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File: 17 KB, 149x206, عبد الواحد يحيى_ﷺ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14718614 No.14718614 [Reply] [Original]

>Destroyed philosophy
>Destroyed science
>Destroyed libtards
>Destroyed atheists
>Destroyed commies
>Destroyed secularism
>Destroyed psychology
>Destroyed marxism
>Destroyed psychoanalysis
>Destroyed materialism
>Destroyed buddhism
>Destroyed processism
Is he /ourguy/? Why isn't this genius more widely read?

>> No.14718621

take your pills faggot

>> No.14718626

>Destroyed science

>> No.14718638

If he was alive today, he'd be dilating

>> No.14718641

Is it thus dishonest and disingenuous to use his kuffar name? He's disowned it,

>> No.14718654

No. He published under René Guenon. Still does. If it weren't for his wiki article you wouldn't even know about it.

>> No.14718662

Guenon? Again? Anon, dear, this is 2020. Guenon is old news. It's now the year of Charles Peirce.

>> No.14718668

Utterly based

>> No.14718671

im so sick of seeing guenon posts pls stop

>> No.14718766
File: 33 KB, 474x539, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this confusion is a deception created by the mind, used by the mind, and aimed at the mind. Only when this viscious circle is broken, clarity becomes possible.

>> No.14718973

>>Destroyed buddhism
>by becoming a sufi
what did he mean by this

>> No.14718982

Guenontards on suicide watch.

>> No.14719001

>philosphy word-vomit

I'm new to /lit/ is it always this pretentious?

>> No.14719002

>Why isn't this genius more widely read?

he's a meme on a weeb image posting site perpetrated by 2, maybe 3 ardent chantards

>> No.14719034

he won't stop until he gets permabanned. He's been going at it since 2015 and you can see how his spam has became more and more frequent over the years. He practically lives here now

>> No.14719049

that charlatan is even worse than gaynon
it's just one autist, the other ones aren't genuine, just trolls fishing for (You)s. Remember to sage every single one of this faggot's posts, and filter "guenon" with 4chan x

>> No.14719138

Elaborate for once.

>> No.14719142

based Guenon (pbuh) poster

>> No.14719149

It's gotten bad over the past year with shills. Guenonfag, accerationfag, poltards, and tranny tankies ruin most threads now.

>> No.14719751

it's only going to get worse with the upcoming elections. Back to 2015 tier daily raids

>> No.14720203


>> No.14720585


>> No.14720671

wow, he was really smart wasn't he?

>> No.14720762

Stravinsky lookin ass nigga.

>> No.14720810

>be born a christian bourgeois
>bear the name of the female ape
>get bored with Christianity and secular Christianity, ie free masons, like any midwit low bourgeois
>become infatuated with hindu-chinese Christianity ie vedanta-mahayanism
>exactly the same retardation
>shill the retarded idea that all religions are the same
>die a muslism
>It's really only to make idiots feel righeous and like they are in the know
>100 years alter, people who hold the same view as yours are the bored midwit humanist bourgeois like soccer moms posting on Facebook for virtue signaling

>> No.14721192

>Destroyed buddhism

This is false though.

>> No.14721199

>Only when this viscious circle is broken,
by lobotomy!

>> No.14721204

>100 years alter, people who hold the same view as yours are the bored midwit humanist bourgeois like soccer moms posting on Facebook for virtue signaling

Yeah, most Guenon and Evola supporters are soccer moms.

>> No.14721209

You may be flace blind.

>> No.14721718


>> No.14721892

>>Destroyed science
>Destroyed science
>Destroyed science
>Destroyed science
>Destroyed science

>> No.14722117


>> No.14722672
File: 233 KB, 1837x886, 1568705619493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that Guenonfag can't come up with anything new and just reposts the same pasta he's saved on his notepad?

>> No.14722683

>tfw mods used to actually take down his spams

>> No.14723098

>As far as Mahâyâna is concerned, it is a transformation of Buddhism through a reincorporation of elements borrowed from orthodox doctrines ; and this is what we have written about it, as against Buddhism per se, which is eminently heterodox and antimetaphysical.

- Rene Guenon (pbuh)

>> No.14724017

supremely based

>> No.14724047
File: 447 KB, 1630x1328, 1576282570701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guenon admits that mahayana = advaita
>other hindus acknowledge this, call advaita cryptobuddhism
>scholarship proves that advaita is a copy of mahayana

The cycle is complete..

>> No.14724138

>Guénon's initial evaluation of Buddhism was plagued by an astonishing lack of understanding. This evaluation was suppressed in the English edition of Orient et Occident(Paris, 1924); Guénon later modified it in part, by making some concessions to a "Brahmanic" version of Buddhism, which is truly a Buddhism evirated of the specific and valid elements it possessed at its inception. These specific elements concerned an autonomous way of realization. In this realization, the action of a qualified individual who strives to attain the Unconditioned, even by means of violent efforts is the necessary counterpart of the descent of a force from above, which does not need "initiatory bureaucracies." What Guénon had to say in an unfortunate essay concerning "The Need for a Traditional Exotericism," must also be rejected, since it offers dangerous incentives and alibis to a reactionary and petty-bourgeois conformism. The pedantic representatives of Guénonian scholasticism should rather strive to reach a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the Way of the Left Hand, which is not any less traditional than the Way of Right Hand, and which has the advantage of emphasizing the transcendent dimension proper of every truly initiatory realization and aspiration.

>> No.14725438

tfw mods actually improved :^)

>> No.14725462

>all of those things still exist
>gaynon doesnt
sounds like someone got retroactively refuted

>> No.14725534


>> No.14726181

>Why isn't this genius more widely read?
because if he were to be taught in school the whole rotten edifice of modern society might come collapsing down

>> No.14726242

Guenon claimed to understand Sanskrit and eastern tongues but didn't know the first thing about Buddhism.