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14740528 No.14740528 [Reply] [Original]

What book are you reading now /lit/?

>> No.14740549

12 Rules for Life, unironically.

>> No.14740552

I've always wondered if Johnny is happy

>> No.14740617


>> No.14740745
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>> No.14740798

'gotta lick those pages' is redundant. It would be much funnier without it.

>> No.14740882

I have to start something new. Should I read Don Quixote first, or Moby Dick? If the former, which translation?

>> No.14740895

Rereading American Psycho

>> No.14740918

If you have read maps of meaning or watched the YouTube course, you are wasting your time. If not, switch books to maps of meaning

>> No.14740925

Journey to the end of the night

>> No.14740931
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The Edogawa Rampo reader
Not a single yellow jap in his stories, all of them are white as fuck 10/10 j
jap qts.

>> No.14740935
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Whenever I save memes, I crop out the shitty 'reaction punchlines' people feel compelled to add at the bottom. Improving the meme ecosystem one shitty compressed jpg at a time

>> No.14740952

Existentialism is a Humanism.

>> No.14741006
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>mfw I know this is the Nina Elle prison scene

>> No.14741244

Soon ordering my next big order and its mainly getting the greeks out of the way.
To tide me over I have Edward Fesers Last Superstition and since Im almost done with that, Ill read Siddhartha afterwards.

>> No.14741263

Eichmann in Jerusalem
If you want to read this, do so after Hegel at least, it can get a little confusing at times. Arendt also sucks at sentence structure.

Learning a lot about the Holocaust, anyways. Interesting what West-German bureaucracy was like after the war.

Trying real hard not to shove in an anti-semitic joke in here.

>> No.14741268

Henry Petroski’s The Pencil.

>> No.14741289

Jane Eyre

>> No.14741556

Just starting Hunger.

>> No.14743111
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>> No.14743132

One must imagine him so.

>> No.14743230

Buddenbrooks by Mann. Pure Hanseatic Bourgeoisie, 10/10 masterpiece so far.

Depends on what kind of reader you are. Don Quixote is legitimately funny, apart from being a work of unparalleled genius. It never was hard for me to pick it up, and the first part at least is somewhat episodic, meaning you don't have to dedicate a lot of time to get into it each time you do decide to read it. The second part is where it turns darker; incidentally also where it becomes one of the most clever books ever written.

Moby Dick on the other hand, while also having many peaks of absolute genius, is much more of a chore at times. Melville was autistic about whaling trivia, and unless you are too, you'll be occasionally suffering.

Excellent choice my man, Hamsun is my favorite, and Hunger is perhaps his greatest, although I am more personally partial to Mysteries. If you like Hunger, then maybe check out Mysteries in a year or so. Reading them back to back might be too much of the same, as they are quite similar. If you do decide to move on with Hamsun after Hunger, check out Pan. I don't know if there are any english translations that do justice to his lyrical prose, but in Norwegian, it is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. He makes language sing in a similar way that Joyce does in the Siren chapter. Unlike Joyce however, Hamsun did it out of adoration for beauty, not out of some queasy and pimply undergraduate desire to illustrate that he was capable of writing beautifully and that it mostly meant nothing to him, like some sort of fart-smelling nihilist

>> No.14743282

I for one can't imagine milions of people being able to say they have seen my weiner. But then again, who knows..

>> No.14743301

Based. Thanks for your effort

>> No.14743304
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I am currently reading Pimp on my phone after seeing Dave Chapelle mention it. I really like how Iceberg forms sentences when he's writing, it's new to me to see much more effort put into that, but I love it.

>> No.14743341

I am officially 43 hours porn and fap free, anon. And I am as happy as one could get.

>> No.14743363

>If you like Hunger, then maybe check out Mysteries in a year or so.
Noted down. Thanks for the recs, anon.

>> No.14743376

I just finished Blood Meridian (I'm going to have to read that again with a dictionary side by side), and I'm starting A Scanner Darkly.

>> No.14743388

Johnny needs to play The Judge.

>> No.14743391

Gravity's Rainbow. It sucks. Too chaotic.

>> No.14743398

if you're referring to the man in OP's picture, it looks like he'll have to put on a lot more weight

>> No.14743806

>not The Rock

>> No.14743816


>> No.14743827

A Riflemen Went to War by Herbert W. McBride

>> No.14743831

Diary of a drug fiend

>> No.14743852

shit taste desu

>> No.14743854

V. I was blazing through it awhile ago but haven’t gotten to it for a bit, now I feel like I’ve lost my immersion into that world. That ever happen to anyone else?

>> No.14743855
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Cat and Mouse & Hunger
same but im on part three, so halfway. ill prob finish tomorrow. im a sucker for these proust-esque internal commentary shits.
good post thanks for the rec. have you read any other mann? i have doctor faustus on my to read, its going to be next in line after i finish Grass' danziger trilogy and hunger.

>> No.14743856
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>> No.14743957

for sure man. that's why i think one of the most important parts of reading is just to make it a habit, so that this doesn't happen

>> No.14743977


DQ is more fantastic and Moby-Dick is more encyclopedic. The first and last 150 pages of Moby-Dick are peak command of language and narrative, but that all tapers off in the middle with flashes of that sublime Melville dialogue and actual whaling episodes being rather the rarity. If you want something that is relatively more carefree and whimsical, DQ is your man.

>> No.14744017
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war and peace

>> No.14744042

The Stranger

>> No.14744043

Just finished A Hero of Our Time by Lermontov and started Journey to the End of Night by Celine