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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 424x358, 1291549590389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1472668 No.1472668 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've looked through every website in the sticky, as well as looked for a copy to just bite the bullet and purchase, but I can't find an ebook of Metro 2034: Rome anywhere. Can one of you kind anons please help?

>> No.1472681

Fuck the sticky. What an ugly waste of space.

>> No.1472684


It didn't get me what I want so I'm forced to agree.

>> No.1472689



>> No.1472701
File: 1.22 MB, 500x375, 1292983409408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really appreciate it, and it's definitely the right book, only I don't speak a lick of Russian!

>> No.1472714

it took me about 3 seconds in google

>waste of space
>laughing sluts.gif


>> No.1472717

>moot ignores /lit/ for fucking years, lets it degenerate into a cess pool of rand trolling and personal blog threads
>posts an irritating and irrelevant sticky
Can't say I'm a fan of moot. He runs 4chan more or less as a personal dictatorship with site rules as a mere formality. Reason why the site functions is the administration simply bans and persecutes a minority of browsers and lets the rest rot in their own wankery.

>> No.1472728


That's one of those sites that sends you to another site as soon as you click the download link and no download gets done.

>> No.1472733

What is the problem with the sticky? I'm using Firefox, and with a userscript for imageboards I simply hid this annoying wall of text.

>> No.1472756

Well I guess I have to buy a physical copy of the book and transcribe it myself.

Fucking Russian authors and their lack of internet presence.

>> No.1472775

>Can't say I'm a fan of moot. He runs 4chan more or less as a personal dictatorship
It's a fucking imageboard! My god!

>> No.1472785


>no captcha
>working hyperlinks in posts
>some basic font formatting in posts
>very little cancer (so far)
>advice, literature, awkward greentext, gentlemanly posts
>mfw it's better than this shitty place


>> No.1472807

I like the sticky. It's a monument to Brownbear, the greatest tripfriend on 4chan and president of /lit/.