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File: 39 KB, 333x500, BAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14745012 No.14745012 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give the TL;DR on this? Is BAP's advice legit? What does he advise young men to do with their lives? Why does he advocate joining the military?

The only thing I know is that he espouses that men inherently seek to master their surroundings

>> No.14745018

lol why would this dumb bitch tell you to join the military, a much better path toward power is making a lot of money or running for political office

>> No.14745067

>is making a lot of money
Hard to do now with H1-B's lowering wages. "Muh learn to code" is a meme now. Most university degrees in general are a meme.
>running for political office
Which is run by special interest groups and zionists. Even if you manage to use optics and make your way to presidency, you'll not be able to get anything done because almost everyone else is a zionist. Perhaps local politics but nothing that can cause substantial change

>> No.14745128

>Can someone give the TL;DR on this?

Be like Alcibiades.

>> No.14745130


>> No.14745436

Something about the sacred warrior caste probably.
Obviously this ignores that modern combat is super abstracted and no longer the visceral, personal, face-to-face combat that it once was.

>> No.14745462

stop being bug person snd seeking comfort

>> No.14745497

Shut up faggot. If you're too retarded to buy and read a 130 page and $7 book then you shouldn't waste your good vidya or tranny cuck porn time and money on it. Stop fighting against your NPC genetics and enjoy comfort and safety, "man".

>> No.14745514

I'm not spending money on some LARPer trust fund babby addicted to twitter

>> No.14745519

You need to become a man first you stupid faggot, and your dad's a little bitch just like everyone else's. And you need masculine camaraderie and time away from the Matriarch to grow the fuck up and stop shitposting like the little faggot nigger bitch that you are.

>> No.14745525
File: 367 KB, 220x165, tenor (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy this book or else you're a CUCk!

>> No.14745531

Praise Israel, hoorah! Enjoy stepping on a landmine goy

>> No.14745537

Socrates' gay boyfriend.

>> No.14745539

>Hard to do now with H1-B's lowering wages. "Muh learn to code" is a meme now.

Holy shit what a sad pathetic quitter you are. There is virtually endless money in coding right now and for the foreseeable future. H1-Bs are an attempt to lower wages but your argument is like saying "Don't go into the trades because some 5'5" 85IQ Mexican will take your job." You literally and truly disgust me with your entitled quitter attitude. You would rather not try and by a Jewish Globalist bitch in exchange for comfort and safety. I hope for the sake of humanity you die alone with no children. <-- And we both know this is the likeliest outcome for you because you earned it and deserve it you disgusting cuck bitchass Jew slave.

>> No.14745549


>> No.14746451

This book is pseud drivel. Read Jack Donovan’s the way of men. Even better read Evola, Nietzsche and Guenon.

>> No.14746459

This. Evola said that modern combat has only soldiers and no warriors.

BAP is that you? Please know that your book is retarded, even though your heart is in the right place.

>> No.14746463

Become a man by turning yourself into canon fodder for zionists interests...

>> No.14746464

this. read the first half of the handbook of traditional living as well.

>> No.14746478

I would not discount special forces.
BAP book is not even about being warrior, just accruing personal power...

>> No.14746519

I feel like if you are interested in these ideas you should pretty much just read Nietzsche and Evola then apply that to an edgy 4chan mindset.
I haven't read it, but from what I have gathered it basically just says to be a Nietzschean Uberman, and follow Evola's warrior ideals, with a side of "modern society is so gay and degenerate" while simultaneously saying "I use 4chan lulz xd"
Doesn't really interest me personally.

>> No.14746541

Large portions of the book consist of this "Groyper meme speak" that they use on twitter. It's a very uncomfortable read desu. It really detracts from the ideas presented.

3/10 didn't finish.

>> No.14746558

>Jack Donovan’s the way of men
Is that any good?

>> No.14746600

he does this at the start to filter those who don't *get* it, I think it is just a book of very good humour

>> No.14746606

Do you think it is going to age badly because of this? I can't image anything written in current memespeak being readable in 5 years.
The idea of filtering to get the kind of people who care about meme seems a bit cringe btw. Those a typically the people you want filtered out.

>> No.14746636

he has the vocabulary of a 3rd grader. boring book imo.
the meme language he uses is a mix of early 00s 1337speak and some kind of caveman talk that he popularized and his sycophants use on twitter, dunno what groypers talk like because i don't really pay attention to what those kids are doing but bap's phrasing seemed kind of idiosyncratic and not like generic alt right meme speak.

>> No.14746647

BAP loves his army of spergs though
The book sold fairly well worldwide and wasn't just a topical meme book. Despite the meme speak he got through to boomers like in the Claremont review and Moldbug trying to see what he is saying through it, which really is quite potent... his ideas of Nemesis, human overgrowth, lassitude and owned space particularly. I like him because he is much like a modern shitposting Carlyle (like Moldbug), and he shares the stories of great men. If he gets even one sperg to start bodybuilding and read about Alcibiades or Executive Outcomes I can find no reason to shit on him

>> No.14746694

>in the Claremont review and Moldbug
Aren't those just the memes grandpas? The formerly hip guys from 3-10 meme generations ago?

>If he gets even one sperg to start bodybuilding and read about Alcibiades or Executive Outcomes I can find no reason to shit on him
Fair enough, he's probably targeted at people who wouldn't read that on their own.

>> No.14747073

Pirate the book off libgen

>> No.14747099

No, it won't, because BAP outright says that he's only doing it to filter retards, who he isn't interested in talking to. This isn't outside information, this is in the book.

If you got filtered out because of BASED fyzeek speek for a few pages then you are precisely the kind of person BAP was trying to keep out.

>> No.14747110

Sounds like a retarded mindset where you LARP as better than others, but you actually just grow bitter.

>> No.14747125

It’s not really an advice book - many are obviously not built for military life and indeed the military is kinda gay rn
The best parts are about “owned space”, history, and parts where he does comedie

>> No.14747131

It’s useful for giving a jewish trust fund baby more shekels from the goyim

>> No.14748020
File: 269 KB, 714x809, 1566663778714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sacred warrior caste

>> No.14748255

Within the "right" umbrella of philosophy, you have a few different camps:

(1) "go slow" liberals (Conservative Inc., GOP, etc.)
(2) mild reactionaries (rewind the clock 10 years and freeze it)
(3) strong reactionaries (democracy was a mistake, etc.)
(4) and then you have the "woke" right

Number (4) might find (2) or (3) appealing at first, but only until he realizes that the conditions embedded in (2) or (3) are precisely those which gave rise to the situation we have today. The present world was an outgrowth of the past, which means the past was fundamentally flawed in some way that must be remedied going forward. We require a new mindset, a new way forward, that is above and beyond reactionary thought.

To this end, Bronze Age Pervert, as part of the "woke" right, is doing performative art by cleaving from the present as strongly as he can: going all the way back to the bronze age mindset, the beginning of civilization, but yet reminding us that it, too, was fundamentally flawed and let to the problems of today.

(Part 1)

>> No.14748261

BAP doesn't have the answers, and knows it if you pay attention (although some of his followers are plebs, hyper-reactionaries rather than new-mindset-ers). The point of BAP, and the reason he does performative art based on the most disjointed mindset he can find, is to break the "Realism" of the present; the mental cage that grows around most minds and brings them to accept current structures as the only way. You have to first see from the perspective of someone outside the prison to understand what has happened to you (for, example, the Bronze Age mindset) before you can begin to construct a new and useful mindset of your own.
To build on top of this anon's summation, BAP postulates breaking away with establishment in all forms—its media, politics, topics, longings—the namefag world of bugmen, and becoming an self-sufficient aristoi übermensch ready to kill the hydra when opportunity calls for it. The point seems to be accumulation of real power outside of the metanarrative power within the bugworld.
Beyond Greeks and Romans, some TedK overtones, lots of slightly more down-to-earth self-help when compared to Peterson, but redeemed by a degree of honesty and understanding: kings don't have to clean their rooms.
Ultimately nothing you wouldn't be aware of from reading classical literature and disconnecting from liquid modernity narratives. Lots of posturing, and not that much of a substance, but still probably a necessary step on the Right to find strength to counter the Left.

(Part 2)

>> No.14748266

The flip side of western civilization is western sackers of civilization. Pirates, vandals, goths, vikings, outlaw cattle raiders, mad prophets, secret societies, mafias, south african private paramilitaries, western specops, and so on. Just as the west has built some great civilizations -- that ended up decaying -- it also has some of the best sackers and harassers of civilization on the planet (along with Mongols, and others). This is, roughly, the bronze age mindset. The opposite is longhouse life under fat goddess matriarchs (feminism is ancient). That's what late civilizational decay and anti-BAP sort of looks like: a cramped-in, hunkered down autumn mindset, living in pigshit and taking orders from whipped male eunuchs to chop wood for purple-haired fatty funko-pop collectors before inevitable wintery death (note similarity to office wageslaves under woke capital, or what commies/socialists want). While the piratical spirit is open spaces, the sun, beachside bedouin tents, and arming yourself to the teeth on trimarans before going on warbride raids deep into mexico for hot latinas. As civilization and society decays, a power vacuum opens for those who would seize the moment (and space): men with piratical spirit.

Here is a youtuber documentary on bronze age mindset: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G80fw5wGq14

Here is little seen video of BAP giving three minutes on the bronze age mindset: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q46l70mNmCw

(Part 3)

>> No.14748287

sounds cringe t b h

>> No.14748322


>> No.14748336

>BAP postulates breaking away with establishment in all forms
Except twitter, and spamming your marketing over the internet with your homoerotic social media pics.

>> No.14749238

So to counter the "FUCK THE PATRIARCHY" people, this autist came up with "FUCK THE MATRIARCHY". Am I getting that right? Is that what it boils down to? Can't we stop discussing pop culture wars? Isn't it all so tiresome?

>> No.14749268

More like BRAP

>> No.14749284

Please actually read the people you pretend to.

>> No.14749291

The person you’re responding to doesn’t know what they’re talking about but you obviously know nothing about special forces and have bought the marketing gimmick.

>> No.14749292

He doesn't. The book is about controlling one's own space and describing the modern obstacles that stand in the way. He suggests that a certain kind of person will want to participate in future political/regime changes and recommends the joining the military as a way of doing so.

>> No.14749298

Lol at this faghot alcoholic walking around the city drunk like a normie pauper

>> No.14749538

tl;dr - join the deep state, hone your body and mind, wait for a time of chaos/opportunity --> take advantage of chaos to leapfrog into positions of (true) power
ex: rise of Putin

BAP(and NRx in general) has an aesthetic that talks a lot about the Golden Age(s) of Man and how there is great truth/life lessons that young men can glean as an alternative from modern pozz.

>> No.14749638

Based and cimmerianpilled

>> No.14749701

could you beat your country's best special forces in a fight?

>> No.14749789


>> No.14749802

>the military is kinda gay rn
t.zoomer in leftist college doing some sort of STEM
College is far gayer than the military

>> No.14750919

The Canadian one seems very gay at the current moment.

>> No.14750926
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This encapsulates it

>> No.14750932

I got meme’d into reading it, dont waste your time. it’s basically just “men hang out in gangs”

>> No.14750971

>lol why would this dumb bitch tell you to join the military
because he thinks that a military coup and takeover of the society is inevitable. he's suggesting we pick the "winning team" (according to him).

>> No.14750974

I really loved BAM and read it in one sitting, worth the read this anon sums it up nicely

>> No.14751356

Yep basically this.
I don't think you'll find anything super insightful desu.
And if you do, I doubt you'll act on it more than buying a cool Viking sword off Amazon, going to the gym for a week or two then giving up and going back to your boring life after you realize you can't live a warrior lifestyle in the modern world.

>> No.14752153

It's exactly what you expect a Nordic larpagan leader of an exclusively homosexual biker gang to write.

>> No.14752630

why do you plebs think that no one does anything but work boring urban jobs like you

>> No.14752638
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>> No.14752693

what do you do

>> No.14752828

Don’t listen to these fags, it’s a really good book for what it’s intended to be. It touches upon the same points As BAP without the retarded memespeak.