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/lit/ - Literature

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14743941 No.14743941 [Reply] [Original]

We have spanish and french . why not german ?

Get in here german frens .

>> No.14744304

This and unironically Mein Kampf are the only ones I’ve read. Where next?

>> No.14744307
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Sorry forgot pic

>> No.14744323
File: 1.01 MB, 1924x3432, 1558370740964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German philosopher

>> No.14744334

Hello frens, Im learning german from a book written in 1916. So far the instruction is really good and Id like to stick with it over modern books because of its detail and overall respect for the reader’s intelligence that I can’t find in newer texts. How strange will my speech, writing and grammar be?

>> No.14744341

Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship. So far it's been like Werther but the opposite.

>> No.14744342
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Here’s photos for anyone interested.

>> No.14744348
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>> No.14744355
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>> No.14744358

Reading this now so good ^.~

>> No.14744362

It used to be the case that only intelligent people learned things so the authors always assumed it, but now every book assumes readers are barely 100 iq.

>> No.14744376

Don't worry about it, you don't want to speak like a shitskin Turk immigrant from Kreuzberg anyway I imagine.

>> No.14744381

if anything, you'll be talking and writing in a more refined German than the natives.

>> No.14744463

ah yes, thanks my fellow gentlemen *tips hat*

>> No.14744763

Thanks guys, I’m enjoying it so far and the coherence of the instruction of the instruction is really showing in comparison to a book I have for learning german from the 80s and even more recent texts. I initially wanted to learn to write in old german script, but I decided it’s a bit too difficult to do with my current handwriting ability and how complex Kurrent is to write. That being said I may try to have another go at it, does anyone have any guides for it? It helps a bit to distinguish my handwriting in foreign languages from my English handwriting, such as Gaelic script cursive writing for Irish.

>> No.14744797

wie geht's frens! im moment lese ich berlin alexanderplatz. ich spreche passabel deutsch aber es gibt noch verbesserungsmöglichkeiten. (i mostly read in german and am trying to improve my speaking, apologies if i sound robotic and if i do feel free to tell me the more natural way to say things)

>> No.14744800

holy shit lmfao

>> No.14744812

Any natives here? How hard would you say Werther or Wilhelm Meister is?

>> No.14745355

What book

It's actually not as crazy as it looks, it's just two words. I think it means improvement possibilities

>> No.14745472
File: 991 KB, 950x761, Sonic Tschäd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for posting this.

>> No.14745486
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>> No.14745499
File: 219 KB, 1140x1074, Die Endlösung der Tiefkühlkost Frage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you get some vocabulary under your belt you will be able to dissect words like this pretty easily. Often, they will slip an "n" or an "s" between the root words to smooth the combined word.

>> No.14746202
File: 467 KB, 1348x764, das Mädchen hinter der Theke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stehe ich auf der Wacht, dass der Faden nicht stirbt.

>> No.14746469

vielen herzlichen dank für deinen unermüdlichen einsatz

>> No.14746537

Pretty normal I guess

>> No.14746757
File: 27 KB, 308x475, 3d3s0e2f6g4h.ejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heinrich von Kleist is great

>> No.14746898
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This is my design

>> No.14747139
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Warum so tot hier?

>> No.14747677
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>> No.14747981

Have you guys read New Lives by Ingo Schulze? How is it?
This isn't German, but how is Heimito von Doderer? I'm interested in Demons, but it wasn't translated to my native language.

>> No.14748051

Deutsch hä? Wurde auch Zeit.

Was ist das großartigste deutsche Werk, und wieso ist es Der Mann Ohne Eigenschaften?

>> No.14748213

Ich habe nur Hesse gelesen. Warum sind die meisten deutschen Schriftsteller aufklärer, rationalisten und humanisten? Für mich sind die Russen einfach besser oder habe ich wichtige deutsche verpasst die nicht in die Kategorien reinfallen?

>> No.14748281

Sie sollten sich die deutsche Romantik ansehen. Autoren wie Novalis, von Kleist, Hölderlin und nicht zuletzt Goethe selbst.

>> No.14748340

Es könnte mit dem 30-jährigen Krieg zu tun haben. Oder aber auch, und das ist wahrscheinlicher, die Tatsache dass der Hauptteil deutscher Geschichte eine Kollektion von Mini-Staaten und Stadtstaaten ist. Eine Art Rivalität wie die Italiener zuvor.

Außerdem ist Deutsch die vielleicht legalistischste Sprache der Welt, weswegen "Rationalismus" vorprogrammiert ist.

>> No.14748343
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>meisten deutschen Schriftsteller aufklärer, rationalisten und humanisten
>die Russen einfach besser

>> No.14748445

>Sietzen auf 4chan

>> No.14748474

Entschuldigung, ich bin kein Muttersprachler. Ich nehme an, das war zu formal?

>> No.14748485

Robert Musil

>> No.14748703

german underwent a spelling reform in the 1990s so your writing will be antiquated but pretty understandable.

>> No.14748752


And it is really hard to care about as a big part of the population does not care and some newspaper have gone back to the old spelling.

>> No.14748930
File: 34 KB, 405x650, Sebald – Nach der Natur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this? It's definitly not what I expected but I nevertheless like it so far. Also this is my first Sebald, what has /lit/ read by Sebald?

>> No.14750283
