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File: 44 KB, 677x678, Bertrand-Russell-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14730571 No.14730571 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about him?

>> No.14730590
File: 119 KB, 702x992, UNJI2bOqZSWnHan9uaAFTwRXRKP7YEGb-u4V5ETMxr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i enjoy the butt rage he produces in you continental faggots. 100 years later and he still lives rent free.

>> No.14730595

Why do you think that he is trash?

>> No.14730609

because of shit like this
>It is obvious that in his day-dreams he is a warrior, not a professor; all of the men he admires were military. His opinion of women, like every man's, is an objectification of his own emotion towards them, which is obviously one of fear. "Forget not thy whip"-- but nine women out of ten would get the whip away from him, and he knew it, so he kept away from women, and soothed his wounded vanity with unkind remarks. [...] [H]e is so full of fear and hatred that spontaneous love of mankind seems to him impossible. He has never conceived of the man who, with all the fearlessness and stubborn pride of the superman, nevertheless does not inflict pain because he has no wish to do so. Does any one suppose that Lincoln acted as he did from fear of hell? Yet to Nietzsche, Lincoln is abject, Napoleon magnificent. [...] I dislike Nietzsche because he likes the contemplation of pain, because he erects conceit into duty, because the men whom he most admires are conquerors, whose glory is cleverness in causing men to die. But I think the ultimate argument against his philosophy, as against any unpleasant but internally self-conscious ethic, lies not in an appeal to facts, but in an appeal to the emotions. Nietzsche despises universal love; I feel it the motive power to all that I desire as regards the world. His followers have had their innings, but we may hope that it is coming rapidly to an end.

—Russell, History of Western Philosophy

>> No.14730615 [DELETED] 

His opinion-and therefore acquiescence with- on philosophy is indeed trash. Although his work on mathematics may be worth something; I do not know.

>> No.14730623

His opinion on-and therefore acquiescence with- philosophy is indeed trash. Although his work on mathematics may be worth something; I do not know.

>> No.14730636
File: 88 KB, 510x367, so-edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't deserve a full sente

>> No.14730653 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 785x1000, 1581794954095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOOO he can't just criticizes the source of my wet dreams

>> No.14730660

History of Western Philosophy is the worst book I’ve read in my life. A grand subversion of true philosophy.

>> No.14730662
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-one-has-renounced-the-great-life-when-one-renounces-war-friedrich-nietzsche-54-46-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14730673

>The Anglo cries as he strikes you

>> No.14730677

With what do you disagree here?

>> No.14730686

everything. Neeche is 10000x superior to bitchboi Russell
I despise universal love
I look up to conquerors
Lincoln was a cuck
Napoleon was a chad
Women should be subordinate

>> No.14730722

Really take time to reflect. With what do you disagree?

>> No.14730868

"Make sure that you have the facts."

"Love is wise, hate is foolish."

I see no problems here.

>> No.14730915

Don't know much about his work except he's essentially the grandfather of the reddit neck beards.

>> No.14730933


>> No.14731025

Neetche was literally an incel cuck though.

>> No.14731083 [DELETED] 

I started this post wanting to write in his defense, but the more I think about him, the less I feel like doing so.

Russell is the quintessential know-it-all, desiring to meddle and become an expert in every possible field ranging from mathematics, physics over philosophy and religion to politics, activism and sexual mores.
As such, he never achieved true excellence in any of these fields, but became nothing but an overly biased popularizer of these fields.

-His and Whitehead’s logicism (the idea that you can reduce all of mathematics to logic) was btfo by Hilbert’s formalism and Gödel’s incompleteness theorems.

-Their theory of types (to replace Cantor’s naive set theory) was made immediately obsolete by the much more effective axiomatic systems like ZFC

-His logical atomism in the philosophy of language was wrecked by the old Wittgenstein in his philosophical investigations and ordinary language philosophers thereafter

-His “History of Western Philosophy” -as has already been noted- was biased opinionated trash with god awful chapters on Aquinas and Nietzsche in particular.

-And in the tradition of Mill, he became -in effect- a typical liberal globalist apologist and pacifist later in life without providing any realistic path for realizing this utopian feel-good ideas.

He wrote some good essays, but that’s it.

>> No.14731094

I started this post wanting to write in his defense, but the more I think about him, the less I feel like doing so.

Russell is the quintessential know-it-all, desiring to meddle and become an expert in every possible field ranging from mathematics, physics over philosophy and religion to politics, activism and sexual mores.
As such, he never achieved true excellence in any of these fields, but became nothing but an overly biased popularizer of them.

-His and Whitehead’s logicism (the idea that you can reduce all of mathematics to logic) was btfo by Hilbert’s formalism and Gödel’s incompleteness theorems.

-Their theory of types (to replace Cantor’s naive set theory) was made immediately obsolete by the much more effective axiomatic systems like ZFC

-His logical atomism in the philosophy of language was wrecked by the old Wittgenstein in his philosophical investigations and ordinary language philosophers thereafter

-His “History of Western Philosophy” -as has already been noted- was biased opinionated trash with god awful chapters on Aquinas and Nietzsche in particular.

-And in the tradition of Mill, he became -in effect- a typical liberal globalist apologist and pacifist later in life without providing any realistic path for realizing this utopian feel-good ideas.

He wrote some good essays, but that’s it.

>> No.14731146

So it upsets you that someone would dare criticize your views? Lil bitch

>> No.14731235

When it came to logic and mathmatics, he was beyond brilliant, but when it came to everything, he was an absolute fool.

>> No.14731247

it doesn't upset me that he's wrong

>> No.14731251

You seem pretty upset

>> No.14731256

Sorry, I meant everything else, not everything lmao

>> No.14731257

Epic post. Well said. Also, Kaczynski’s “Anti-Tech Revolution” (the first two chapters) blows his worthless feel good Utopianism out of the way.

>> No.14731266


>> No.14731272

A literal cuck, how droll.

>> No.14731274

wow how dumb was berGAY russell

>> No.14731379

A response that actually contributes to the debate, how refreshing

>> No.14731400

Good post.

>> No.14731404

His history of philosophy is hit or miss. His mathematical philosophy is ok. Ignore all of his social and cultural stuff.

>> No.14731431

Look into how he ran the school he opened. LMAO.

>> No.14731442

Wittgenstein once said:
>Russell’s books should be bound in two colours, those dealing with mathematical logic in red – and all students of philosophy should read them; those dealing with ethics and politics in blue – and no one should be allowed to read them.

>> No.14731486

bertrand russell:
>born to a literal unironic cuckold
>was an atheist
>had like five wives
>wrote a stupid book on logic that ended up being disproven by a mere doctoral student
>got cucked himself
>ended up being a run of the mill liberal leftist
>fell down a mine shaft and died
complete fucking retard imo, i don't know how a guy like this could have the fucking gall to write a book on ethics like he knew anything about it

>> No.14731516

Wtf I love Bertrand now.

>> No.14731757

lincoln made the south bend over like the bitches they are, and if Sherman were alive today I'd hope he'd do it again.

>> No.14731872

He's suited more to philo-celeb French charlatans than philosophy. All he does is support the status quo and trendiness at every turn to get attention / fame while never seriously engaging with something intellectually or honestly in his entire life. He would be completely unknown without his born privilege and power. And he would be ignored without his pandering and mindless status quo endorsement.

He is, in a man, the avatar of shutting your mind off and following the culture's orders. The culture shaping the man instead of the man shaping the culture. The forerunner to every retarded cuck that exists to today that makes excuses for elites or makes himself an impotent emptyheaded daydreamer while the real world happens.

>> No.14731975

I don't know much about him. Maybe his math stuff is legit, but I am not knowledgeable about math compared to history and philosophy. My atheist, materialist dad likes to quote him sometimes. I think he finds them on Facebook somewhere. I find those quotes annoying because a lot of them seem to be targeted at straw versions of my beliefs and some of them are quite mean-spirited (although I doubt my dad intends to come off that way).

>> No.14731984

>fell down a mine shaft and died
Didn't he die of contagious illness?

>> No.14731988

>"Forget not thy whip"-- but nine women out of ten would get the whip away from him, and he knew it, so he kept away from women, and soothed his wounded vanity with unkind remarks.
how can you not like this lmao, incels btfo

>> No.14732004


>> No.14732018

In my history of philosophy book I'm gonna write: Russel, the definition of a halfwit

>> No.14732029

Epic. What else?

>> No.14733063

>He is, in a man, the avatar of shutting your mind off and following the culture's orders
so he is a proponent of NPCism

>> No.14733067

Greatest philosopher of the 20th Century.

>> No.14733116

Wow, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.14733772

Pretty damn scathing.

>> No.14734216

Based Russell

>> No.14734519

he's better than Guenon

>> No.14734529

his book "my philosophical development" probably eclipses anything else posted on /lit/