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14752083 No.14752083 [Reply] [Original]

This is the final boss, right?

Even very intelligent people struggle with Hegel.

>> No.14752086

No, Terrence Howard is the final boss.

>> No.14752088

He isn't that hard to understand, you just have to put time into it which the people with 5 second attention spans here just can't do. He was more like the one who mapped out how philosophy and culture evolves

>> No.14752092

He wrote literal nonsense.

>> No.14752093

hegel is pretty easy if you stick to secondary texts, which is more than enough to firmly grasp his philosophy

>> No.14752174

He intentionally wrote obscure nonsense so anyone who reads his work can interpret it in any way they wish.

>> No.14752187

most secondary literature is attempting to spin him as compatible with liberalism when really he completely dismantled the enlightenment project

>> No.14752202


>> No.14752214

This isn't even his final negation.

>> No.14752311
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>the final boss is just the first boss again

>> No.14752604

no author is difficult to read, everyone just has no attention span cause of the internet and think this effect is negligible but its fucking huge

>> No.14752620

This, more krectly lubeen or fellow―me―lieder was first
poured forth where Riau Liviau riots and col de Houdo humps,
under the shadow of the monument of the shouldhavebeen legis-
lator (Eleutheriodendron! Spare, woodmann, spare!) to an over-
flow meeting of all the nations in Lenster fullyfilling the visional
area and, as a singleminded supercrowd, easily representative,
what with masks, whet with faces, of all sections and cross sections
(wineshop and cocoahouse poured out to brim up the broaching)
of our liffeyside people (to omit to mention of the mainland mino-
rity and such as had wayfared via Watling, Ernin, Icknild and
Stane, in chief a halted cockney car with its quotal of Hardmuth's
hacks, a northern tory, a southern whig, an eastanglian chroni-
cler and a landwester guardian) ranging from slips of young
dublinos from Cutpurse Row having nothing better to do than
walk about with their hands in their kneepants, sucking air-
whackers, weedulicet, jumbobricks, side by side with truant
officers, three woollen balls and poplin in search of a croust of
pawn to busy professional gentlemen, a brace of palesmen with
dundrearies, nooning toward Daly's, fresh from snipehitting and
mallardmissing on Rutland heath, exchanging cold sneers, mass-going ladies from Hume Street in their chairs, the bearers baited,
some wandering hamalags out of the adjacent cloverfields of
Mosse's Gardens, an oblate fater from Skinner's Alley, brick-
layers, a fleming, in tabinet fumant, with spouse and dog, an aged
hammersmith who had some chisellers by the hand, a bout of
cudgel players, not a few sheep with the braxy, two bluecoat
scholars, four broke gents out of Simpson's on the Rocks, a
portly and a pert still tassing Turkey Coffee and orange shrub in
tickeyes door, Peter Pim and Paul Fry and then Elliot and, O,
Atkinson, suffering hell's delights from the blains of their annui-
tant's acorns not forgetting a deuce of dianas ridy for the hunt, a
particularist prebendary pondering on the roman easter, the ton-
sure question and greek uniates, plunk em, a lace lappet head or
two or three or four from a window, and so on down to a few good
old souls, who, as they were juiced after taking their pledge over at
the unkle's place, were evidently under the spell of liquor, from the
wake of Tarry the Tailor a fair girl, a jolly postboy thinking off
three flagons and one, a plumodrole, a half sir from the weaver's
almshouse who clings and clings and chatchatchat clings to her, a
wholedam's cloudhued pittycoat, as child, as curiolater, as Caoch

>> No.14752666 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14752715


>> No.14752904

Or read this in order Kant's CoPR -> Schelling's Historical-critical introduction to the philosophy of mythology -> Hegel's PoS

But to be honest the time it will take from you just to get it on scholarly level is just not worth it.