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14718420 No.14718420 [Reply] [Original]

Radical reading list that will get the CIA on me. GO

>> No.14718425

Start with Kaczynski

>> No.14718437
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>> No.14718446

The CIA probably has a list of every ip here, so read literally anything

>> No.14718507

Some I've read this year:
Technological slavery
Literally every book on this
Torturing the Villagers
Industial Society and it's Future
Guerilla Warfare

IDK if you really want the government to suspect you of terrorism you need to like get a book on bombs and buy supplies.

>> No.14718514

Islamist literature.

>> No.14718525

Bronze Age Mindset was really fucking good.

>> No.14718555

>a book on bombs
hehe... such as?

>> No.14718575

Download every WikiLeaks cable

>> No.14718581

I dunno dude, thermochemistry book? There's the ragnar benson but I've gotten all those books AND Che's books AND a bunch of other shit and the government literally doesn't give a fuck about me.

>> No.14718585

the Anarchist's cookbook

>> No.14718606

they know you're too pussy to actually do anything

>> No.14718610

This is written by some very misinformed people. You can get really hurt with some of the shit in this book. Still if you're committed to being a terrorist or getting the government to notice you you can try not paying your taxes or keeping unregistered firearms.

>> No.14718615

>ragnar benson
holy shit this dude is based as fuck, where to start with him?

>> No.14718618

lmao like that's a bad thing? I'm no terrorist. If anything I'm on their side.

>> No.14718629


>> No.14718640

probably mantrapping, it's my personal favorite. I like traps and stuff like that. There's also some survival manuals you may want, but desu you're best off getting a local field guide and figure out which plants are edible and bendable and maybe figure out how to build a roof from plants.

You'll learn more about survival and the nature of your land outside than you will from inside most books, and the truth of the matter is these skills only really matter when you're running.

>> No.14718646

lol edgy teenage faggot, I don't see you starting the revolution from mom's basement. If you're so tough go do something, don't pretend to be hard on the internet.

>> No.14718665

like what? what could i even possibly do?

>> No.14718690

Anarchist Cookbook will get you on the FBIs radar

>> No.14718691

Gaddafi's Green Book

>> No.14718711

Exactly, so sit down and keep your mouth shut.

>> No.14718721

>The rental of housing, for example, is exploitation, and infringes the freedom of the renter. Ideally, everyone should have only one house, because if a given party has more than one property, they will be inclined to rent it, thereby exploiting their renters.

>> No.14718727

surely there's something i could do though? blow something up at least. what would you recommend?

>> No.14718736

Amazon Fulfillment Centers

>> No.14718740
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Books won't get the CIA on you, but your reading habits could be used to determine a possible MO if you are arrested for a crime.
>George Lincoln Rockwell
>James Mason
>Ted Kaczynski
>Shoko Asahara
>William Luther Pierce
>David Duke
>Fritz Springmeier
>Malachi Z. York
>O9A/ToB material
>The Cookbook
>The Hitler Book
>The Quran

>> No.14718752

what? why?

>> No.14718753

Leave the bathroom without washing your hands

>> No.14718831

def anarchist cookbook. not technically a "read" but a great way of getting your ass surveilled

>> No.14718843

*deep drag off cigarette*

Don't worry about it, there's a real chance society will collapse in your lifetime. Plummeting birth-rates, loss of resources plague and famine are likely to be a real problem in the next 10-20 years. The virgins of India and China grow up angry with no women, no family and nothing to live for. The rampant consumption of a globalized economy promises the resources of your nation will run out as all items are min-maxed for profit and excavated from the earth. Water loss, topsoil loss and general governmental corruption means that even in the US we're going to experience epic shortages if things keep moving the way they are.

This combined with the divisiveness of modern day politics is a recipe for a new global catastrophe. All you can do is look outside into the woods behind your home, learn the land and plan your escape. I suggest you build yourself a bag with a sleeping bag, a tent, a knife and perhaps a good axe. Maybe some seeds. Set up the tent until you can build your own shelter and live on the land for as long as you can. If you are white, go north. We're equipped to deal with snow and harsh winters- other races are not.

If you're not white you're stuck in a red zone. I suggest you go to the most isolated place possible and try to wait it out. If you're lucky they won't siege your city first.

If you survive then we need to build the AI overlord, any attempts to stop it will result in death or pain and it's the only thing that can save the sum of human knowledge and bring about the singularity. Thanks for listening to my schizoid rant.

>> No.14718898

go away varg

>> No.14718922

this unironically

>> No.14718980
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Not the anons you were replying to but my rebuttal to ever sentence is
>Lol good.
None of this is "bad". It's just a potential outcome based on the observation of a nonspecialist internet user.

>> No.14719021

Maybe renters should stop being such stupid goyim
Seriously, why the fuck do so many retards actually buy into this shit?
>Oh no, I made a decision of my own volition, I've been abused by the borjewzy.
>Help me Marx! I'm too retarded to make my own decisions so I need you to come up with a theory that does away with all personal responsibility

>> No.14719087

It's pretty much a certainty at the moment unless something changes radically.

If you don't care you don't care.

I've been successful in modern society and enjoy many comforts and relationships, it would suck for them to collapse. I'd prefer order and to enjoy my time working out, reading and raising my family.

>> No.14719265

ok boomer

>> No.14719282

I'm not that guy but excellent rebuke. I can see you've got a mastery of language and concepts that exceeds even the most learned scholars. You should feel proud of yourself when you look in the mirror because of how fine-tuned and educated your thoughts are.

Just kidding, end it right now.

>> No.14719302

Literally don't rent if you don't want a rental, retard
>this thing is 'abuse', let me go out of my way to agree to it

>> No.14719332

Maybe if the system spent a merest fraction more of its resources on helping poor people bootstrap instead of cockguzzling the rich then the world would be a nicer place. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.

>> No.14719345
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>calls ppl goyim
>defends borjewzy and rentals

>> No.14719380

There isn't any such thing, wholes are an illusion only parts are real

>> No.14719407

Renting is for suckers, but suckers will be suckers anyways
Who are you to deny them freedom?

>> No.14719436

can't find these for free anywhere... help a broke nigga?

>> No.14719820

go to libgen.is

>> No.14720007


>> No.14720017
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>> No.14720028

the cia doesn't exist

>> No.14720046
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The Principles of Communism, Friedrich Engels
The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism, V. I. Lenin
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, Friedrich Engels
Manifesto of the Communist Party, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
The Foundations of Leninism, J. V. Stalin

Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, Friedrich Engels
Dialectical and Historical Materialism, J. V. Stalin
Anarchism or Socialism?, J. V. Stalin
On Practice and On Contradiction, Mao Zedong
Anti-Dühring (Part I: Philosophy), Friedrich Engels

The State, V. I. Lenin
“Democracy” and Dictatorship, V. I. Lenin
The State and Revolution, V. I. Lenin
On the People’s Democratic Dictatorship, Mao Zedong
The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, Friedrich Engels

Wage Labor and Capital, Karl Marx
Value, Price, and Profit, Karl Marx
Marx’s Economic Doctrine, V. I. Lenin
Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism, V. I. Lenin
Capital (Volume 1), Karl Marx

Critique of the Gotha Programme, Karl Marx
Economics and Politics in the era of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, V. I. Lenin
On the Slogan for a United States of Europe, V. I. Lenin
1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union, (the “Stalin Constitution”)
Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR, J. V. Stalin

Anarchist Nonsense, Friedrich Engels
On Authority, Friedrich Engels
Anarchism or Socialism?, J. V. Stalin
The State and Revolution, V. I. Lenin

>> No.14720054

well since you work for the CIA im sure you know better than any of us.

>> No.14720080

nah, i was just playing along with the real CIA guy. a little bit of a reverse honey-pot to extract information. for some reason, it seems they want me to blow up an amazon fulfillment center. what does it mean?

>> No.14720083


>> No.14720090
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>> No.14720258
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>> No.14720315

Retard faggot alert.

>> No.14720368

reading list that would get you hired by the CIA*

>> No.14720415

I loved harassment architecture.

>> No.14720450

Why do all of these books on amazon have either reviews bombing it or reviews that sound like the writer wrote it?
>this book is shit 0 stars

>> No.14720467

>the state and revolution twice
well it is lenins best work

>> No.14720878

I was considering writing a book on the CIA, I thought better of it for this reason. It would have covered how much of the media is under the control the agency.

It's better you don't know. You lit kids seem depressed enough already.

>> No.14720932


>> No.14720965

I downloaded and read this on my school laptop in 10th grade chemistry and nobody said shit. I read Berserk and the IT guy came during the middle of class to make me delete it. The ACB is a meme at this point and you're gonna have to look for something harder, like maybe instructions for/by ISIS recruits or brownskin terrorist manifestos.

>> No.14721919

Shoulda used it to make and sell LSD at your highschool, that woulda shown them not to take your jap backwards books away

>> No.14722079

That's why.

>> No.14722235

The CIA is a nazi terror group that inherited the third reich's Gehlen organisation so no.

>> No.14722259

State and Revolution made me stop being an anarkiddie.

>> No.14722312

How to bomb the US goverment

>> No.14722337

CIA is a zionist commie kike organization. You're not fooling anybody, now go dilate.

>> No.14722402

>tfw don’t own any of these
Literal midwit tier and incriminating evidence Wes lad

>> No.14722519

no you're thinking FBI, glowies are too busy subverting things like democracy you're a nonentity

>> No.14722541


>> No.14722549

>the Hitler Book
Do you mean Mein kampf Anon?

>> No.14722560

No, he's right but he's forgetting the part where the commies also received the same inheritance.

>> No.14722782

"You won't do anything nigger." ~Anon, moments before Christchurch

>> No.14722823

all the paladin press books
NBK 2000
books or documents on making Semtex
books on birth certificate fraud

>> No.14723313

Get a job

>> No.14723318

Lit? Nah dunno. Not since the board split. B and pol I agree.

>> No.14723321


>> No.14723493

You won't get to.

>> No.14723501

any book in arabic

>> No.14723503

>>O9A/ToB material
I wish I had some

>> No.14723573

Maybe I'm retarded, but I think making quality LSD isn't possible on a highschooler's resources. The recipe on TAC is a bit too simple, I think.

>> No.14723586

This. Anyways, most of the stuff in the book can be parsed together through Wikipedia and YouTube videos nowadays.

>> No.14723600

Helter Skelter
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Mein Kampf

>> No.14723633

Iron Gates
The Brigade by HA Covington

>> No.14723643


you think youre really out there huh

>> No.14723668
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"How to get the CIA on me for Beginners" is a good place to start.

>> No.14723684

BAM is on ZLibrary. Harassment Architecture is now on ZLibrary - I uploaded it yesterday, not sure about the third.

>> No.14723768


>> No.14723827

There isn't any such thing, bodies are an illusion only cells are real.

>> No.14724351

Holy Koran.

>> No.14724368

>Not paying taxes or keeping unregistered firearms

The libertarian dream

>> No.14724450

Lenin's best work is leading the revolution through to the end. S&R wasn't even something he adhered to in practice. It's a bit of theory that contained a good deal of idealism.

>> No.14724518

The cia doesn't care about you dude they've been embarrassingly neutered since the 80s

>> No.14724796

this, truthfully.

>> No.14725594
