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14730536 No.14730536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wake up at 8.45 am
>browse internet, drink coffee, do chores
>read enjoyable novel
>go to gym
>heavy lifting doesn't go well (reaching limit of my current routine, I think); spend lots of time on cardio machine to justify tonight's inevitable binge; saw some GigaGymThots, which was depressing, plus this nerdy qt with an incredible ass, which was demoralising
>go for usual walk; listen to latest CumTown episode, which is funny
>sit in library for a while; read a book by some Oxonians who talk about how successful they and other Oxbridgers were
>stay in library more because I know I'll have nothing to do once I leave
>leave the library; walk through park
>the combination of grey sky, light drizzle, and slight darkness made things kino
>walk more; and more
>now drinking my Saturday evening coffee; will have a Saturday evening binge (last Saturday it was KFC, today it will be back to McDonald's, like last Sunday)

There was this part in the CumTown episode where they laugh at an Instagram commenter who sincerely suggested that they do a part where they read and laugh at each other's Tinder chats and it was both funny and a worrying example of how once you go in to a deeper level of irony it's hard to go back.

I saw Parasite last Sunday before it won best picture and it was good. Even a filmpleb like myself could tell it was well made but I would be lying if I said I thought it was incredible. Since then when I've see East Asian people I think, "Just like the movie!"

>> No.14730570

Sounds like you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.14730608

is your iq unironically like 85

>> No.14730632
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>tfw just smart enough to know you're stupid
>just stupid enough to not be able to fix it

>> No.14730690

The remarks on East Asian peoples, in their general presentation, are ignorant. The ways by which one could illuminate that ignorance must be apparent to anyone who has experienced difference.

>> No.14730773
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>worshipping pussy this much

>> No.14730782

Sorry sir, but you're looking for


>> No.14730797
File: 68 KB, 540x540, tumblr_pg2x4uS8nf1v9fh4j_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay gay brother. Big haus. Peace.

>> No.14730806

why does anybody listen to cumtown? are these people not just laughing about their own extremely trite bs? grating laughs and vouces too.
otherwise ofc londonfrog is absolutely based, but why dont you use decrushinalizing anymore

>> No.14730826

Anon you are living the life is just that you have not realized it yet

>> No.14730849

>>heavy lifting doesn't go well
eat and sleep is the most important part of lifting

>> No.14730945


>> No.14731504

Hey anons, go on Cumtown!

>> No.14731560
File: 13 KB, 393x225, D20CA404-EE02-4C0E-B042-808CC70438EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically get on anti-psychotics and enjoy the carefree life my guy. You’re too schizo to be normie, but you’re not schizo enough to be Schizo. Anti-psychotics will at least give you peace with not being neurotypical.