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14747226 No.14747226 [Reply] [Original]

Well, we had done it.

The table of and the in boardroom of G.C.L.R. Inc. and Subsidiaries now boasted a full cheeseboard of foreigners, the physically handicapped and even women and such like, and homosexuals, bisexuals and two transvestites - the latter being myself and the trusted VP Mr. Stevens, and the refreshments were being served by unpaid children.

"Well," I exclaimed, "Marvelous, marvelous, marvelous! We can finally now begin to get to grips with the pressing realities that effect everyone in society and the role that G.C.L.R. Inc. and Subsidiaries will endeavor to fulfill in a growing and ever changing and ever diverse marketplace!" and I showed my teeth.

What followed next was surely ghastly. From the mouth of everybody in good order came the most unwelcome suggestions on how to reorder the company and give people things that they needed, and so on, with an almost Fordist undertone to the whole affair. And so I fired them all and replaced them with same versions of their diversity criterions but having made sure that their IQ points were at least 50 points lower than in the beginning and that virtually none of them spoke a common language, so that any kind of coordinated communication was impossible.

"Well," I exclaimed, "Marvelous, marvelous, marvelous!"

A fly made its way around the boardroom. It landed on one of their faces.

I sat with fixed grin and wild eyes.

"Suggestions," I said to them, "on how to improve the company and such and such, if you would be so kind."

Mr. Stevens fiddled with his blouse nervously had had begun to sweat under his wig. He was convinced that they would be exactly the same as the last lot.

And they were.

Although their Fordism had now been transmuted by degrees into plain old pump and dump; suggestions of simply selling off the company assets and going on holiday with the proceeds and another had begun to explain that he or she was badly in need to go to the toilet, none of them really seemed to possess any sort of grasp at all on where they were or what they were doing now that they were here or even how they arrived here in spangled suits and such like.

>> No.14747231

I tore the pearls from my neck and threw them at the wall.

"Let's sum it up in a a few simple words," said Stevens, quick to recover the ground, and pointed to one of the mentally retarded board members.

"get money," the board member said, and then he said, "I like money," and he clapped his hands together several times, flailed around in his chair and basked in the warm approval of his peers and equals.

A warm smile flooded my face, I rose from my chair and walked to the chap and placed my hand upon his shoulder, "of course you do," I chuckled and squeezed tight, "of. course. you. do."

And so that was that.

The trick was to make sure that none of them could possibly know what they were doing or why they were here and so long as Stevens and I remained the only people in the boardroom with an IQ above 90, there was no possible threat to our positions or pensions or status at large in the broader society.

The man had summed it up all exquisitely,
"get money," he had said, "i like money!" he had said.

Well don't we all?


>> No.14747282

I like the first part, really made me chuckle. The part in the second post didn't do as much for me. I'd read more of this if it exists.

>> No.14748489

haha thanks

i guess if i was a professional writer i'd have dragged this out to three books and charged for the privilege l;)

>> No.14749277

It was a fun read, thanks OP