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File: 450 KB, 680x546, vikangz-LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14735623 No.14735623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

...and why it must be destroyed for the sake of African feelings?

>> No.14735644

tell me more. what else about Scandinavian culture do you like and dislike? I'm writing a book about /pol/ and need data.

>> No.14735661

Nice picture of a scandinavian you go there. If you move to a country, like sweden, then you are swedish. Otherwise you are a fascist.

>> No.14735674

I'm just sick of the screeching victim classes, the peeohcees and the elgeebeetees, they amount to nothing more than mass produced biopolitical clientele consumer cattle for globalism, despite all their talk of 'diversity and vibrant unique cultures notice how they all talk exactly the same and follow the exact same ideology whether we are in stockholm or berkeley?

>> No.14735696

Why do they have to cast the ugliest fucking nigg for the viking line

Wonder what what you’re average nordcuck thinks about this

>> No.14735708

Vikings wore dreads.
Dreads are a "We Wuz Kangz N Shieet" thing.
Therefore Vikings are Kangz.

Wow who knew reading Plato would help me aid in liberal cultural appropriation!

>> No.14735719

i dont get this meme. ive lived in a sweden and there were a good bit of blacks and sand blacks but they were always polite and knew better english than old swedish people. also there really werent that many

most of my friends from sweden seem to have boring jobs and all they do is save a lot while doing literally nothing and then blowing all their money traveling for a week or two, and then repeating that over and over

>> No.14735721

The future is ten billion equally brown people living in cages subscribing to Netflix, wearing Nike.

>> No.14735970
File: 94 KB, 540x510, wojack_nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14735980

niggers always ruin everything

>> No.14735988
File: 58 KB, 453x678, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14735995


>> No.14735999

If you move to a barn you're a horse

>> No.14736034

Those two things are not the same. Being Swedish is having Swedish citizenship. You don't have to have multi-generational roots in a society to be a part of it.

>> No.14736065

Swedish is an ethnicity.
Having citizenship in Sweden is not being Swedish.

>> No.14736083

Are Finns and Estonians who lived there for generations not Swedish either?

>> No.14736110


>> No.14736115

Nationality is not the same as species.
Swedish is not an ethnicity, but even if you expand it to some generalized "scandinavian white" ethnicity, it's still dumb to say "swedish citizen" is different to just "swedish".
You don't even know if this person was born in Sweden or not. If they did, and you insist they aren't swedish because their parents are immigrants, you're basically telling me 99% of white people in the US are not american?

>> No.14736116

Hey is there such thing as an "ethnic Swede" or "indigenous Swede" or not. It's a yes or no question. People can of course be of mixed ethnicity.

>> No.14736120

>ethnic swede
A fascist myth

>> No.14736123

>Are Finns and Estonians ethnically Swedish or ore they Finns and Estonians?

>> No.14736136

>Nationality is not the same as species.
but it should be, must be, and will be

>> No.14736151

Citizenship is not the same things as ethnicity.
This is not a hard concept.

>> No.14736159

I hate the fucking faggots in this country so much.
The only thing these fucking retarded facebook boomers care about is "muh rugbrød, frikadeller and citronmåne! HELP PIA KJÆRSGAARD; THE MUSLIM WOMAN SAID HELLO TO ME!!!"
The whole commercial's point is that cultures are fluctuating and constantly evolving. Every country didnt fucking invent electricity by themself, we see what others are doing and if we like it we emulate it. Being proud of something you had no influence on is such a weird fucking concept, that has only been used by monarch to march peasants into war, yet these ideologues will shit their fucking pants if an African person says they feel danish.

>> No.14736175

Countries are just geographical areas. If you are within a certain area, you are within "Sweden".
If you live within this certain area, you are Swedish. Usually within this area people will form a cohesive culture, language, and ethnicity, but this is nuanced. Especially on the borders of countries you see a lot of blurry cultural/linguistic/ethnical lines, whereas the geographic line is always well defined.
The idea that countries are defined by the ethnicity of the people living in them, and not by their geographical areas, is just a brainwashing tool used on easily impressionable people.

>> No.14736213

>t*Rkish literature

>> No.14736221

>Our vikang ancestors
The intent of the commercial is to conflate ethnicity with nationality and it clearly has worked on the easily confused.

>> No.14736227

Whatever your feelings are about this stop responding to obvious threads by poltards it's ruin this board

>> No.14736254

Honestly, I'm no /pol/posting retard addicted to BLACKED porn and hatred, but the depth of field and extreme closeup is just profoundly uncomfortable in that image.

>> No.14736265

>Countries are just geographical areas.