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14723885 No.14723885 [Reply] [Original]

itt pseud phrases
>basic economics

>> No.14723892

"Judeo-Christian values"

>> No.14723898

Man, Dave Ruben is such a chode. He got tossed around on economics by Joe Rogan, which was fucking sad.

>> No.14723901

>go back to /pol/

>> No.14723905

late stage capitalism

>> No.14723914

>"economics" in general as some kind of self-evidently hypostatized domain of human behaviour or inquiry

Saying "I study economics" is the same as saying "I study football-affective-associative-structures," the latter being affects and concomitant associative structures which arise from football. The first thing one is tempted to say when one is told that someone studies football-affective-associative-structures is "What do you mean by affective? What do you mean by associative, or structure? Do you mean the association of affects, or all social structures impacted by the affects? How do you delimit your discipline? What do you take for granted as axiomatic or primordial to your inquiry? How do you justify that ontology? Why football, why not sports or games in general? How would one even define 'sports' or 'games'? And what kind of football, anyway? European or American? There are even subvariants of each of those, you know?"

We aren't tempted to say anything analogous to "I study economics," because we have become accustomed to reifying it. But it's the exact same situation. QED, kill all economists.

>> No.14723917

>It's just human nature bro

>> No.14723921

socially constructed

>> No.14723935

u mad bro?

>> No.14723941

there is no such thing as race

>> No.14723944


>> No.14724303

Can you imagine the conversations they had?
I'm dying of laughter internally.

>> No.14724310

>read philosophy books

>> No.14724312


>> No.14724314


>> No.14724318

Late stage capitalism
“Rabbit hole” when referring to political thought

>> No.14724323

IQ is a hoax
Race is a social construct

>> No.14724336

>All pretending to be free speech, open minded intellectuals this and that
>Share company with likeminded softie homofags that all think they're so smart
>In actuality one is heavily medicated / dying because of it
>another one is some agressive manlet coping with his peepee
>Sam harris
>Ben sharpienoese
>Those other 2 bitchboys
I would've spontaniously become suicidal.

>> No.14724337


>> No.14724399
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>calling other people's beliefs "ideology", but your beliefs are "class consciousness"
>saying "the n word" instead of just saying nigger
>laissez faire
>read theory
>bad faith
>empirical evidence
>you're a nazi!
>military-industrial complex
>thinks "relatability" is what makes a book good
>chapo trap house, joe rogan experience, coom town

>> No.14724410

his anecdote about ordering chicks online and having them delivered cheaply, efficiently, and safely through the postal service, and that this proved that amazon would just 'do it better', was pure idiot gold.

>> No.14724426

neoliberalism is a real thing though

bad faith is a real thing though (and a lot of leftists/sjws act in bad faith)

>> No.14724434


>> No.14724437

Anything that opposes my world view

>> No.14724441

which is metonymy for marxist theory, this especially makes my blood boil

>> No.14724449

You can't out do these.

>> No.14724454

on /lit/ it should only refer to post-structuralist theory imo

>> No.14724463

when a marxist tells me to read theory i just go ok i love reading derrida haha

>> No.14724478

>using theory for any field of study which does not employ falsifiable experimentation to determine the truth or falsehood of objectively definable theories

>> No.14724492

/pol/tards pls go...

>> No.14724523

don't forget about praxis along with theory btw

>> No.14724531

that's a very contemporary use that emerges from mid-20th century philosophy of science

>> No.14724535


Send me your best lobster memes at derridawasapseud@gmail.com

>> No.14724550

'two sides of the same coin' and all other platitudes, but especially this one
'cultural marxism'
'parrot' as a verb

>> No.14724558

i'll send you dfw's consider the lobster

>> No.14724564

>'two sides of the same coin'
also horseshoe theory

>> No.14724570

does anyone still use the term "new sincerity" or is that a dead concept

>> No.14724585
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>> No.14724589

late capitalism
late stage capitalism
we humans

>> No.14724590

Agreed. They are just Judaic values.

>> No.14724602

Is that fucking Jonah Hill on the left? What is he doing there?

>> No.14724603

stonetoss is /lit/

>> No.14724609

They're Judeo-Greco-Romano-Christian values

>> No.14724620

>ad infinitum

>> No.14724638

I studied Economics in undergraduate and graduate. I think it was a tremendous waste and regret it deeply.

>> No.14724639

Latin is based, though.

>> No.14724655

what is wrong with this one?

>> No.14724659

latin phrases are lower middlebrow, french phrases are upper middlebrow, and german phrases are highbrow

>> No.14724661

dropping it in everyday conversation is cringe. in writing, however, okay

>> No.14724673

So a faggot who says "zeitgeist" is more highbrow than someone who says "et in Arcadia ego"? Come on.

>> No.14724675

I’m not saying this is a pseud phrase. I’m adding that even formal study of economics is a joke. Layman study of economics is even more of a joke.

>> No.14724682

highest brow is dropping ancient Greek

>> No.14724690


>> No.14724694


>> No.14724695

That's a lot of Judaism.

>> No.14724702

no highest brow is sanskrit and classical chinese

>> No.14724715

maybe not but someone who says zuhandenheit definitely is

>> No.14724730

>In lieu
>Pièce de résistance

>> No.14724740
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>> No.14724831

>using a word adopted into english for its niche meaning is more highbrow than referencing shit?

>> No.14724833

based and redhandenheitpilled

>> No.14724840

>i like xanax

>> No.14724862

>muh ancient eastern wisdom
low-middlebrow at best

>> No.14724914

>m-muh gayreeks!!!!!
ancient mesopotamian and egyptian proverbs do just fine, thank you

>> No.14724942

Bad faith is legit as a shit test. Anyone playing devils advocate needs to be purged because debate is not not a fruitful attempt at finding the true/good. Shouting anathemas at each other and posturing to win withe debate for onlookers is obstructionist.

>> No.14724949

>ad hominem

>> No.14726137
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imagine if there were 6 Guenons(pbuh)

>> No.14726578

>lived experience
> "social construct" used as a perjorative

>> No.14726590

This definitely falls within the top 5 worst analogies I’ve ever heard.

>> No.14726608

Lmao, Chapo lives rent free in all your minds

>> No.14726619

never seen so many hacks in one picture

>> No.14726830

>rent free

>> No.14726907

>western civilization

>> No.14726946

oh look it's the basic bitches

>> No.14726958
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>adding "-ian" to the end of an author's name

>> No.14726974

Speaking of which, it doesn't get more pseud than falsificationism, especially when you think falsificationism is a way of deciding whether something is true.

>> No.14726975


>> No.14726983

Holy shit you are embarassing

>> No.14727056

anyone who claims their unfalsifiable narratives are true is a pseud, pseud

>> No.14727075


>> No.14727090


>> No.14727130

Riddle me this, Reddit-kun: is falsificationism falsifiable?

>> No.14727141

not a meaningful question, gender studies-kun

>> No.14727142

How so? You just accused me of clinging to unfalsifiable narratives, but it seems like you do the same.

>> No.14727146

"falsification" is not a narrative. try asking a coherent question if you're capable, then i'll answer it.

>> No.14727221

marketplace of ideas
free market

>> No.14727228


>> No.14727314

Why was it a waste?

>> No.14727622

>unironic deployment of "aporia" outside of classics/ancient Greek context