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14731987 No.14731987 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you read Ratzinger, /lit/?

>> No.14731996

Why did lighting strike St Peters basilica when he resigned?

>> No.14732006

Nazi responsible for thousands of Catholics being infected with STDs that they could have avoided if he had told them to use condoms. Also, he must have been aware of the rampant pedophilia amongst the priesthood and didn't excommunicate the pedos instead he tried to sweep things under the rug

>> No.14732014

I'm more of a Bergoglio type of guy

>> No.14732015

Sorry It was my fault
Where do I start with the popes?

>> No.14732022


Why would someone think that it's ok to sleep around, but draw the line at birth control? If they're already bugchasing what good is a condom?

>> No.14732031

Where do I start anon?

>> No.14732102


>> No.14732115
File: 17 KB, 620x330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you see Francis' new exhortation after the Amazon Synod? It's actually /lit/ as fuck, it's got a ton of poetry quotes in it.


>> No.14732132

I haven't. Thanks for sharing it, anon

>> No.14732140


What's up with the Amazon Synod? Isn't it just about Christianizing indigenous traditions? I know it triggers a lot of tradcats, but hasn't the church always done this?

>> No.14732171

just a coincidence

>> No.14732192
File: 44 KB, 750x563, pope_davis_750-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was about trying to evangelize the Amazon Rain Forest, which is a remote part of the world that it's difficult for the Church to reach. It's about reaching un-Christianized populations and being better at ministering to those populations that have already converted, because priests and the Sacraments are hard to get that far into the forest.

Two of the ideas being discussed were very exciting for progressives/Modernists/heretics: female deacons and married priests. There were a ton of priests and bishops (most of them bishops) that heavily recommended relaxing celibacy rules on a conditional basis to serve the Amazon region. There was a worry by traditionalists that if this had been approved, it would have served as a Trojan Horse to sneak an end to celibacy into the entire worldwide population of the clergy. Ditto for female deacons, which almost everyone who's serious knows is just a Modernist plot to eventually encourage female priests.

In the end Francis fortunately rejected both suggestions, and they do not appear in the final exhortation. Yet more proof that Francis is really not as progressive as many of his so-called supporters want him to be.

>> No.14732203

>There were a ton of priests and bishops (most of them bishops)

That should have read "(most of them German)". It's really certain subsets of the German bishops that are pushing all this heretical garbage. A few of the German bishops and cardinals, like Cardinal Muller, are very good. But many of them are quite awful, like Cardinal Kasper and Cardinal Marx.

>> No.14732237

Tbf all german kids had to join hitler youth. Everything else is spot on though

>> No.14732247
File: 311 KB, 1600x1017, uscon13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cardinals are so aesthetic.

>> No.14732270
File: 182 KB, 1600x1071, Next Pope Cardinal-Burke Cappa-Magna-Featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no aesthetics like Catholic aesthetics. All the hate from Protestants is nothing but cope.

>> No.14732272

2 + 2 = Jesus

Fuck this guy.

>> No.14732304



>> No.14732318


>> No.14732322

Fuck I screwed it up

>> No.14732352

because he's a paedo

>> No.14732359


>> No.14732365

I read Introduction to Christianity. It was not a useful introduction to anything.

>> No.14732388

Francis is a two-faced chomo and chomo enabler who should have the shit kicked out of him in public

>> No.14732399

do you have evidence?

>> No.14732410

hello dimond

>> No.14732443

>Cardinal Marx

>> No.14732478
File: 139 KB, 1200x675, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> During the interview, I am going to make an extraordinary overture: I intend to state that I am in favor of marriage for priests, both gay and straight.
>We have to legitimize "possible" love, so as to divert people from "aberrant" love, which is a form of violence.
>I am not so naive as to think that this is the solution.
>But as a way of limiting the damage, it could well work.
>This is the middle way.
Is this theologically sound?

>> No.14732522

unfortunately, sort of.

>> No.14732524

the funniest part about catholics is when they try to convert random fucking forest people instead of the atheists at their own doorsteps

>> No.14732533

if they would just focus on converting white men and forgot all about women and niggers, we would have heretic-burning monarchy back in the next 20 years.

>> No.14732557

Isn't that what Vatican 2 was sort of about?

>> No.14732681

Rent Free

>> No.14732695

Stay mad you fucking nerd

>> No.14732726

Daily remember that Pope Benedict didn't resign.

>> No.14732830

Those "random forest people" want the faith but often don't have the resources. They want the Catholic faith but often priestly education is so scarce that there is only 1 for thousands of villagers. Atheists in the west have plenty of resources but don't want them. Catholics obviously want the best for them as well, but their situation is not nearly as dire.

>> No.14732846

Once you start investigating the Cardinals and Popes, you realize how well educated they are. I honestly had no idea. JPII wrote theological papers on phenemenology for example. Wouldn't have expected it and there is a TON of untapped academic theology that is not investigated because it is written in monks or other religious. It is a whole different side of philosophical history that is completely neglected by academia but nonetheless still very rich .

>> No.14732856


Atheists virtually all have exposure to the Church or at least the Christian gospels

>> No.14732903


Why would you think otherwise? The Catholic church has always been an intellectual powerhouse, you basically have diverse and great minds all conforming to a common faith framework and solving complex problems

>> No.14732926

I'm actually okay with priestly celibacy if it leads to fewer gay priests.

>> No.14732936

>with ending priestly celibacy
Fixed. The pedo problem is to a large degree a result of gay priests.

>> No.14732999

There's no reason for it, you are right, but because secular philosophy curiculum is still under the shadow of protestant progressivism, a lot of people aren't exposed to anything but the obvious ones like Augustine and Aquinas. You have to search on your own if you want to find it.

>> No.14733082

if the defining element of someone decision to become a priest is that they can do it and still fuck, they shouldn't be a priest. it will only attract lazy fucks who want a cushy job.

>> No.14734549
File: 20 KB, 278x394, 363628981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a papist claims he doesn't worship mary near me