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/lit/ - Literature

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14737865 No.14737865 [Reply] [Original]

>1 300 000 used books in a warehouse just outside Paris

This is the enemy

>> No.14738019

imagine breaking into there haha imagine if you brought a sleeping bag, some water, and some snacks and just lived there for a few weeks reading whatever you wanted and browsing the books. imagine building a fort with the bad ones and sitting inside to read the good ones.

>> No.14738030

Build a fort out of the ones you've read. The more you read the bigger your castle.

>> No.14738037

>inb4 you want to read a passage or something again from a book, you pull it out and the castle collapses

>> No.14738039

if you can buy books for 10 cents a piece, how much would a cool bookfort cost to build?

>> No.14738051

haha that would be totally weird who would want to do that haha

>> No.14738073

According to Google you need about 8-10 thousand bricks to build an average house. If we assume the books are about half the size of an average brick, we would only need about 20,000 books. That doesn't factor in any internal walls or the roof though.
With all the books in the OP, you could build a pretty big castle.

>> No.14738193

>20k books at 10 cents a piece
>2k dollars of books
>take over a warehouse or something and build a comfy book cottage inside it

>> No.14738276

the building department would never let it happen...

>> No.14738331

They can't tell me what to do

>> No.14738367

Okay, so hear me out. You construct a fort out of books you liked, however you can use the books you didn't as ammunition against other peoples forts. This would present the fort building person with a moral dilemma: should they be honest about the books they liked or didn't or should they be pragmatic and choose the big books as ammunition or building block as required? Hopefully this question will preoccupy them for long enough to forget to ask as to why they have to play along these silly rules in the first place before they get trapped in an endless and meaningless conflict between book fort builders.

>> No.14738376

sounds like /lit/

>> No.14738387

Imagine the smell

>> No.14738397
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Literally every thought ever had is in that room. You will think nothing new. If you die it wouldn't matter, because everything you can and will do is already written in that room. Hell, the whole world and everyone on it can perish in flames. So long as that room stands, however, it will be like nothing happened.

>> No.14738402

do you have to read them all again to rebuild the castle?

>> No.14738432

oh yeah? i bet they don't have this in there: peepeepoopoo brrrrrrfffffppptt *ploo* brraaaaap ooooooohh peepeepoopoo uh oh pfppfptt stinky poopoo BRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPFFT oooops woo peeepooeepppeepeepoo *ppfffrrptt* be like BRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPP oh ouchie ooooowwwie oww my *fffpprpprpptff* bum bum ooooohh noooo pooopooopoop baby made a uh oh PPPPPPRRFFFTTTt

>> No.14738559

how do you know it's not just YA stuff? Could be just copies of same YA books with different editions to make up for quantity.

>> No.14738603
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Oooooohhhhh....old books...

>> No.14738637

>the christan
>Has no fortress, only a bible and some theology books, but he literally has all natural encyclopedias and ciencie books as his ammunition.

>> No.14738665

haha they're probably all in French. imagine being able to read French haha

>> No.14738680
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Aren't you multilingual, anon?

>> No.14738686

imagine being an anglo

>> No.14738928

>speaking le reddit language

>> No.14738955

How many of these do you think are old outdated computer manuals, "for dummies" books, beanie baby appraisal guides, and young adult fiction?

>> No.14738999
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Yeah. Imagine building a fort

>> No.14739061

Trips wasted, i fucking hate you.

>> No.14739066

You mean english?

>> No.14739095
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>This is the enemy
Why though?

Stay on topic, crybaby

>> No.14739125

>Stay on topic
It's not like if your posts were more relevant

>> No.14739164
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It's a stupid thread. Relax.

>> No.14739218

I want to learn french because some books I'd like to read were not translated to spanish/english, or at least I can't find them online. Although I can't deny that I don't like french.

>> No.14739269

Show tits

>> No.14739276

>can't speak french
>don't like french
isn't that some hasty judgment?

>> No.14739282

inb4 finngeans wake

>> No.14739301 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14739322

Well played sweetie

>> No.14739343 [DELETED] 
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>susan haack

>> No.14739353

you're hitting simp levels that shouldn't even be possible

>> No.14739354

Ok that would be epic

>> No.14739356

Stay on topic trannie, also, literally whos

>> No.14739381

Post your feet and I might change my attitude

>> No.14739385
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Lot of dead white males are literal whos too.
Schoppenbubble, Kirkrearguard, Witlesstein

>> No.14739393


Ruth Barcan Marcus
Judith Jarvis Thomson
Patricia Churchland
Ruth Millikan

Also, Judith Butler is a pseud.

>> No.14739406

All of the ones you named are literally more famous individually that all your chart combined.
Though there are lots of unknown male philosophers, the known ones surpasses the female ones in a scale of almos 500 to 1.
The only good female philosopher I can recognize was Ayn Rand and his thoughts are kinda retarded.
I never said anything about race btw, so I don't know why you needed to say "white".

>> No.14739407

>Sor Juana
Is that what the movie Juwanna Mann is about?

>> No.14739433

>The only good female philosopher I can recognize was Ayn Rand

>> No.14739440

Martha Nussbaum too.

>> No.14739452

You can already do that figuratively ;^)

>> No.14739456

She put more though into her philosophical system than you in your entire existence, and I don't even agree with her in many things.

>> No.14739458

Found the American

>> No.14739461

then why don't you marry her you faggot simp?

>> No.14739468

>he can't come up with a single original thought
That's why faggots like you never finish a novel

>> No.14739475

Third row, fourth pic.

>> No.14739480

She wasn't a philosopher, turbopleb. She was just a shitty novel writer.

>> No.14739491
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Foof. Tiny screen. Didn't recognize her.

>> No.14739497

>Not only a namefag but a phoneposter
Are you even the original butterfly still?

>> No.14739506

>imagine being unironically this retarded
She's fucking dead, also, i'm a fag, so not even in hell, not only because I don't like her but because we would be in diferent circles.

>> No.14739531
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Never used a phone, not even on the pad atm. Note the file names.

>> No.14739534

>unironically defending Ayn Rand's "philosophy"

>> No.14739560

I said several times I don't agree with it, i'm starting to think you are not ironically dumb

>> No.14739563

Rand is not even a philosopher, dumbfuck.

>> No.14739575

Yes she is, the fact that you (or anyone, or everybody) don't agree with her point of view doesn't invalidate her.

>> No.14739587

the fact that she's a kike is enough of a reason to ignore her, but regardless of that, the fact that she's a woman 100% invalidates her.

>> No.14739606
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It opens up the floodgate that just about anybody can be considered a philosopher.

You know what invalidates you.

>> No.14739646

Well, yeah, everyone can become a philosopher, just like that disney movie in which everyone can cook, but i still remain firm, the ones you posted are literally whos.

>> No.14739653
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>> No.14739665

She didn't even have a PHD in Philosophy, you aching mongoloid. Even rightwing 'libertarian' political philosophers never cite her, because her arguments are all transparently fallacious.

>> No.14739681
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>you need to graduate in philosophy to be a philosopher
>if nobody cites you, you are not a philosopher

>> No.14739685


Plato never had a Ph.D. in philosophy.
Diogenes would have laughed at your piece of paper.

Yes, literally anybody can be a philosopher. All it requires is thinking logically. Academics try to redefine philosophy into a quasi-mathematical system of denoting proofs, but even a freshman philosophy student will understand implicitly the idiocy of that pursuit -- that is, if they actually do the reading.

t. professional philosopher

>> No.14739697

PHDs didn't exist in Ancient Greece, retard. Plato remains one of the most cited figures in philosophy.

>> No.14739712

That is correct. Same applies to physicists, nuclear engineers, clinical psychologists, botanists, anthropologists, etc. Merely having opinions doesn't make you a philosopher.

>> No.14739717

>PHDs didn't exist in Ancient Greece, retard.

Exactly. Because intelligence or philosophical merit isn't dictated by the existence of accreditation in philosophy. You, for example, could have 12 Ph.D.'s and still be retarded.

>> No.14739730

(not him but) do you think diogenes would have had a PHD or he would be cited if he had lived in the current times? Because the answer is no.
You don't need the recognition of being a philosopher to be one, you just need to ask good questions.

>> No.14739731

Rand has no philosophical merit.

>> No.14739739

Merit is subjective.

>> No.14739740

Prove it. Have you ever read Rand? Or are you just parroting things you read on /lit/?

>> No.14739751

Diogenes would be a cult leader if he were born in the 20th century, not a philosopher.

>> No.14739757

So everyone is a philosopher now? Is everyone also a surgeon?

>> No.14739770

Her "arguments" are a joke. Even libertarian philosophers like Nozick have no use for her.

>> No.14739772

>de beauvoir, veil, arendt
kek, kys good goy

>> No.14739782

You iliterate retard, you don't even know anything about Diogenes.

>> No.14739786


And yet, she'll have more impact on American culture in the centuries to come than Nozick ever will. More people will have been convinced by Rand than Nozick of various things, and at the very least she is discussed far more often. Thus, she is a more successful philosopher -- insofar as the goal of any philosopher is to actually convince people with their arguments.

>> No.14739788
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>merit is subjective
Your conclution:
>So everyone is a philosopher now? Is everyone also a surgeon?
What the fuck is wrong with you anon?

>> No.14739807

Diogenes didn't leave writings behind, you horrendous fucking moron.

>> No.14739810

>the goal of any philosopher is to actually convince people with their arguments.
Not true, that's a debater, you don't to convince anyone as a philosopher.

>> No.14739813

Same can be said about Justin Bieber. And no, the "goal" of philosophy is not to "convince people" you vulgarian brainlet.

>> No.14739817

Think it through little buddy.

>> No.14739818

You're just engaging in sophistry now. The aim of philosophy has always been to convince. You will never find a single philosopher in history who has taken the time to write out hundreds of thousands of words in a comprehensive argument without having any intention of convincing anyone of the truth of their claims. No, you're painting a strawman of philosophers, acting as if they're not human beings with human intentions like you and I.

>> No.14739824


>> No.14739828

Your perception of him is still wrong, we know him only because of some anecdotes, I never said otherwise, but one of the little things we know about him is that he was an hermit that only enjoyed the company of dogs, therefore your statement of: "Diogenes would be a cult leader if he were born in the 20th century", is totally wrong.
Also, don't change the topic, you just evaded my original point, you don't need the recognition of being a philosopher to be one.

>> No.14739832

Okay. Find me a philosopher who has taken the time to write hundreds of thousands of words in a comprehensive argument, but never had any intention of convincing anyone with their work.

Why even argue in the first place if you have no intention of convincing anyone? Why share the truth, even if you have access to it, if you have no intention of ever convincing anyone that you are correct? Why even say "I am addressing the claim that (x)..."?

Oh, I get it. Your idea of a philosopher is someone who talks for the sole purpose of hearing themselves talk. Fun.

>> No.14739847

Sorry kids - Terrence Howard is not a mathematician and Ayn Rand is not a philosopher.

>> No.14739865
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mfw I've spent three years learning Japanese and recently came to the realization that I really don't like the language. However, I've invested so much time and made so much progress that it would feel like a waste to quit now.

>> No.14739868
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"I have lerned to try to not convince anyone. The labor of convincing is a disrespect to the other, it's an attempt to colonize the other" -José Saramago
A rough translation made by myself, maybe you learn something.

>> No.14739883


He is either a liar or a hypocrite.
"I have learned to try to not convince anyone", he says before expounding on the reasoning of why he doesn't try to convince anyone, which is in itself an attempt to convince either the reader or himself that he genuinely does not feel the need to convince. If he did not feel the need to convince, he would have said "I don't try to convince anyone of anything" and left it at that.

>> No.14739891

Philosophy is about finding the truth, not persuading people.

>> No.14739893

>"I have learned to try to not convince anyone. The labor of convincing is a show of disrespect, it's an attempt of colonization of the other"
More adecuate version, fix'd.
Not wanting to convince doesn't mean not thinking anything original, he has his ideas and he explain them, but that doesn't mean wants to convince you.

>> No.14739898


Plenty of philosophers have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to find the truth. Ergo, if philosophy is about finding the truth it is a fool's errand. Hell, academic philosophers can't even agree on a definition of the term "truth", why value their claim to pursue truth?

If he did not want to convince, he would feel no need to share his ideas. He would be satisfied having them in his head.

>> No.14739903

Wanting to convince people is standard human behavior. It's not particular to philosophy.

>> No.14739916

Physicists don't agree on the fundamental building blocks of the universe, but they all agree that their job is to investigate them.

>> No.14739917

Exactly why I said that other posters are creating a strawman of philosophers as inhuman entities without standard human motivations, such as the wish to convince.
It just so happens that philosophy contains within it the study of logic and academic philosophy purports itself to be a practice of argumentation through the use of logic.

What is the purpose of argumentation?
If the intention is not to convince people, why write out an argument in the first place?

As I have argued earlier, the motivation for making the argument is inherently to convince another person. You can come to conclusions on your own, making arguments in your head, with no intention of ever writing them down or showing anyone else. But when you attempt to get published, you are certainly trying to convince others -- if not of your philosophical ability, then in your value as a human being (insofar as you wish to get money for your writing to survive).

>> No.14739919

He's a writer, he earns money from sharing his ideas, maybe he was asked about it and he explained them. There's a slightly diference between sharing what you think, and trying to convince others that what you say it's true.

>> No.14739929

The point is, truth is the metric of success in philosophy, not how many people you convince.

>> No.14739932

Not many philosophers today would say "Plato was closer to truth than (some contemporary philosopher popular among academics)". Does that make Plato a less successful philosopher? He is certainly taught more often than authors like Schopenhauer who, arguably, were "closer to the truth".

>> No.14739945

The history of philosophy can provide context and motivation for tackling current problems, much like the history of mathematics. But there's no need to read Archimedes in the original Greek, as brilliant as he was. The fact that we have progressed from the first philosophers and mathematicians does not imply any lack of respect for their achievements.

>> No.14739946

He said truth is the metric of success, not the requiriment to be a philosopher.
Many of plato's statements were showed to be wrong, but he's still one of the great ones because he founded the bases of basically everything.

>> No.14739948

is someone going to 451 it?

>> No.14739964
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Nah, we will burn it in the name of God.

>> No.14739973

Found the pyro. What, Notre Dame wasn't enough for you?

>> No.14740482

>TFW they're all YA in different editions

>> No.14740505


We were haha posting in here cant you leave us wholesome men alone butters?

>> No.14740597

You can fuck one of them.
Who do you pick?

I'd choose Arundhati Roy because she's kind of cute and as a very kissable mouth.

>> No.14740629

The monk-cunny, clearly.
Any other answer is extremely plebeian.

>> No.14740690

But I can't play video games in there