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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 149 KB, 1100x656, Guenons-desk-in-Cairo1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14752243 No.14752243 [Reply] [Original]

Find out when anons stop being merely based and start getting guénonian

>> No.14752266

>Reading a book and the text says Govern-

>Read it as Guenonment

>> No.14752460

You're insane demon. Guénon was against having pictures of him taken, and you're making idols out of his image. He was also against proselytism and yet here you are 24/7 spamming the board.

>> No.14752463

I'm beginning to think he doesn't have pure intentions.

>> No.14752786

what does land think about guenon

>> No.14752798

I'm starting to think Islam makes sense and its scaring me

>> No.14752802

he wrote Meltdown having found out that Guenon (pbuh) preemptively refuted him and fled to China to rethink his life

>> No.14752807

That's his grandchildren's desk. (great grandchildren? Can't remember)

>> No.14752836

why would that be scary?

>> No.14753816

Islam arrived from the future and refuted continental philosophy through Guénon (pbuh)

>> No.14753941

Because he might start accepting a bunch of rapacious shitskins having sexual emergencies in the vicinity of his people's women

>> No.14755009

>You're insane demon. Guénon was against having pictures of him taken, and you're making idols out of his image.
He (pbuh) was only talking about his human nature, but I only pray to his divine nature.

>> No.14755028

>sexual emergencies in the vicinity of his people's women
Reminder that "sexual emergency" was coined to defend a mud who raped a little boy and he was acquitted.

>> No.14755067

More gaynon

>> No.14755079

>defend a mud who raped a little boy and he was acquitted
Holy based... Didn't the practice even have a special name? "Dawah" or something similar.

>> No.14755418


>> No.14755456

Thankfully I got my one Guenon book out of the way. It was one too many but at least I now know that the Guenon meme is a joke. For anyone out there thinking of reading Guenon, I would advise you to just skip him. There are many more interesting and important authors to read.

>> No.14755471

don't let that retarded neovedantist faggot guenonfag taint guenon for you, guenon is a perfectly fine author and has nothing to do with that pushy asshole

>> No.14755529

>neovedantist faggot
How is neovedantism different from other advaita schools?

>> No.14756399

Die in a very slow and unpleasant way.

>> No.14756437

>t. humorless facebook boomer

>> No.14757060

Very based.

>> No.14757070

Face starts elongating

>> No.14757093

>be born a christian bourgeois
>bear the name of the female ape
>get bored with Christianity and secular Christianity, ie free masons, like any midwit low bourgeois
>dabble in spiritualism, theosophy and perennialist mysticism and become infatuated with vedism-mahayanism
>exactly the same retardation
>but it is exotic so it is true
>shill the idea that all religions are the same
>die a muslism
>It's really only to make idiots feel righeous and like they are in the know
>100 years later, the people who spout the same nonsense are the bored midwit humanist bourgeois like soccer moms posting on Facebook craving for virtue signaling points

>> No.14757116
File: 348 KB, 600x357, bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Guénon (pbuh) say about this picture?

>> No.14757312

Highly based.

>> No.14757498

Extremely guénased post

>> No.14757512

This - probably the stupidest thing about the Evola/Guénon/Traditionalist School trend is that they were all committed esotericists who would hate the idea of people trying to popularize their work, or that they could be understood just through reading.

>> No.14757531

They know it and are doing intentionally, as a way to falsify Guénon's teachings in the eyes of /lit/ through humor. They are literally demons.

>> No.14757804
File: 79 KB, 850x400, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14757831

This isn't funny.

>> No.14757944

He's making it impossible to have any descent discussion about Guenon at very least.