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File: 15 KB, 220x369, 4CE50C1B-9CDC-4F5C-96E3-A5813DF3DC33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14738333 No.14738333 [Reply] [Original]

I got blackout drunk recently and stupidly slept with my best mate’s barely legal sister. The guilt of it is crushing me. Any recommendations with protagonists who’ve done similar/felt the same?
Pic kinda related

>> No.14738343

Study tantric buddhism and non-dualism shivaism and stop feeling guilty about shit, there's nothing good nor bad. Be free

>> No.14738359

that's fucking based

>> No.14738581

I would kill you if i was your friend.Your a fucking cunt i would fucking rape and kill you you stupid cunt.Fucking cunt. Why would you potentially ruin your relationship with best friend for some pussy.Fucking weak pathetic cunt i would fucking kill you. Don't read a fucking book.Confess your actions to your friend, its the only way to assuage your guilt and its the least you owe him.

>> No.14738624

I dont get how people get blackout drunk and manage to hookup with girls

>> No.14738636

Cool humblebrag bro

>> No.14738796

>best mate’s barely legal sister
she's legal so as long as it was consensual there's no problem
not your fault he's a brocuck

>> No.14738804

Stop feeling guilty, only way for it to be more based was if she was 14

>> No.14738806


This but with less cursing

>> No.14738818

I hope my daughterfus mom doesn't gaslight her into thinking I molested or was trying to molest her but it's probably already too late.

>> No.14738829
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sounds like it isn't gaslighting, anon

>> No.14738845

She's the one who started it. She asked if I had any kids she didn't believe me and then started pretending to be my daughter sometimes. it got in some weird situations where I would pick her up or something and she would laugh and yell daddy and then have to explain she didn't mean her actual dad when he came over to check on her.

Of course I knew her all her life and was close for about 5 years. Suddenly when she's 9 and on my lap it's some big deal and she's not allowed to talk to me or let me touch her anymore. All the more odd because her big sister was cuddly until she was like 11.

>> No.14738849
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his sister is going to fuck guys regardless, what does it matter

>> No.14738907
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>She's the one who started it.

>> No.14738910

Or move. I just puke b4 blacking out.

>> No.14738933

she also took me by the hand and insisted I play with her when she was little. It really helped my self esteem. I thought kids would be scared of me. She even played with my hair and said how nice it was. She's cute and I was hoping she could keep larping as my daughter so i could show her off to mog spinster girls who rejected me in highschool.

>> No.14738948
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>insisted I play with her
>I thought kids would be scared of me
>played with my hair
>She's cute
>hoping she could keep larping as my daughter

>> No.14738970

OP sounds like a 40 year old groomer lmao

>> No.14738997

Thus Spoke Zarathustra chapter 3 I think

>> No.14739002

you are a living meme

>> No.14739003


>slept with my best mate's barely legal sister




It's none of his business. You wouldn't be doing him a favor by telling him

>> No.14739007

which meme

>> No.14739010
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>> No.14739017

Have you considered how mysognostic misogynistic it is to view an adult woman’s sexuality as property of her brothers?

If she’s an adult and there is consent it is literally none of his business

Unless of course you were grooming her for this

>> No.14739043

you should write poetry about this and send it in to the Lit quarterly, see if you can get it published
vent your woes a bit

>> No.14739058

She was his sister, not his wife/gf, and she was legal and consenting. You did literally nothing wrong.

>> No.14739067

What is the legal age where you live?

>She's the one who started it

Girls mom has good instincts

>> No.14739079

both wholesome and erotic, very nice anon, I know how much of a confidence booster it is when you think kids would be scared of you and they turn out to like you
unless youre Nick Bates, in which case burn in hell asshole

>> No.14739102
File: 81 KB, 800x566, DC92466E-D359-4993-A762-291603F848A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 year olds with daddy issues are the ultimate test

>> No.14739112


Holy based. What is this? Common sense on 4chan? I never thought I'd see the day.

>> No.14739117

If you're feeling guilty about pump&dumping consenting women then you're a mysogynist.

>> No.14739122

The age when girls start to resent their fathers authority is the age when they are to be married off to another man to play the father role. This exchange, and the girls lack of awareness of its purpose, is the great bamboozlement of the female species which leads to their eternal happiness and submission without any oppressive coercion. They are granted the illusion that prince charming has come to steal her away from her father, and she has by her own will allowed herself to be captured.

>> No.14739140


Boys go through the exact same thing. What is its function there?

>> No.14739173

>Boys go through the exact same thing
No they don't. Boys rebel against parental authority all the same but they don't resent their parents. The masculine is the dominant energy anyway, they are supposed to be in charge. When women aren't submitting they are unhappy caricatures of men, this is why they are given over to another man from the father who they are bamboozled into submitting to and thinking this is independence.

>> No.14739213
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is this the cunny thread?

>> No.14739275
File: 180 KB, 640x480, 1580722011832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the girl OP fucked is an adult female

>> No.14739304
File: 520 KB, 1000x1443, 6203617+_cf70f6627d5053ac5615a0ebb008e6c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good cunny thread has a discrete yet signaling OP, that way the mods never grow the wiser

>> No.14739308

what's that squiggly in her eye?

>> No.14739321
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B-but he said he was just relating it to his current situation, you aren't telling me... this thread was made as some sort of code?
Do I need to abandon ship now before it's too late?

>> No.14739327
File: 497 KB, 1280x912, 1516877660173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh come on, anon, you didnt actually believe OP did you?
stick around, its about to get good

>> No.14739331

>the age when girls start to resent their fathers authority is the age when they are to be married off to another man to play the father role


>> No.14739357
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Curse my foolish naivety, I can't believe I couldn't see through this trick

>> No.14739363

Tell your friend his sister shouldn't be such a slut. You let a worthless cum dumpster do her job, no harm done.

It's not like you raped a virgin. Now that would be worth killing you over.

>> No.14739384

So is it sexual for you at all, or do you just like pretending to have a daughter?

>> No.14739401

When i'm actually with her, a sexual thought has never entered my mind. I can larp afterwards about imaging marrying her when she grows up, but as she is now I absolutely just want her to be my little girl. I even played with the idea of setting her up with my handsome boy cousin around her age (not mutually related)

>> No.14739403

how exactly are you and the girl related?

>> No.14739415

she's my second or third cousin, i'm not sure exactly. I see her at all family get togethers because my dads brother married her moms sister, and my moms brother married her dads sister (who is my fathers first cousin)

>> No.14739417

how old was she when you started spending time with her? how old is she now?

>> No.14739424

no matter how much i drink i don't black out and i can still function pretty well. for years i thought people were just fucking with me when they talked about blacking out or other strong effects of alcohol.

>> No.14739435

>It's none of his business

>> No.14739446

She is her own person, not a posession of the brother
If she consented then nothing wrong occurred

>> No.14739448

She's 10 now, I would have been about 17 or so and she would have been 4. I knew her older sister for around two years prior. There was a particular moment when she grabbed me by the hand and made me play with her when she was 5 or 6 that I consider the start of actually bonding with her. Before then I remember seeing her as a baby and maybe playing with them when they were toddlers but I never really thought about them after.

Her moms pedo hysteria was all very sudden. I'm also certain she hasn't told anyone else (including the dad) of her assumptions. At first she would play it off like a joke and say "my mom doesn't like me talking to you" like her mom was being silly, but recently she seems really exhausted and I think she got in a lot of trouble for fraternizing with me.

>> No.14739451

>just let your female relatives fuck up and don't care at all, even if it's your friend hurting her
holy fucking cringe. post tits, roasties.

>> No.14739457

are you sure it was sudden? nothing caused it? be honest

>> No.14739467

>If she consented then nothing wrong occurred
fucking bugman

>> No.14739478

One day she just say her on my lap and very seriously told her to get off. I honestly assumed she thought she was being rude and climbing up on me without my permission or something. Her older daughter was with us and she told her to tell her if she was on my lap again.

I honestly have no idea why. She's seen her on my lap before like the year before then, hell i'm pretty sure she saw the older one jump up on me when she was like fucking 11.

>> No.14739492

how do you not get a boner? legitimate question

>> No.14739509

Honestly? First time they touched me I got a semi which freaked me out but that was because I had literally been starved for human contact and was still not finished puberty. After that it just never happens because you don't see them as sexual at all in the moment. It really is like cuddling/playing with a puppy or kitten but with much more emotional depth.

>> No.14739543

I dunno, looks like all that's happening is some creepy dude talking about gross 3dpd
Doesn't seem like OP was a dogwhistle

>> No.14739544

imagine being human scum
also, check'd

>> No.14739554 [DELETED] 
File: 789 KB, 579x819, loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i guess i dont get boners when my puppy sits on my lap
that sounds nice anon, i wish i had a daughterfu
oh come on, his story doesnt even add up: how does he know he fucked her if he was blacked out?

>> No.14739561

Probably woke up next to her, or she told him
This all begs the question though: was she sober?
If so, does this mean that he was the one that got taken advantage of?

>> No.14739562

>how does he know he fucked her if he was blacked out?
they may have woken up together or she said something to him later.

>> No.14739570

gay female thinking.
you are still culpable for your actions when drunk as you decided to drink irresponsibly.

>> No.14739571

Why do you guys have these saved on your computers? You guys bitch about normies shitting this board up but I don’t see anyone saying anything about these pictures. You all need help.

>> No.14739581

degenerate fucks ruin every single fucking board here. it's fucking retarded really. kill yourselves pedo fucks.

>> No.14739591

No, it sounds like OP was vulnerable and this 18 year old thot took it as an opportunity to have her way with him
If anything, OP should tell the brother and be mad at him for not protecting OP from the bitch in heat sister of his

>> No.14739596

'degenerate fucks' were the original makeup of this site.

>> No.14739639

those are all me, i dont remember the exact reasons for saving all of my images, anon, really
reddit's down the hall, first door on the left

>> No.14739644

>says the man that has three terobytes of gay furry porn saved in his desktop shamelessly

>> No.14739660
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>> No.14739673

I’d hardly put weaboos and pedophiles in the same category. One’s cringey, but the other is the most degenerate thing a person could possibly be.

>> No.14739682

You don't know about the loli board, do you?

>> No.14739690

down the hall, big sign, cant miss it

>> No.14739693

You must be projecting, friend.

>> No.14739696

I am in no fap fren I was making a baseless assumption in order to shame you out of your shitty opinions

>> No.14739702

your use of the word degenerate makes me think you come from /pol/ maybe 5 years back. This site used to be an absolute fucking shitshow

>> No.14739708

I don't have any sisters or brothers, can someone explain why it is offensive that your friend fucked your sister?

Do you have like a paternal-ish relationship to your sister or something?

>> No.14739711

Being obsessed with anime and jerking it to Japanese illustrations of underaged girls are two completely different things.
Lmao you can’t be serious?

>> No.14739727

Only poser weebs don't fall into the latter.

>> No.14739737
File: 71 KB, 720x469, 1576081243209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me watching other anon's lifes

>> No.14739741

It’s a shitty opinion to not liken weaboos to pedophiles...? You’re fuckin crazy. Why do I even bother? You don’t need convincing you need medication and straight jacket.

>> No.14739746

go back

>> No.14739753

>why do i even bother
Do you come from a youtube comment section or something? Holy shit

>> No.14739754

>the dead eyes on the bottom right panel

>> No.14739758

Do you honestly think you’re being funny? Do you sit around with friends and coworkers and joke about sympathizing with pedophiles?

>> No.14739761

Do you sit around all day acting like a moral fag in a mongolian basket weaving literature board?

>> No.14739767

you should get away from this situation while you still can. Hell hath no fury like a vexed parent

>> No.14739775

I understand that pretty much everything that’s said on this website should be taken with a grain of salt, but where do you draw the line? Seriously. The dude posted sexually suggestive pictures of animated little girls. I know I’m being trolled rn but goddamn you guys are fucked in the head.

>> No.14739781

The line is drawn nowhere. Drawings are drawings, faggot.

>> No.14739787

>Do you sit around with friends and coworkers and joke about sympathizing with pedophiles?
Yes, this is exactly what I do. You've been bamboozled by me and the gang :)

>> No.14739793

You've never really had a real friend, who you can trust and understand, if you can't talk to them about how cute and funny little girls are.

>> No.14739809

how about you rope

>> No.14739830

Kys, you pedo fuck. Whoever has those pics saved on their computer should be in jail.

>> No.14739844

>we should imprison people for possession of fiction
Nice idea, Socrates

>> No.14739848

tfw dating a qt 16 year old and 12 years older than her

>> No.14740880

This. You did nothing wrong, unless you forgot to mention that you raped her or didn't use a condom, and your guilt is senseless. It's none of your friend's business and would be idiotic to tell him, as it would damage your friendship and his family (assuming they're all as irrational as you).

>> No.14741280

ah shit did they get me?

>> No.14741286

based mods
i knew i shouldnt have posted it

>> No.14741349

>Whoever has those pics saved on their computer
thats me. is this your first day on this website? do you think that everyone you dont like should be in jail? what are some other things you think should be a crime?

>> No.14741762

kys, you dumb nihilistic nondual piece of shit. Good and evil is absolute, and we share nothing in common in deeper levels of reality. You are one with PURE SHIT whereas I am one with the light.

>> No.14741819

Pure pedo cope. 11 and 9 year olds do not have an adult concept of sexuality. You project onto them

>> No.14741834
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You do know that you have to marry her now, right?

>> No.14741848

who said anything about sexuality?

>> No.14741873

Your insecure, projecting posts just ooze it. You can put up this innocent guise but it’s transparent to any non autist. What you are doing is predatory and their mother was right to cut you off, you should be grateful she didn’t tell lots of people. You know this really- the guise of ignorance doesn’t work if you aren’t very self aware

>> No.14741913

Yeah for me it has always been embarrassing. If they do wanted to sleep with me, It would be embarrassing. Because of the intense drunkenness and obviously my natural inability. Of course now I just loudly (and probably less eloquently that I think) babble about Deng Xiaoping's 1980s reforms, my stupid undergraduates, and I collapse, so there's no risk it will happen again. Its nice to grow old

>> No.14742043
File: 134 KB, 728x1024, b18f6f9b29e8f572cf49fec63c97032a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it is the ass thread

>> No.14742098

>consenting adults had fun
>stresses out over it
Nigga what? Unless that "barely legal" is code word for her being a kid.

>> No.14742120

oh no no no I've only scrolled this far and the post 13 hours old!

>> No.14742144


>> No.14742212

>you should be grateful she didn’t tell lots of people
only part of the post i agree with
you really dodged a hot one, OP

>> No.14742220

you watch too much porn

>> No.14742230

>can't even tell who a samefag is

>> No.14742236

>11 and 9 year olds do not have an adult concept of sexuality. You project onto them
Read the thread.

>> No.14742252

>11 and 9 year olds do not have an adult concept of sexuality.
Why are they so fucking hot to some people then?

>> No.14742269

Not really. I’ve just dealt with people like that IRL in my job. 90% of the time they set themselves up as this ignorant victim who was just enjoying childish innocence, they literally all talk in the same way. Make note of the post when he tries to blame an 11 year old for what happened as well, nonces are obsessed with this idea that children aren’t *really* innocent and secretly come onto them- the adult is blameless and the child is the actual predator. There is no doubt in my mind that poster was acting inappropriately (he’s posted this story before and uses words like loli to describe kids unironically, the whole exercise is therapeutic for these people) and concerned the parent. But nah, parents are evil moralising nazis and children are trying to force you into uncomfortable sexual situations. Sure

>> No.14742277

I can find a cartoon hot, does a cartoon have a concept of sexuality? You can project ideas onto things that don’t reciprocate them you absolute brainlet. It’s like when cat owners think their pet is proud and aloof when really they’re just dumb and have no concept of those things

>> No.14742313

whats your job?

>> No.14742355

I’m a public sector counsellor