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14751880 No.14751880 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write about having sex if I've never done it?

>> No.14751885

Read authors who were known for their muffdiving adventures. Or buy a whore.

>> No.14751894

have sex

>> No.14751897

Just copy paste Joyce's letters to Nora.

>> No.14751898


>> No.14751905


>> No.14751907

Sex with the woman on top, playing the man's part is an abomination.

>> No.14751909

Use your imagination. That's what writers do, isn't it?

>> No.14751921

Just use what you know, what you have have experienced and leave the rest up to the readers imagination, work within the limitations of your experiences. You can dump every bit of your unfulfilled desire for sex into a narration of the buildup to sex, but cutoff the narration before the event, imply the rest.

>> No.14751957
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>> No.14751971


>> No.14751972

Literally have sex incel.
Its really easy once you decide to do it.

>> No.14751976
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You are an abomination

>> No.14751986


>> No.14751992

I agree. But have you ever tried being unreasonably afraid of sex and women?

>> No.14752014

Which would you rather read?
>I was the bee pollinating her silk flower petals with my poison sting. I felt a sense of guilt as my poison corrupted her body. She took it all anyway with a blissful shudder of her hips.
>as my nose approached her rectum, I was reminded of my long lost friend Pooch when I had clean out his butthole to stop the carpet from being spoilt. I had to accept my life as bitter farces. I still loved her so I took the bitter pill. The suffering lasted for an eternity.
Real sex and fantasy sex aren't always the same. Not having sex might shield you away from the reality and enable you to express it in a more conceptualised and pure way.

>> No.14752061

The first one feels like an 8 year old is telling. Were you raped at that age?

>> No.14752419
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>Or buy a whore.

this. it's quite a good way of life.

I'm not from an anglo country, so we don't have the same fear of getting in trouble with the law, but let me suggest some reading for anglo-fag in here:


In the end it's just humans relating to humans.

>> No.14752423

Sex with you must be indescribably boring if you only stick to one position

>> No.14752430

Sex work is actually legal in the UK as long as it doesn’t involve coercion, trafficking or exploitation

>> No.14752432

write about not having it instead

>> No.14752441

you dont

Neochan is al labout sex, reddit, christianity and trans.

>> No.14752446

>Keep referring to a woman cunt as her 'sex', and nothing else
>When picking what adjective to use, always use 'warm'
>be as vague as possible so that the reader has to make shit up in their head
>Do not describe a woman's breasts or ass ever, only describe a man's cock

That's basically it.
Anything else is smut, and women won't read it.

>> No.14752447


Sorry,my bad for being ignorant. I was thinking on American Anons I talked to in here and how afraid they were of getting in trouble with the cops.

>> No.14752483

You set a new standard for sex for future generations by writing a masterpiece.

>> No.14752487

lol like I am going to bother using what upper body strength i have to fuck a girl i don't even love

>> No.14752493

allude to it, like how TV series before the 70s did it.

>> No.14752507


Most people have done all but nothing.

>> No.14752520
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>the woman should do no work for the sex, only laying back doing nothing, while the man spend lots of energy fucking her and making her cum free of charge

beta men are destroying society

>> No.14752531

You're a fucking writer, not a commentator. You don't have to experience it for yourself to write about it. Talk to people who had sex, read from people who had sex, and write.

>> No.14752536


>> No.14752574

If it is simply sex, as in fucking, you can literally use porn as a source. Love making is something else entirely, and I've never read anything that comes close to portraying it accurately. sounds pretty gay but their is a special intensity and timelessness when you are having sex with a woman you love, it's as though your bodies are entirely made of neurons, all of your senses are in tune and its as though your soul is trying to coax hers out - playfully chasing each other before embracing in mutual climax. I miss love, never felt true love since my girlfriend died.

>> No.14752586

Both of these are fucking awful anon.
You write like this regularly?

>> No.14752595


>> No.14752627

don't do this sex scenes are always extremely cringe Hemingway dealt with it in a Chad way
>She held herself tight to him and her lips looked for his and then
found them and were against them and he felt her, fresh, new and
smooth and young and lovely with the warm, scalding coolness and
unbelievable to be there in the robe that was as familiar as his
clothes, or his shoes, or his duty and then she said, frightenedly,
“And now let us do quickly what it is we do so that the other is
all gone.”

“You want?”

“Yes,” she said almost fiercely. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

>> No.14752636

Here's a serious reply anon. Read something like yukio mishima's forbidden colors. The way he he alludes to sex in the writing and describes it, without actually saying it, is really well done. Great book too if you don't mind gay shit.

>> No.14752776

U r

>> No.14752837

>look I'm playing manly man

>> No.14752850

You can’t. Don’t even try it, everybody will be able to tell.

>> No.14752854

virgin detected

>> No.14752858

watch porn

>> No.14753072

Read some D.H. Lawrence and Tanizaki Junichiro.

>> No.14753074

>Great book too if you don't mind gay shit
how gay?
2 dude, or any boygirls?

>> No.14753077

This. Sex is not a big deal. If you can write about people traveling to foreign countries that you haven't been to, then you can easily be a virgin and write about sex.

>> No.14753104

Nice! I never see anyone talk about Tanizaki around here. Good rec, just got Sons and Lovers so if you would consider them on a similar level that makes me excited

>> No.14753120

Missionary but with her on top

>> No.14753124

Well, as far as "coomer" literature goes, they're top of the class, I'd say. Definitely the sort of authors OP should check out.

>> No.14753541

Copy from Lolita. Make sure no one notices. Everyone will notice.

>> No.14753567

I've never done it either but for some reason I'm kind of good at writing sex scenes, mostly because I know what's good and what's not based on the various books I've read.

>> No.14753588

It also depends on the tone of the book too, if it's an overall vulgar book, then I don't think it's bad to go vulgar with words, and if it's more laid-back then try to keep it less vulgar, but a lot of people don't go very descriptive with their sex scenes, they go try to get cute with metaphors and innuendos, but it usually ends out becoming bland and not very sensual.

I think a lot of writers are not particularly good at sex, and that might actually inhibit them, as opposed to someone who has never actually done it, so they can be more imaginative about it. A lot of writers write based on their experiences in life, perhaps sex just isn't a good one for them so they can't formulate a sensual scene.

>> No.14753618

So for an example, let's say your character is an awkward, shy guy and you're writing in a first person point of view. Don't be afraid to get clinical with sex, because it might be how an inexperienced character might think. Avoid terms like 'cock' or 'pussy', if you get what I mean. There's nothing wrong with making a scene unsexy if it calls for it.
I've read books where authors can get carried away with writing sex, or not carried away enough.
Sorry, I'm ranting a little, but it's a pet peeve of mine how sometimes authors can glance over sex, and act like it's no big deal in a lot of novels.
Just remember your audience, and remember your characters and tone of the book, and you should be able to come up with something, regardless of experience.

>> No.14753630

>in the end it's just humans relating to humans
>beep book it's just fungible biounits engaging in the reproduction protocol
>men and women have the same perspective on the sex experience
>there are no significant differences in male and female sexual psychology


>> No.14753639

Lol of course your porn-addled brain would think sex scenes are poorly written if they don't literally give you a boner

>> No.14753652

>thrusts his purple headed warrior into her thick mound of love pudding

Lots of erotica authors have no idea either

>> No.14753674

How do people write about flying in space or fighting dragons? Use your imagination, dummy.

>> No.14753682

If the scene you're writing is intentionally unsexy, i.e a political marriage in which the two don't love each other and are copulating for the sake of trying to have a heir, or something like that, then sure I can understand the want for making a low-effort sex scene.

but if you're writing a novel with build up about characters and you write something low effort or trite, then that's not good, you either lack confidence about your writing skills in regards to sex, or you have a negative view towards it.

>> No.14753821

You probably shouldn't obsess about sex so much, it's not a bof deal, really..
After the first dozen women or so you realise the old adage is true, "Turn them upside down and they are much the same!"

>> No.14753892

Just elegantly imply that the sex happened like Stendhal did

>> No.14753901
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Fun fact: the woman on top was JFK's preferred position (mainly because of back problems though)

>> No.14753910

Well 2 dudes but most of the lovers are described as pretty effeminate and the MC is described as beautiful often

>> No.14753912

sex irl (unless you're into some weird kinky orgy shit) is much more about intimacy than sex in porn, so if you have any experience with sensual intimacy start there. Try to read male and female first person accounts of sexual experiences to get a more fully rounded perspective.

>> No.14753913

it's kind of ironic, but the women in books like that always end up seeming more whorish or scandalous. like ana karenina.

>> No.14754041

>allude to it
>Just elegantly imply that the sex happened
This is honestly the best advice. Sex scenes in books are usually not sexy at all and pretty cringe inducing and usually fail to be provocative or even interesting much less titillating. Having characters just talk/joke about sex in a believable way is much more relatable and a good way to humanize them.

>> No.14754046

>How do I write about dragons if i've never done it
Just make shit up lmao

>> No.14754558

Read the Song of Songs. The Song of Songs, for those of you who haven’t read the Bible in a while, is a long erotic poem that somehow got smuggled into the Old Testament. It is the single most instructive document you can read if you want to learn how to write effectively about the nature of physical love.

>> No.14754587

Aren't you jewish?

>> No.14754589

The Bible is intended as an entire life manual. It covers every topic of human existence.

>> No.14754608

why ask /lit/?
makes no sense

>> No.14754615
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This goes for sex havers too.

>> No.14754618

Incels should be creating a literature on rape fantasies

>> No.14754653

It's nothing special, just literally imagine doing it and you will be able to write about it. When I had sex the first time it fucking sucked, you know why? Because it was exactly the same as I imagined it to be, dude you are in the moment during that time, no wonder or dreamy like feeling, all you feel is sticking your dick in something, that's why theoretically, porn is literally better than sex.

>> No.14754675

Romance is infinitely better than porn. Casual hookups have the cringe factor and an element of awkwardness. Thats why people usually get slightly drunk with their spouse and sex in a dimly lit room

>> No.14754676

You must mean the Rabbi who mutilated you and gave you a blowjob.

>> No.14755052

this guy knows

>> No.14755140

Like PUA?

>> No.14755470

write a character that never had sex but tells others about his rich sex life and his experiences. the reader knows it fake, and the cringe 'boobs like bags of sand' takes become endearing if the character is not a complete misogynist.