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/lit/ - Literature

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14708435 No.14708435 [Reply] [Original]

Get this. You literally can't tell a difference between a read person and an unread person in real life. Or a person that reads Dostoevsky and a person that reads John Green.
A YA reader that presents his idea in a lucrative way will appear more wise than you and me that read Tolstoy or Nietzsche.
The window is so small in real life interactions you can't display any nuances of your depth or wisdom.
So what's the point?

>> No.14708451

>he reads to mog other people
grow up

>> No.14708454

>It’s only good if it’s perceived by others as good.
Are you a girl? Teenager?

>> No.14708456

I know.

>> No.14708467

You read to change the way you look at the world, not the way the world looks at you

>> No.14708483

look, don't lie, you don't feel cheated when the described scenario happens?

>> No.14708505

No. I’ve never made an effort to impress anybody, ever.

>> No.14708516

Dare I say it?

>> No.14708524
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Sure, anon

>> No.14708530

How do you attain knowledge just to keep it to yourself? You don't feel the desire to let it flow somewhere, be it by mouth or by pen?

>> No.14708546

Do you not also feel the desire to pounce upon any attractive woman you see walking the street alone and rape her then and there?

>> No.14708559

Do you not feel the need, every time you pass a vending machine, to rain a series of punches and kicks upon it, to crack the glass and (how hard could it be?) topple the thing like a Saddam Hussein statue, darting away with armfuls of peanut butter cracker snacks?

>> No.14708565

i prefer to let it flow by coom

>> No.14708572

You should read for yourself. I try to hide my intellectual interests as much as I can.

>> No.14708586

No. I don’t have anything to contribute there. I’m a dilettante and a consumer, if I make anything it’s private and just for practice, because it’s usually bad.
Sometimes I’ll anonymously post here.

>> No.14708589

Where's the fun in that?

>> No.14708595

The reading.

>> No.14708597

>You literally can't tell a difference between a read person and an unread person in real life. Or a person that reads Dostoevsky and a person that reads John Green.
This is false. I can see the difference in the way that they walk. Maybe you're too stupid to notice it. If you weren't sitting within the confines of your small mind thinking about what witty thing you'll post to /lit/ next, maybe you would notice things in the real world.
I typed this only after reading the first two sentences and the next few sentences prove me right.
>A YA reader that presents his idea in a lucrative way will appear more wise than you and me that read Tolstoy or Nietzsche.
>The window is so small in real life interactions you can't display any nuances of your depth or wisdom.
You definitely sit within your mind all day as opposed to observing the real world. You vastly overestimate your own """wisdom""". You clearly don't enjoy reading. I bet you struggle to read just one book a month.

>> No.14708600

>because it’s usually bad
well there's your reason

>> No.14708607

Philosophy and the arts are ends in themselves. I don't use them to boost my social persona. Don't be an arthoe.

>> No.14708611

I read more articles than books

>> No.14708612

Well, the alternative doesn't seem to be giving you any joy, so try and enjoy reading for its own sake.

>> No.14708618

okay, but what if I say I observed the same for others?
I've met both heavy readers and light readers in real life. In parties and social gatherings

>> No.14708622

Unironically the most intelligent post in the thread.

>> No.14708636

When I get the feeling that I figured something out, I feel the need to shared and be admired for it. isn't admiration desired by all? If you say you dont want that or wont enjoy that you'll be lying

>> No.14708672

I don’t know what to tell you, dude. Validation is not a high priority for me.

>> No.14708681

>I feel the need to shared and be admired for it.
How is that working out for you, reading so you'll be admired?

>> No.14708684

unironically, have sex

>> No.14708690

I didn't mean that. I said when I feel like I have an unique observation while reading.

>> No.14708694

Everyone feels like this, it is normal. However, not everyone is autistic about it like you. Most people are content to simply admire themselves and share only when the chance is presented

>> No.14708702

This is my favorite description of rape to date. Pure Keebler, desu.

>> No.14708703

It will be long until you have a unique observation, anon. That's if you ever do. Don't fool yourself.

>> No.14708704

The people I know in real life who read classical literature and philosophy don't talk about it and don't try to impress people with it. We only talk about it one on one or in small groups. Your friends probably don't enjoy reading either if their only motivation to read is to name-drop some fancy sounding surnames to ignorant people. You care so much about the opinions of fools when it comes to judging wisdom. Are you looking to enrich yourself purely for yourself, being able to keep it a secret from everybody? Or are you looking to impress stupid people? Trying to find a middle ground between enriching yourself and impressing idiots is going to end in failure. Just browse Reddit r/showerthoughts and read summaries of philosophy books (and lie about having read it) if you're looking to impress idiots.

>> No.14708712

I don't get this. Why would you be ashmed to say that you read certain book instead of saying that you watched certain film or Netflix series? If at the end, all is entertainment.

>> No.14708723

is it entertainment? is it something more? do you learn from literature? do you learn from TV?

>> No.14708742

If you reference a work outside of the popular or conventional underground scene you're useless in social situations because of how little anyone would be able to relate or discuss it with you. Most, if not all, intellectual works fall outside of a lot of people's sphere of recognizable art. It has no social value whatsoever.

>> No.14708744

Because not only that many people don't care, but also that many others will actively hate you for it. Also, you don't want to be associated with pretender try-hards. Simply put, there is no good in sharing it.

But of course when I meet people with similar interests I talk freely.

>> No.14708756

Fair enough. The question still stands, though - and I'm replying assuming you're OP. The admiration from your perceived breakthroughs in literature isn't there, and this could be for a number of reasons. Nevertheless, you're not getting what you want. You can shout that people don't care about your insights, or that better communicators (but who aren't as well-read as you perceive yourself to be) hear more praise - but that won't change the way the world behaves. It might be time to reevaluate what exactly you want out of reading.

>> No.14708767
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I read Virginia Woolf specifically to spite you retarded, "everything must be intellectual," faggots.
>Why yes, I'm reading a short story about a woman falling asleep under an apple try. No, there's no deeper meaning.

>> No.14708772

based retard

>> No.14708779
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>> No.14708780

>I can see the difference in the way that they walk.
Not OP, was this a metaphor? If not, how can you tell?

>> No.14708787

>If at the end, all is entertainment.
If. Just because you can go around talking about your particular esoteric interests it doesn't mean others will discuss it or be willing to hear your monologue regarding it. Most people aren't frequenters of an Egyptian papyrus deciphering forum.

>> No.14708790

Although I don't read to impress people, what you describe has not been my personal experience. Reading classical and more challenging literature has had an effect on me in terms of successful communication and my ability to present convincing or appealing ideas to others.

>> No.14708813

No, why bother? Most people are simps anywags. I like to read philosophy so I have something to play with in my head while I interact with the peons.

>> No.14708815

Holy shit you sound like such a fucking bugman.

>What's the point of reading if it doesn't increase my social score?

Why are you even here?

>> No.14708843

It's intuitive. Observe more people and talk to more people and make this conclusion for yourself. If you need some scrap of objective evidence, motor coordination is used as an IQ measure in apes and as a predictor in IQ for infants and children. Neurological function and motor coordination are definitely correlated. Science won't tell you exactly how neurological function relates to personality and to motor function, so this is where your intuition comes in. If you are intuitive then you notice patterns that nobody is able to explain.

>> No.14708943

I stick to listening to how people talk. The less ideology, the better. This system can backfire though because schizophrenics have very little ideology, so they break my filter. It took me a bit to figure out why I found them compelling despite the utter absurdity of their spewings. This also clues you in to some not very well read people who are independent thinking. I'll take someone who attempts self generated statements over meme vomiters any day. It's an attempt to filter the verbal equivalent of "I saw it and I clapped."

>> No.14708959

Esposing knowledge and rape are the same thing.

>> No.14708972

>Giving a shit about 'real' people
Do you even read?

>> No.14708991

>You literally can't tell a difference between a read person and an unread person in real life.
You can't? You can't. You can't!

>> No.14709010

Anon all this post reveals in that you never go out and meet people in real life

>> No.14709226
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Think about your post more, OP, you're on the verge of becoming a real Zen Master

>> No.14709404

Op is a woman.
They want to use everything as makeup.

>> No.14710214

>The window is so small in real life interactions you can't display any nuances of your depth or wisdom.

You sound like an awful conversationalist.

>> No.14710228

>You literally can't tell a difference between a read person and an unread person in real life.

>> No.14710377

Casual conversation isnt the place for higher discussion to begin with. I wont lie sometimes I do wish to converse about knowledge that I acquired but thats done with my peers and colleagues who already share my interests. Not Stacy from Anatomy class who couldnt care any less how smart I perceive myself to be.

>> No.14710557

which work of woolfe?

>> No.14711680

You're just too dumb to do it man. It's easy as shit to name-drop writers and show the depth of your ideas in discussions with normals.
Mogging other people is my motivation to do anything. I learned Russian just to flex on Spanishtards. I fucking hate Russia.

>> No.14712258

it's better to be well informed but to pretend to hide it around other people, that way you can manipulate them easier. Only simps flout their "intelligence"

>> No.14712924

>I try to hide my intellectual interests as much as I can.
This, not it’s have such a strange and skewed view of the world I can’t even relate to them anymore. All my colleagues are selfish, petty, narcissistic, close minded, shortsighted interested only in their own satisfaction.

>> No.14712934

Yet even what emerges from the mouths of idiots is more telling via an ear tuned by art intended to be helpful to the reader--for exactly that purpose among many others. Most especially as it pertains to temperament and its persistent effects on conduct. In person I talk or not to people according to exactly the same playfully spontaneous impulses as before reading Montaigne & Shakespeare, and with the same affection & curiosity about what they're like, but what's changed is mostly what goes on while I'm listening--the enhanced & more instant vision of what was formerly more hidden, intentionally or not. At the same time, transparency also goes with innate virtue egotism that isn't practiced as a matter of policy, such that people who freely narrate incidents from their own lives at slight prompting are almost invariably benign. And nothing says dagger quite like a cloak against storytelling, since only rare geniuses can fabricate personal anecdotes that are more than plausible, and fewer still what life will subsequently imitate, for good or ill.

>> No.14713977

is that ben garrison? what's happening ere

>> No.14714107


>> No.14714121

this sort of shit makes white people laugh?

>> No.14714763

>A YA reader that presents his idea in a lucrative way will appear more wise than you and me that read Tolstoy or Nietzsche.
They should've read Chesterton.

>> No.14714771

Back to your containment board

>> No.14715838

>shooting a big hunk of steel with surfaces that point back at you from four feet away

And I used to believe he was smart.

>> No.14715858

There's no other reason to read. As entertainment/art books have been made obsolete by video games and cinema. As a resource for knowledge they've been made obsolete by the internet.

The only things books still have going for them is the fact that reading is still considered a sign on intelligence for some reason.

>> No.14715881

There is absolutely nothing else like poetry among the arts in my opinion, it's like literal magic made out of words, the same way music is for sound, and I like all the other forms of literature as well though not as much.

>> No.14716002
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I don't get what you mean, what containment board is >>14714121 from? I did find >>14708559 's comment humorous though, too bad most vending machines are placed strategically such that I'm never left alone with them. There were even a couple at my uni that had energy drinks, just imagine the value prospects. Though, if you sympathize with me on that last point, you'll despair to know that a No Frills supermarket recently closed down near where I live and they were selling (as part of a closing sale) energy drinks at 77 cents a can, but I was lazy that day and caffeine makes me unproductive (but I drink it anyway lmao), so I didn't walk over there to buy any.

>> No.14716015

This is not true at all.

>> No.14716045

There's something to be said for the difference between video games and novels. If the two were capable of being placed next to each other on a scale of factors you'd expect there to be an in-between missing link, like a well regarded choose-your-own-adventure book for adults, but of course no such thing exists. People that play video games often talk about wanting "deep" narratives with multiple paths (never forget about the multiple paths because mr. retard basedface definitely wants to play through the game multiple times to observe the narrative differences he could have watched on youtube). The most obvious amusing element in vidya is obviously the gameplay whose appeal can be derived obviously from the same drives that motivate us to play sports or solve puzzles (even the most mindless puzzles and games, such as Snakes and Ladders or Jigsaws, have large audience). The narrative appeal of vidya can obviously be attributed to the same drives that push us to watch movies or tv shows (the blend of superficial narrative told through audio and visuals). The link between books and vidya is much more tenuous, the former lacking all the sensory elements of the latter. The enjoyment of a novel is a fundamentally more abstract experience stimulated by the mind, whereas video games is (if I were to be cruel) are largely masturbatory.

>> No.14716051

>obvious amusing element in vidya is obviously the gameplay whose appeal can be derived obviously
excuse me as I go hang myself

>> No.14716062

lol it's ok anon. just slow down and think about what you're typing

>> No.14716067

Do you read to impress other people? Do you engage in philosophy and study authors so you can have some deep shit to say to someone at a party unlucky enough to have been trapped in a conversation with your dumbass because they’re too polite to cut you off? If you actually gave a shit about culture and wisdom you’d kick your own ass right now.

>> No.14716112

you talk to people that read actual books and not garbage

>> No.14716139

It's pretty easy to tell the fuckin difference. The reason you can't is because you're a child. Anyone you interact with has been reading seriously for 6-8 years at the maximum. Pseud post. An hero heavily implied. Jannies, clean up on aisle itt

>> No.14716231

>So what's the point?
To read what those people wrote, you idiot?
I am not surprised you think reading is all about appearance. You are obviously too retarded to understand this

>> No.14716316
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>As a resource for knowledge they've been made obsolete by the internet.
For surface knowledge only useful to mog people, yes, but not for any real understanding.

>> No.14717415

That one