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14722687 No.14722687 [Reply] [Original]

Books for miserable, constipated, depressed autists? ie me

>> No.14722693


Microelectronic Circuits by Sedra Smith

>> No.14722694


>> No.14722710

Do you think this will help? I'm not very, uh, how should I say, with it right now. Not to say that I was from the start but I have been declining mentally moreso from my gamer lifestyle and alcohol drinking post highschool graduation which was in 2015. I haven't been able to immerse myself in much education or anything since then, I found it too difficult (well I always found alot of things difficult from the autism) and just went with that.

This paragraph alone took me 5 minutes to write..

>> No.14722806

Supplement vitamin d3 and vitamin k2. For constipation, use natural calm magnesium supplement. Eat organic food, stop eating lots of sugar, don't eat pigs, don't eat factory farmed meat, don't eat seed oils, don't eat any plant seed products which includes bread. Supplement iodine and selenium, zinc and copper. Donate your blood, use eucalyptus and tea tree oil containing soap for the rest of your life to keep away demodex from breeding. Use a liver astringent. Stop doing any bad drugs. Stop taking over the counter allergy medication. Stop taking migraine medicine. Drink organic red beet root juice. Stop eating onions and garlic as in only eat them when you eat outside. Season your food with tumeric and seaweed powder. Take sodium ascorbate instead of wasting money on sugary vitamin c packets. Consider that you might be harboring parasites in your body and that the medical industry isn't in the business of removing parasites. Use ghee instead of butter or margarine. Consume more wild caught fish even if its canned and sold in walmart. Don't eat microwavable junk, don't eat snacks, don't drink energy drinks. Stop smoking, use an air ionizer where you sleep, don't sleep near your wifi router or computer. Use extra virgin olive oil sparingly, use organic beef tallow or organic ghee for cooking oil but don't eat fried food. Don't eat spinach, onions, kale. Don't over consume broccoli. Eat organic animal organs. Read Saint Augustine, Origen, John Scotus Eriugena, Jacob Boehme, Damascius, Alcinous/Albinus, Syrianus, Proclus, Plotinus, Numenius, Apophthegmata Patrum, Iamblichus, Simplicius, Meister Eckhart, Shankara, 108 Upanishads, Sun Tzu, Evola, CAF Rhys Davids, Algis Uzdavinys, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Plato, Presocratics.

>> No.14722818

I'd recommend you something but you posted one of those super gay Facebook depression memes. Sorry anon... I am CONDEMNING you to ignorance. Haha :) BYE!!!

>> No.14722844

sorry why did I post that. That was mean