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/lit/ - Literature

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1474735 No.1474735 [Reply] [Original]

i'm usually a /co/mrade, but i decided to explore a little bit.
what are popular topics on /lit/?
any all-around loved or hated authors?
do banned books come up frequently?
can we discuss Terry Pratchett?

>> No.1474757

I don't really care for the death and rincewind archs, but the witches and citywatch are awesome, nightwatch being my favorite.

>> No.1474762

I love Death. Reaper Man... it's so good.

>> No.1474769


>> No.1474775

inb4 Disney is making Mort.

>> No.1474788

God Tier:
Moist Von Lipwig, City Watch

Good Tier:
Witches, Death

Shit Tier:

>> No.1474797

Popular Topics?
>Ayn Rand
>James Joyce's fart fetish
>Is David Foster Wallace for pretentious hipsters only?
>A Dance With Dragons is never coming out.
>Philosophy and Religion debates
>Communism vs Capitalism

/lit/ generally loves Dostoyevsky and Nabokov

/lit/ generally hates Twilight and Tao Lin

banned books come up once and a while

>> No.1474802

*once in a while

>> No.1474805

>Philosophy and Religion debates
You're thinking of sci. Here we descend into shit over philosophy. Or pedantry.

And Discworld comes up a lot too.

>> No.1474821

Unfortunately he's pretty much spot on. We're not nearly as bad as /sci/ with the religion stuff. I'd also like to clarify that we talk about how much we hate Ayn Rand.

David Foster Wallace is awesome btw, fuck anybody who tells you differently. But that's just my opinion.

>> No.1474834
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>> No.1474869

>/lit/ generally hates Twilight and Tao Lin
True, but since everyone hates those two you rarely see more than passing reference to them. Not at all like the trollerific lit-fic vs. sci-fi threads that we have every once in a while.

>> No.1474872

Not quite, Tao Lin loves Tao Lin.

>> No.1474879

I bet his mom likes him too.