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File: 182 KB, 1080x1080, 5DD6DDE1-3E01-4B98-8108-EC89EB2F5E96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14723302 No.14723302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He’s on my plane. I will do it

>> No.14723307

Who is that old man? He looks absolutely terrified of you, gingefag.

>> No.14723312

I saw this on twitter.
When will be get Bernie bro propaganda of the deed? Some of his supporters will be left absolutely hopeless if he loses

>> No.14723320

He won't even get the nomination. DNC will fuck him over.

>> No.14723323

Bernie is too gentle to be leader. Gets pushed around

>> No.14723341
File: 144 KB, 828x1323, EQs1UMzU4AAZTng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this propaganda on a board about reading? it's almost like people who read can see through it.

>> No.14723371

You'll explain deleuze to him?

>> No.14723385

I would say
>If I pull that hat off will you die?

>> No.14723406
File: 97 KB, 1020x608, e0fc6412-3e27-11e5-a580-5d86ec2e3b6f-1020x608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he will NEVER live this down

>> No.14723421

they’re so fat and smug lmao

>> No.14723447

hanks a big guy

>> No.14723449

Tell him about the roastie epidemic

>> No.14723464

the virgin pose, he is literally covering his balls out of fear it's a clear submission signal

>> No.14723491

why has a tweet from 2018 suddenly come back into the public consciousness

>> No.14723508

they're desperate to derail his campaign
i mean shit there are still people saying bernie has never been vetted even though he was one of two candidates in the 2016 election and actually won some states

>> No.14723532

Snakes, Rats and Lizard people.

>> No.14723534

Bernie lost eternally when this happened

>> No.14723596
File: 1.69 MB, 1111x1611, CHAIRMAN-BERNIE-SANDERS-BRINGS-HAPPINESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14723624

i'm the guy who posted it, and i'm pretty sure it is an intentional effort by those who would lose money if he were in power.

>> No.14723651

Electrode welding is comfy as fuck!

>> No.14723660

He lost my support when he did that. I soon realized that the American "left" was a lost cause, co-opted by the globalists, and firmly antiwhite. Like it or not, identity politics is what we are forced to embrace in order to survive in a postmodern world.

>> No.14723671
File: 25 KB, 528x363, screen-shot-2014-07-29-at-11-05-52-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ. over half of welfare recipients are white christians. white people improving the economy and helping poor whites is identity politics? I truly hope your getting paid to say something so retarded.

>> No.14723674

>the majority race makes up majority welfare recipients


>> No.14723691

Bernie “White people don’t know what it’s like to be poor” Sanders

>> No.14723699

vote democrat to support poor whites, vote republican to fuck all the poors. anti white is anti poor.

>> No.14723722

>wants to reign in corporate power

>> No.14723765

>tfw no communist welder wife
why even live

>> No.14723989

>t. lazy neet

>> No.14724026

lol i've booted roughnecks and vets from my construction crew because they couldn't keep up. I've grown two businesses to the point of needing to hire a few people. You might make it as a diversity hire.

>> No.14724051

post body with timestamp

>> No.14724073

no problem, see

>> No.14724082

>He lost my support when he did that. I soon realized that the American "left" was a lost cause, co-opted by the globalists, and firmly antiwhite. Like it or not, identity politics is what we are forced to embrace in order to survive in a postmodern world.
*buuuuuuuuuuuurrps* *faaaaaaaaaaaaaaart*

>> No.14724148

what happened to the Black lives Matter movement?
Did money run out?
black lives dont matter anymore?

>> No.14724206

The left needs its own Trump. Someone who isn't afraid to hurt feelings, trample foes, crack skulls. It's greatest flaw is its timidity and feminization. The old left wasn't afraid to intimidate or kidnap. And look where it is now.

>> No.14724238

lmao you clown
the fact that they were too eager to "crack skulls and trample foes" is why the new left collapsed into nothing
yes totally we should go back to that because trying to win working class people for a guerrilla war on cops worked so great last time LOL

>> No.14724253

The left needs masculinity. That's all. It used to have it, and if it gets it again they'll win.

>> No.14724275

Is that thumasse Pynchoné?

>> No.14724288

It's in the past now where it belongs, with shadows of gulags and museums.

>> No.14724342

Cool, you write like a tryhard fag though

>> No.14724355

t. wage-cuck brainwashed by bourgeois “work is a virtue” propaganda