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14712330 No.14712330 [Reply] [Original]

Essential right-wing literature?

>> No.14712338

the republic

>> No.14712343

Delicious Tacos is a degenerate leftist who only hangs out with right wingers because the left is too puritanical

>> No.14712352

>a degenerate leftist who only hangs out with right wingers because the left is too puritanical
feel like this describes 90% of the modern online right

>> No.14712385

If you have ever read any three of those books unironically then you're a brainlet retard.

>> No.14712389

>heh im a lefrist but get this I say the NWORD and hate minorities online as a joke

Makes sense

>> No.14712395

this unironically apart from Bronze Age Mindset which is actually good

>> No.14712443

If you believe that bronze age bullshit is literature you are an absolute degenerate. Waste of oxygen

>> No.14712498

lmfao can you blame him when lefties do nothing but post gay ass passive aggressive shit like this

>> No.14712515

Mein Kampf?

>> No.14712528

delicious tacos is a degenerate coomer, and mike ma completely ripped off his style. BAP is relatively based tho

>> No.14712534
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>> No.14712577
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This nigga right here

>> No.14712775

>Harassment Architecture

I had this book recommended to me by amazon and it sounds terrible, do people actually read it?

>> No.14712796

>duuuude whoa right wing is about being an edgy racist and stuff xD

>> No.14712928

Look dude, I don't really care what your politics are. If you shrink away when someone says nigger (or really any word you don't like) then you're a frail pussy and shouldn't involve yourself in politics. Go take up gardening or collection of funko-pop dolls or something that suits your temperament.

>> No.14712960

This inevitably will happen when any rational discussion of right-wing ideas is completely suppressed and shut out of mainstream conversation, so that the only place you can discuss it is anonymously on the internet.

>> No.14712992

I made the mistake of ordering it. I mostly liked the cover. The book is unironically terrible. It's like someone found my microsoft word doc I use to write idiotic rants when I'm feel especially angry and/or autistic. They didn't even bother editing it or anything, they just took it and published it.
I say this as someone who really enjoyed the other two books in the OP

>> No.14713030

Get the audiobook. it is funny. Beyond that there isn't much.

>> No.14713043

This. Almost anything promoted by the right-wing today is trash.

>> No.14713057
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>> No.14713068
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not essential but good nonetheless

>> No.14713081

what is promoted by the left-wing today? it seems to me that the burgeoning energy on the left today is all on breadtube and the only things they seem to care about are promoting "sex work", "trans rights" and bashing the alt-right (but in reality they spend most of their time attacking milquetoast alt-lite/intellectual dark web centrist types)

>> No.14713092

>what is promoted by the left-wing today?
tu quoque

>> No.14713102

i'm just curious mate, what do you think the left promotes today?

>> No.14713109

cringe and blue-pilled

>> No.14713110

Here is a good list from /pol/

>> No.14713117

>what do you think the left promotes today?
Pure shit, except income redistribution that seems about right since it benefits everyone, even the rich. But I'm not talking about any bolshevick cuban soviet shit. I lean towards nordic socialdemocracy.

Other than that the left is pure shit and so is the right.

>> No.14713180
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Pic related is right wing literature. It’s about a farmer who tells you exactly how he deals with regulations and how much they suck ass.

>> No.14713204


>> No.14713220

The left does not promote anything either. The left promotes complete bullshit, but that doesn't mean that the right doesn't as well.
Any book for right-wing people that is actually worth reading was already been written 50+ years ago.

>> No.14713231

If you unironically believe that unbridled capitalism and free market economics and trade is 'right-wing' you are literally the most retarded person on this board.

>> No.14713250

in (current year) basically anyone to the right of stalin is considered right wing

>> No.14713273

It's a total misrepresentation of conservative/reactionary views, though. No real reactionary is going "REMEMBER THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN WE HUNG NIGGERS" These /pol/ dipshits are just making it harder for genuinely right wing people to defend their position. They are to the right what morbidly obese purple-haired tankies are to the left.

>> No.14713276

The greatest trick of the system was tricking Right-Wingers into thinking capitalism is in any way conservative.

>> No.14713299

Wrong, you are just not acquainted. Nor are they popular enough to have reached you.

>> No.14713325

the bible

>> No.14713332
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>implying a pattern of human economic behavior is in any way political

>> No.14713351

This guy doesn’t represent a big fucking corporation you dick. If anything, regulations help big companies and hurt the little guy because only the big companies are able to pay for all of the shit that the regulations require.

>> No.14713365

The problem is the exact opposite. The right's positions are indefensible in a society that has adopted human rights as it's foundation.

The first step would be to admit that the UN genocide convention was a mistake and go from there.

>> No.14713381

wow you send very enlightened and intelligent. can i buy your ebook

>> No.14713397
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>> No.14713399
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most leftists are pretty supportive of capitalism and corporate power as long as they push cultural marxism, ''diversity'' and lgbt gender ideology. Leftists are ultimately slave moralists, passive consumer cattle with pink hair, who having rejected self reliance and virtue as inherently ''fascist'', stand powerless to actually resist the system or provide a working alternative to it. These people actively relish victimhood, can't create or appreciate art. they just want an authoritarian mommy figure, represented by the HR and marketing departments or by the people's social workers, no real difference, to take care of them while they pursue the same stagnant lifestyle of nihilistic hedonism and consumption. Leftists are weak, are terribly afraid of themselves and independent thought and can only feel better by dragging others down to their level. Look how they suddenly become outraged if you criticise pornography, lgbt indoctrination at schools and the genital mutilation of children, ''woke'' entertainment(remember when anti consumerism was a left wing position? I do), psychiatry, videogames, or mandatory vaccination.

>> No.14713401

Governments control:
- currency
- interest rates
- education
- most of health care
- 1/3 of people need licenses to work
- govt owns all property (pay property taxes or leave)
- massive forced govt income transfers
- endless regulations
But yeah, tell me more about all that CAPITALISM kids.

The notion that conservatives are all afraid, neurotic, dogmatic, and reactionary might be better framed as conservatives are sensitive to real risks and want to preserve the features of civilization that have made life so comfortable for millions, even billions, of people.

>> No.14713407
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Wrong. Read Burke.

>> No.14713415

care to upload it pls?

>> No.14713428

So this is the power of TPUSA

>> No.14713440

So this is the power of the tranny discord

>> No.14713448

I've read the Amazon samples of Delicious Tacos books and they're all lowbrow Bukowskian trite that only morons who think gratuitous vulgarity and profanity equates to wit.

>> No.14713455

i can't imagine many neocons being intellectually capable of operating an electronic device, though i could be wrong

>> No.14713506

Obviously it was their intention to ostracise normal right-wing views and thereby foster extremist retards like we see on /pol/.
Makes perfect sense from the standpoint of the left.

>> No.14713514

Why would they need to? their Mossad handlers probably do all the IT work for them

>> No.14713519
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>Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.14713525
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This was pretty gud

>> No.14713530

aren't those just self published by anonymous 4chan autists? I'm considering writing a book it the shite they wrote is what is defining this culture.
btw whats that russian novel about the guy who doesn't get out of bed?

>> No.14713534

There is no such thing as moral government. Any government structure is just a façade to keep the ruling class in power. Even “human rights”

I have no idea where you are but just find a historical character or place and study them

>> No.14713544

Trannies are literally a product of modern capitalism; "transgenderism" is a scam created by pharmaceutical companies and the medical-industrial complex

>> No.14713551

>Having a ruling class is immoral

>> No.14713561

You begin by unmasking egalitarianism as a noble lie and deconstruct Liberalism from there.

>> No.14713669

Not denying that, but who is to say that that those pharmaceutical companies will continue to do so if they are to be treated as private businesses? Get the government out of healthcare.

>> No.14713682

>Extremely high probability of being taken over by rent seekers and private interests to the detriment of citizens
Private industry
>Literally designed by its nature to be as mercenary and dispassionate to citizens as possible since people are always a means to an end for stake holders
You're choosing to lick CEO boots instead of government boots thinking there's any real difference in outcome

>> No.14713691

"The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy" by Stoddard

Anything by Joseph de Maistre ("Throne and Altar" Guy)

Spanish Falangists: Onésimo, Primo de Rivera, Ledesma Ramos, etc.

Portuguese Integralism (Salazar Is obligatory)

Brazilian Integralism, especially Plínio Salgado, the "Brazilian Mosley" and Gustavo Barroso

>> No.14713705

>Portuguese Integralism (Salazar Is obligatory)
Post literature on Salazar and the Estado Novo in English, I have been looking for years and found nothing

>> No.14713721

Nicolás Gomez Dávila and Ortega y Gasset. Good authors too

>> No.14713732


Brazilians and Spanish and other latinx are not white, they are PoC who whave internalised white supremacy

>> No.14713734

Read Moldbug
Read The Dark Enlightenment
Read Spandrells Bioleninism article

That should be enough to get you started.

>> No.14713744

I'll see if I find anything

>> No.14713771

the bioleninism article is hilariously offensive

>> No.14713776

priestesses of inana crushing their testicles between rocks in ancient sumeria were LITERALLY products of big pharma? gee, sport, you sure showed me

>> No.14713800

with CEOs, you have a choice

>> No.14713805

there are many sinister parallels to the current transgender movement in the annals of sects and debased Pagan mystery cults, see also the russian skopsy or the priests of cybeles. If they were just self aware perverts I might be okay with them, but I suspect they are doing it for ideological reasons. progressivism is an evil pagan religion

>> No.14713807

Have you read a single one of these books since you started making these threads multiple years ago? Because I'm not convinced you have.

>> No.14713808

>This one historical corner case in bumbfuck nowhere is enough to discredit your generalized argument

>> No.14713815
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The Bitcoin Standard

>> No.14713824

my point is that the behaviors you're talking about have consistently appeared throughout recorded history, you just don't like them and don't think they should be encouraged/"permitted"

>> No.14713892

Fringe behaviors do not become benign when they're unmasked as "widely practiced."
The practices of creating court eunuchs or castrati, while evidently immoral, is NOT the same thing as industrial scale chemical castration of boys who had the misfortune of putting on a dress when they were 3. All of it is bad.

>> No.14713907

So you're blaming the government instead of capitalism? The two are indistinguishable. The government is essentially just the executive tool that monied-power utilises to achieve its own end. The government is funded and run by international financial interests. If you are truly right-wing, you will be against capitalism, which is the most destructive and progressive force in history.

>> No.14714022
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>> No.14714135

Lothrop Stoddard, in addition to his sociological accomplishments, is an excellent writer.

>> No.14714149

If you've ever seen Antifa-types at protests and rallies you'll know at once bioleninism is real.

>> No.14714164

Name one good right-wing book in the last 20 years.

>> No.14714303

Mein Kampf
The Lightning and the Sun
The Dharma Manifesto
Sun and Steel
The Camp of the Saints
For My Legionaries
Metaphysics of War
Bhagavad Gita
The Impeachment of Man
Can Life Prevail?

I got a lot of stuff in my personal views from Aristotle and Plato too

>> No.14714322

how about focusing on genital mutilation of children that actually happens, like infant circumcision and "corrective" surgeries on intersex children? no one under the age of 18 should be getting surgery done. at most they can get on puberty blockers, which simply delay puberty until they're old enough to figure out what the hell they're doing. the only negative reported side effects are literally because its primary usage is/was for elderly people dying of cancer.

personally I think tranny panic is just the new gay panic. it's outrage bait and you're only focusing on it because conceptually trannies disgust you more than bimbos getting their tits done or middle school girls getting rhinoplasties or regular child "beauty pageants" (pedo farms). I think you're stupid & I think you're mistaking a symptom for the cause.

>> No.14714342

Cool it with the antisemetic remarks.

>> No.14714345

I'm not the one who brought up trannies you fucking retard, I was accused of being a tranny for mocking his gay libertarian understanding of capitalism

>> No.14714359

Almost everything written by E Michael Jones, Kevin MacDonald, and Paul Kersey.

Just for starters.

>> No.14714388

it's great

>> No.14714414

>moving the goalpost and whataboutism

>> No.14714428


>> No.14714446

If you don't know the Latin name for that fallacy odds are you can't identify it either.

>> No.14714495

This IS what the conservatives of old believed in when they were monarchists. And it’s what they stand for now when they’re national-nazi-ists

>> No.14714499

my mistake then. I'm sick of hearing about trannies and wanted to make things unpleasant and irritating for everyone else in the thread in retaliation for bringing them up
easy there champ let's not dig into tough questions like whether or not you/trannies should legally have bodily autonomy. this is a literature board
oy vey

>> No.14714540

>Libido Dominandi

>> No.14714605
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Those are meme books, try these, much better

>> No.14715171

Didn’t read tacos but the other two were garbage. Hard to finish even though they’re super short

>> No.14715205

Kill yourself degenerate scum

>> No.14715221
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>> No.14715227
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>> No.14715238
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>> No.14715250
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>> No.14715261
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>> No.14715272
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>> No.14715275

Hormone blockers fuck up your development for life. Starting puberty at 10 and 17 are radically different, and no amount of delusion will change what is obviously evident

>> No.14715281
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>> No.14715285
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>> No.14715292


found him

>> No.14715300
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>> No.14715315

Idk if Kantbot is really right wing

>> No.14715320

well literally none of that is true so have a sad cum bb. look into the effects of iodine in the water supply. delayed adolescence actually has a lot of benefits.

>> No.14715321
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>> No.14715329
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>> No.14715381

I really like Gobineau's work but it kinda ruins it for me knowing he was a cuck who raised another guy's kid with his wife who wasn't even white.

>> No.14715400

>he was a cuck who raised another guy's kid

>> No.14715471

>Everyone share their wives and kids!

>> No.14715811
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I think a problem is that ideas that are associated with right wing are actually good neutral ideas that communists who love to control people read and then feared them as threatening their control over the people so they were labeled as right wing or facist in order to poison the well and scare people away from ideas that have neutral political orientation. If I said for example we need to live like our ancestors and get rid of womens lib and be farmers or hunter gatherers who dont consume western media and rely on ourselves some retarded libtard in a major city would see that idea and say its right wing. This then worsens things because it then becomes harder to disern what is a right wing idea because our politics are so heavily influenced by a left wing communist control system that literally everything outside of that system or goes against it is "right wing". At that point calling something rightwing lacks any fucking meaning because the term has no clear definition and varies from person to person.
Its kinda like how being racist strictly means to actively discriminate against someone as to limit their freedoms or prosperous life conditions simply because of their ethnicity and no other reason but now a days American retards think that racist is saying black people like chicken or asian people are good at math.
Basically America is such a retarded backwards country that trying to communicate ideas in english has become a fucking problem because the zionists have applied moral relavism to words so that everyone has such a widely ranging interpreration that you could speak a paragraph to someone that you think has a clear meaning and because all the words are so subjective to them If I was white person and said i was discriminated against because of my religious beliefs 90% of people living in Newyork would likely stop reading there and discount my entire piece because to them a white person cant be a victim of racism. But at the same time if I was a tranny writing a piece about Terfs and gender canceling and how im an invisible minority being oppresed by white males then these same people would eat up all my words. ITs like within a generation English has changed to a degree where you might as well be speaking Chinese to people if you have a different view of the world and theres no way to deprogram them.
I remember speaking to a tranny about how identity politics was dangerous and i showed care and compassion in that my idea is that there were social engineers who were out to brainwash people into notions that there could be demigoth vampires and this retarded leftist lost it on me and said i was being a bully for not acknowleding genders outside of a "binary paradigm" and then this person decided physical violence and death threats were necessary.
You can now see how insane leftists are and their brainwashing is so severe that they perceive compassionate and sincere words as something that threatens them.

>> No.14715859

Why are so many of you trannies libertarians? Don't you want the state to pay for your SRS?

>> No.14715892

I agree with what you said.
One of the most successful and powerful achievements that the left-wing has been able to make is to completely manipulate, obfuscate and ultimately weaponise the language that we use to their own means in order to attack their enemies.
Just think that they are able to completely discredit your ideas and ostracise you for life by calling you a name, because over decades they have managed to imbue so much power into a word like 'racist' or 'nazi' that it literally evokes vitriolic, rabid hatred in most people.

>> No.14715897

Everything except the selected writing's of jose primo de rivera are strait trash.

>> No.14715909

Keep looking.
Other wise enjoy translating works in portugese.
Decent post.

>> No.14716110
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This thread is full of meme garbage which has nothing to do with being right wing.

Read Burke, Coleridge, Hegel, T.S. Eliot, etc. And start with the Greeks.

>> No.14716127

>> Start with the Greeks

This is implied for those who are not stupid, at least

>> No.14716142

How the fuck do you market your book when it's anti establishment and youre publishing pseudonymously ??

How did these books catch on

>> No.14716147

OK I'll bite, what is the QRD on Harassment Architecture?

>> No.14716148

a lot of suburban white teenagers in the world who were picked on by a minority at school looking for an identity

>> No.14716151
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>those who are not stupid
This entire thread is stupid. Look at how it got started. Nobody recommending Nazi esotericism and postmodern "conservative" radicalism started with the Greeks.
>b-but I read the Republic!!
This is not how to start with Greek philosophy proper.

>> No.14716154


I mean , how did people even hear about the book. There are like thousands of shitty books that no one ever reads so how does someone without a following attain readership?

>> No.14716156

minorities are overrepresented in these altright circles, especially Hispanics

>> No.14716165

Remember that story about fecal matter being found on raw chicken? Farmers are also keen on pumping you full of suoy and girly hormones. True right-wing thought understands blood and soil. That is, not all soil should be farmland, and not all blood should be pumped full of wacky wacky chemicals that them darn reg-yoo-laters want us to stop ingesting.

>> No.14716177

You will never pass.

>> No.14716179

yessir I'm right wing, please stuff me full of fast food and dang'nammit that nigger better MARRY my daughter before he fucks her

>> No.14716186
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>> No.14716197

creating a twitter following over the course of 10 years

>> No.14716215
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You'll never succeed in politics and everything you love will turn to shit.

>> No.14716230

You just defined capitalism as a pattern of human behavior. "patterns of human behavior" are the basis of the framing/re-framing of government policy. It's easy to say "oh well capitalism didn't do that, it was huuuuuman naaaature, capitalists just sold people the products that made them fat and then also proceeded to spend billions obsessively combing the human brain to make people buy more of their health-ruining products, you see capitalism is just reactionary..." but in a right-wing system is there must be a conception of positive freedom, the elimination of unaesthetic whims. "reactionary" consumerist systems actively and desperately fight against the right-wing idealist so whether you want to define it as political or not capitalism has become a political issue.

>> No.14716235

I'm not a farmer, I assume you view regulations as "draw a pink pony on your barn" or something superficial like that and not "don't give your customers cancer"

>> No.14716239
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>> No.14716260

notes from the underground

>> No.14716263

"Capitalism" is not an ideology, it is a spontaneously occurring system. Anyone that uses the term "capitalism" in a political context is a closeted Marxist, regardless of whether or not they are aware of it.

>> No.14716264


>> No.14716268
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>> No.14716280
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>everyone i dont like is a tranny
You still have to read Burke.

>> No.14716301
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>he isn't a rechtshegelianer
The absolute state of /pol/tards.

>> No.14716342

pretty sure I heard somewhere that hormone blockers decreased IQ significantly

>> No.14716343

The Controversy of Zion

>> No.14716346

sure, would "consumerism" be a better word?

>> No.14716398
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Sure, but please remember that consumerism is distinct from capitalism. We can argue against an unlimited pursuit of prosperity without attacking capitalism or turning to state-imposed equality. There really is no economic solution to this. If society is a corrupted piece of shit where everyone hates one another and dreams of apocalyptic fire it should not surprise anyone that our economy reflects this.

>> No.14716638

>national socialism
>right wing

>> No.14716645
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What are books that correctly identify marketing and advertisement as the real antichrist of our modern civilization, and the way it betrayed humanity?

>> No.14716651

Not that guy but in my 35 years of living I've met exactly 0 intelligent people who use the word nigger seriously and 0 intelligent people who use it among friends a lot jokingly. This is not political. The former almost couldn't exist because they'd be oblivious logical fallacy and therefor unintelligent whereas the ladder almost couldn't exist because anyone who would do that has an extremely unintelligent understanding of comedy.

>> No.14716681

Ok nigger

>> No.14716693

I tried readin Bronze Age Mindset, but to me this was like listening to the crazy drunk guy at a party: there are some good ideas in his hour long rant, but most of it is just an unordered clusterfuck.

>> No.14716901

the n word is funny fuck you

>> No.14716907

Wow nice refutation anon, please direct me to your book where you refute the other 7 authors.

>> No.14716911

You wouldn’t. Read it

>> No.14716912

Serrano is mentally insane but at least he was good willed I suppose.

>> No.14717106

>The ladder almost couldn't exist
Poor ladder. It's just trying to keep you happy.

Seriously though, the topic isn't about the specific word nigger. It's about your inability to cope with other's usage of words you find distasteful without turning into a whiny bitch. Also intelligent =\= serious (as this board is plenty evidence of). There are tons and tons of fairly intelligent people who fall into the trap of leftist ideological constructs because they explicitly entertain their abstract concepts of good and can distract from the concrete reality they interact with every day. In a certain way, you have a similar effect to that "Dunning Kruger mount stupid" meme where people who are too unintelligent to buy the abstractions are capable of serious political conversation and conversely people on the other side of that curve who can see through the distractions are capable of serious thought.

Basically, I don't care about your level of literacy or your ability to interact with abstract mental games (which is primarily what we consider intelligence). If you have at the center of your belief structure a concept of universal egalitarianism or anti-hierarchical organization you're not a serious person when it comes to political issues. You have no interest in engaging with reality and focus your moral efforts instead on the abstract wrongs of the world because the concrete problems either appear too complex or too difficult to tackle.

>> No.14717114
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>> No.14717129

> whereas the ladder almost couldn't exist
Why do you hate accessibility implements so much?? :'(

>> No.14717133

Yes but it's based because he talks about Jews, Chad and pepe

>> No.14717148
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>> No.14717215

>it is funny.
lol, what's this gay shit?
lol, is this a real book?

>> No.14717229

Mostly alt-lite garbage.

>> No.14717358

The Medium is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan
Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman
Propaganda by Jaques Ellul
The Attention Merchants by Tim Wu

>> No.14717377
File: 47 KB, 622x451, 8FDA0BD7-120E-4A23-B614-F590037739EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post that destroyed leftism

>> No.14717400

Absolutely based recs

>> No.14717409

Who? The most based man on /lit/ ?

>> No.14717481

I have a 140IQ, an Engineering degree, and design RF circuitry for a living. In 2020 seeing an anonymous post is counts as "meeting" on some level.
>The ladder almost couldn't exist because anyone who would do that has an extremely unintelligent understanding of comedy.
Ladders are for reaching high places not making people laugh. I reckon that the first person to assemble a ladder was pretty clever.

>> No.14717496

Anything by Plato really

>> No.14717502

>autistic bugman stemlord thinks he's better than the rest of the braindead proles

>> No.14718279


>> No.14718324

this is "we wuz" tier trash

>> No.14718361

>Ledesma Ramos

He is not right-wing

>> No.14718487

All my professors have been leftists and all I have been reading is the canon for their classes basically. Face it, the right is brainless and tasteless.

>> No.14718637

But you are trans, aren't you.

>> No.14718765

Amazing how you brainlets convince yourselves your narratives are correct...

>> No.14718769

"Trash" being defined as anything critical of jewish collectivism.

>> No.14719680
File: 184 KB, 792x1122, WxJ0NCuibUE0_j5EN7BxM3XdDoiDejeEt3028xNQtmI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no property without the state. In fact, monarchies objectively have a much better track record of protecting property rights than republics or democracies. I really don't see how this connects with nazism.
No. I just appreciate beautiful women.