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/lit/ - Literature

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1475241 No.1475241 [Reply] [Original]

he's the only dude committed enough to get the job done. let's make it happen guys

>> No.1475244

I don't think so... but I'm considering applying...

>> No.1475248

Hey BrownBear.

>> No.1475261

I hope he gets stabbed by a homeless person.

>> No.1475267
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hi guys, i am not the OP of this although i know lots of people will think i am.

just to clarify you cannot actually 'vote' for who the janitor is, i think the decision is made prurely by the moderation team.

but thanks

>> No.1475268

Why are you fucking up the board, you stupid, lousy faggot?

>> No.1475276

The sticky is useless. You're killing your father, BrownBear.

>> No.1475284

I'm applying. I spend too much time on /lit/ already. Might as well help the place while I do it.

>> No.1475290


Ignore these fags BB, we appreciate what you're doing here.


>> No.1475308

please keep your comments constructive.
if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all!


thank you jesterr

>> No.1475314

I do not appreciate him. I also do not appreciate how /lit/ is turning into one big tripfag circle jerk.

>> No.1475316

janitors are supposed to be anonymous you fucking twit.

>> No.1475320

This is exactly what it's becoming.

Nothing but tripfags revelling in tripfaggery.

>> No.1475331

agreed. if the tripfaggotry doesn't stop /lit/ will become the next /mu/

>> No.1475338

Every time you make a thread about trips, the trips win.

If you want to improve this board, go post about literature. If you have to, samefriend a thread with opposing viewpoints just to keep literature discussion on the front page.

We can win. You can help.

>> No.1475356


actually, the requirement for janitors to be anonymous refers to the fact they must not let people know they are a janitor, it has nothing to do with whether they use a trip code or not

this 'them vs us' mentality is bad for the quality of the board as a whole, please cease

>> No.1475360

Go away, tripfaggot, stop bumping this thread. Why don't we just remove the name field from /lit/?

>> No.1475369

fuck's sake, people

just get the various extentions for Firefox that allow you to block tripfags and hide their shitty threads

that way they don't crap up your board

>> No.1475370

No, I think these guys are right. We Anons need to be vigilant and not let you trips take over the board.

You've already fucked it up with a sticky. You named idiots ruin the entire spirit of this board. Fuck off. We want you out.

>> No.1475372


why are you saging this? if you don't want this to be bumped then please don't post.
It's as simple as that.
You seem to be using sage as a tool for venting, shouting your opinions at a bully when he's out of ear shot.
If you have something to say please post constructively or, as you have shown, if you do not have something to say, please don't post.


>> No.1475379


>> No.1475380


i live for the day you judge someones posts by the content within, instead of the person who is posting.

it's just a massive case of ad hominem

>> No.1475406

But it is your fault we have this hideous sticky. What the fuck do you mean "content of posts"? You really are delusional. We have a name for how our board is tanking. It's yours.

>> No.1475415


why is the sticky so hideous? you don't have to open it. It takes up one thread slot, is easily ignorable and you can even HIDE IT SO YOU NEVER HAVE TO SEE IT AGAIN.

and by the content of the posts i mean what is written. Not the name of the person writing it.

If i post a thread half of the replies will be tripfag hate, instead of actual discussion of what my thread is about.

>> No.1475422

Brownbear, no offense, but please come down off your gloriour tripfag high horse and stop sounding like you need to lecture and talk down to everyone in this thread.

>> No.1475423

Your posts are bad and the only reason you don't feel bad is because you are a sociopath.

>> No.1475445


This. I'm not one of the "hurr durr all tripfags are bad" crowd, but BB is obnoxious. On the board and in the chat both.

>> No.1475470
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>> No.1475481

Let's not have a tripfag janitor.

>> No.1475496


fucking this. also, sage.

>> No.1475536

I'm curious, what is so bad about the sticky?

>> No.1475548


i think the main problem people have with it is that it's a list of links.

However my solution to this is to hide the thread using a simple 4chan add on.

they seem to be complaining that it isn't stopping homework threads or general book requests too
However they don't seem to realise that if someone IS deterred by the sticky they will not make a thread. That's the entire point. It seems they want people to make threads saying 'heyy guys, read the sticky and got some good recommendations, thanks!' just to prove it's working.

i'm not too sure what the other complaints are apart from the fact i made it

>> No.1475560

Problems with the sticky:
it encourages writethreads
recommendation images are useless without accompanying discussion
discussion is what makes this board thrive
it wastes space and /lit/ needs all the literature discussion on the front page it can get
it's way too long
no one will read it
it doesn't emphasize the rules
it has irrelevant information
the links are completely random and mostly useless
it accomplishes nothing that couldn't be accomplished with a link to the rules and the wiki
trips and trolls are the major problem on this board and the sticky does nothing to fight them
/lit/ sucked without the sticky and still sucks with the sticky

>> No.1475563

if u think the board sux so bad then why do you post here bitch idiot??

>> No.1475569

>it wastes space and /lit/ needs all the literature discussion on the front page it can get
you got that right, all of these "lol tripfags suck" morons are shitting up this board just as much as the tripfags themselves.
having 2 or 3 less "do u have an essentials list?" or "what ereader should i get?" threads a day will free up space for the discussion of literature.
>no one will read it
yes they will.
>/lit/ sucked without the sticky and still sucks with the sticky
yes, there will be less recurring posts though.
>it has irrelevant information
>the links are completely random and mostly useless
you're just chatting shit and have no basis for these claims, so many threads start with do u have any recommendations and after the lit wiki is given theres no more replies. you're honestly retarded if you think the sticky is a complete failure. I'm pretty sure it's going to be updated soon anyway, but grow up, this secret club isn't your personal blog or your real life.
/lit/ is supposed to be intelligent.

>> No.1475577

>/lit/ is supposed to be intelligent.
Really? I never knew that. Certainly haven't seen much evidence for it, mostly 19 year olds on intellectual power trips.

>> No.1475578

I come here because every once in a while there are threads like >>1474070 that prove some people here actually care about literature.

>> No.1475580


okay let's take your first point
>it encourages write threads
why is this a bad thing

then let's take your contradictory 7th point
>no one will read it
firstly, they will read it, secondly, if no one is going to read it how does it encourage write threads?

>Recommendation images are useless without accompanying discussion
no the images are designed the 'need recommendations for literature' threads, however specific discussion and reccomendations e.g. 'i read x and want more of x' is not discouraged'

>discussion is what makes this board thrive
discussion is what makes all boards thrive and our sticky is the same as /fa/'s or /fit/'s, it does not discourage or prohibit discussion.

>It wastes space and /lit/ needs all the literature discussion on the front page it can get
it takes up the space that one thread would, whilst at the same time stopping people making pointless threads which usually have one or two accompanying responses. It actually uses less space than the threads it stops take up.

>it's way too long
the most relevant information is at the top with the less relevant at the bottom, most peoples queries are answered within the first three paragraphs 'recommended reading, free ebooks and e-readers'

>it doesn't emphasize the rules
we have a rule page for this, what rules would you like it to refer to?

>it has irrelevant information
all the information on there is relevant to literature, however the most relevant is at the top with the links further down being for more 'niche' interests and pursuits.

>the links are completely random and mostly useless
all have been checked and verified

>> No.1475581


In regards to the discussion aspect, I completely agree. It does seem particularly important to highlight the significance certain books and/or authors hold in regards to certain concepts. However, couldn't this be a goal of the board? To routinely base discussion around the recommendations and then amend the relevant areas of the wiki. Addressing the sticky itself, I see a lot of the links as filler, especially the blog links, simply because people tend to value discussion which matches any existing predispositions they might hold when addressing the same topic. So perhaps it would be more effective to include a brief description on the type of content within the blog, possibly attitudes of the writer (though we should still encourage readers to challenge existing opinions) but as it stands there are too many links to justify the act of sorting through them only to select a handful which you like, when the process could be optimized for more convenience.

>> No.1475582

it accomplishes nothing that couldn't be accomplished with a link to the rules and the wiki
no point in linking to the rules as most are common sense anyway. If you're willing to create images for all that information instead of keeping it as copy and pasteable links, then if you're willing to upload them to the wiki and then create a new draft for the sticky and then barrrage moot with a constant flow of emails so he takes notice, be my guest. No one is stopping you.

>trips and trolls are the major problem on this board and the sticky does nothing to fight them
as moot is so constantly quoted as saying:
'you're free to leave at any time'
also, welcome to 4chan, good to have you here!

>/lit/ sucked without the sticky and still sucks with the sticky
then your argument is silly, please either 'put up or shut up'
give alternatives instead of just bitching and moaning please

>> No.1475588


also i'm working on trimming down the links but i was unsure what people wanted so i kept all of the ones i checked and that seemed valid.

people don't realise this sticky is a first draft on a trial period

>> No.1475594


>no good /lit/ tripfags

I think this evidence is fairly conclusive.

>> No.1475596

This is what the sticky should say:

>Recommended reading is available at
> 1. All literature discussion is welcome.
> 2. Do not upload images with embedded RAR files.
> 3. This is not a fan-fic board!
>4. There is to be no discussion of Ayn Rand.

Anything else is overkill. No one has come to this board, read the sticky and though, "Oh, great! 30 random literature blogs with no descriptions! 20 images with cover pictures and no blurbs!"

>> No.1475600

ITT: /lit/ does tripfag drama

I'm impressed that even when sinking to the lowest depths of internet retardation you still manage to sound classy.

>> No.1475601


so let me get this straight?

you want us...to REPOST...the rules?
you don't want to stop ereader discussion?
you don't want us to link to sites for free ebooks to stop those threads too?

you...you haven't been on 4chan long have you?

please go to the /fa/ and /fit/ board and check their sticky.

for the love of science. please just fucking look at them.

>> No.1475608

We're not a board for recommending jeans or suggesting haircuts. We're not a board for slimming your waistline or toning your quads.

We are /lit/ and we'd like to discuss literature.

Anything you want to put in the sticky can go on the Wiki and is just as likely to be read (~1/10 new people)

>> No.1475611


your argument is very weak, obviously we're not those boards but their stickies serve the same purpose, to stop the same threads being repeated day in day out and to offer helpful advice.

the fact you fail to recognise this simple fact leads me to believe you are underage, and you're actually against the sticky but are instead against tripfags because you're jealous of the attention they get?

i laid out my points for the sticky clearly and concisely and you havve failed to address any of the points i made.

I consider this argument won.

Told [ ]
Fucking told [ ]
Knights of the TOLD republic [ ]
No country for TOLD men [x]

>> No.1475612

>We are /lit/ and we'd like to discuss literature.
that's not what you're doing right now. the sticky doesn't deter any literature discussion at all. discuss some fucking literature. why are you arguing with a tripfag? playing a retarded game with a retard makes you just as much of a retard.
you're like an aspie who can't do math if thers a blue sock in the room.

>> No.1475858

Brownbear, I respect you for maintaining a level head amongst the sea of clearly delusional morons.

Protip: it's not tripfags/namefags killing /lit/, it's the people who bitch about tripfags/namefags

>> No.1475960

Here's the thing, you see.... Brownbear derails threads by being a tripfag. Just his very presense as a tripfag diverts discussion away from literature and this is the case with all tripfags.

If Brownbear really gave a fuck and wasn't a tripfig for the few ego strokes that come his way then he would drop the trip. That way he could still contribute to the boards with his sensible ideas without causing all this sort of shit.

But will he? Or is it more important for him that his name is out there and seen?

>> No.1475968

I'm on 4chan enough that I could be a janitor, but I don't know a whole lot of shit about stuff like the information in the sky so I couldn't make my own bomb-ass stickies.

>> No.1475992


you seem to be implying that it is my fault people see my name and derail the thread?

that it's up to me to stop using a tripcode because some people cannot handle the fact people have a name on a website?

this is a silly argument and you should be addressing the root cause of the problem, the fact that some people can't stop giving tripfags attention.

to put it simply.
imagine a child getting lots of attention from his peers because he's great at sports.
this distracts from his academic lessons because people are always bothering him.
should he stop playing sports? something that doesn't hurt anybody?
or should the other kids stop speaking to him and distracting from the lessons?

>> No.1475994

If I was Janitor this thread would have been deleted by now.

>> No.1475995

Sticky is far too messy. As it is, it's better than nothing, but barely. It seems to be mostly random links with no descriptions. Far too cluttered. And "Don't ask for help with your homework" should be the very first thing on the list.

>> No.1475998

Uh, it's pretty obvious that if you got rid of the name it would solve the situation.

By not doing so you're confirming that you're no better than Tybrax, D&E and all the other attention whores.

>> No.1475999



>> No.1476001

>And "Don't ask for help with your homework" should be the very first thing on the list.
that's your opinion, I see far more ereader and lit essentials threads than ereader threads. at least you admit it has some worth though.
ok, so if a homophobe hates a gay person, you should blame the gay person for existing? some anonymous' seriously need to grow up.

>> No.1476003

than homework threads*

>> No.1476004


it would solve the situation but i shouldn't have to do it?

you know what else would've solved a situation? if the allies just let Hitler win the war, it's their fault for wanting to stop him.

and MLK? fuck man that would've been solved if he just let black people be oppressed. what a fucking cunt right?

and don't even get me started on fucking Ghandi. self-righteous prick!

no i am not comparing myself to these people, just using the situations as examples

>> No.1476010

>no I am not comparing myself to these people, I am just comparing myself to these people
You're a fucking retard. I hope you never become janitor. You just used a fucking Godwin as a supposed legitimate argument.

I bet you made this fucking thread yourself.

>> No.1476011

ITT: Shitbear praising himself

I won't apply, but I'll make sure to send an e-mail convincing the moderation team not to make him a janitor

>> No.1476012

1. You're nowhere near as important as any of those things
2. Stop bumping this thread, retard.

>> No.1476013


thanks for refuting the points of my argument, nice ad homienem bro

and yes i did refer to Hitler however my point still stands.

your move sir.

and of course, the usual technique anons employ
>getting beat in an argument
>call samefag

bravo sir.

>> No.1476016


please read the posts in this thread before posting

defending yourself does not equate to praising yourself.

also, applications are anonymous so they would not actually know if it was me they were thinking of appointing...

>> No.1476022

You've very obviously samefag'd a number of times

>> No.1476024

>An example is a demonstration with the aim of informing others of how a task should be performed
You made a comparison, then said it wasn't a comparison. I'm not following this thread. This is the first time I've looked at it. I only looked at your post. It told me: you're a fucking retard. I'm loath to believe /lit/ is collectively so fucking stupid that people would support someone as obviously stupid as you, hence my response. Kindly go fuck yourself.

>> No.1476026


no u
2 people are unable to have the same opinion when a tripfag is involved.
pic related.
it's my fucking face when you think that.

actually no, i said i wasn't comparing MYSELF to hitler, ghandi or MLK, after all i know that if i did that the anons would be very angry and call me sel-righteous or egotistical or something along those lines.

i did however comapre the situations, please read my post more carefully you'll see i said
>no i am not comparing myself to these people, just using the situations as examples
>not comparing myself to these people
>to these people.

you see the difference?

Kindly learn to read
and then go fuck yourself.

>> No.1476028
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forgot my pic

>> No.1476030

How come tripfags always whine "samefag" when 2 or more Anons share an opinion?

Is it because their small heads would implode at the sheer thought of 4channers agreeing?

>> No.1476032

>Not comparing myself to Hitler
>The allies would have been the appropriate parallel
Freudian slip confirms BrownBear for Nazi /stormfront/ reject.

>> No.1476034

i think you got that the other way round, it's usually the anons who white 'samefag' when an anon agrees with a tripfag.

case in point:
this thread.

>> No.1476037


whoops my bad, also never really went to /new/ apart from when that Julian Assange stuff was at it's peak.

then i realised /new/ was shit

>> No.1476038

>In comparing myself to these people, I am not comparing myself to these people
Seriously. You're fucking brain damaged.

>> No.1476041

that logic applies here..
who just doesn't seem to understand that basing your whole life on arguing with tripfags is an immature thing to do.

>> No.1476050

Good job, /lit/, you brain-dead retards. Thanks for shitting up the board with whining about tripfags when you could be just ignoring it and getting the fuck along. Honestly, Brownbear (from what I've seen) makes decent threads and replies. Whether he does that under anonymous or under a trip should not matter in the slightest. You guys are so concerned with the name behind the post that you forget to read that actual post. I might just get myself a trip until you idiots learn to get over it.

>> No.1476051

You're killing your father, BrownBear.

>> No.1476056

Stop bumping the thread BrownBear.

>> No.1476057
File: 287 KB, 640x480, butts knocker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i compared the situations, not the actual individuals, you can change it to anyone, one other person posted an example of a gay man which got the point across nicely.

also good to see you could refute my points :) instead you just shout retard like a butthurt faggot because you can't handle that you lost an argument online.
srsly bro.
grow up.

pic related.

exactly this
(polite sage because you did)

>> No.1476058

Not that I want to be predictable, but this looks exactly like Brownbear dropped his trip.

I'm just sayin'.

>> No.1476063


well i didn't.
you can really say that about any two posts though can't you?
i think it's just because i, unlike other tripfags, don't resort to lines such as 'i am the best' that people think anyone posting a reasoned and logical response against people hating tripfags is going to be me without my trip.

>> No.1476067

No, that was me

>> No.1476068

You're the only one regularly bumping this thread. No one else cares. And you have been known to samefag. A lot.

>> No.1476071


actually....no i haven't.
you see the whole point of samefagging is that you can't tell.
just because someone says something a lot does not make it true.
you understand that?
or are you generally just a little bit dim?

>> No.1476072

It was me actually.

>> No.1476074
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>implying I shouldn't be a janitor

too bad for you I'm not even applying

>> No.1476075
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also you care enough to post. sage or no sage

>> No.1476076

I have nothing against Brownbear, except that he lied about turning down a job at--what was it, Cambridge?

Oh, and the goddamn fucking sticky, which needs to go.

>> No.1476077


honestly, i wouldn't mind the tripfags if assholes like you wouldn't draw so much fucking attention to them.


And although, you are mostly right, dropping the name would save yourself from these raging /b/tards.

>> No.1476078

Maybe you and I are the same person.

>> No.1476079

Guys, stop stealing credit, it was me.

Only joking BrownBear, you faggot

>> No.1476081

Care enough about bumping a thread to post a sage. Yeah, perfect sense.

>> No.1476089

not only do you have to type out the message, you then changed the email field to sage.
that's like punching someone because you got upset and saying you don't care. if you didn't care you wouldn't expend energy. and yes i do care, because retardation is running wild in you kids.

>> No.1476094

Brownbear DEFINITELY made this thread.
Brownbear probably makes the tripfag poll threads.
Brownbear drops trip all the time to do really pathetic shit like this.

>> No.1476095

Anonymous DEFINITELY replied to this thread.
Anonymous probably cares about the tripfag poll threads.
Anonymous sages and replies and cares all the time about tripfags to do really pathetic shit like this.

>> No.1476097

Brownbear is an egotistical mess, no doubt.

>> No.1476105

>equates a post to being punched
Interesting what people chose to project onto, eh?

It's simple:
Want to say something?
Don't want to bump the thread?
Use sage.

>> No.1476112

whys it interesting to use the punch as an example?
you obviously care. if you didn't care you would look at the thread and just scroll right past it. just admit that you've been upset by this whole ordeal. it's okay, the mean tripfags can't hurt you anymore.

>> No.1476126

This is not therapy BrownBear! Stop projecting onto everything!

>> No.1476127

ok ill stop

>> No.1476132

im really mad at everything. why it happen. stop stupid people i hate you all i care caare carree care care ffaaaaaaaaa dog dogss dooooooooooooog

>> No.1476135

I think we're on the same page buddy

>> No.1477152


i've just woken up from a nice sleep

no i did not make this thread and i do not make these tripfag poll threads either, the tripfag poll threads have been happening for years on all the boards across 4chan...starting with /a/

>> No.1477796

op here, bump

>> No.1477984
