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14720774 No.14720774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Russian literature impressed me, but this...
What's the source of their basedness in general?

>> No.14720796

Is this really true? It's time for a mass immigration to cyka land.

>> No.14720811

Deep down, this is what all women think. Whether they're whores or not is the thing that should concern you.

>> No.14720825

Men are still expected to pay for dinner and do all the work. The only difference is Women want credit and glory on top of their parasitic lifestyle.

>> No.14720844

I think it's the language.
English language has more space for pseudness

>> No.14720847
File: 16 KB, 300x180, 8205af74-3796-4b1d-b779-fc91d471ec45-620x372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavs are barbarians and incapable of any higher thought, so they generally aren't very different from Muslims in terms of their behavior and worldview. Feminism is popular is Russia whether Russians admit it or not, but the country is too unthinking and dull for feminism to exert much power. Slavs really aren't different from cows in my opinion. They may seem to be thinking deeply if you look at them, but if you could peer into their consciousness you'd really find nothing there. So many Russian women are feminists in the same way many Russians are Christian: superficially, with no substance, and unthinkingly. Feminism is just a meme they hold unconsciously but without being able to enforce it, even in their own personal lives. Russia suffers from the same bullshit as the rest of Europe; the only difference is that Russians are too dumb and dull to really bring their bullshit to the forefront. Hence why Jews were able to take over the country so easily in the 20th century and rule over it soundly, and also why Putin rules over it now in the same way. Whoever rules Russia will enforce whatever he wants on its unthinking, barbarian and faceless masses. Also, Russian women have been inhaling Turkish cock for centuries now. These "based and redpilled" girls you admire so much will literally fuck a dozen Turks on vacation in Izmir. So much for "basedness", there is only baseness when it comes to slavs. STOP ADMIRING SLAVS AND FETISHIZING RUSSIA. IT'S A FILTHY SHITHOLE OF ANIMALS.

>> No.14720876

>dating coach for foreign men
Sounds like #1 source for understanding Russian culture.

>> No.14720910

Other answers reflect the same thought

>> No.14720922

Is this really so? How do you explain Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Borodin, Bulgakov, and so on?

>> No.14720927

Don't be daft. This sentiment is pretty consistent with common interpretations of eastern european culture.

>> No.14720929
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>we'll be traditional for you if you can afford us
From Russia, with love. I hate slavs so much.

>> No.14720940

>aren't different from cows
Have you forgot that they're the pioneers of modern literature?

>> No.14720963

None of them are representative of the country. Those are exceptional elites that stood above the masses of Russian plebeians (and if you read those authors you would know that Russia is primarily a peasant country). Do you also think that Goethe represents modern Germany? Does Hugo represent modern France? Dickens a representative of modern England? But France, Germany and England have at least known culture and civilization unlike Russia, who only knew civilization when they larped as French.

>> No.14720964

This. Russia is an oligarchy. Putin has ties with the Bratva, censorship is rampant. KGB niggers spy on Russian citizens. Siberia is a frozen-over wasteland that the government doesn't care about, only cares about where to put military bases there. Fuck Russia

>> No.14720979

>Have you forgot that they're the pioneers of modern literature?
By copying the French? Don't make me laugh, anon. Everything good Russians have written was done better by the French a century before them. And anyways, their good writers were just a small elite of intellectuals among an amorphous and innumerable mass of faceless peasants. The country on the whole is not a literary one like France, Italy, England, etc.

>> No.14720996
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>as it's not easy to find a man breadwinner for her so she could respect him

>> No.14721086

Show me french equivalents of Dosto, Tolstoy and chekhov

>> No.14721103

You mean stereotypical western "trad" fantasies that get projected onto East Europe and supported by a dating coach for foreign men.
In the beautiful "trad" East you have wife-beating, women exploiting men (give me this, give me that, you're not a real man if you're not rich chad bydło that provides me with everything), loveless sexless marriages, concealed or open degeneracy that is far more destructive than stuff going on in the west, and generally colder and unfriendlier people.
Ask a 4channer from east Europe about this shit and see what they have to say, instead of a fucking dating coach on Quora.

>> No.14721126

There are no equivalents because the French are superior and therefore don't compare so closely, but you should already know which French authors influenced them. If not, please leave this board.

>> No.14721133

Is Russian gendered?

>> No.14721139

Tolstoy literally ripped off Flaubert, Ivan.

>> No.14721145

>wife-beating, women exploiting men (give me this, give me that, you're not a real man if you're not rich chad bydło that provides me with everything), loveless sexless marriages, concealed or open degeneracy that is far more destructive than stuff
You're an idiot. This stuff is unironically "traditional".

>> No.14721154

I don't think so. But the only Russian words I know are cyka, blyat, and vodka so what do I know.

>> No.14721160

Yeah, Russian is gendered.

>> No.14721203

Makes sense. Gendered languages and their speakers tend to put men and women in their respective roles and promote a sense of sexual duality. English is the tranny of languages.

>> No.14721216

both extremes suck, women are too empowered here in the west but traditional gender roles aren't fun either

>> No.14721252


>It's a real pleasure to be a real woman next to a real man






>> No.14721261


This is the source of the BS. Everything needs to be 'fun', fucking manchildren. Women aren't fun, partnership isn't fun, it sucks.
The problem is that the alternative, being a cuck basedboy with no purpose, is worse.

>> No.14721270

See >>14720929. A real man to her is one with money.

>> No.14721276

Yes, so?

>> No.14721279

Don't you think it's kind of cringey to romanticize the past? Traditionalism in general is a bit pathetic in numerous ways. Rather than adapting and evolving into something equally great in our current society, you've decided to hit the eject button with your arms crossed and frowning.

Wanting women to wear frilly dresses, frolic in the flowers, and be your lawfully wedded wife til death does you part is embarrassing. Why would you want this? Spoken like a true incel. Not that the polar opposite of having sex with many women is any better, but consider this:

Most of the world's greatest writers and philosophers were bisexual at best, mostly gay.

I want to write to you fools about why we've seen the destruction of truly 'great' romance novels (in which I find the Russians wrote it best), but it would be giving away an idea I believe is truly novel, and I am currently writing a paper on myself.

Good day.

>> No.14721287

hur dur just suffer your whole life because I say so

>> No.14721290

>Most of the world's greatest writers and philosophers were bisexual at best, mostly gay.

>> No.14721296


Well OBVIOUSLY, traditional woman means that she doesn't have a rat-race corporate job and what kind of mother would let her children starve to death. Jesus H. Christ anon use those grey cells.

>> No.14721300

Traditionalism, as you call it, it's how things are meant to be.

>> No.14721305


hurr durr just live the first 40 years of your life like a 16 year old and then cry your eyes out when you try to scrape together the pieces because you will know it's too late.

>> No.14721307

>it's how things are meant to be
that's some spooky ass essentialism there bud

>> No.14721309

Not even a traditionalist, but the only embarrassing thing here is you taking a whole paragraph saying literally nothing. Go back.

>> No.14721316

if you're raising a family and happy then why are you posting here? go take care of your kids so they don't grow up to resent you like they probably already do unless you're just a larping loser which you probably are. I'll only take a traditionalist seriously if he lives what he preaches, especially if it's such a black and white worldview as yours.

>> No.14721318

Not playing silly games with you. Do your own research.

This is irrational as marriage is a modern tradition. All this comes down to is an incel fantasy, objectively. I'd argue that anything institutionalized is in direct objection to how things are 'meant to be'.

>> No.14721319

How is this any different from what goes on in the US? She's a dating coach for men, so it's kind of a biased account from her on that end. She obviously doesn't speak for the whole population of women in Russia, and seems to make sweeping generalizations based on who she tends to hang out with: desperate men in need of dating advice and women who hold a similar amount of sexual capital as her. There are sleuths of women like this in the U.S. and in pretty much any western country you think is poisoned by feminism. Literally just go outside for a moment. Even in large urban centers where you think only bugmen and slutty art hoes dwell have a sizable population of these types of women. Whether they'd date an ugly incel is a whole different question though, but I'm sure that even in Russia they probably wouldn't either so.

>> No.14721322

Two good authors for the past 200 years in such a big country is nothing to brag about, so the "russian literature is good" thing is maybe not deserved.

>> No.14721326

are you retarded? he's saying that those behaviours are not traditional but are the common experience in russia or eastern europe.

>> No.14721331

because the french have been true paragons of traditionalism

>> No.14721337

she does though, read the post

>> No.14721340


>> No.14721345

because a traditionalist can easily go out and find so many likeminded people, especially women?

>> No.14721352

lol bitter incel faggot I knew it

>> No.14721353

If it's so important to him, he could go to a traditionalist country.

>> No.14721366

>you can just up and appear wherever you'd like
or maybe he would like to live in his home? not everyone is as much of an atomized economic unit as you.
seethe cope

>> No.14721373

He could go get his wife and come back.

>> No.14721377


It's evening... kids are sleeping, genious.

>> No.14721397

>Not playing silly games with you. Do your own research.
Hhahahahahaaha. The source is your ass. Most writers are straight, faggot.

>> No.14721400

>everybody lives on EST

>> No.14721405

someone from a completely different culture? previous point stands. an we can't ignore how retarded this is:
>just show up and get a wife
ok retard

>> No.14721411

everyone who matters does

>> No.14721421

Okay stay in your room and whine on 4chan on valentine day.

>> No.14721426

Frogs are creeps. I was thinking Italians, Hispanics, and Russians.

>> No.14721434


>> No.14721457

pushkin is like my favorite writer you fag

>> No.14721585

get out

>> No.14721766

This post reeks of cia backed rad liberal propaganda.

>> No.14721769

Reminds me of the Russian girl I met in Los Angeles. Probably lived there for ~2 years and was in school yet wanted a rich, well to do husband already to have kids with. She was like 21. She told me that's the norm in Russia. When she found out I was a poor college student she 360'd away from me lol

>> No.14721781

Slav here, do not buy into roastie lies. Russian women are some of the shittiest-tier apart from looks you'll ever encounter

>> No.14721790

>What's the source of their basedness in general?
Being the Third Rome and having the fullness of Faith and Truth tends to be pretty based

>> No.14721795
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants money dude. That's how all women are. Russian women, as soon as you get off the plane they're clawing at you, they're crawling all over you. You think if you were some russian schmuck and all you had was some rubles they'd be all over you? No. No. No no no no no.

>> No.14721803

I'm not a liberal and literally throughout the entirety of European history Russia was looked down upon as the shithole that it is. Rusophilia is cringe. Go suck Ivan's cock somewhere, retard.

>> No.14721822

>the entirety of European history Russia was looked down upon as the shithole that it is
Simply cope for lacking >>14721790

>> No.14721828

based anons who haven't fallen for the slavic whore meme designed just to trick foreign men into wifing up some parasite leech whore that can barely speak english and will cheat on you anyways

>> No.14721839

>fullness of Faith
Russia is not a Christian nation lmao stop falling for these stupid fucking memes. Russia is nominally Christian at best. Probably less than 10% are actual believers. There are more sincere Muslims in Russia than Christians at this point

>> No.14721874


And the man with the black moustache said, “Here you’ve seen a lot and traveled a lot. Tell us, where do they value the Russia more, on this or the other side of the Pyrenees?”

“I don’t know about this side. But on the other they don’t value him at all. For example, I was in Italy. There, there’s no attention paid to the Russian. They only sing and draw there. One of them, let’s say, gets up and sings. And another, sitting alongside, draws the first one who’s singing. And a third, sitting off to the side, sings about the one who’s drawing. And they don’t understand our grief.” “Ah, the Italians, do they really understand anything?” the man with the black moustache backed me up.

“Precisely. When I was in Italy, on St. Mark’s day, I wanted to take a look at the boat races. And how sad they made me. My heart dissolved in tears, though my lips were silent. But the Italians didn’t understand, they laughed and pointed their fingers at me. ‘Hey, look, Erofeev is going around fucked up again.’ But really was I so fucked up? My lips simply were silent.

“Actually there was no reason for me to be in Italy. I only wanted to see three things: Vesuvius, Herculaneum, and Pompeii. But they said that Vesuvius disappeared long ago and sent me to Herculaneum. But in Herculaneum they said, ‘So, what do you need with Herculaneum, you idiot? It’d be better to go to Pompeii.’ I arrive in Pompeii but they say to me, ‘You’ve had it with Pompeii. Be off to Herculaneum.’

“With a wave of my hand, I set out for France. I go along and get up to the Maginot Line and suddenly I decided to return and spend some time at Luigi Longo’s, I’ll rent a cot from him and read books and stop fiddling around. Better to rent a cot from Palmiro Togliatti, of course, but he died recently, you know. But in what way is Luigi Longo worse?

>> No.14721876

“But I didn’t return after all. I went instead across the Tyrol in the direction of the Sorbonne. I arrive at the Sorbonne and I say, ‘I want to study for my bachelor’s.’ But they tell me, ‘If you want to study for your bachelor’s, buddy, you have something like an inherent phenomenon in you. So what kind of inherent phenomenon do you have in you?’ What could I say? I say, “Well, what kind of inherent phenomenon could I have? I’m just a kid, you know.’ ‘From Siberia?’ they ask. ‘From Siberia!’ ‘Well, since you’re from Siberia there could be something inherent about your psychology. So what’s inherent about your psychology?’ I thought about it – after all, this isn’t Podunksk, it’s the Sorbonne, you’ve got to say something intelligent. I thought about it and said, ‘The inherent phenomenon in me is my self-motivated logos.’ But the Rector of the Sorbonne, while I was thinking of something intelligent, had sneaked around behind me and – whack –in the back of the neck; ‘You’re a fool, Erofeev, and no kind of logos. Get!’ he screams. ‘Get out of our Sorbonne, Erofeev.’ Then for the first time I was sorry that I hadn’t rented a cot from Luigi Longo.

“What was left for me to do but go to Paris? I arrive. I head for Notre Dame, I’m going along, and I’m amazed: there’s nothing but brothels on every side. Only the Eiffel Tower stands there and General de Gaulle is up on it eating chestnuts and looking in all four directions through binoculars. But what’s the sense of looking in all four directions if there’s nothing but brothels?

“It’s impossible to walk along a boulevard there. Everbody is scurrying from brothel to clinic, from clinic and back to brothel. And there’s so much gonorrhea around that it’s difficult to walk on the Champs-Elysees, there’s so much gonorrhea around I can hardly move my feet. I see a couple of acquaintances, he and she, they’re both chewing on chestnuts, and both old. Where did I see them? In the newspapers? I don’t remember. Presently I recognized them: that was Louis Aragon and Elsa Triole. ‘It’s interesting,’ the thought slips through my head. ‘From clinic to brothel or from brothel to clinic?’ And I cut myself off, ‘You should be ashamed. You’re in Paris, not Podunksk. Ask them questions of social significance, the most agonizing social questions.’

>> No.14721881

“I catch up to Louis Aragon and open up my heart and say that I despair of everything, that I have no doubts about anything, that I am dying from internal contradictions, and much more in that vein, but he only look at me, saluted like an old veteran, took his Elsa by the arm and walked off. I catch up again and this time talk not to Louis but to Triole: I say that I’m dying from a lack of impressions and that I’m overcome by doubts just when I stop despairing, while in moments of despair I don’t know any doubts… but like an old whore she patted me on the cheek, took her Aragon by the arm, and walked off.

“Later, of course, I learned from the papers that they weren’t Louis and Elsa at all; it turns out they were Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, but what’s the difference to now? I went about Notre Dame and rented a mansard room there. Mansard, mezzanine, wing, entresol and attic – I’m always getting them mixed up and don’t see any difference. Briefly, I rented that in which it is possible to lie down, to write, and to smoke a pipe. I smoked up twelve pipes and sent off to the Revue de Paris my essay on questions of love.

“And you know yourselves how hard it is to write about love in France. Because, in France, everything concerned with love has long since been written. There, everybody knows everything, while we don’t know anything about love. Show our citizen with average education a crab louse and ask him if it’s an ordinary one, of course.’ But show him an ordinary one and he loses his head entirely. But in France, no. There, they may not know how much a bottle of Trapper’s costs, but if it’s an ordinary louse then it’ll be ordinary to everyone and nobody will call it a crab.

“In other words, the Revue de Paris returned my essay with the excuse that it was written in Russian, that only the title was in French. Do you think that I fell into despair? I smoked thirteen more pipes in my entresol and created a new essay also dedicated to love. This time it was written in French from beginning to end. Only the title was Russian (and after Ilich at that): Bitchiness as the Highest and Final stage of Whoredom. And sent it off to the Revue de Paris.”

“And they returned it to you again?” the man with the black moustache asked, to indicate that he was participating in the conversation, but as if in his sleep.

>> No.14721889

“It goes without saying, they returned it. They recognized my language as brilliant but the basic idea as false. ‘It may be applicable to Russian conditions,’ they said, ‘but not to the French. Bitchiness here,’ they said, ‘is not yet the highest stage and certainly not the ultimate one. With you, with you Russians, your whoredom, having reached the limit of bitchiness, will be forcibly abolished and replaced by onanism in an obligatory program; with us, with us French, although not excluded in the future, there is an inculcation (in a more voluntary program) of certain elements of Russian onanism, in a native Sodom into which our bitchiness, through incest, is being transformed. But this inculcation will proceed in the course of traditional whoredom and in quite a permanent condition.’

“Briefly, they crapped on my brains completely. So that I spat on it, burned my manuscripts together with the mansard and the entresol, and took off for the English Channel through Verdun. Along toward Albion, I went along thinking, ‘All the same, why didn’t I stay in luigi Longo’s apartment?’ I walked along and sang, ‘The Queen of England is seriously ill, if she lives till tomorrow she’ll be here still!’ But in the outskirts of London…”

“Permit me,” the man with the black moustache interrupted. “Your boldness astonishes me… no, I believe you like a brother… the ease with which you overcame all national boundaries astonishes me.”

>> No.14721891

>There are more sincere Muslims in Russia than Christians at this point
>Russia is not a Christian nation lmao stop falling for these stupid fucking memes. Russia is nominally Christian at best.
True, the difference between Russia and the West is that in the West, Christinatiy continues to decline after decades of decadence. In Russia, the Church is only growing in strength and numbers after years of persecution. When we talk about the state of Christianity in Russia/Easter Europe, we are not talking only about the present, but also about the past and future trajectory. It's also worth pointing out that the Orthodox Church was strong and virile in the time immediately before the Revolution, while Western European Christianity had been wrecked from centuries of German higher criticism, modernism, fundie overreactions in the puritans etc. The Orthodox Church was violently persecuted but is on the way to restoration. There is no hope for Western Christianity.

>> No.14721912

Only like 40% of Russia is Christian and about 15-20% is Muslim. There are more sincere Muslims than Christians because most Russian Christians are cultural/nominal and the Muslims are serious almost always.

>> No.14721940

>Bitchiness as the Highest and Final stage of Whoredom

>> No.14721959
File: 24 KB, 308x463, russia-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Muslims are serious almost always.
If you believe this you prove that you have no idea what you are talking about. Most Chechens, Dagestanis yes they are serious, but of the total population of Muslims in Russia, most are nominal. And the Christian population is growing so quickly that they cannot build churches fast enough. Before the Revolution they had 80,000 churches, after the Revolution, 10,000 churches. Since 1988 they have built another 30,000, thats 3 new churches every day. Also the Muslim population is way less than 20% (lol).

>> No.14722021

>image cited from "russians return to religion but not to church, february 2014"
yeah, anon....

>> No.14722111

>Muslims are 10-20%
they are less than 6, that is what the graph was showing
>russians return to religion but not to church
They are identifying with Orthodoxy more than they attend church but as you would know from reading my last post, the number of churches has increased fourfold in the last 30 years. Who is going the these churches which are being continually built?

>> No.14722131


>> No.14722142
File: 333 KB, 713x586, 310[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: trannies, "post-heteronormative" """males""" and roasties seethe

>> No.14722148

Sounds like Melania Trump lol

>> No.14722217

We must

>repeal the Nineteenth Amendment
>give the death penalty to adulterers
>make the right to vote exclusive to patriarchs with a net positive tax contribution
>severely constrict the ability to divorce
>praise the Lord

>> No.14722243
File: 28 KB, 860x750, 1581659262857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with the constant RUSSIA BAD paroxysms on this website
Jesus Christ

>> No.14722277
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>> No.14722511
File: 15 KB, 342x401, 2tatsq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only tradition a russian woman adheres to, besides being a gold digger, is at least one appearance at Pierre Woodman casting.

>> No.14722536


>> No.14722590

One of the best btfos of all time.

>> No.14722628

> Hey, /lit/, let's discuss what is basically an ad for some semi-legal human trafficking enterprise that knows precisely which male clients they need to fool and profit from.
Also, AFAIR, she's just a shitty “professional blogger”, why would anyone read those people?

Russian feminist history doesn't fit into neither conservative nor “progressive” stereotypes (actually, no history fits into them, it's just that this case is one of the most noticeable). Women's issues were one of the big topics in 1917 jumble, and, as a result, women were granted equal rights with men. Of course, state needed female workers, and there was an ongoing industrialization of agrarian society, and full-on communal living (as declared in propaganda) was limited to a small number of experimental test-beds, but the laws were exemplary compared to the Western ones in general. Stalinist turn to conservatism curbed some of the freedoms: abortions were made almost illegal, divorces were officially limited and unofficially shunned for both men and women, peasants reorganized into collective farm workers had many rights taken from them on paper and in customs. Officially, old ways of life were ridiculed, but effectively the state wanted the gendered work to be done as it had been done. Khruschev generally retracted those constrictions, and gender equality returned to the list of declared goals of Soviet state. Novels and movies about, say, mixed gender teams of geologists in Siberian wilderness that were common in that Romanticist era have been seen by some on the West as signs of some feminist utopia.

From that time, it has been kinda rolling on to this day. Introduction of consumerist values hasn't changed much in the gender-related laws. However, we also need to look at the customs. For example, legalization of abortions would instantly made them an ubiquitous form of birth control through the rest of Soviet era (due to the lack of other options, lack of education, etc.). The percentage of abortions and their consequences to health were pathetic. And, while perfectly legal, they were generally seen as a proper punishment for having casual sex (for a woman, of course). Another thing that became noticeable in the late 20th century is that wars had greatly reduced the number of males, and both gender imbalance and state oppression had molded their psychological features. Combined with decay of farming in the province, that explains why in many villages most men were most often drunk most of the time, and still had their families. Therefore, while both traditional courtship and equal rights were praised by public, men in general didn't display all those male virtues, and women didn't have the option of being lady-like at all. A type of “strong independent woman” (not by her own choice, but hardened by disturbances of her lifetime) appeared:
See “The Man Question: Loves and Lives in Late 20th Century Russia”

>> No.14722661

You are insane. However, if painting eggs on Easter counts as True Christianity for you, then you are right…fully insane.

>> No.14722681

What is True Christianity and who are True Christians?

>> No.14722698

> Who is going the these churches which are being continually built?
Many Russians wonder about that, too. In case you don't know, there has been a lot of protests against shady deals between local government and church officials that assign pieces of land, big and small, for new church buildings. As an organization, Russian Orthodox Church is simply a successor to KGB bureaucracy that handled the religious issues in the Soviet era, so there must be a simple explanation.

>> No.14722702

A rich bandit who lights a candle and prays for each person he killed must be a true Christian. Let us pray for him to keep doing that!

>> No.14722703

>Russian Orthodox Church is simply a successor to KGB bureaucracy
Чё ты нecёшь, eбaлaй лмao

>> No.14722706

I have no idea what you're mumbling about, pal

>> No.14723196

come to russia bwoi))

>> No.14723232

This. English isn't cased and gendered, so it allows for much more bullshit. Case in point: John Money.

>> No.14723238

You might be onto something. Italian is also gendered and we don't have too much of that muh equality bullshit here. It's still contained mostly within pozzed college faculties.

>> No.14723261

In Slovakia there isn't wife beating hut everything else is true. And we're as west as Slavs get

>> No.14723264

This. Feminism is like one big shit test and deep down they want to be fucked by mans penis.

>> No.14723283

Bratislavská anon to save the day! I'd say Czechia is a good bit more Western in many ways, but that's only coming from a small handful of experiences in Slovakia. I miss living in that part of the world.

>> No.14723292

(((They))) have always had an intense hatred for slavs in general. Just look what (((they))) did to them during communism. Still butthurt from the pogroms during the last century I guess.

>> No.14723311

Women are women, dosen't matter on what side of the planet you're on. Stupid, greedy, shallow without a shred of empathy or sence of virtue. Slav women's "respect" goes as deep as your wallet does.

>> No.14723329

There will be suffering no matter what you do.

>> No.14723334

Sounds like you just described North America.

>> No.14723337

Lol you know it's unfortunately not like that. That is a fucking ""dating coach"" for God's sake.

>> No.14723349

this is actually true


>> No.14723356

I really need to stop coming here, i can actively feel myself becoming a more horrible and cynical person everytime i read something like this even though i know just how nonsensical it is to believe.
I think if the me from ten years ago saw what i was starting to believe he'd be genuinely disgusted in me.

>> No.14723395


>> No.14723441

in what ways

>> No.14723445

good post

>> No.14723454

You can easily spout liberal ideas without that.

>> No.14723484

Oh yeahh that deep russian spirituality they got after 100 years of communism state atheism and then late stage capitalism...

>> No.14723490
File: 596 KB, 960x960, 86296027_10158669599529411_6818729953605976064_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this

>> No.14723572

>crazy schizo going off about how the basedboys are trying to kill him

>> No.14724279

what's the deal with slav countries and really pretty women marrying/dating ugly or average guys? I browse VK and I see it all the time

>> No.14724348

The ugly/average are the good looking ones here

>> No.14724362

so if I am a 6/10 in burgerstan will I be able to marry a 9/10 in poland?

>> No.14724392

Just stick to threads that are about specific books instead of hidden /r9k/ and /pol/ threads and the cancer will be less

>> No.14724401

American men think Russian women are better and some seek out relationships with them only to find out what an actual misery it is to be married to one. Being married to a Russian woman is like being married to a wasp.

>> No.14724419

would you rather be married to some masculine, careerist, man-hating feminist American "woman"?
wait, there's also the "hypergamous 20 something with a bodycount in the three digits who's tired of partying and wants to settle with a dependable cuck" American female specimen. would you rather have that?

>> No.14724628

>is like being married to a wasp
But I love white anglosaxon protestant girls

>> No.14724861

> old man thinks he can bend reality by having a strong grip on items in official papers

>> No.14724987

Yeah, Melania is a good example of slavic gold-digging whoredom. It's disgusting.
That wasn't a BTFO, just delusional Russian shitposting that actually corroborates my point since it's so poorly written and abrasive to one's aesthetic sensibilities. Honestly it's hardly legible. Russian literature is unreadable garbage and only good insofar as it imitates the French. Only Americans, who also have a pathetic literary tradition themselves, think Russian literature is good. Europeans have been mocking Russia for centuries and I will continue this tradition.
If I ever came to Russia, I would be a polite spectator of the latent mental illness the entire country suffers from. I'd probably also have a lot of sex since Russian women throw themselves at foreigners.

>> No.14725042

traditional nuclear family is as "real" as it gets though

>> No.14725212

elaborate. why?

>> No.14725227

so you're saying everyone's not like Anna Karenina?

>> No.14725557


>> No.14725932

what do you mean? karenina is a bitch

>> No.14726226

lol what are you talking about?