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/lit/ - Literature

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14721504 No.14721504 [Reply] [Original]

>There are millions upon millions of authors out there right now publishing millions of novels everyday.

How the fuck do you even bother let alone attempt to compete across the shitstorm tsunami of competitors?

>> No.14721565
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The act of writing and putting my work out into the world is enough

>> No.14721587

I dunno. I quit writing. It is too saturated as a medium. Started taking pictures. I will probably work in fast food-tier jobs my whole life, either way.
My pictures will be my next attempt at "competing" as you say. But, I think we are using two different definitions for the same word. My definition includes everyone from every profession, good or bad.

Will you try one thing. Imagine, you are not a human among humans but a world among worlds. To me it helps. For you it won't. Since you are makeshift. Or else your answer would not be in my post.

>> No.14722205

Writing is the absolute worst creative pursuit there is.

The internet has oversaturated every medium, but at least things like music and visual arts aren't completely irrelevant on top having a never ending tidal wave of shit being published.

Writing is a waste of time.

>> No.14722539

Pictures are probably even more saturated than writing honestly.

>> No.14722546

>caring about competition instead of your own work
Ain't going to make it.

>> No.14722563

that last tid bit you said sounded like it came from a dark souls npc.


>> No.14722567

Because pirated DAWs havent flooded the world with algorithmic lofi digital trash

>> No.14722638

because you enjoy writing. if you dont, literally do not do it because the odds of success are quite low.

>> No.14722708

Based karma yogin flexing on publishfags

>> No.14722725

>There are millions upon millions of authors out there right now publishing millions of novels everyday
And they all suck

>> No.14722729

>writing for fame and money
not gonna make it

>> No.14722757

because it's not about the adulation either of the masses looking to satiate their addictions to entertainment - frying their brains with ink on paper rather than digital moving pictures - nor of some monopoly of publishers

>> No.14722802

Yup, normshits are incapable of writing deep stories

>> No.14722846

Pictures mostly have low tier competition. If you are willing to put in the work you can very quickly surpass most competitors.

>> No.14722868

Same as writing then? The majority seems to be done by bored middle class white women ... kinda like pictures.

>> No.14722872

The virgin stance
The chad position

>> No.14722954

Not a problem if you listen to rock or classical