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/lit/ - Literature

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1472351 No.1472351 [Reply] [Original]

>Reading the Quixote in the subway (or metro o subterranean train, whatever)
>See a pretty girl reading it too (same edition, newspaper promotional gift)
>Talk with her.
>Drink a cofee with her and talk about literature (basic level, yeah!)
>"let's see us tonight again" she says

>> No.1472363
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OP: Mild-mannered scholar by day, poontang magnet by night.

>> No.1472362

Awesome dreams thread?

>dreamt I was harry potter
>fucked hermione
>holy shit this is awesome

>> No.1472364

i am proud OP

>> No.1472378

thanks, man!

It was the first time that I talk to a girl in the subway (or in a bus or in a train)

>> No.1472381

This is why you should not stray too far from the canon.

>> No.1472385

Best place, honest to God, is public transport.

>> No.1472389

cool story, troll. go back to /b/, they will love this

>> No.1472393
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Don't crush the man's excitement.

>mfw you were being a jealous virgin.

>> No.1472394

>Guy meets girl
>They hit it off
>Must be troll
U trollan.

>> No.1472404

>Reading Plato on the bus
>Guy behind me starts talking about how awesome Plato is
>Start talking about classical philosophy
>"BTW have you found Jesus?"

>> No.1472408

Take about gnosticism. Be all like "Yeah, and like we live in an imperfect world, cuz like the Demiurge was an almighty idiot"

>> No.1472416
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>I'm happy
>Try to share with somebody
>go to /lit/, because i like books, and this is a book's story (and they're nice people)
>some /lit/s mocking me

>> No.1472423
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i ain't mocking you bro

nothing but love for my fellow /lit/erati's

>> No.1472428

OP, I'm jellyfag

>> No.1472430

i know, man! >>1472378

>> No.1472453
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But...you said you hated me

>> No.1472458

wow, even samefagging up your own faggy thread. talk to yourself much? Your new "girlfriend" will be stoked how cool you are. btw, Don Quixote, all in one book "newspaper promotional gift", interesting troll. Sound legit.

>> No.1472461

>"let's see us tonight again"
>she says

I'd say bullshit, but nevermind. Quixote included in the newspaper? Where you from OP? I'm curious to know.

>> No.1472460

Plato was an asshole.

>> No.1472469

DQ, usually in four volumes. Durr.

>> No.1472470
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>someone has a better life than me
>welp, time to call samefag

y u so jelly bro?

>> No.1472497

Argentina, and the quixote (part 1) come in a pack with The Metamorphosis,

>> No.1472519

Holy fuck. I'm also from Argentina. I guess I better believe you know (if a fellow countrymen does not, who would?)

Any plans for tonight?

>> No.1472526

I don't know... spend a lot of money in some restaurant in palermo....? or go to some bar and drink a lot of alcohol...

>> No.1472548 [DELETED] 

Cool. Good luck then.
Palermo has a couple of not too expensive little clubs where you can smoke weed if you and the girl are into it.

>> No.1472553

Cool. Good luck then.
Palermo has a couple of not too expensive little clubs where you can smoke weed if you and the girl are into it.
Without worrying about the damn cops or tonight's wonderful rain, I mean.

>> No.1472563

>pretty girl

And I was actually believing you, bro. How could you lie to me like this? Enjoy your imaginary nigger girl.

>> No.1472571

What? Did you fail geography?

>> No.1472608

and thank you man!

>> No.1472607

You make me laugh. You are welcome to argentina to see the "nigger" girls.

>> No.1472655 [SPOILER] 
File: 193 KB, 1100x971, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it doesn't work out, could you please give her my e-mail address?

>> No.1474461

was this a troll or what?

>> No.1474480

Obvious troll is obvious. No way a 4channer with a book could get a girl. It's just not possible.

>> No.1474486

fuckin lol'd

>> No.1475697

"let's see us tonight again"

I'm pretty smart, and even *I* don't know what this means. See us tonight?

>> No.1475705

This is why you're ronery.

>> No.1475720

> Guy walking in the city
> Reading The Road simultaneously
> Pasty and lanky hair that looks like it hasn't been washed in days

I wish I had your luck, OP.

>> No.1475726

>On the train reading a book
>see someone else reading similar book
>realise I live in England
>it's taboo to talk to people on public transport
>remain alone

>> No.1475733

Why would you even USE public transport in England? Peasant wagons are horrible.

>> No.1475737

That's funny, cuz I always talk to people on public transport in England.
Okay, Thatcher...

>> No.1475765

>packed buses in england
>never talk to anyone
>rarely get the train
>when i do, always packed, never talk to anyone
>rarely get the tram
>when i do never talk to anyone

seriously when people try and talk to me on public transport i just think they're after something.

>> No.1475772

I don't speak any Spanish but I'm assuming the verbs work in a pretty similar way, and while it's a pretty shitty translation, it makes sense if you think about reflexive verbs in French.

>> No.1475781

>That's funny, cuz I always talk to people on public transport in England.
They all hate you. Seriously. We're just too polite to show our dislike in public.

>> No.1475787

I always get mistaken for some old fart when talking to strangers. When the pretty girls talk to me I know the conversation is going nowhere as I'm 18 and they're always 21+. My favourite part is when they find out my age and the conversation has an abrupt end. It does wonders for my self esteem despite being forever alone.

>> No.1475792
File: 22 KB, 352x400, do not want 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get insanely drunk at a club
>girl comes up
>mention I'm a phil major
>puts her tongue in my mouth

>mfw I wake up the next morning and have to tell her off on her birthday

Never change alcohol, never change.

>> No.1475794

I've ended up dating 4 people I met that way. It's certainly a fun way to show dislike for someone.

>> No.1475797

Sure you have, bro. Sure you have.

>> No.1475798


there's a reason you're not still with the first one
people who talk on public transport are fucking weird.

>> No.1475815

It'd be weirder to have stayed with the first one, surely? She was a catch though. But she had to go back to France.
You don't have to believe me, I'm just saying try it. Whatever happens, you probably won't see them again.

>> No.1475834

Used to have that. Don't say your age. Have them guess it. It's more fun.

>> No.1475860

I met my first girlfriend in a laundrette when we were 18. She was reading Jack Kerouac's "On The Road" and I was reading "Woman On The Edge Of Time" by Marge Piercy.

>her: what's it like?
>me: it's like a feminist, dystopian sci-fi thing
>her: oh, aren't they all?

I never talk to people on public transport though. I'm British.

>> No.1475913

>I never talk to people on public transport though. I'm British.

This made me lol.

I have never met a man through book reading, but I did get hit on in a bookstore. I was looking at 'Of Grammatology,' and he said, 'oh, I'd start with a guide of some sort.' I am sure he meant to be nice, but it sounded patronising, and I said, 'I've read a number of his other works' in a really snooty voice.
He then asked me out to dinner, but I said no, because he was way too old for me. He raised an eyebrow and said, 'I have only to look at you to know that your current boyfriend is a plebeian, I'm offering you a chance to discuss real ideas with a real man.'

That has been a short guide on 'how not to pick up in a bookstore.'

>> No.1475925

I have only to read your comment to know that your current boyfriend doesn't somehow dictate your views, I'm offering you a chance to discuss subjective ideas with a subjective man.

>> No.1475931

And that man... was Julian Assange.

>> No.1475937

Sounds hot, but can you raise one eyebrow?

>> No.1475944

Fuck yeah I can. I can even raise both at the freakin same time! How's that for multitasking?

What about you, huh? Can you... uh... rub your head and pat your stomach? Huh? HUH?

>> No.1475955

That would have been a much more successful approach, definitely. Subjectivity is my favourite.

You mean I narrowly avoided being offered lots of money to falsify certain claims? I am disappointed.

>> No.1475969

Are you making some kind of... accusation? Are you typifying me, with all the powers and influence at your disposal, simply because of my dissenting opinion? State your accusation directly. Clearly what we have here is some vengeful individual, almost certainly a cog, a part, of the military-industrial complex who has siezed this blessed anonymity, this true liberty of 4chan to make a scurrilous attack upon me. Your blatantly false implications, fascist stereotyping and warmongering will do you no good here, or anywhere else for that matters. My intentions are, and always have been, true and clear. I am in talks with the Swedish police.

>> No.1475976
File: 52 KB, 786x599, 786px-Julian_Assange_%28Norway%2C_March_2010%29[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you though, right?
Get a haircut and get a real job.

>> No.1475980

A "real" job you say? But what is real?

>> No.1475988

Whether or not that would be an identifiable facsimile of my appearance were a photograph (something of which I would surely be aware, unless unseen and villainous elements were conspiring to replicate my physiognomy in digital, in pixelated form for ill) of said appearance taken has no relevance to this discussion. Your attempt to steer this free and frank exchange of views with some meaningless, constructed and populist image betrays your own evil purpose. It is a typical tactic of people in power who do not wish that the truth should come to light. Expect to hear from my legal team soon.

>> No.1476014

You're a sellout, aren't you? I bet you have ghostwriters working on your book as we speak.

(P.S. - were your legal team in fact able to access my information and, as a result, contact me in regard to my personal attacks upon your appearance and the validity of your chosen 'career,' I would happily send them a reply detailing every aspect of your personage that I find repellent, up to and including your ability to raise one eyebrow and use the word 'plebeian' without a trace of irony. They may then use this information as they see fit or as you instruct them; either to sue me for libel, or, perhaps, work on self-improvement during your inevitable years of incarceration.)

>> No.1476035

And so, like so many other fascists collectively turning, ever turning at the top of their ivory pyramids you descend into the nadir, the unretractable depths of meaningless vitriol. I see I was wrong to engage you in debate (admitting a mistake, here, though the lack of such action has always been a key signifier for those of your disposition). The post-capitalist post-conspiracy persons, qua persons, elements of decay, have corrupted you beyond redemption. Data suggests the average Swedish jury does not believe me guilty of any crime.

>> No.1476085
File: 44 KB, 437x333, YoureFuckingGay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1476087

This is why the Swedish juries will not believe the accusation.

>> No.1476183

Could just as easily say "I don't like doing anything interesting, I'm British"