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14722512 No.14722512 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.14722542

Okay, that's fine. Just pick it up soon

>> No.14722574

At least link or copy the title

>> No.14722584

Title: Such a Fun Age
There, happy?

>> No.14722602
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>> No.14722619

reminder that people who get triggered by sjws are no better than the sjws themselves.
you're two sides of the same coin.

>> No.14722625

they're always mixed and overcompensating it's hilarious

>> No.14722634

Anon, littering is bad.

>> No.14722682


You have to be more passive agressive and aim more at the white genocide subtext to provoke a +100 replies thread.

>> No.14722701

Why? I'm not "triggered," Frankly, I don't give a damn

>> No.14722709

stupid ass logic

>> No.14722717

I have to listen to this shit everyday at my university which supposed to be an elite one
Turned me into a facist

>> No.14722752

because they have no energy or meme power of their own. they feed off your attention. every time you click or share some stupid article like that it's a victory for them.
the sjws and the anti-sjws are both pathetic creatures, products of a sick society.

you need to raise above this. create new stuff. be the sun.

heil hortler

>> No.14722753

I would think most intelligent black people would be finding this kind of stuff passe and a little patronizing toward them by now.

>> No.14722760

It wasn’t even a logical assertion, it was a statement of belief
This is the problem with you fucking pseuds, you get so attached to the idea of being logical without knowing what that actually means that you start believing anyone who disagrees with you must be using “bad logic”

>> No.14722764


>le radical centrist faggotry

go away

>> No.14722811

OP is just a commoner at the newsstand who buys rags with giant titles “SCANDAL! <insert TV personality> HAS JUST BEAT THE ASS OF <insert pop star>!”

You're dumb.

>> No.14722833
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>> No.14722834

He’s right and you should be kept in a pen and fed from a trough

>> No.14722873

The problem isn’t being ideologically anti-SJW, the problem is that it’s fucking 2020 and OP posted the tamest shit imaginable, you’re a fucking retard if you’re still getting worked up not desensitized to shit that mild
These people are nobodies, they are brainless non-issues who are convincing nobody who doesn’t already agree with them. They’re plaque in the teeth of the government-intelligence-media complex, and they’ve found themselves nice little cavities that can be way overpaid for occupying. Who gives a shit
The problem is structure behind scenes that has been bending and twisting revolutionary agitation of the populace into a force to fuel its own propagation for decades
Think big picture man god damn, aren’t you tired of playing in the sandbox they’ve set up for you

>> No.14722876

Ah yes they're definitely just a bunch of isolated crazies and not deeply entrenched within power.

>> No.14722881



>> No.14722883

from the wikipedia description it sounds interesting, I will perhaps read it

>> No.14722888


Tl;dr & youre also a faggot

>> No.14722889


>> No.14722891

Didn’t read.

>> No.14722900

I am not surprised that you’re not used to reading as many as five sentences at a time
Nice trips

>> No.14722906
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>> No.14722908

You don’t think that 2020 is an appropriate year to be exhausted of sjws by?

>> No.14722919
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I'll just leave this here.

>> No.14723997

Yeah and shit posting niggers is supposed to do something about that your fucking stupid

>> No.14724014

I give such a little shit, I’m furious

>> No.14724055

>because they have no energy or meme power of their own.
SJWs control universities and the media.
You are being dishonest here.

It is not that you think "anti-SJWs feed the SJWs". You just support SJWs and want to silence any criticism of it.

If you ignore SJWs, they don't go away. They get stronger because they know they have no opposition.

>> No.14724067

They are "nobodies" that dominate mainstream media, universities and large companies.
You are just a dishonest fuck who wants people to stop criticising the ideology of our elite.

>> No.14724079

White Privilege is real. People who don’t accept this are the direct cause of SJWs. The human ego works on validation- if it perceives a problem and the problem is not validated as real by others, your mind unconsciously escalates in an attempt to prove the validity of the issue. This is something all people should learn if even just to have healthier relationships with the people in their lives. Validation is not acceptance, but rather acknowledging a person’s feelings and letting them feel as though you understand and they’ve been heard.

The problem is on both sides. White people feel attacked by the concept of privilege, while non-white people are easily agitated because they’re predisposed to believe white people don’t understand their own privilege or think it exists. In truth, A LOT of white people really really don’t. Before calling me incorrect, consider I gave you the option of being born black or white- what do you choose?

TLDR; just validate people and SJWs will have no power.

>> No.14724085
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I'll just leave this here.

>> No.14724115
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>You're either a rabid sjw or a small fucked fascistoid, everything else is fence sitting

>> No.14724119

The elites control those things. Social Justice is simply the narrative being pushed to stifle discussions about the real issues of wealth inequality and the ongoing decline of real wealth. Talk more the hard facts instead of counter-arguing SJWs.

>> No.14724153

By not criticising the ideology of the elites you beat them?

>> No.14724162

Yeah, you're killing them with your mean comments and your youtube downvotes.
You're basically a modern day crusader.

>White Privilege is real.
Yep. You have to be retarded to say it isn't. And indeed, anti-SJWs are retarded.

White privilege is real. And that's a good thing and we need more of it.

>> No.14724219

Watch this, maybe you'll understand


>> No.14724246

Ah, yeah, we should instead not give them any opposition instead. That will totally work better.

>> No.14724260

>These people are nobodies
Nobodies who control our academic institutions and act as the commissars for global capitalism.

>> No.14724485

I'm not American, but this rhetoric is just as rampant in my country. A country that was built by the white natives over the centuries and 99% white until ~70 years ago. But now apparently we are 'privileged' for being the (shrinking) majority in our own fucking country. I deeply resent this and know that many others do. Would anybody dare to move to an African country and start agitating for ideas of 'problematic hegemonic systemic blackness' in the media and universities. I think not.

>> No.14724643

Destined for bargain bins and outlet stores

>> No.14724806

What I think he's trying to say is that these aren't sincere beliefs. The people who actually run things are not the blue checkmarks in marketing departments, but you are supposed to think so.
If Coca-Cola, for example, can spend 0.1% of their budget paying a handful of fat black women to make rainbow logos and tell the director of all commercials to have an interracial couple kissing in the background, a front is put up to the general population that these are the values Coca-Cola holds. Many people will applaud them for this, and many others will grumble about it, depending on which marketing bubble they are in. The people one or two rungs above the fat black women not only anticipate this grumbling, they depend on it as an essential part of the process: as long as people are pissed off about these smokescreen values, Coke's actions remain untouchable. Braindead liberals cannot criticize Coke, say, paying mercenaries to kill labor organizers in the Central American sugar industry because Coke is A Company That Likes the Gays, and the anti-degeneracy crowd can't gain quite as much traction with any such criticism because it's always coupled with their Hating of the Gays (although in most real-life examples they just don't know or don't care about the real problems).
Global capital will put this wacky face onto everything, it's a very common phenomenon. Remember when people burned Nike shoes on Youtube because of Colin Kapernick? If you think the suits were angry about those reactions, you don't get it. That was an opportunity for Nike to brand itself as The Shoe Racists Don't Like. I'd bet anything Nike money went into publicizing or even staging some of those videos.

>> No.14724826

Statement of belief based on retarded logic

>> No.14724835

Become desensitized to this. Good, now this, now this, now this...

>> No.14724844

Go back to shit heddit, bigot.

>> No.14724850

Imagine being against anti-anti-SJWs

>> No.14724864

these people actively relish victimhood. They lack even a real connection to any authentic nonwestern culture, they are mass produced victim/patient/consumer units designed to promote a totalitarian idelogy of cultural marxism. I think white people are justified in wanting to keep these snivelling marginalised victims out by any means neccesary.

>> No.14724868

Can you give an tangible definition and predictive model of white privilege? One that explains why it is a negative quality rather than just a social norm that's unfairly denied to certain minorities.

Because it seems like so many terms that get thrown around are just a provocative bait-and-switch, where you use an obviously demeaning phrase to gaslight people (white privilege, white fragility, male fragility, toxic masculinity, etc. etc.) and then turn around and say that it's an "academic term" with a relatively benign meaning as though it isn't whorfian warfare on a memetic scale and anyone pointing this out is simply crazy or stupid.

>> No.14724878

You got it, this is exactly what I meant

>> No.14724882

why can't we just ''make these people go away somehow''? I doubt they even get any erotic enjoyment out of the sodomy anymore. There is no such thing as gay sex, these people don't have sex, they virtue signal and engage in shrill politicallly correct activities at the behest of george soros and their marxist professors

>> No.14724905

>>14722873the cultural marxists are practically raping white children in the open street with the full approval of the left and major capitalist corporations. these people are enemies, these people want to destroy you only an enemy would want to destroy you, they aren't going to go away if you ignore them, because they understand they are fighting a struggle to the death, it's us or them. It is no time for fence sitting, but for radical and uncompromising action, anything else won't do

>> No.14724929

My biggest problem with their discourse is that it's so homogenized that it amounts to people near-repeating each other in agreement. I doubt this book will say anything I haven't seen in Twitter screenshot threads on here.

>> No.14724931

Pretty much.

But more generally, what do these "poltards" who screech over interracial ads even want? Do they themselves know what they want? And if they do, do they know what it takes to get there?
Complaining about some interracial ad seems misplaced, when interracial relationships are mostly caused by the whole economic system that encourages migration.
Soros can throw millions of dollars at some pro-migration propaganda, but that's nothing compared to trillions of dollars that flow through the economy that causes migrations spontaneously.
The millions of Mexicans that come to the US, the thousands of businesses in the US that employ these Mexicans, the slave owners who brought blacks from Africa... Soros and the pink haired SJWs had almost nothing to do with that.

I'm afraid if you want to see real change you'll have to put in the hard work. Build communities, build attractive ideological/political structures and so on.
Screeching over pozzed ads or clickbait articles just makes you look lame.

>> No.14724934

They are people placed in the positions they occupy
Do you really think these people are capable of forming plans and conspiracy? Just listen to them talk, they can barely think, let alone organize cultural takeovers
Wokeness did not impregnate the west. Those in charge pulled it in and calcified it

>> No.14724948
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Wake me up when they start talking about multiplicity.

>> No.14724958

The majority of culture and economic activity is downstream from academia. As soon as they put it in their curricula, they already won.

>> No.14725000
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Sure, but it doesn't just benefit Nike etc to *appear* to support diversity, it also just benefits them to actually support it.

Capital bulldozes any opposition to its own expansion. Tribalism is a barrier to free trade. A border wall being a literal barrier. So, it has to go, in the name of $4/hr fruit pickers.

Modern immigration debate mirrors the Catholic question of the 1800s. America's vast unexploited resources powered an economy that simply grew faster than the population, creating a labor shortage.. Nativists opposed the influx of Germans and Irish, as it was thought such people would irrevocably change American culture, while business interests desired a cheap source of labor. (It's worth noting: the Irish were always considered White, and were always able to become citizens.)

So as we know, Irish and German immigrants were indeed let in, America became fabulously large and wealthy, and nowadays there are more Germanics in America than Anglos.

But in the process, the notion of America an expression of the will of a single people, the product of Anglo-Saxon individualism and Enlightenment zeitgeist, was lost. The Statue of Liberty, prime symbol of those values, has a plaque bolted onto it with a poem some immigrant wrote about "the huddled masses yearning to be free." The intended meaning of the work is obscured behind the later interpretations of outsiders. Now you get people like Ben Shapiro gaslighting my boomer parents, saying America is a "Nation of Ideas" and race doesnt matter, while Hispanics pour across the border, bringing their own ideas and values with them. What does Ben Shapiro know about America? He's never seen America, he wouldn't know where to look.

TL;DR: Yes, corporations adopt the diversity pose to make money, but they also push for legislation that harms whites out of that same self-interested impulse.

>> No.14725026

The concept of white privilege is at best a misplaced generalization that actively promotes racism, constantly remaining everyone which shade of maroon their skin color is. At worst it's just vapid bullshit being regurgitated by the not-so-well-read leftists. The point here is that race is but a blip in the ocean of privilege. There is privilege in being born into a rich family, in having good genetics and a functioning set of parents who care, in lucking into an environment beyond your immediate family that won't turn you into a self-loathing drug-addicted wretch or a mindless thug by the age of 15, etc. None of the privilegies listed above are reserved to white people only, I bet that Jayden Smith or that female writer on the op pic are way more privileged than an average /lit/ NEET. However since everyone wears race on the face, it's so tempting to split up into teams based on it and then weave race into the narrative of why your particular team is subject to unfair teatment or whatever.

>consider I gave you the option of being born black or white- what do you choose?
You're appealing to a stereotype here. Of course I'd choose to be born white because whites are statistically and stereotypically better well-off. But if the choise is between white trailer trash and ghetto niggers, race doesn't matter anymore as you're screwed either way.

>> No.14725054

We do. We really, really do.

>> No.14725141

>Capital bulldozes any opposition to its own expansion. Tribalism is a barrier to free trade.
Capital isn't just big corps, though, let's not forget. It's also small shops, farmers, startups, consumers...
How are you going to convince them to stop immigration, if that would hurt their bottom line? It's not a simple problem to solve. Most people don't care much if the natives/whites are a minority in the country, that's too abstract for them. They mostly just care about their immediate surroundings and as long as the people there are somewhat decent they don't mind.
Talking about race alone won't do it. Also because the average white American right now is an obese retard and doesn't look worth sacrificing for. You need something more inspirational.

>> No.14725144

what's it feel like getting thrown under the bus so rich liberals who've never interacted with black people beyond handing out reparations payments can feel good about themselves?

Finally someone who's redpilled about the G*rmanic question.

>> No.14725196

>they get stronger because they have no opposition
Good. Then they go into turbo fart huffing mode and end up doing things so outlandish it makes the general population pause. The general population will tolerate "diversity good" but they won't support an Evergreen college meltdown. By attacking them you make them strengthen their retarded arguments and act smarter. Ignore and watch their decadence self destruct.

>> No.14725210
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It's big-hearted of you to try to look beyond race, but really, it does matter. Tribalism is as human as love, hunger, happiness.

Racism is not just some financial sector psyop to prevent people from uniting against their capitalist oppressors. We have race conflict because we have race conflict. For example, even blacks who disagree with the Democratic platform still recognize that it benefits their tribe, and vote accordingly.


Racial diversity correlates negatively with social trust:

So does value diversity:

>> No.14725241

unfortunately for you poor Anglos I am a filthy Teut*n, come to spread the great German values, autism and "respect for authority," from sea to shining sea.

>> No.14725286

People who become angry at violent, retarded theory and politics must they, themselves be retarded.

Is that what you're attempting to state?

>> No.14725298

Correct faggot pick a side

>> No.14725305

They won't because academia could systematically exclude them from whatever social mobility is left to the general population. They are the fundamental institution. Only a total social collapse could reduce their power.

>> No.14725335


>> No.14725374

>every reply proved him right

>> No.14725383

You know how there are people who leave a flaming bag of shit on someone's porch and then ring the doorbell?

Well, your "I'll just leave this here" is kinda like that.

>> No.14725416

>just validate people
What does that even mean? If you say white privilege is real then the next question they are gonna ask you is "what are you doing about it?". They don't just stop at being validated. That's where shit like diversity quotas and affirmative action come from.

>> No.14725507

The subject of the strategy is unimportant, it'll change with the times. I honestly suspect that the specific gay pandering has already hit its peak and is on the way out, mostly because of what >>14725196 said. The tranny shit may have just been too big of a gamble. Nobody likes looking at those things.
But regardless, in a few years whatever new vogue topic is politically hot will take over. It wouldn't even matter if everyone magically became heterosexual tradcaths tomorrow, the strategy is implemented at the top because it works the best. The actual topics are completely interchangeable, by design.

>> No.14725529

Papers on people willing to trust those who have something in common with them is basically common sense quantified. What does it have to do with white privilege anyway?

>> No.14725558

>next question they are gonna ask you is "what are you doing about it?"
"Nothing. It doesn't bother me."
Wow, that wasn't hard, was it?

>> No.14725580

>context: not set
>argument: unmade
>no link, no quotes, no summary, no idea what this is supposed to be about
This is less about SJWs and nore about bots. Do not reflexively reply to threads. Reply to quality threads with actual content in the OP post.

>> No.14725638

Flailing in conversational cowshit isn’t domination

>> No.14725677

The privilege comes from getting shit done and not needing the other races to do so. Any black privelige that might have existed was thrown out the window when they were replaced by the cotton gin. I’m sorry but you people are a hindrance. You have no ability to govern yourselves in any capacity without being coddled and even 150 years after your emancipation you can’t overcome the pedestrian task of surpassing your base desires even with endless encouragement and compensation. You’re better off as property.

>> No.14725754

Just think if OP had written an actual post with some information, say, a quote or summary or synopsis. Or anything, really.

>> No.14725846

I agree with you and understand what your point is but my autism requires me to interject here and tell you that the cotton gin actually massively increased demand for slaves in the South by making cotton a more financially viable crop

>> No.14725860

You have to hand it to the people who engineered this wreck, they knew what they were doing

>> No.14727009

I read a few paragraphs. It's not good. When I was younger I thought about applying to the Iowa Waiter's Worshop to keep my student loans at bay a while. Everything I read said it was prestigious. I'm disappointed to see she was part of it and am encouraged to do better.

>> No.14727043

You're talking out of two cheeks of the same ass.

>> No.14727105

Learn to spell, idiot.

>> No.14727135

>Just give in to my demands and i'll shut up
And the thing is, you won't actually do even that, you will keep going and find more things to destroy.

>> No.14727138

Imagine you're getting pulled over by a cop. In that situation, would you rather be black or white?
The answer to that question proved white privilege exists.

>> No.14727149

I mean, you're 100% right but for some reason people who say these kinds of things never really get a lot of traction. Kinda interesting, isn't it?

>> No.14727297

No, this demonstrates that people *think* white privilege exists. There is actually a pretty good body of evidence that suggests that our justice system does not treat blacks any worse than whites.


Killer Cops:
>Using this data, we can see that the CDC estimates Blacks to have been 27% of those killed by police between 1999 and 2014 (Compressed Mortality Database). Thus, across multiple data sources, we see that, if anything, Blacks make up a lower proportion of those killed by police than what we would expect given their crime rates. In light of this, there is no justifiable reason to supposing that the police are running around unjustly killing Blacks.

Biased Sentencing:
>Analysis of these data revealed that African American males are significantly more likely to be arrested and incarcerated when compared to White males. This racial disparity, however, was completely accounted for after including covariates for self-reported lifetime violence and IQ.

>> No.14727480

>There is actually a pretty good body of evidence that suggests that our justice system does not treat blacks any worse than whites.
>links althype
lol okay, now send me evidence that shows althype does not view Black people as inferior to White people and I'll bother to read his shit.

>> No.14727497

>"diverse" books
>turns out all browns can write about is being brown and whining about being brown and not being white

>> No.14727541

Nietzsche predicted that this would happen. That culture would be subsumed by politics, so that politics became culture, and the only meaningful political action left would be the peddling of your own version of the "facts" over and above those of your opponents. This kind of endless counter-balancing of white privilege by people is a consciously political move, and the irritation is not that non-whites are being supported or included, but that the sole principle guiding the process is "upset the status quo".

>> No.14727899
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she qt tho

>> No.14728120
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Sure. Alt Hype doesn't do the studies, he just conveys them to the reader.

TL;DR: when you control for black violent criminality, the actual entirety of of the black-white gap in death-by-cop goes away.

> both NVCS and UCR data show that Blacks account for about 1/3 of rape and assault offenders and over half of robbery offenders. UCR data also suggests that Blacks account for roughly half of murder offenders, 38% of all violent criminals, and 29% of all persons arrested:

So, assuming cops only kill violent criminals, you would expect 30-38% of people killed by cops to be black. You can say well clearly less than 100% of people killed by cops are violent criminals, but I see no reason to expect this would change anything.

>Sendhil Mullainathan analyzed UCR data and found that 32% of those killed by police were black

>Moskos found that 30% of those killed by police in 2013-2015 were Black

The Center for Disease Control found 27%, but that source is locked behind some paywall/form you fill out, and besides, that figure is lower ie supports my argument more.

Given that the ratio of black violent criminals : blacks killed by cops is at the lower bound of what you would expect (30-38%), there is no reason to believe the inequality in arrest rates means blacks are being discriminated against.

TL;DR: We stopped racism guys! Hooray!

>> No.14728133

*death-by-cop, not arrest rates, though i guess that works.

>> No.14728137
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mmmmmmmmmm look at that hair and nose and chine and forehead

>> No.14728188

>Braindead liberals cannot criticize Coke
Leftist protestors have carried placards displaying crops of Coke ads, specifically the multicultural images

>> No.14728195

>Do they themselves know what they want?
Can't speak for the rest of /pol/, and sadly most of it no longer agrees with this, but I want jews out of power. That's it.

>> No.14728358
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You don't use literature as it is intended to: enlighten, enrich, and empathize with different viewpoints, you only use it as a way to cope with your incel status, to seem like you're smarter than the rest and don't have time to be a normie. You disgust me. You only read books that have already been lauded. You fear to try something new which doesn't have pseud credits because you know it will be harder to impress other pseuds without name dropping Dostoevsky, Proust, or Joyce. For the few of you who actually explore literature from different places, different eras, I salute you.

>> No.14728444

Niggers being niggers and illiterate, and it's the the hate u give all over again.

>> No.14728450


>> No.14728458

I can smell the KFC, grape soda and the shit that is stuck in your long nails from here, anon.

>> No.14728631

She can check my privilege any time!

>> No.14729948

I can't tell if your point is that they are actually criticizing them or that they fall for the bait so hard that they think Coke is leftist

>> No.14729959

>You don't use literature as it is intended to
Essentializing literature for any purpose is pure cringe.

>> No.14730074

i bet when she sucks dick she keep it at the back of the throat the WHOLE time