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File: 72 KB, 401x550, Portrait_of_Stéphane_Mallarmé.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14731758 No.14731758 [Reply] [Original]

Mallarmé is the epitome of French culture, prove me wrong. All roads lead to him.

>> No.14731766

Name a more insubstantial poet...hint, you can't.

>> No.14731776

Debussy and Ravel made music out of his poems, what are you talking about insubstantial. If you are talking about lack of real content, ok, you're right: that's the symbol of French culture, just the pure sensation

>> No.14731816

frechoids btfod

>> No.14731839

>Debussy and Ravel made music out of his poems
That's superfluous when talking about the quality of his poetry. If, say, Philip Glass was to make a symphony out of a Rapi Kaur book, it would not mean that the book is good.
Mallarmé always stroke me as a bad and childish poet, a bad copy of Baudelaire, a feeble attempt to mix sound and meaning. Sure, some of them may look nice, but all of them are a carcass full of nothingness, deliberately darkened to fit the wave of the times. Verlaine, I think, was everything Mallarmé tried to be.
But, you are right about the French cultures. It's a culture of feeling, nothing else. So, it may be true to assume that an inconsequential poet represents a mediocre culture.

>> No.14731910


>> No.14731993

it's not fair to generalize all frogs like that

>> No.14732051

Fucking frog-eating French faggot.

>> No.14732180

>Verlaine, I think, was everything Mallarmé tried to be.
À vomir. You probably enjoy Lautréamont, too.

>> No.14732201

give me something of him. I want to read him.

>> No.14732212

I haven't engaged with any Frenchfaggotry yet, but I can sense this man's basedness.

>> No.14732221

Start with L’après-midi d’un faune.

>> No.14732228

copy paste a poem of Mallarmé anon. anything you like about him.

>> No.14732263

not him but u should read his sonnet en x, its one of his masterpieces.

>> No.14732297

Anons, are you fucking retarded or just don't have any pedagogical sensitivity?
If you want to start with Mallarmé, you should read "Brise marine" it's his most approachable poem.

>> No.14732364

fuck you it sounds like a hugo pastiche, if you're gonna propose an easy poem that's some personal identity you should have posted les fenêtres

>> No.14732505

>sounds like a hugo pastiche
>somehow that's a bad thing

>> No.14732769
File: 337 KB, 1181x964, monet-37678-nympheas-de-monet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't only their literature -also their music and painting.

>> No.14732849

Roll of the Dice alone makes him an all-time great.

>> No.14733038
File: 69 KB, 474x770, mallarme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All sacred things and that which wishes to remain sacred envelops itself in mystery. Religions veil themselves behind arcane altars from the profane: art does the same.

>Like that which is absolutely beautiful, poetry forces admiration; but this admiration will be far-off, vague -- stupid, since it comes from the crowd. Thanks to this general sensation, an unheard of and energetic thought will plant seeds into the minds of the masses. Then, it will become so indispensable that it will have to be taught in universities. Irresistibly, like that which is shown to the many, poetry will be reduced to a science. It will be explained equally, the same to all, because it is difficult to distinguish among the masses the one whose soul has been touched by the Sylvan muse to create.

>Should a philosopher have ambition to be known by the masses, I admire him. He doesn't close off the emanations of the Truth in his mind; he shares them, letting fall between his fingers rays of light. But for a poet, he who loves the Beautiful which is inaccessible to the crowds, is not happy in being closed off within the Sahara of art annoys me, I don't understand it.

>> No.14733099
File: 47 KB, 431x550, 474741631848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A man may be a democrat. The artist must double himself and become aristocrat.

>And yet we have happening before our eyes the contrary. The cheap paperback editions for poets have increased, to the joy and the consent of poets. Do you believe that this is how glory is won, o dreamers, o lyrical ones? When the artist alone has your work, cost whatever it may, had he had to use his last coin to buy it, there you have a true admirer! And now this crowd who buys you at a cheap price, do they understand you? Already profaned by their mass education, one last barrier keeps you above their desires, -- you are worth 7 francs! -- O your own enemies, why (by the very price of your works) preach and put forth your selves this impiety, the vulgarization of art! You will walk by the sides of those who, erasing the mysterious notes from music, open arcane secrets before the public, at a cheap price.

>> No.14733122

what a snob lmfao

>> No.14733911

>Debussy and Ravel
both shit