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14730737 No.14730737[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where's the guarantee that God is not an evil prick abusing his absolute power?
It's impossible to trust an all-powerful being that can sentence you to eternal torture for refusing to worship it.
Are there any books that tackle this subject matter?
Why is God considered good? Isn't the likelihood of God being evil about the same?

God could easily brainwash you into believing you deserve to get eternally assraped by demons in hell, if he's omnipotent as they say.
Has any theist countered this yet?
How can you take the goodness of God for granted?

>> No.14730766

there are no guarantees. don’t believe the theological pilpul

>> No.14730767

1. Bible
2. Yes.
3. He's the Good by which goodness is defined.
4. Depends on your understanding of goodness.
5. Yes.
6. By not being aware of it or your potential for belief in it.

>> No.14730777

>He's the Good by which goodness is defined
semantic pilpul

>> No.14730793

I'm actually God, and I'm a decent enough guy. You can trust me because this 4chan post says I am, and I wrote it, and it's true because I'm God.

>> No.14730810

How can an evil being produce something beautiful?

>> No.14730828

By not believing that beauty is contingent upon morality.

>> No.14730832

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, anon
It's subjective, which means it doesn't exist

>> No.14730842


>> No.14730865

It is clear to me Goodness is itself unconditional Love or Good Will towards all. The utterly logical response to another sentience is sympathetic empathy. You put your self in the place of the other and treat them as you would like to be treated(an inherent logic of behavior).This sympathetic empathy engenders loving-kindness and compassion, or when taken together Benevolence. This Benevolence is meant to be apt (or to give the soul it's proper due regard) in that you act as if the sentient being's desires were entirely rational. A soul in a vacuum is simply meant to be hedonistic, it should want to maximize the pleasure it experiences("so that your Joy may be full").

Under careful consideration, it appears as if God is not entirely Benevolent. God does not alleviate the suffering even of completely moral beings(nay, sometimes causes them to suffer), and certainly does not try to make people happy with His omnipotence. Not yet, at least.

>> No.14730867

There is no guarantee and there never will be. The evidence we have at hand tells us that he is at the very least, not very "caring" in the human sense

>> No.14730922

God creates beauty, yet in our own free do we have the ability to find ugly what God deems beauty. One will mistake God as Evil, as above. Yet He is infinitly good.

>> No.14730955

What did God deem beautiful? How do we know that those things are what they are? Everything boils down to the judgement of human subjectivity which as many religious people are wont to point out when discussing the problem of evil, cannot be applied to God

>> No.14730996

>infinitely good
Do you think hell is a fair and just punishment?

>> No.14730998
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>> No.14731030

If God is the Absolute then He is perfect. If He is perfect then He is good. The end.

>> No.14731038

why would an evil be unable to produce something beautiful?
Good and bad are more objective than you know

>> No.14731047

What is beautiful is better than what is ugly. Better here being a superlative of good. Therefore, beauty is characterized by good. Good is better than evil. Therefore, good cannot produce what is worse than itself, that being ugly.

>> No.14731053

not that I believe in God or anything but I imagine he considered The Garden Of Eden to beautiful

>> No.14731063

But Christians don't have to follow the law. They don't even keep the commandment about the Sabbath.

>> No.14731075

But God, the most beautiful and perfect being in existence, created humans?
He created humans, knowing that they will sin, time and time again. He's the one who set everything in motion.
It's like putting a pilot inside a badly-constructed plane mid-flight then blaming him when he crashes and burns instead of sticking the landing.

>> No.14731100

Stupid word games and nothing more, fuck outta here with that shit

>> No.14731106

I agree that explaining the Fall of Man outside of exoteric mythology is difficult. But heres what I know.
I know God exists
I know that for God to exist, He must be Good
I know that Humans exist
I know that Man is Fallen.
Since these points are all true, there must be a reconciliation between them. What that reconciliation is, is beyond me.

>> No.14731114

>"good cannot produce what is worse than itself, that being ugly"
playing fast and loose with the words here we can claim that Roses are objectively more beautiful than Nettles, yet Nettles produce greater nutrition and in more abundance

>> No.14731125

I'll agree that my argument is a rough sketch, but I believe in the dialectic so we can work through it.
In what way does nutrition point towards aesthetics?

>> No.14731126

Are you genuine or just baiting?

>> No.14731138

The only thing we can grasp on to in this life is love. May love be our rope back to God, may we find consolation in love, and prevail against all fears and blindness

>> No.14731154

>Where's the guarantee that God is?
Fixed that for you.
And there is no guarantee he exists.
There you go.

>> No.14731157


I sometimes contemplate this when I see my waifu

>> No.14731165

It is true that justice, forgiveness, are evil qualities.

>> No.14731168

We get it, you're an atheist, God doesn't exist.
You don't have to point out the obvious.

You clearly missed the point of this thread.

>> No.14731171


Did God allow evil in order transmute it into gold? Was God an alchemist?

>> No.14731175

Is it in the bible?

>> No.14731180

Before spouting such nonsense, let me ask you:
do you believe hell is a fair and just punishment?
Is God incapable of forgiveness unless the person expresses remorse over his actions?

How come we, flawed human beings, can forgive a murderer if he kills our child, but God can't?

>> No.14731244

The point of the sacrifice of Jesus is so that all will be forgiven if we return to God via the spirit of Jesus. It is not so much a punishment as it is that when Jesus returns and instigates the end days, everything that is of God returns to God, and the rest is cast away because it is incompatible with the universe as it stands at that point - everything being God. So 'refusing to worship it' in this way is refusing the spirit that will mark you against being destroyed.

>> No.14731288
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His sacrifice is a bit belated, considering human beings have existed a long time before his arrival.

You're also forgetting that God is the instigator and punisher. He's the one who decided that sinners cannot co-exist with him.
It's like a robber pointing a gun at you, then shooting you when you refuse to give him your wallet.
Are you to blame? Partly. It would've been a smarter choice to hand the wallet over, a la Pascal's wager.
Is the robber alleviated of the responsibility of committing murder? Hell no.

I know you're probably just larping as a Christcuck though.
Doubt anyone here is truly religious.

>> No.14731300

>God is not an evil prick abusing his absolute power?
Why would someone with absolute power need to abuse anyone else? He doesn't even have needs. There is no incentive for abuse.

>> No.14731323

>If He is perfect then He is good
prove it fag

>> No.14731325

>considering human beings have existed a long time before his arrival.

If we're speaking like the Bible is telling the truth, then no this isn't true.

>He's the one who decided that sinners cannot co-exist with him.

I don't know if it was a 'decision' and neither do you.

>It's like a robber pointing a gun at you, then shooting you when you refuse to give him your wallet.

Actually it would be refusing to give the robber's own wallet back to him.

I'm not a Christcuck.

>> No.14731365

It is kinda a apriori thing found in the concept or God. Just like how we know a bachelor is an unmarried man. Even an atheist can state that conceptually God must have x properties to be God even if no such thing exists. God conceptually has to be most good, most knowing, most benevolent.

This means it can't lie or decieve for example or test you such things. If it is not you have another non-classical theism. The question then is why give a shit about it? It might as well be an armed dude, a warlord who can see everything.

>> No.14731612

>If we're speaking like the Bible is telling the truth, then no this isn't true.
Fair enough.

>I don't know if it was a 'decision' and neither do you.
Does God not have free will? Isn't everything a part of his plan?

>Actually it would be refusing to give the robber's own wallet back to him.
That doesn't make the murder any more justified.

>I'm not a Christcuck.

>> No.14731712

1. Your ignoranty presumptuous notion of God as being a potentially malevolent entity is erroneous, and indicative of your own spiritual deficiency.

2. One is either: impelled to worship God, and live within its plenitude, or compelled to stray from God, and consume one's and/or others' alloted abundance unto death; in neither case is one sentenced/forced to anything beyond what one has chosen/determined for oneself.

>> No.14731735

Arent you gnostic? Do you understand that evil doesnt exist?

>> No.14731781

>Arent you gnostic?
I doubt that you know what it means to be "gnostic", but my answer to you is: yes, I am.

>Do you understand that evil doesnt exist?
No, because there is no truth in that to stand under; rather, I know that it does exist, and that any claim to the contrary necessarily stems from ignorance of what is "evil".

>> No.14731820

What does it mean to be a gnostic then
Whatdo you think evil is

>> No.14731964

>What does it mean to be a gnostic then
To be gnostic is to lead a noble (derived from root: "gno-") lifestyle, through reception of God's grace, with direction toward God's plenitude.

>Whatdo you think evil is
Evil is a quality of ignobility/ignoble being.

>> No.14731980

This retard again
Gnosis means knowledge, not nobility
Ignobility is a privation, not an quality, meaning evil quite literally not exist

>> No.14732013

>Gnosis means knowledge, not nobility
What are you even replying to?

>Ignobility is a privation, not an quality, meaning evil quite literally not exist
Nobility and ignobility are intrinsic qualities, regardless of whether you prefer to follow/use the vulgate; you are wilfully ignorant.

>> No.14732189

Ignobility is an absence of nobility, making it a privation rather than existent.

>> No.14732197

Also, gnosis pertains to the total - physical, mental, spiritual - synthesis of knowledge, that is: the motion of Wisdom, not merely the totality of knowledge; this can only be done with a root in Nobility, hence the reflected/common etymological root.

>> No.14732207

Can you direct me to a source that details the etymology and use of "gno" in ancient greek?

>> No.14732254

"Ignobility" refers to the manifestation of the essence of the abyss, which is something that exists, hence, the resulting darkness/evil is what characterizes ignobility.

>> No.14732274

>manifestation of the essence of the abyss,
Well this is a weird statement. Where from is the essence manifested and into what is it manifested, and by what means?
How can an absence manifest and how can something that is characterized by non existence have an essence?

>> No.14732279

>Ignobility" refers to the manifestation of the essence of the abyss
What does this even mean

>> No.14732286


>> No.14732336

Sounds like a misunderstanding of neo platonism where he conflates an absence of being with an existent abyss. Rather than evil being distance from the one it is rather nothingess incarnate. As usual, gnostics have everything backwards.

>> No.14732416

>Where from is the essence manifested
Firstly: from the aether, which permeates & underlies everything, secondly: from, and through, the abyss.

>and into what is it manifested,
Into whatever is aberrated from and/or mixed with plenitude/the Light.

>and by what means?
By whatever means are at one's disposal.

>How can an absence manifest and how can something that is characterized by non existence have an essence?
I reiterate: the essence of the abyss (the Dark) is not nonexistent/"absent", rather, it faciltates absence, within the abyss/void.

>> No.14732492

exactly, i thought this as well

>> No.14732656
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Your fantasy of a numb nothingness will be immediately dissipated once you experience the heaviness of a threefold darkness.

>> No.14732690

More bullshit statements. You're preaching exoteric nonsense

>> No.14733052

there is no essence of an abyss but an essential abyss, all and not a single a thing

>> No.14733424

The essence of the abyss, which is the Dark, is produced from deflection of Light, not merely from its absence, in the same way that "dark" feelings pollute the air of affect, and the waters of emotion, producing/perpetuating abysmal conditions; sole absence of (a part of) Light is resolved within the potentiality of aether, which is comprehended & generated in its totality by God alone.

Abysmal absence of everything is an actuality of the Dark; aetheric absence of what is possible and/or yet to be is of divine potentiality.

>> No.14733688

Why is there religious discussion in /lit/? I thought this trolling stuff was reserved for /pol/ and /b/, or do you guys take it seriously?

>> No.14733858

I understand the Darkness as being concealed by the light of Being - and beings, that is, manifestable and manifested possibilities and the Darkness itself being Non-Being, or unmanifestable possibilities; and this Darkness in turn conceals the Light of light (abyss within abyss).
If by aether you mean Receptacle, Matter (prima and secunda) and or Substance then I think we agree. But it is totally passive to the essence, and its ''degeneration'', its downard tendency toward pure quantity most apart from quality (essential pole) is its own Tamasik state in substantialization of Non-Being.
just remember that The One, God, is all things and no one of them.

>> No.14733874
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when i get to st peter im going to be like "IT ISNT RIGHT, ITS NOT RIGHT WHAT YOURE DOING"
Then jesus is going to be all like "i like this kid he has balls"

>> No.14734510

The Problem of Pain by C. S. Lewis

>> No.14735675
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>> No.14736195

Think of the fisherman with the flashy lure

>> No.14736210

An offense against infinite majesty deserves infinite punishment.

>> No.14736730

>tfw the jews and their servants have poisoned all discussions of god and religion with retarded arguments about fairy tales

>> No.14736811

>...the Darkness itself being Non-Being, or unmanifestable possibilities...
The Dark (of which darkness is a quality) is of Being, because: 1. its essence/it, as an essence, is stative; 2. it is manifestable.

>But it is totally passive to the essence, and its ''degeneration'', its downard tendency toward pure quantity...
Aether is intrinsically constant, and incapable of degeneration; rather, the ontological conditions that it facilitates are mutable, via action of Light, and of Dark, through, fundamentally, the potentiality of aether.

>just remember that The One, God, is all things and no one of them.
That is a false sacrilegious statement that is rooted in pantheism, a branch of atheism; God is beyond all things, and comprehends all things.

>> No.14736898

>The Dark (of which darkness is a quality)
yes, just like The Good could be referred as Goodness different from goodness. Don't be pedantic about your individual systematizations.

>That is a false sacrilegious statement that is rooted in pantheism.
''the source of all things is not all things; and yet it is all things in a transcendental sense''
>God is beyond all things, and comprehends all things.
exactly what I said
What is manifestable? The Darkness/Dark? Or its instances?

>Aether is intrinsically constant, and incapable of degeneration.
Again, in reference to substance it is passive to quality, and the more it goes away from the essential pole the more it loses the Notion of quality. Aether as Receptacle it is neuter, pure potentiality, materia prima and unintelligible.

>> No.14736999

>from the aether,

>> No.14737408

>The Good could be referred as Goodness different from goodness.
Goodness is a quality of Good, just as darkness is a quality of Dark; in both cases, both are mutually semantically distinct, and the latter instances were more contexually accurate to your post; I am merely correcting you.

>That is a false sacrilegious statement that is rooted in pantheism.
>''the source of all things is not all things; and yet it is all things in a transcendental sense''
Why are you reinforcing the aforementioned with further judaized drivel?

>God is beyond all things, and comprehends all things.
>exactly what I said
No, it is not.

>What is manifestable? The Darkness/Dark? Or its instances?
1. The Dark.

2. Manifestation transcurs through instance.

>Again, in reference to substance it is passive to quality, and the more it goes away from the essential pole the more it loses the Notion of quality.
You are not saying anything.

Aether as Receptacle it is neuter, pure potentiality, materia prima and unintelligible.

>> No.14737587

>The Good could be referred as Goodness different from goodness.
Goodness is a quality of Good, just as darkness is a quality of Dark; in both cases, both are mutually semantically distinct, and the latter instances were more contexually accurate to your post; I am merely correcting you.

>That is a false sacrilegious statement that is rooted in pantheism.
>''the source of all things is not all things; and yet it is all things in a transcendental sense''
Why are you reinforcing the aforementioned with further judaized drivel?

>God is beyond all things, and comprehends all things.
>exactly what I said
No, it is not.

you're still clinging to individual systematizations, in relation to the Good I agree that the Dark would be better to use but I thought you would understand what I meant from the beginning.
by the way that quote is from Plotinus

How is the Dark manifestable?

And it is passive in relation to quality (the essential side of corporeality).

>> No.14737742

>you're still clinging to individual systematizations
I do not "cling" to anything; I side with truth, regardless of my manner of interiorization and expression.

>by the way that quote is from Plotinus
Neoplatonism is a judaized corruption of Platonism.

>in relation to the Good I agree that the Dark would be better to use but I thought you would understand what I meant from the beginning.
I comprehend.

>How is the Dark manifestable?
Via affinity; that which tends toward the Dark becomes of it.

>And it is passive in relation to quality (the essential side of corporeality).

>> No.14738028

>Neoplatonism is a judaized corruption of Platonism.

yet you are the one as systematic as a rabbi

>> No.14738176

what do you call this art style?