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/lit/ - Literature

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14725474 No.14725474 [Reply] [Original]

I'm newish to /lit/ (occasionally lurked every once in a while) and I would like to begin reading more seriously. Recommend me your best books, the kind that you put down and have to stare at a wall for a good two hours before being able to bring yourself to move again.
>Recommend any book, but preferably ones written in the last two centuries unless it's really good. I'm not too interested in deciphering olde english.
>Any genre at all. Good books are good books, no matter the topic.
>Even if it's a book only you seem to like, share it. Tell me why you liked it so much despite the rampant criticisms.

My tastes are probably quite juvenile, but I'll start off by recommending one of my favorite short stories: Burning Chrome. Excellent plotline, graceful prose, and satisfying tempo.

>> No.14726978

100 years of solitude. One of the most powerful books I read this year, should be pretty good starting point for 'serious' reading as it has lots of meaning packed into it but it isn't as dense as some of Márquez's contemporaries. Great prose, great characters, beautiful story.

>> No.14727591

Hey man here's a whole bunch of real classic, original or imaginative literature. You might've read some already.

A Brave New World // 1984 // Fahrenheit 451 // A Clockwork Orange // Ubik // Slaughterhouse-Five // Neuromancer // On The Road // A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man // At Swim-Two-Birds // The Moviegoer // Possession : A Romance // Unbearable Lightness of Being // The Invention of Morel // The Golden Notebook // Flowers for Algernon // The Crying of Lot 49 // Infinite Jest // Only Revolutions