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14728877 No.14728877 [Reply] [Original]

"You didn't like Finnegans Wake? That's understandable; its central thematic is of world histories relation to sexual guilt, which would be hard to relate to as you're a virgin."

>> No.14728963

Fuck off with the spam.

>> No.14729186
File: 101 KB, 785x731, doesnt-understand-finnegans-wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Fuck off with the spam,Saged!!!!!!!!."

>> No.14729215

*BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP*... Oh Nora, my sweet little blackguard.. let me just... *SNIIFFFFFFF* .. tim tam tum, what depravity! Delightful.. if you please my whorish little lady, another... *BRREEEEEEAAAAAAPPPFFLLLHHLLLHLLL* OH dearie, some sauce came out... yeees.. pungent.. quite pungent.. if you'll allow, just a taste, just a taste... mhmmm.. allow me to inch closer.. *BBREAAPHPPLLLLFLLLFLLFL* OH DEARIE ME NORA, your sweet black liquid went straight into my eye.. oh no.. don't wipe it.. I'm sure nothing will come of it

Milton turns blind, it is a tragedy. Joyce turns blind, it is a farce.

>> No.14729255


>> No.14729379

Joyce’s humanism is as despicable as it is shallow. He’s the worst author to ever be celebrated.

>> No.14729833

It's a based schizo doesn't understand Joyce episode.

>> No.14729840

Nah, I just don't experience guilt after sex because I'm not Catholic.

>> No.14730284

Joyce didn't feel guilt after sex because of catholicism, he felt guilt after sex because he had just made the woman he loved fart directly into his sensory organs.
This is a creature whom he adored, a lovely, radiant woman, a beacon of hope, light and love in a bleak world, his muse and inspiration, and he made her fart, he made her fart and shit in front of him so he could jack off.

>> No.14730299

th-thanks, y-you too

>> No.14730317

Pathetic loser who will never ejaculate in a woman's vagina which is everything that validates you as a person and as a man.

>> No.14730482
File: 306 KB, 1068x601, gigachad-talking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Life, he himself once said.. is a wake, livit or krikit, and on the bunk of our bread-winning lies the cropse of our seedfather, a phrase which the establisher of the world by law might pretinately write across the chestfront of all manorwombanborn.”

This is the greatest piece of prose in english history welcoming any other opinions.

>> No.14730648

That's a fancy way of describing a pearl necklace.

>> No.14730876

Explain - this doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.14730921

Dumb Chadposter.

>> No.14731366

You're the dumb one as you misinterpreted the quote.

>> No.14732008


>> No.14732032

What's wrong with joyce, explain why he's shallow

>> No.14732159

Not the guy you're replying to but Joyce isn't shallow at all. His work has literally more depth than any english author in existence.

>> No.14732200

joyce is pomo.

>> No.14732216

Anon, why are you replying to the post if you can't answer the question? I fucking love joyce(except for most of portrait, though the parts where he starts imitating milton while describing hell always gets me), I just wanted to see what this guys argument actually was

>> No.14732226

Joyce is literally the pinnacle of modernist literary philosophy, a pomo writer wouldn't put so much thought into their novels

>> No.14732232

He literally could not be further from pomo

>> No.14732244

Holy shit you're stupid. I KNOW that I can't answer HIS question but I was directing something towards you: Joyce isn't shallow and the guys 'argument' isn't much of an argument either as he isn't even around to explain it.

>> No.14732271

>Joyce isn't shallow and the guys 'argument' isn't much of an argument either as he isn't even around to explain it.
There isn't a need for an opposition if no actual argument has been proposed. I was inviting him to articulate his opinions on joyce in a more detailed matter, your assertion added nothing to the discussion. Please, take time to consider what you post before you post it. Quality of individual post is important for a good board, and we as a community must insure that /lit/ is the best board it can be.

>> No.14732307

>posting a chad
Irrefutable evidence of the mental inability to comprehend even the simplest of terms.

>> No.14732429

totally agreed