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/lit/ - Literature

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14730468 No.14730468 [Reply] [Original]

Don't ask why.

>> No.14730477

In the Man in the High Castle a Jewish divorcee gets shtupped by a gestapo agent. Actually, I'm not sure if she is Jewish or just her ex-husband.

>> No.14730489

Venus in Furs

>> No.14730519
File: 563 KB, 634x581, 1540257464667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up with all the aggie posting recently?

>> No.14730544
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She deserves to be posted more. A pure girl.

>> No.14730569

I agree

>> No.14730574

Grace Paley stories

>> No.14730578

Who is she

>> No.14730712


>> No.14730779

Why is she so waifish?

>> No.14730809

idk, she's an autist with OCD so maybe that's it

>> No.14730829
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She had anorexia at one point in her life. Her signature dark eye bags (which is fairly common among Jews; it's genetic) also adds to that appearance of being gaunt.
She is the cutest skeleton that ever was though.

>> No.14730831

How can someone so young still look so worn out like so many discarded crack whores? I bet her breath smells like mouthwash and burnt Pepsi cans

>> No.14730928
File: 1.04 MB, 320x291, 1570411615670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is always that jealous roast that posts in these type of threads; you insult like a woman.
I'm sorry you couldn't manage to get a single orbiter when this kike still has followers 2 fucking years after she left.

>> No.14730980

Why do you want to fuck smelly children so much?

>> No.14731023

le Carre - The Spy Who Came in from the Cold

In which she's young

>> No.14731032

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.14731060
File: 465 KB, 817x670, 1576339740069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even deny it
>immediately goes to shaming tactics (doesn't know that doesn't work here)
Like clockwork.

>> No.14731080

Post her college photos so we can end this shit thread

>> No.14731109

She's wearing her grandma's old sweater out of the old geriatric mothball drawer with a six-month old bowl-cut. Just take a shower and you'll be able to get a girl two standard deviations higher than her. Maybe even a mongoloid

>> No.14731170

I thought she was too dumb for college. are they bad, btw? please tell me they aren't...

>> No.14731178

The Diary of a Young Girl. It's about a nation's love for one man, and a young girl's opposition to that love. The ending is somewhat bittersweet.

>> No.14731220
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Could you seethe any harder? You think she is a child; based on that assumption why are you talking shit about a kid?
They are very bad. An example to all to never let your daughters enter the (((education system))).

>> No.14731228


>> No.14731316


>> No.14731334

romance reader

>> No.14731345

I remember one, she cut her hair really short and got a nose piercing if I remember correctly, actually depressing tbqhwy

>> No.14731443

damn, really? was it the (((education system))) or was it r9k bullying her?

>> No.14731454

no but there are some great stories of boys like you go on Grindr getting TOPPED

>> No.14731475
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nvm I found them. so sad :((
I also found this. I hope it's a newer photo. I hope she is in remission.

>> No.14731496

The Old Testament

>> No.14731497

Daniel Deronda

>> No.14731514
File: 12 KB, 340x275, 1546160686348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.14731541

It was a combination of the edjewcation system, /r9k/, and her friend dying.

>> No.14731662

Ivanhoe, but the Jewess Rebecca is foolishly bypassed in the end in favor of the cloddish blonde Aryan Rowena. Will never understand Sir Walter's thinking here....

>> No.14731696

Isn't he Italian, the agent? And no, I don't think she's Jewish.

>> No.14732258

Why did she drop off the face of the Earth?

>> No.14732306

4chan bullied her :(((
now they're gonna do the same to the booktuber kat

>> No.14732658

more like eight chan

>> No.14732670

Jews are incapable of love or compassion, so the answer is no.

>> No.14732680

This >>14732658 is correct. She conflated 4chan with cripplechan because justnormiethings. Crippleautists were the ones who actually doxxed her.

>> No.14733021

Fuck u I feel love :(

>> No.14733055

Then what do you love?

>> No.14733056

Never got into her, but her moon river cover was really sweet.

>> No.14733124

I don't know man, it's Valentine's weekend and reading your comment made me realized I really don't know and that's really depressing fuck me. I guess I kind of like myself and humanity as a whole, but other than that idk man.

>> No.14733129

No, he was pretending to be Italian. It was a cover. Later it was revealed he was blonde haired and German.

>> No.14733131

well, I love Agatha

>> No.14733188

I get that this is a throw away comment (I assume) but what does that matter? Like the one sided love of a person who has isolated themselves away from the world bc of said one sided love (albeit a collective kind of one sided love) is an incredibly depressing thing.
P.S. is there a good book like this? Like a one sided obsession that causes the other party fear and to isolate themselves, with a narrative that is sympathetic to both sides?

>> No.14733194
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You don't love me anon?

>> No.14733225

and who r u

>> No.14733237

I was posting a really dark pessimistic response, but it's obvious that you're trying to cheer up drunk stupid me, and for that I'm honestly thankful. I was going to say that I don't know you and you likewise to me, but then I realized that regardless of that you were putting effort (albeit a minimum one) to be positive/cheer me up, and I guess that inherent level of human communication/comraderie/humanitarian is in itself a very nice act. Not towards me, as an anonymous figure on a shit hole of a website, but towards people in general. However, thinking about that, it makes me wonder (as an incredibly drunk dumbass), what if you were one of the many on this website (like myself at various points) that would just respond "eat shit fucker"? What would my response be then? Would I have just confirmed my existential loneliness and aloneness? I don't know, probly overthinking it.

>> No.14733242

Are you not the one who was questioning what he loved?

>> No.14733248

Oh also fuck u for impersonating me,
No they are not they're a fucker, >>14733237 is me

>> No.14733257

Unless impersonating me wasnt your intent, in which case I'm very sorry.

>> No.14733263
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I find the whole phenomena of orbiting to be very interesting. It creates imaginary personalities that it projects on to people who fill its aesthetic tastes. Agatha was pressured into becoming even more naively innocent than she already was. It was for that reason that her friend's death caused her that much more harm. The average person, especially someone as perverted as the hyper-sexualized 4chan incel orbiter, still longs for that restoration of the divine feminine. He, all the more, sees the terror of licentious sexuality.

>> No.14733267

I think you're overthinking it. I was lonely, saw your comment, and thought it would be a great chance for larping/shitposting. I'm an aspie anon. I don't know how to talk to people, much less how to make them happy.

>> No.14733275

Diary of Anne Frank

>> No.14733278

ASMR jewess.

>> No.14733336
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What a retarded take.
>Agatha was pressured into becoming even more naively innocent than she already was.
You haven't watched a single video or stream of hers for you to be able to make that assessment. By the time she stopped streaming she almost had the regular roastie's temperament. There was nothing like old Agatha; she was already incredibly naive, innocent and autistic almost to an anime girl-tier level when she started, and everything after slowly went contrary to that. It's much more hard to see that with only her videos, though; you had to see her streams to get the full picture.
Agatha also wasn't influenced by 4chan in the way you think she was. She didn't want to touch us with a yard stick, and censored basically anything that came out of our mouths. We had no presence to her besides the occasional offensive comment that managed to slip past her YT comment or Twitch chat filters, and the doxx (8ch's doing technically but it doesn't matter). She knew what audience she wanted and catered solely to that audience; that audience being women, not us. She is unique in that regard, because most orbitees interact with their orbiters (usually to exploit them for betabux and attention), but Agatha didn't. That is probably the most attractive aspect of her.

>> No.14733757
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She was homeschooled

>> No.14733898
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>probably more /lit/ than the average poster
>will get derided anyway solely because she is female
never change /lit9k/

>> No.14734118

Not during her middle school years into high school until she dropped out. They are referring to college anyway.

>> No.14734124

Is she 18 yet?

>> No.14734138
File: 332 KB, 535x439, aggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's like 20

>> No.14734143

Oh FUCK YEAH Dude. Im 21. Now i can imagine fucking her hard while jerking off.

>> No.14734153

I can't bring myself to sexually fantasize about something delicate like her

>> No.14734164

Delicate? IT's just a girl. A cute one, sure. But still. She is sexual and it's ok. I would love to give her it.

>> No.14734171

tl;dr hehe

>> No.14734172

Fuck i feel like animal.. Im sorry.

>> No.14734627

Looking weird

>> No.14735134 [DELETED] 


>> No.14735315

omg kys

>> No.14735401

she reads nip?

>> No.14735436
File: 365 KB, 932x479, 778edf1aefaf11cff091d98efd5808708e5bffdfdbbc7f8033affa665463d583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news ?? I miss her so much

>> No.14735497

>you must have some latina in you!


>> No.14735718

Indian winner also have moustaches

>> No.14737235

is she becoming a trannie?

>> No.14737327

Shadowlands, about CS Lewis meeting his future wife Joy.

>> No.14737512

No, just an adult woman.

>> No.14737528

No, you don't. You are Jewish vermin and should never speak to me as an equal.

>> No.14737533

Bleeding Edge by tommy pinecone

>> No.14737968

Haha ok fukko, keep wallowing in hatred, I'm staying RENT FREE

>> No.14738116
File: 51 KB, 599x478, you irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the only vermin I see here.

>> No.14738138

Would kiss

>> No.14738286

fuck i wanna kiss her
books for this feel?

>> No.14738428

Man, Agatha truly is special. She treads the line of being absolutely disgusting yet she still is the cutest thing ever. I would drop other women for less.

>> No.14738599

Do I want to enter into this rabbit hole?

>> No.14738618

whats wrong with her lips

>> No.14738827

they're not wrapped around my cock

>> No.14738853

Do you have a jewess fetish too bro? It's ok, I found one to breed, you'll get yours too

>> No.14739031
File: 72 KB, 546x720, daily-dose-of-aggie-butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a Jewess to breed to ensure my children are a part of God's Chosen™.

>> No.14739208

wow RUDE

>> No.14739647


>> No.14739755 [DELETED] 

So where's the fucking book retard

>> No.14739778

So where's the book retards?

>> No.14739815
File: 282 KB, 428x436, 8bdc639185ff91576bc37d8e2a38356e16ae3ea00be8256ea03bb23627259a2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books? we aren't here to talk about books

>> No.14739845

Is it like this
In death's other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.

>> No.14739880
File: 361 KB, 760x1224, 1483814178164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Agatha. Just imagine her creamy white thighs wrapped around your back

>> No.14739888


>> No.14739911 [SPOILER] 
File: 830 KB, 3500x2400, 1581923370860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she pregnant though?

>> No.14739922

I just want to kiss her pregnant belly ONE TIME. is that so much to ask?

>> No.14739953

Just looked her up. Trust you fucking autists to go apeshit over some subnormal. She’s clearly borderline retarded, and that pathetic, childish voice makes me want to drill her eyes out with a fork. Fucking awful.

Way to go failing again, arseholes. No wonder you’re all virgins.

>> No.14739962

Faggot, pls. She’s OBVIOUSLY mentally handicapped. The fuck is wrong with you pathetic cunts.

>> No.14739972

She's autistic

>> No.14739974

I was going to recommend this.

>> No.14739975
File: 369 KB, 1280x1707, 1555334368640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy to be of use, anon!


This is your Agatha now!

>> No.14739987
File: 66 KB, 680x772, 2C5E6FF8-CF12-4985-AA60-62DC0E08B53A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald pls go back to Twitter.

>> No.14739988

Jesus. I fucking lol’d

Post more.

>> No.14739990

And you please go back to plebbit.

>> No.14739996

I'd still impregnate her. I can salvage this, I can make her my submissive little jewess though the raw and unlimited power of goy cock.

>> No.14739998
File: 296 KB, 1280x1707, 1568615985492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all i found, from before she shaved her head. This supposedly happened because she had a dyke friend who fucking died, so she went full dyke herself.

>> No.14740002

does she have any pics that show off her milkers or at least her legs?

>> No.14740006
File: 45 KB, 500x666, 1581446379956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so, but hey, i found another one!

>> No.14740011

under-rated post

>> No.14740018

>he thinks he "found" anything when these pics are easily available to anyone with half a brain cell.
Probably the best time to use the word "cringe" if there ever was.

>> No.14740020
File: 58 KB, 367x360, a58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice catch anon! You sure are smart!

>> No.14740022

Dune cosplay?

>> No.14740072

quiet, egglet

>> No.14740204

Just bought the most recent release, Anne Frank: The Collected Works. Haven't ever read it before, but this seemed like the best / most complete version.

>> No.14740741
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