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14735104 No.14735104 [Reply] [Original]

Could you guy suggest me a book about how to manage your emotion, anger, sadness or stuff that get my emotion to the point that I can call myself enlightenment?

>> No.14735126
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There is no enlightenment. Why manage anger, sadness and what not? These are natural. You will only makes things worse

>> No.14735139

why is that? tell me more about your thought anon.

>> No.14735188

UG sounds like he was copying zen teachings but putting his own spin on things

>> No.14735235
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Emotions are just physiological responses that you've learned have meaning and force a certain perspective on you. You can gain control through self-awareness, paying attention to your mind and grasping how these unconscious, automatic mechanisms create your reality.

First you perceive a bodily experience and you interpret it as carrying some kind of information about the world. For instance, when you are sad, your body tells you that you are experiencing some kind of loss and your mind is essentially forced into that perspective, trying to validate it. The entire trick is to get yourself to stop associating that bodily feeling with that relational theme and it just becomes meaningless noise.

Emotion can sometimes be useful, like how anger puts you in a perspective to be aggressive, but in general it just creates a bias and due to its unconscious, automatic nature, you're at whim of your previous conditioning.

>> No.14735274


>> No.14735290

Debunking the practice of zen. I guess you could say zen debunks the practice of zen. People involved in zen are as bad as monks

>> No.14735353

If you mean the whole "sit down, turn off my brain for a bit and call that the embodiment of enlightenment" thing then yea, that's dumb

UG's defining of awareness as a movement characterized by "perpetual malcontent" in that image is dumb too.

>> No.14735394

>Furthermore, human self-consciousness is not a thing, but a movement, one characterized by “perpetual malcontent” and a “fascist insistence” on its own importance and survival.

He's saying the "I", the "you", "mind" in reference to self consciousnes. He never used the word awareness. Only men drunk on their nonsense us that word as if it has any significance. "Awareness of thought" blah blah is the biggest trap other than peculiar mystical experiences

>> No.14735408

You could read the Platonic dialogues. There is also Epictetus and Seneca;

>Why manage anger, sadness and what not? These are natural. You will only makes things worse
Because they make your life worse and unhappier (in the case of sadness, this is obvious). And they will make not act in the best way you can.

It is not a good idea to live life without trying to manage it because "it is natural". You will end up living a hedonistic life if you don't do it.

>> No.14736118

I would suggest mindfulness meditation, it helps you to recognize your own emotions and thought processes so you will be able to see the outburst coming to a greater degree. It will also make you happier. Hood luck with finding a solution.

>> No.14736721

see >>14736599
daoism (specifically the philosophy described by Chuang Tzu). Because daoism was disorganized for so long, there are a lot of daoist texts that are just a bunch of cosmological and homeopathic bullshit. But read the Tao te Ching and Inner Chapters of Zhuangzi and you'll have the answer to these questions.

>how to manage your emotion, anger, sadness or stuff that get my emotion to the point that I can call myself enlightenment
being enlightened in the ascetic Buddhist sense is learning to let go to all desires and emotions in order to be "free" from suffering. But you'll also be free from life. The thing is, buddhist monks believe life is a cycle of torture and they want to completely escape it (not reincarnate). Note that householder buddhism is completely different and much more sensible than what i just described, but it's rarely practiced in the West and it doesn't seek enlightenment. As you and I know reincarnation isn't real and life should be embraced. I wouldn't be surprised if this "enlightenment" was properly identified as self-induced psychosis in the future.
this is basically a part of what Chuang Tzu teaches you, but without the gay animeposting. Understand that your "self" is a series of perspectives and moods generated by an unknown part of your brain, and embrace your current perspective WITHOUT trusting it as the definitive version of (You)

>> No.14736749

Bhagavad Gita

>> No.14737679

Some aspects of In Search of the Miraculous may help with this. It talks about the fact that most people act as machines and don't appear to have a concious will or have any control over their own emotions or actions. This comes from the incorrect order of internal actions. Many people allow external actions to directly impact their physical actions, which has a knock on effect to their emotions, this will then affect your thoughts and in turn will shape your will or consiousness. This results in a reactive person who does not have a singular will. The correct order of action begins with the will and ends in the physical action. Your will should determine your thoughts, which should determine your emotions, which should determine your actions.
Much of the book is numerology or astrology type garbage but I enjoyed all of the sections that discussed the four-bodies.

>> No.14737761

"Enchiridion" of Epictetus, a slave.
"Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius, a roman emperor.
Cringe, that's acting like a woman/fag

>> No.14737791

You should look into cognitive behavioral psychology

>> No.14737799

UG Krishnamurti: Cope Guru (tm)