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/lit/ - Literature

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14725869 No.14725869 [Reply] [Original]

>check the How are you holding up? thread
>326 replies
>326 posts of people wanting to kill themselves
Now that daddy peterson has been ousted as a fraud /lit/ clearly needs a new dad to look up to, what are we going to do about this?

>> No.14725884
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/lit/ needs better moderation. Our democracy has failed and we need a monarch to restore order. The "How you holding up?" thread shouldn't even be up, it should have been deleted days ago and everyone in it should have been banned for off-topic posting. /lit/ needs a mod who will crack the fucking whip.

>> No.14725897

Butterfly will be our Philosopher Queen :-)

>> No.14725921

Reactionary gang rise up

>> No.14726310

4chan in general is mostly losers, you just have to filter through the people who use this for therapy and the people who actually talk about books because the mods will never help as they are part of the problem

>> No.14726419

i just be highposting most of the time these days. sorry if i ruined your black panther party

>> No.14727486

What if the mods and jannies aren't doing so well themselves? =(

>> No.14727852

I haven't seen butterbitch in a while. I think she finally left. Also the Londonfrog poster hasn't been around either.

>> No.14727962

There were a good amount of people in there discussing their recent successes, progress, and encouraging each other to live good lives
Don't let the depressed people hog all your attention

>> No.14728025
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