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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 528 KB, 1874x2560, A6BBF0A9-B5E8-468D-9789-5ECADE342DB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14732969 No.14732969 [Reply] [Original]

it came
one story is printed twice lol
Good job, dig dug

>> No.14732995


>> No.14733007

uh hello department of misinformation this is anon calling about that opening you listed on your website

>> No.14733022

i wonder how many copies he sold

>> No.14733047

it’s true, all of it

>> No.14733053

It's a meta commentary on the deceptive duplicitousness of the literary periodical

>> No.14733201

>wasn't accepted into the spring edition...

>> No.14733423

Name the story that's printed twice, and the pages on which it appears, and I'll give you a prize.

>> No.14733481

There's the same poem printed on pages thirteen-fourteen and thirty one. Maybe it's intentional?

>> No.14733642
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Not in my copy.

>> No.14733963
File: 40 KB, 600x600, Sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still waiting to hear back if you're accepted into the spring edition

>> No.14734115

Hmm wonder why my copy is different

>> No.14734155

make it available to purchase from australia you bloody dingo

>> No.14734159

Mine too

>> No.14734196


Yea wtf kmd

>> No.14734810

You're supposed to email him so he can ship it to you

>> No.14735016
File: 25 KB, 225x287, molester_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the schedule on these things? When should I submit for the next edition?

>> No.14735164

Is there any update on a second printing for the first issue?

>> No.14735212


We have 83 submissions to review, evaluate, and choose from. It's going to take some time. We appreciate your patience.

Summer edition open now: submit until end of April I believe.

Yes, order is placed. Expecting a reply on timeline from the printers tomorrow.

Also, everyone: http://litquarterly.ca for info!

>> No.14735219
File: 117 KB, 677x1098, Tolstoy_Writing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Summer edition open now: submit until end of April I believe.
Better start coming up with an idea then. I'm going to do it.

>> No.14735261
File: 4 KB, 123x123, feelsokayman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you sent in older work and imagined it was trash but read it again and it was actually kino

>> No.14735351

>PDF for winter edition is out

>> No.14735413

Fine job on the website! Shall we still be able to request printed copies in the future or do you mean to go paperless.

>> No.14736756

dominance asserted

>> No.14736766

Everyone who posted his or her story in that journal is retarded. There are much more reputable journals.

>> No.14736804

>implying im a reputable person

>> No.14736814

Well I know what to read on the metro next time!

>> No.14736840

oh no our opuses have gone to waste!!

>> No.14736851

>implying I'm not only submitting already published works

>> No.14736930

those don't get accepted

>> No.14736940

Also, posting your real name on something associated with 4chan is a bad idea. I honestly have no idea how you people even survive during these economically tough times.

>> No.14736942

kill yourself faggot, I'm gonna submit multiple stories and poems for the Summer 2020 issue out of spite towards you
dumb fucking cunt, you miss the whole point

>> No.14736945


Just read bro its just letters and sentences n shit its not that hard

>> No.14736948

can I submit under a pseudonym?
how does this process all work?
I enjoy writing poetry and short stories but I've never sent in one before

>> No.14736954

>out of spite towards you dumb fucking cunt
I mean, I don't really give a fuck. You have a lot of energy for something so stupid. Come back to me when you actually make real money or connections.

>> No.14736963

woah man, so epic for flexing about your cash and fim-famalans on the 4chizzle my nizzle
bet you're a really Alpha Dood with a 6 figure job, so popular at work too
epic bro epic, I totally believe that you are a respectable person I should care about the opinions of

>> No.14736980

To those anons dedicated enough to put pen to paper or finger to keyboard and contribute to the Quarterly, I say more power to you. Ignore those vexers like he: >>14736766. Nurture and hone your skill or display what present talent you have by submitting. I will read it, anon. I will review it.

>> No.14736981

that's why I cycle translate it in google at least 4 times

>> No.14736985

Nope, I am close to poor. I just don't see the value in creating a literary journal which will never be considered reputable. When querying future agents, it will look bad on you unless you used a pseudonym, given the associations 4chan has. I'm just being realistic here.

>> No.14736986

>can I submit under a pseudonym?
Did you look at the cover? The essay was written by "BEAST".

>> No.14736991

You could have at least named it something other than /lit/. You know, you're not really helping anyone by connecting your journal to 4chan. I'm just being realistic here. Putting your real name on that journal will come back and haunt you.

>> No.14736995

Do you even like literature or do you just care about becoming reputable. You're taking this too seriously anyway, it's just a project for anons to practice their writing and put something together.

>> No.14737019


>> No.14737021

It has no association with 4chan, it's not /lit/ it's Lit, and it isn't the only journal to use that. I've already won an emmy with this thing on my CV anyway so you're obviously wrong.

>> No.14737035

I am not the editor. I am a contributor. As another anon pointed out, it is not officially connected with /lit/. Moreover, people do submit anonymously.

>> No.14737039

What does the back of the book say? Does it mention 4chan anywhere?

>> No.14737045

I'm not going to fill in the blanks for your dumb ass because you started talking about shit that you had no actual idea about.
If you were right here right now in front of me I'd beat your ass with the Grammy I won

>> No.14737057

take a look at the PDF you lazy fuck
the only mentions of anything 4chan related are if writers included some reference in a story that got in, the front and back don't say anything about it

>> No.14737067

meant to change this to writing piece in general, since it could be referenced in poem or essay as well

>> No.14737085

Well, most agents are stupid, so they're not going to look more into it. I guess Lit Quarterly isn't that bad. Granted, I am still hesitant to send any of my own short stories because I have a history of bad luck. I do not think most of your fanbase is intelligent either.

>> No.14737099

k keep me posted

>> No.14737103

I don't run it, I just have the time to take a look at the PDFs on the website and see that it doesn't say anything on front or back about it
I can understand the worry about sending stuff in, which is why I do under a pseudonym and don't plan on developing anything from it into a serious novel but just use it for fun, practice, and to help create something together with other people on the board

>> No.14737125

I find it strange that no one here has any connections to reputable literary agents. I've begged a lot for referrals to agents in the past, but no one ever had any to offer. I guess most people have difficulties in making connections the way I do. What's funny is even a growing social media presence hasn't helped me in landing an agent during the querying process.

>> No.14737136

holy fuck nobody cares, stop posting

>> No.14737146

can't speak for others, but as of right now writing is just one of my hobbies outside of work so I've never put in the time to try and contact a real agent, nor do I have a long enough piece (or collection of pieces) for it to be worth it yet

>> No.14737147

Why does it matter if people care or not when you're not going to make valuable connections or money either way? It's not my problem people don't care.

>> No.14737154

Even if you had a well-written piece, landing an agent is very difficult without connections or social media presence. Also, Jews do dominate the industry, and they cause a lot of problems.

>> No.14737163

You don't care, but know that you have presented yourself like a complete tool and it's a good thing this is an anonymous message board because my fucking Oscar would be flying through your screensaver into your teeth if it weren't.

>> No.14737174
File: 123 KB, 142x200, 1581885820867s[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fucking shit

>> No.14737175

It's not fair to judge a person's vision or artistic capabilities without actually looking into his or her works. Therefore, you're just bullshitting when you call me a "tool".
I was just being realistic, that's all.

>> No.14737196

Your realism was based on nothing real, so I wouldn't lop Realistic on top of Tool when describing your behavior and posturing in this thread.

>> No.14737205

My assumption was proven false, which I admitted to. Big deal. I still have some degree of reluctance due to paranoia.

>> No.14737219

That's fine, not trying to bully you into submitting.

>> No.14737238

Kek, these winy little bitches fishing for people to beg them to submit are NOT, I reiterate NOT going to make it.
Your writing probably sucks fucking ass anyway if you're this anal retentive.

>> No.14737273

I've already had one short story published in a reputable literary journal.

>> No.14737278

Go publish there then.

>> No.14737279

good thing I'm 1/4th ashkenazi then

>> No.14737294

My literary focus has changed since then.

>> No.14737299

sounds like a cope

>> No.14737309

I don't see how that follows.

>> No.14737472

Still have about 70 hard copies left, so we'll go until they run out. Printing 52 copies of the first edition and that will be that as well.
Of course. At least half the contributors used a pseudonym.
I'm not speaking for any of the contributors, but I think it's a good thing to NOT be intimidated by the bland, uncontroversial mob. Don't let some distorted conception of reputation, financial concerns, or public expectations dominated your interaction with such a modest project. Otherwise, there's no reason to ever do anything.

>> No.14737522

What an insufferable faggot

>> No.14737617

look it's not my fault my parents named me what they did jesus christ the antagonism

>> No.14737711

My favorite of this edition: Summons from The Edge of The World
Runner up: I Love Homework Now

>> No.14737995


>What is the value of creating something if it doesn't go on your resume

Kill yourself.

>> No.14738002

Y'all make me proud to have participated in the first one. Keep up the good work y'all.

>> No.14738046

Power rankings when?

>> No.14738142

#1. Your submission <3

>> No.14739294

Go fuck yourself aussie, sorry it's not printed with upside-down text

>> No.14740451


>> No.14741086

litquarterly.ca is up

>> No.14741112


>> No.14741124
File: 5 KB, 180x179, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didn't get accepted

>> No.14741143

All you had to do was follow the damn train, anon

>> No.14741293

how do I submit and are the deadlines to submit posted on the website?

>> No.14741310


Lokks gud


>> No.14741342

No hard deadline yet, but get your stuff ready for late April.
Haven't decided which works are accepted yet.

>> No.14741377

haha i was just shitposting friend

>> No.14741413

My issue had pages sticking together, just like somebody had ejaculated on them.
I contacted the seller a week ago and he did not reply yet. Great

>> No.14741431

Sounds good, and just email it to the one on the site right?

>> No.14741490


Sorry bud, ...

>> No.14741526

i paid extra for a coomed edition, maybe our orders got mixed up somehow?

>> No.14741659

Controlled Faith: had a melancholy atmosphere of the midwest. Besides that, it wasn't entertaining. The gay pastor was terrible and his alter boy obsessive fuck toy had a unbelievable turn. 6/10.

The Internet is Serious Business: Although accurate, it held pretentions that made the author come across as if he was any better than the people he critiqued--a sense a superiority that most anons have built within them (the opposite of other social media where you are required to project your merits). Perhaps that is what makes it a good essay. It has an unequivocal /pol/ tone. I can agree with the thesis. This anon would hate me. I am a racist after all. Fuck him though. He is probably a faggot irl. 8/10.

>> No.14741915
File: 2.53 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20180804_15_06_12_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't it called The /lit/ Quarterly?

>> No.14741926

What could I publish in this magazine? I have a good idea for a story but it might be too spicy.

>> No.14741931

The anon wants to distance this from 4chan when it gains enough steam as anyone might when they want to gain notoriety and money. If that isn't it, perhaps it is purely aesthetic.

>> No.14741945

Thanks for the PDFs.

>> No.14741946

I don’t hate you and the tone of the essay became more stilted toward the, dareisayit, establishment amerilib direction as edits passed, however I hold a similar disposition toward most all ideology: deep skepticism. This was intended to be more an analysis on the progression of language and the communication/assembly of ideology through (seemingky) innocuous bricks/shards. That being said, I don’t suck literal dicks, and fuck you shitbag. Thanks for reading. I’ll try even harder in the future.

>> No.14742016

Hey, I gave you an 8. Let's not pretend that is a shit score.

>> No.14742114

I’m pleased enough. I can’t not respond to “fuck him, prob a faggot” though.

consider it a formality rather than a conviction.

>> No.14742182

They publish whatever. As long as it has literary merit

>> No.14742239 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 600x450, 1581940795460[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW reading /lit/ quarterly

>> No.14742815

Everybody can publish in the magazine, as long as you pay the fee.

>> No.14743331

Maybe you should get your eyes checked

>> No.14743602

It will not be denied if it's well-written, coherent, and engaging.
There is no fee.

>> No.14744026
File: 73 KB, 640x705, 1581117219427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it up, anon!

>> No.14744200

Nothing of value has ever come from 4chan. Deep down you know this. Kys.

>> No.14744312

I've been hype for this, thanks anon

>> No.14744958

I love this board, I’ll take a read when I get some time tomorrow.

>> No.14746120


Wtf kmd told me to send lewd pictures

>> No.14746793

KMD is a holy man.

>> No.14746991

WTF kmd asked me for my firstborn son

>> No.14747136

Do you wanna be famous or not?

>> No.14747154

if you're not willing to play ball, get off the field!

>> No.14747215

At least it wasn't for your daughter

>> No.14747238


>> No.14748388


>> No.14748682

The Lit Quarterlies I dropped in Galway are gone. I wonder if they were cast out or taken in by passersby?