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14734677 No.14734677 [Reply] [Original]

when will the west stop putting such an emphasis on sex and materialism and devote their lives to a greater cause?

>> No.14734693

based, roasties seething at the self-realization of men

>> No.14734722

It won't. I's at the end of its civilizational cycle, all potential spent. Hopefully what will follow will do so.

>> No.14734732



It's a bugchaser

>> No.14734737

I got a boner from the first three texts, does that mean I'm now gay?

>> No.14735325
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sex IS the greater cause, it is all energy, literally the basis for life
pornography is the problem
and pornography is impossible without modern technology

>> No.14735422

Sex is important when you are young. Ignoring it is a cope. Sex is not important when you are old. Obsessing over it is a cope

>> No.14735440

>Sex is important when you are young.

>> No.14735463
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>pornography is impossible without modern technology

>> No.14735466

>sex IS the greater cause, it is all energy, literally the basis for life
In the modern West, sex is just a way for people to get pleasure (and for some with self esteem issues, as a way to try to get validation). It is sterile.

>> No.14735499

Sexual gratification has ALWAYS been a human, an animal hobby. To deny it is the new, the degenerate, way. You shouldn’t become an addict, but the opposite extreme isn’t any better. BALANCE in all things, including this.

>But we’re above animals...
In many respects, but to go along with ancient “incel” nonsense is, again, degenerative.
The ability to get it up will fade in time, your interests will shift. Your interests now ought to shift, towards finding and befriending a girl.

>> No.14735577

>To deny it is the new, the degenerate, way.
Epicurus was celibate.

>> No.14735584

>Your interests now ought to shift, towards finding and befriending a girl.
i've done that many times. but it doesnt last long
last two came from abusive relationships and said i was too nice
i want to smoke weed and read hegel my good sir

>> No.14735593

I didn't even think that this could be a guy texting to another guy until I saw your post. I thought it was a girl. Does that mean I'm ignorant?

>> No.14735599

I can't imagine how exciting sex must be in places where fornication could get you killed.

>> No.14735606

People have always been mostly focused on sex

>> No.14735608

materialism is intrinsic to the west

>> No.14735612

Eastern people are materialistic too.

>> No.14735614

the majority of people are little more than unthinking beasts

>> No.14735634

No, they value inner wisdom over outer achievement.

>> No.14735669
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>they value inner wisdom over outer achievement


>> No.14735686

Sex is immaterial.

>> No.14735688

>the west
materialism and the preponderance of sex and the female principle is a sign of the end times, as corroborated by every major tradition.

>> No.14735691

Fuck tradition.

>> No.14735722

well, bottom refers to passive gays, so yes

>> No.14735734

Bottom cant be substituted for Sub?

>> No.14735784

Not really, many men would like a woman who mirrors male desire, depraved, aggressive and shameless. That is why latinas are such great lays, they fuck like men.

>> No.14735791
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do women really like getting dominated or is this just a myth promoted by incels

>> No.14735798

Some women do. Some women like to dominate. Some just aren't very sexual.

>> No.14736086

Wow faggots are so normal!!!

>> No.14736105

Have sex.

>> No.14736111

The last time the West devoted itself to a higher cause it resulted in one of the greatest bloodlettings in history.

>> No.14736126

Slave and fleshpilled.