniff their elbow pads or something.

>> No.14759309

Well you can argue that all guilt is pathological in the sense that it is psychologically painful, but then again so is the feeling of empathy. Is anything less than pure psychopathy pathological to you? You can take that stance if you really want to.

>> No.14759320 [SPOILER] 
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I'm gay btw, not sure if that matters

>> No.14759359

I don't really see this huge issue with blacks having a different accent. I wouldn't call that "defining themselves in polar opposition to "whiteness", that seems awfully melodramatic. But this is a non-issue for me so whatever floats your boat my duderino.

>> No.14759371

stuffy old english professors are just mad that a random table of black 8th graders has more control over the destiny of the english language than they do

>> No.14759594
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Are people ITT seriously defending niggerspeak?

>> No.14759666

Our ironic emulation of ebonics has unfortunately forgotten its irony over time.

>> No.14760151

It's not just a "different accent"; imagine as an employer you are interviewing an applicant for a high-level position and they demonstrate an extremely limited vocabulary and are unable to speak or write in proper English.

>> No.14760365

>you're just a racist bastard
>I perpetually vomit apologia for blacks who would rather spend their time selling drugs on street corners than attend college/school
You are part of the problem.

>> No.14760382

Came here to say this.

>> No.14760401

I would rather them on the street selling drugs than in schools with white kids.

Ideally they'd be in their own enclaves going to their own schools, but you can have either that or jews. Seems our grandparents chose jews.

>> No.14760442

This is bullshit, you don't magically gain knowledge of the standard variety by speaking a different dialect.

>> No.14760477

Double negatives.

>> No.14760541
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Considering this - If you have never spoken about a concept then you are unlikely to know it exists, much less understand it. Black vernacular is very obviously a simpler form of English that cannot convey complex concepts. To do that they need to use proper English.
Urban vernacular is verbal booty dancing, nothing more.
It is a dumber form of language. This does not mean that one who uses it necessarily is dumb.
But, anon, it's a much, much dumber form of language.

>> No.14760584

>admitting on the literature board that you don't read
Prior to the mid seventeenth century, double negatives were extremely common in English as a means of expressing greater emphasis. Some even lamented its decline.

>> No.14760593

>mid seventeenth century
mid-eighteenth, my bad.

>> No.14760676
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>while a black person who grew up in an AAVE speaking environment is able to read an english book to the same extent as anyone else who is fluent in english

>> No.14760827


AAVE is internally grammatically coherent which is why it counts as a dialect. Broken English is broken because the speaker is inconsistently using and misusing the language. That's why "broken English" isn't a language, but AAVE is - duh!

>> No.14760897

Where do you fucking idiots come from lately? And why do you love being insulted and mocked for your obviously imbecilic shitposts?

>> No.14761088

What a small brained bugman. This nigger >>14760827 just said the language is internally consistent. It's not the same as some chingnchong or spic trying to speak the language and failing miserably. It boonspeech has its own phonology and tenses.

>> No.14761109

Ah yes the mere empirical bookkeeping for which the meme of "white privilege" has been so painstakingly developed and drilled into everyone's mind

>> No.14761115

It sounds retarded.

>> No.14761126

black english isn't worse than australian english or english from the Bahamas

one could even argue you retards use a broken version of England's english

>> No.14761139

It's a religious duty for white progressives

>> No.14761148

t. Pseud

>> No.14761155

Kek saved

>> No.14761620

Because it's grammatically consistent.

>> No.14761717

Lots of things changed about English over time. But double negatives are an inferior way to convey information, which is the point being made, because there's a conflict between what's being expressed grammatically and what's being expressed literally. So it's objectively less clear.

>> No.14761804

>It isn't "inferior" in its ability to convey information
Okay. Let's discuss philosophy in Ebonics, then.

>> No.14761807

bruh uhhh muhfugga deez niggas think dey undastan but dey dont know shieeet mane dese whiteys bruhh muhfuggin whitey

>> No.14761890

Consider that most sub-Saharan languages have less than a thousand words, and many less than half that.

Even when a black person is highly-educated you can tell English is a bad fit. The words struggle in their mouths. When they speak quickly the fidelity of enunciation and grammar quickly degrade, and even the famous ones are prone to malapropisms.

They just don't have the wiring for European languages. The dendrite density and vocal control isn't there. The only one I've heard speak English with true fluency is Ben Carson of all people.

>> No.14762176


I sound like a black guy just reading this.

>> No.14762210

>Consider that most sub-Saharan languages have less than a thousand words

I'm not researching that so the FBI won't add me to the "Racist" data pile they have on me. Share a source or fuck off.

>> No.14763393

White privilege can be very easily empirically demonstrated if you know what generational wealth is.

>> No.14763411


i dont get proscriptivists, black english is a lively and exalting charge to the language

>> No.14763446
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Blacks turn every language they learn into ebonics, it's not because they're "stylish" or some shit - it's because their brains are wired to have a simpler language.
These blacks may have never known their native tongue but what they do is basically turn the imposed language into their native language with a different word list.
It's just another proof that they do not belong living with us.
We're dumbing ourselves down to cope with this shit.
Any Englishman with a solid IQ 150 years ago was learning Greek, latin and probably some French on top of a way more sophisticated use of English. He would have been able to think with much greater breadth and clarity.
Today his mind is circumcised.

>> No.14763457

I think a kind of social psychopathy is exactly what we need. In the ideal situation, man would empathize with institutions rather than bodies.

>> No.14763490

>Learning stuff is racist
Are you... serious? It's true. There's also no written language there and, iirc, no future tense in the oral languages of the region.

>> No.14763503

As a linguist, your post is pretty much complete bullshit.

Also, African blacks, while not the brightest bulbs in the drawer, are *far* more intelligent than inbred Middle-Easterners or some of the South American mestizos.

Their inability to form functioning societies is unrelated to their IQ.

In fact, if they were slightly dumber it might have been a net benefit for them - a lower IQ means less opportunity for mischief and creative crime.

>> No.14763505

>White privilege can be very easily empirically demonstrated if you know what generational wealth is.
Except your "white privilege" means absolutely jack shit if your parents didn't leave you anything to inherit despite being white, nor is inheritance a fundamentally white thing.

>> No.14763578

First good bait I’ve read in a while

>> No.14763590

I am not sure if you understand what "empathy" means, you can't empathize with something that doesn't have emotions.

>> No.14763601

The quest for knowledge is often a perilous adventure, anon.

>> No.14763617

>Except your "white privilege" means absolutely jack shit if your parents didn't leave you anything to inherit despite being white, nor is inheritance a fundamentally white thing.
Sure. Do you think that white privilege means that a homeless white man has more power than a black CEO? This is just a.conservative strawman. White privilege refers to the fact that being born white rather than black in the US is usually advantageous because of the generational wealth and the problems that come along with it like the higher crime rate in black communities etc.

>> No.14763624

The only English dialects that have made any significant literary impact are the Hiberno-English dialects. Everything else can get fucked.

>> No.14763635

If it has absolutely nothing to do with being white, then it's pretty fucking retarded to call it "white privilege" don't you think?
Also, rich blacks commit crime at a higher rate than poor whites.

>> No.14763714

>If it has absolutely nothing to do with being white, then it's pretty fucking retarded to call it "white privilege" don't you think?
It has everything to do with being white, because being born white is usually advantageous compared to being born black. Just because there are exceptions to the general pattern it doesn't invalidate it.
>Also, rich blacks commit crime at a higher rate than poor whites.
Aaaaand here we go boys. I know the study you are referring to, you are completely misinterpreting it but we can go over it if you want. Are you just a normal Republican by the way or full blown alt righter? Show me your power level bitch

>> No.14763781

>It has everything to do with being white
No, you literally just said it has to do with how much your parents leave you. That isn't a "white" thing.
>because being born white is usually advantageous compared to being born black.
It is not a fucking privilege if the guy next you is rich and white, if you are white and not rich, you utter asshole.

We can if you want to show me your cuck level, but I fail to see why it matters, or what it has to do with your "white privilege" cuckery. They're shooting each other over crack and designer shoes, not some sort of Aladdin-esque crimes of desperation to feed their pet monkeys.

>> No.14763789
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Reminder that Ebonics is a surviving remnant of the extinct Cavalier mode of speech, passed onto the slaves by their masters.

>> No.14763804

But they do have conditions. We can understand and feel what is essentially analagous to pain when their condition is made worse. The body politic can be understood as having every feature of the human body, only greater and more deserving of our care. That understanding should be our call to action.
Empathy as it's often used today is so pathological because of assumptions like yours.

>> No.14763967

Now that's a next level cope.

>> No.14764045

>No, you literally just said it has to do with how much your parents leave you. That isn't a "white" thing.
Do you not know anything about US history? Slavery, Jim Crow laws, do these words ring a bell? Blacks used to be completely fucked economically, hence they don't have much to pass on to the newer generation. Whites don't have the same history, hence if you are born in a white family you are probably going to be better off.
>It is not a fucking privilege if the guy next you is rich and white, if you are white and not rich, you utter asshole.
I love the mental gymnastics, you keep arguing against your retarded strawman instead of my actual position. White privilege doesn't mean that every single white man is better off than every single black man. It means that generally speaking if you are born in a white family you are better off than being born in a black family.
>We can if you want to show me your cuck level, but I fail to see why it matters, or what it has to do with your "white privilege" cuckery. They're shooting each other over crack and designer shoes, not some sort of Aladdin-esque crimes of desperation to feed their pet monkeys.
Well, given how spineless you are it seems you are going to steamroll the cuck contest pretty easily. Good choice to drop the "wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites" talking point by the way, the braindead interpretation of that study from /pol/tards has been debunked a million times already.

>> No.14764055

>Also, African blacks, while not the brightest bulbs in the drawer, are *far* more intelligent than inbred Middle-Easterners or some of the South American mestizos.
They aren't. Africa has given us no literature of worth in its entire history. Africa is a shithole and niggers are subhuman.

>> No.14764068

So if an institution faces an economic crisis you feel sorry for it, but if another person is in pain you think feeling empathy for him is pathological? I don't know how to respond to that, you are one strange anon.

>> No.14764140

>Do you not know anything about US history? Slavery, Jim Crow laws, do these words ring a bell?
You can keep saying this for the next few thousand years, but it's already past its expiration date for being a valid excuse.
Also, other white immigrants came here later, with less, and turned out average.
>It means that generally speaking if you are born in a white family you are better off than being born in a black family.
Which I'm saying is retarded. Saying "white privilege" exists, when it has nothing intrinsically to do with being white, is like saying "blacks are criminals", when crime has nothing intrinsically to do with being black.

Despite the fact that your cuck theory is embarrassingly stupid to begin with, the entire thing becomes even more laughably ridiculous when you remember that kikes exist.
Who, coincidentally, are feeding you all this "white privilege" SJW nonsense.

>> No.14764182

Not necessarily. I think feeling empathy for him at the expense of instructions. We should feel empathy for individuals as an extension of our empathy for institutions. If the suffering of a number of individuals causes pain to the institutions, we must try to understand their pain. That still does not mean we should sympathize with them. The only thing that can make a human matter is the possibility for a benefitial relationship with social institutions.

>> No.14764626 [DELETED] 

>You can keep saying this for the next few thousand years, but it's already past its expiration date for being a valid excuse. Also, other white immigrants came here later, with less, and turned out average.
It doesn't matter how many years have passed, that's the point with generational wealth, the black families of the Jim Crow era poor, therefore they don't have much money to pass to the next generation and as a result their kids are also poor. And because they are poor, black communities have more crime, shittier schools etc. while white immigrants go to white communities with lower crime, better schools etc.
>Which I'm saying is retarded. Saying "white privilege" exists, when it has nothing intrinsically to do with being white, is like saying "blacks are criminals", when crime has nothing intrinsically to do with being black.
Nope, shitty analogy. By that demented logic we shouldn't talk about "black crime", because crime is not intrinsic to being black and there are blacks who are not criminal. But of course that doesn't change the fact that black crime is disproportionately high, hence the term is useful. Similarly, white privilege refers to a privilege whites generally have compared to blacks, but it is not intrinsic to being white and there are whites who don't benefit from it.
>Despite the fact that your cuck theory is embarrassingly stupid to begin with, the entire thing becomes even more laughably ridiculous when you remember that kikes exist. Who, coincidentally, are feeding you all this "white privilege" SJW nonsense.
Kek, I guess now we know from where you got these retarded ideas you have, although that was rather obvious already.

>> No.14764637

>You can keep saying this for the next few thousand years, but it's already past its expiration date for being a valid excuse. Also, other white immigrants came here later, with less, and turned out average.
It doesn't matter how many years have passed, that's the point with generational wealth, the black families of the Jim Crow era were poor, therefore they don't have much money to pass to the next generation and as a result their kids are also poor. And because they are poor, black communities have more crime, shittier schools etc. while white immigrants go to white communities with lower crime, better schools etc.
>Which I'm saying is retarded. Saying "white privilege" exists, when it has nothing intrinsically to do with being white, is like saying "blacks are criminals", when crime has nothing intrinsically to do with being black.
Nope, shitty analogy. By that demented logic we shouldn't talk about "black crime", because crime is not intrinsic to being black and there are blacks who are not criminals. But of course that doesn't change the fact that black crime is disproportionately high, hence the term is useful. Similarly, white privilege refers to a privilege whites generally have compared to blacks, but it is not intrinsic to being white and there are whites who don't benefit from it.
>Despite the fact that your cuck theory is embarrassingly stupid to begin with, the entire thing becomes even more laughably ridiculous when you remember that kikes exist. Who, coincidentally, are feeding you all this "white privilege" SJW nonsense.
Kek, I guess now we know from where you got these retarded ideas you have, although that was rather obvious already.

>> No.14764659

>It doesn't matter how many years have passed
You can't seriously believe this.

>> No.14764775

Then why aren’t hick accents considered valid and why are cucks like you never defending them

>> No.14765014

I've read a couple of books written in French by African blacks. The difference between african and metropolitan French is quite stark - although grammatically correct, the former is very direct, with no worldplay and very few figures of speech to be found. Not sure if it's caused by French being a second language for the African writers in question or it has more to do with their native sub-saharan languages lacking means of figurative expression.

>> No.14765025
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>> No.14765348
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>What's the deal with Black English Matters?
>It's not English, and it doesn't matter!