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14736390 No.14736390 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your honest opinion on this work.

>> No.14736398

pretentious drivel

>> No.14736405

spotted the brainlet

>> No.14736439

The actual content and take-aways are cool, but the writing is kind of bland and bad.

>> No.14736448

you would do better to read godel, view escher, and listen to bach

>> No.14736455

i honestly don't get the appeal of bach. it's mostly just boring. i think he's the bugman of classical music.

>> No.14736486


don't you dare try to tell me that's boring motherfucker

>> No.14736610
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The dialogues were comf af.

>> No.14736614

Based, Bach is meh
This was quite ok though

>> No.14736728

Cool hypotheses on the nature of how conscious entities might arise given any specific physical system. Ultimately useless without experimental evidence or theoretical extension though. Read for fun over a month or two.

>> No.14737263
File: 34 KB, 260x400, 51gjDenRTkL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daniel Denett supports the theory here. Although he is an insufferable boomer that reused Bach's name.

>> No.14737268

ill give a listen later, anon. for the record i really like the opening of bach’s mass in b minor. it’s glorious. i just find most of his stuff boring

>> No.14737276

Good to read on the toilet

>> No.14737288

Absolutely based opinion. Brainlets will argue.

>> No.14737620

He seems to have reused Escher for his cover too

>> No.14737652

what a faggot, here's your (You)

>> No.14737916

What's the hypothesis?

>> No.14737924

his writing is the most insufferable exposition ive ever read, good ideas buried in repetition and over exposure

>> No.14737952

babbys first unproven hypothesis

>> No.14739116

Strange loops

>> No.14739234

I think that's why he made a second, shorter book about he same topic: "I am a strange loop".

>> No.14739243

I saw it at a used bookstore once but decided not to get it because it thought it would be pop-sci trash.

>> No.14739249
File: 94 KB, 728x485, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you're tough now? Try this!

>> No.14739251

I see multiple copies in used bookstores all the time because it is old pop-sci trash.

>> No.14740306

What is some new pop-sci trash?

>> No.14740335

What's a bugman?

>> No.14740542

Sounds like dark souls boss music

>> No.14741168

An Asian

>> No.14741196

Violinists typically favor the baroque stuff like Bach; where they were showcased.
Obviously the pianists-types will favor the movements (Classical, Romantic) that came with the advent of the piano where it was showcased.

>> No.14741208
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, bugman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pejorative for a neoliberal urban consumerism.
Pretty much a synonym for a post-modern yuppie.

>> No.14741211


>> No.14741230


>> No.14741775

Written by a Jew.

>> No.14742095

Dennett is a massive failure of an intellectual.

Hofstader is a nice guy though talked to him in Bloomington. His book is fun. Ultimately just creationism though .

>> No.14742158

Bootyblasted theist detected. Dennett is based. Want to attend one of his seminars? Better be ready to go at 1am on a Saturday.

>> No.14742181

Nah he’s a hack who resorted to anti Christian rhetoric

>> No.14742190

>rigorous explanations of how superstition comes to be
>anti-christian rhetoric
Chr*stians are openly admitting that they're afraid of neuroscience now.

>> No.14742894
File: 202 KB, 840x712, 600-6009534_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-smart-man-new-pepe-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I share my understanding of how the world works with the insufferable Denett

Why does he of all people have to make the arguments that sound right to me. I hate him, it's not fair

>> No.14742990


jesus christ. you and everyone who agreed with you is a complete fucking moronic retard faggot. you think because dumb thots like Air on G string it makes bach a shit composer and you smart for thinking that? holy fuck dude. imagine actually being this much of a fucking inept brainlet who knows nothing about classical music

>> No.14743015

try reading more philosophy

>> No.14743439

as most valuable things were

>> No.14743467

Neuroscience is a meaningless buzzword. If Dennett has a Brain He’d see Hes jsut as creationist as the Christians he debates all day. Maybe he does too but he wants money so he keeps going

>> No.14744349

fun but very personal work, should just read Logic & Computability instead

>> No.14744360

dennett's legit tho, he's only disliked by hopeless dualists and lazy people who don't read

>> No.14744404

What in tarnation are you talking about? Is this one of those idiotic gotchas Christians do where if you admit to not knowing something it means you’re secretly a theist?

Neuroscience is examining how the mind works. Pretty basic stuff anon.

>> No.14745048


I haven't read it but I wish to in the future, as it relates to personal interests. Paging through my copy, it seems as though the author's personaly style is a bit too cute, a bit "reddit", as the fasionable term is these days.

>> No.14745527

I honestly loved it. Years since I read it and it still runs through my head. The record player that can destroy itself with the right record. Gödel numbering. So many things I knew nothing about before reading it. I suppose I am a pseud in a lot of ways, but it really changed my understanding of logic and mathematics.

>> No.14745708

Yeah, "Reddit" is a good way to define its style

>> No.14745740

This. Imagine how stupid Bach would feel if he realised you could make spiritually uplifting, intelligent, and dynamic music without all the pointless busywork that goes into making a classical composition

>> No.14745748

well it's deficient in all of those qualities if you don't engage in that busywork

>> No.14745767

t. Bach

>> No.14745775

i've listened to a lot of music in a variety of genres and none of it is nearly as moving or as edifying as classical i'm sorry

>> No.14745784

That doesn't really make the link between musical busywork and those qualities I'm sorry

>> No.14745786

I think they are stupid but good meme

>> No.14745789

hey it might be possible i just haven't found it. any recommendations?

>> No.14745790

Field recordings and randomly generated computer noise

>> No.14745930

There's not many instances where I would do this but I had to enter the thread and defend Bach from slanderers. Try listening to Gould's 1955 Goldberg Variations (probably the most accessible incarnation of one of his major works) before spouting off immature opinions that reflect poorly on our species as a whole.

>> No.14746138

How do I appreciate Bach, lads

>> No.14746203


>> No.14746242

you have to be autistic

>> No.14746248

>that reflect poorly on our species as a whole
we are literally the shittiest species on the planet

>> No.14746914

Bach is a filter

>> No.14747210

It's not working for me guys

>> No.14747314

Undeniably based. Any anons ITT that disagree secretly also think Bach is boring as shit they just dont want to admit it.

>> No.14747320

Bach is shit. And there's nothing you can say to prove otherwise :^)

>> No.14747429

Yes, if by "shittiest" you mean the most based.

>> No.14747436

Holy based

>> No.14747579

This. The views are moderately interesting if you're hearing them for the first time(and completely tired and trivial if you majored in cs or phil). The quirky/reddit style and presentation made me toss it aside 90% through.

>> No.14747704

Neuroscience is studying nerves. To jump from salt and calcium moving across a membrane to consciousness is quite a leap. It’s called logic anon and atheists seem incapable of it

>> No.14747710

Go back

>> No.14748133

>what are potter wasps

>> No.14748142

It's great, but you need to be on the right side of Dunning-Kruger to know what's worth internalizing and what you should dump.